《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 6: An Interesting Evening


Inside the Inn, it was even rowdier than last night. Lots of big burly men and some women chugging tankards filled to the brim with beer. The scent of the beer filled the air amplifying everyone's thirst for alcohol. I hoped they didn't get liver poisoning but I had a feeling they didn't care about that. I waved to Stella at the counter but she seemed too busy taking on the countless refill requests so I guess she didn't see it.

Walking towards the corridor where my room and oh so comfy bed was hard as I had to dodge all of the unbalanced stumbling drunk people that seemed to somehow predict where I was going and get in the way. I stumbled over this one big man, that was lying on the floor, as I was traversing the maze and fell on top of him. He grunted in annoyance, his drunken brain, and tongue no longer able to form coherent speech. I felt my eyes narrow in annoyance at this blubbering drunk guy but couldn't stay annoyed at him for long. After all, people who drink this much must have had some serious hardships.

I decided I wanted to stay awhile in this zoo of people and looked around, scrutinizing everything and looking for something to do. The tables were mostly full and those that weren't full weren't the kind of tables you wanted to be at. Likely sporting all manner of unsavory folk. Looking off towards the corner of the inn I saw some men standing around a dartboard. They seemed really into it, smacking each other on the back each time one scored well.

That looks kinda fun.

I started to walk over with a grin on my face.

My walking over to their little dart haven didn't go unnoticed however as the biggest one looked in my direction with a look of derision that became more intense the closer I got to him. He sneered.


"We don't play with newbie trash."

My grin faded. I had hoped that maybe this world was somehow free of jerks like that one but I guess no world is without its jerks. Thinking about it a bit this would probably be really fun. A predatory grin appeared on my face but the Head Jerk didn't seem to notice. One of the Lesser Jerks seemed to notice something was wrong with the look on my face but seemed too scared to mention it.

"What a coincidence. I also don't play with trash."

The Head Jerk's eyes narrowed and I could see his neck veins bulging.


My opinion of this idiot was lowered even further by his lack of calmness although I suppose that was to be expected.

"Oh? Look who has a temper."

The man reared back and tried to punch me in the face. He was drunk though so I dodged it easily. With my patience waning, I calmed myself down quickly and started quickly thinking of a solution. Then something that should work but seemed ludicrous emerged from my brain.

I grabbed the man's shirt and thought "Rune Programming". Time stood still. Adding a few parameter runes and a movement rune I finalized the program. As the world faded back in I ran the program. I watched in ecstasy as the man flew backward and hit a wall. Knocking himself out cold. His buddies all seemed to be scared by that. Drops of sweat started to form on their faces and I could see one of them backing away slowly.

The person backing didn't seem to be able to take his eyes off of me likely fearing that if he turned his back on me I'd do something to him too. Since he wasn't looking backwards however he didn't notice the table behind him so he tripped and fell on his face. The two other Lesser Jerks just stood completely still since out of fight, flight, or freeze the only option was to freeze. Considering the first guy who tried to fight ended up being smashed against a wall and the guy who tried to flee fell flat on his face.


I kept grinning at the idiots happy with my revenge. To top it off I took out my trusty knife and carefully aimed it. When I ran the program it flew towards the dartboard and hit the exact center. Bullseye. Then as it was flying back I felt like showing off so instead of letting it drop to the ground I grabbed it by the hilt and then sheathed it in a smooth motion. It was probably stupid to do since my eye hand coordination wasn't the best and there was a high chance of me cutting myself but it had the desired effect.

I walked toward the two remaining goons and watching one of them pee their pants. I felt like that was punishment enough considering all the eyes were now on him so I finished off the last one with a quick punch to the head. Then since everyone was now looking at me I decided it was a great time for a cool phrase that was overused on Earth but had definitely never been heard here before.

"I just took out the trash."

Then claps, cheers, and laughter ran unfettered throughout the inn for a few minutes and I just stood there soaking up the praise like a self centered catchphrase stealing sponge. I stayed there in the tavern part of the inn for a good while. Some people even wanted autographs on their tankards although the inevitable spilling of beer over the sides when they lost their balance removed any trace it was ever there. So I resorted to just putting a blank parameter rune on them since I knew a powerful magic rune wouldn't be washed away by some low quality beer. I don't know how she found the time for it especially since the requests for refills exploded after my fight with the idiot goons but Stella came up to me at some point.

"James. What the heck was that? Are you a wizard or something?"

I felt proud of myself under the astonishment of Stella.

Stepping close to Stella so I wouldn't be overheard I whispered in her ear, "no I'm Rune Programmer. I just added a Movement Rune to him so he'd move backwards like that."

Stella scrunched up her face and tilted her head slightly

"What is a Rune Pogamr? I've never heard of that class before."

I just blinked and quickly thought up an explanation.

"Oh I meant to say I am a Wizard I just was so drunk I must've said some random stuff."

Stella didn't seem to buy it but she could tell that I didn't want to explain more.

"Ah ok then. Well nice job fighting off those guys. I personally have wanted to beat them a few times but I can't beat up my customers. It's bad for business. Breakfast is on me tomorrow okay?"

I grinned, "thanks Stella!"

Then after a few more rounds I went to my room and plonked on my bed with my clothes still on since I was too lazy to take them off this late at night. Then I immediately drifted off to sleep.

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