《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 5: Not Your Standard Cave


As I stepped into the cave it was like I passed some sort of barrier. The previously pitch-black cave was now filled with a gentle glow, no corner or cranny untouched by its radiance. I now could see that the 'cave' definitely wasn't natural. Perfectly straight smooth walls lined the corridor and I could see that it branched off in the distance. It had none of the randomness present in nature but instead felt unnatural due to being too perfect.

I contemplated my situation for a bit before coming to the conclusion that this must be a dungeon. In the games I'd played, a dungeon was like a maze filled with puzzles, monsters, but also loot. They were extremely dangerous! I felt a shiver go down my spine. I was totally unprepared for this. All I had was a dagger and some casual clothes that wouldn't stop any kind of weapon from stabbing into me.

I felt cold although the temperature in the dungeon was perfect. I walked forward, anxious just based on the premonition everyone has when danger is near. I neared the corner and peeked my head around. I was prepared to run like hell and stab whatever moved if that failed. I saw a… thing.

What the heck is that?

My eyes opened wide and I felt my breath quicken. It was humanoid-shaped but extremely skinny and its skin was green as if it had been dipped into a giant vat of green paint. It was extremely ugly and I could see it picking its nose and then rubbing the resulting glob on its finger on its tattered threadbare ‘clothes’. I’m hesitant to even call them clothes, that’s how un-clothing-like they were.

It seemed very preoccupied with its uncouth task so I found myself crouching to the ground. I lowered my breathing, trying to vanish into the nonexistent landscape that had no shadows. I crept along the wall getting closer and closer to the creature that now that I think about it was probably a goblin. I could feel my breath begin to quicken.


As I neared the creature I started going around it to attack it from the back. I raised my dagger high and slammed it home right into the unsuspecting goblin's skull. It was dead instantly which I was thankful for because I didn't want to fight it and I also didn't want it to feel pain even though it was a monster who could likely kill without even blinking. I blinked so I wouldn't fall prey to my own statement.

Though I'd gotten lucky this time I knew I wouldn't always be this lucky when facing monsters like the goblin I'd just killed. I knew I needed an easier way to kill the monsters I may encounter further in the dungeon. Thinking through a multitude of plans in my mind I stumbled upon the most obvious solution to my problem and felt like smacking myself for not thinking of it earlier. Taking out my dagger I got to programming.

I was feeling really happy with my program and finalized it.

This is gonna be so great!

I kept walking through the dungeon but this time with a lot more confidence and my breathing normalized clutching my dagger hard to make sure I didn't drop it. I turned another corner and was presented with another goblin. This time however was different as it noticed me immediately and began running towards me at a slow but steady pace.

I held out my dagger confidently and ran the program. The dagger shot toward the goblin at breakneck speed slicing through the air and creating a loud whoosh sound. I think the goblin tried to react as I saw its eyes go wide in fear at the speeding blade but it didn't have time to react and the dagger cleanly pierced through its chest though it missed the heart which was where I was aiming. Then thanks to the second rune of movement I'd applied to the dagger it came back towards me and dropped to the ground right in front of me.

The goblin dropped to the ground in pain and started letting out groans of pain. I felt bad and wanted to get it over with so I once again sent the dagger towards it, this time aiming for the head, and since my target was no longer moving the dagger flew right on target stabbing into the head of the goblin and ending its life.


[Killed Goblin]

[+15 System Experience]

[Experience: 55/200]

I jumped at the unexpected message and sent my dagger flying at the blue box.


I felt bad for hurting the system.

"Hey, I'm sorry buddy. You just startled me. Are you ok?"

Receiving no response I assumed it just needed some time so I pondered over why I gained experience from killing the goblin the second time but not the first. Thinking about it I assumed it was because I'd killed the goblin using an item I'd programmed so it made sense that I'd received experience for it.

I noticed a shine on the ground where the goblin had died. My eyes lit up. Loot! The first goblin must've just not dropped any. Moving closer to the glittering loot I saw 2 copper coins!

Thank you RNGesus! That's enough for a full meal at the inn! Guess I had my dinner funds settled.

I quickly snatched up the coins and put them in my pocket. I now had a grand total of 5 copper coins to my name.

I kept moving through the dungeon. Sending my programmed knife straight through the heads of the goblins as my aim improved. A few goblins later I'd racked up 7 more copper coins and now had 12 copper coins jingling in my pocket as I walked. My experience also went up quite a bit.

[Killed Goblin x 3]

[+45 System Experience]

[Experience: 100/200]

I was now ever closer to level 3. I couldn't wait to see what unlocked once I got there. I grinned widely just thinking about leveling up! Hopefully, I'd get more Rune Capacity to make longer programs or maybe something even better! As I turned the next corner I saw a tall stone door. It looked like it had cracks in it but I could tell it was super strong. I felt the same chill I'd felt at the beginning of the dungeon but this time the magnitude seemed to have increased exponentially. I could tell that this was the final room in the dungeon and following convention that meant it contained a boss which had incredible power.

I knew I wasn't ready for it and this time I decided to listen to my gut and turn back. I promised myself I'd be back however but next time I'd be 100% prepared and I'd plow right through the stupid boss and receive an enormous amount of loot and experience! As I headed out of the dungeon the first goblin had respawned but it was of course facing the wrong way so I just casually sent my knife flying into the back of its head.

[Killed Goblin]

[+15 System Experience]

[Experience: 115/200]

The stupid thing didn't drop any coins again though so I kicked its dead body in annoyance. Then I noticed that on the walk back the bodies of the goblins were all gone. So I waited for a while and watched as the goblin's body disintegrated into particles of light which seemed to fly deeper down into the dungeon perhaps to get reformed or something. I felt wonder again at the beautifulness of this world and walked back to the town making sure to remember the route I had to take to get to the dungeon.

When I got back to the town the sky was dimming as the sun started to dip below the horizon. I walked back towards the Big Keg inn and noticed that unlike the rest of the town it was as lively as ever which was to be expected. Opening the door, I walked into a very interesting evening.

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