《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 9: My New Trick and The Goblin Boss


I woke up more energetic than usual. I was feeling ready to take on the boss of the Goblin Dungeon. I literally jumped out of my bed and, after wrestling with it for a while, put on my chainmail. Then I grabbed my new dagger as I headed out the door to grab a quick breakfast and get on my way.

I received my breakfast from Stella and she took in my attire.

She arched an eyebrow.

"Uh James where are you going?"

"Ya know just around and stuff"

"Ok well be safe!"

"Thanks, Stella!", I replied jovially.

Aww. Everyone cares about me. This is so nice! I definitely have to get them a gift or something in the future.

I quickly plowed down my breakfast and raced out the door. I'd seen a potion shop near Dave's earlier and I needed some healing potions to test something out.

I rushed into the shop, a tiny bull put on the door to inform the shopkeeper when customers came in made a racket due to my strong entry. An old man walked out from behind an aisle.

"Where are you rushing to?", he asked.

Spouting off a quick line I said, "If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

"I doubt you could", said the old man, narrowing his eyes.

Not wanting to make a bad impression although that might be in vain now I said, "It's a joke. I just can't tell you."

"What kind of stupid joke is that?"

"Uh... a stupid one?"

Suddenly the man burst out laughing.

"Hehe, that's a good answer youngin. Anyway how can I help you?"

"I need like 5 healing potions sir".

"Where'd the manners come from? Whatever it's not important. That'll cost you 2 Silver."


I digged through my pocket nervously before my face relaxed after counting out 20 Copper coins.

"Seriously? Copper coins?"

"Take it or leave it."

"Okay bye then."

The man walked off and I just stared at his back, my face contorting into an unsightly expression.

"Nah I'm just joking. We're even now."

"Oh, you sly dog", I muttered.

Putting the 20 Copper coins on the counter the man went back to the aisle he'd been sequestered in before my arrival and came back with 5 bottles filled with gleaming red liquid.

Thanking the man I set out towards the Goblin Dungeon. Upon my arrival I snuck back into the corridor and behind the first goblin. Just like I had done the first time but this time I just knocked him out by hitting him on the head hard with the flat side of the blade. He instantly crumpled to the ground.

Putting my hand on the goblin I steadied myself and opened my Rune Programming Screen by thinking, "Rune Programming". It was an extremely simple program. It only had one rune in it. I finalized the program and watched the rune materialize on the goblin. Then I pricked my finger and put a drop of blood on it, the goblin trembled slightly. I took that to mean that it had worked but I wanted to make sure so I took out one of the healing potions and fed it to the goblin since I was impatient about waiting for it to wake up.

The goblin woke up immediately and stood there with a blank look on it's face. "Go forward", I said, gesturing at the goblin. The goblin started walking forward and didn't stop walking forward. I yelled "stop" before the goblin would hit the wall as I didn't want to waste another healing potion.


I did this on the two other goblins before confronting the Dungeon Boss. It was hard to knock them out like the first one so I messed up once and got a bit too aggressive wasting an extra healing potion on that goblin. The other one went just like the first one though so I only had to use one potion on that one. This meant that I now only had one healing potion for the fight but I was confident I could defeat the boss using my flying knife and newly acquired minions.

I opened the door to the boss room confidently but felt slightly less confident when I looked at the behemoth that was the Boss Goblin. Standing at a height of about 7 feet it was about a foot taller than me. Additionally based on it's bulging muscles it was way stronger than me.

It seemed to be standing in a trance like state so I took another step forward while commanding the goblins to huddle around me. The Goblin Boss opened its eyes and roared deafeningly, shaking the room. I could see pure hatred in its eyes.

I commanded the goblins to surround the behemoth from all directions and roar back at it in an attempt to intimidate it through sheer numbers. The Boss Goblin seemed confused about why its underlings were being so hostile towards it but it just decided to stop being confused and started beating the heck out of the first goblin that it saw.

Seeing that it was distracted I took out my programmed knife and sent it flying through the Goblin Boss. It slid into the Boss smoothly but when it came back to me it was much more damaging due to the three barbed hook-like things on the blade.

The Boss Goblin roared in agony, smashing its fists on the ground and causing the goblins and me to lose our balance. I picked up my blade once more and ran its program yet again. This caused the Boss Goblin to get even more angry although it seemed to be moving slower, likely from loss of blood.

Narrowly avoiding the fist it sent hurtling towards me I sent the knife towards it one more time. The knife pierced its head and it stopped moving. Then it vanished and left behind a gold coin and a necklace.

A gold coin! That's 10 Silver coins! I wonder where the necklace came from though? Maybe I just didn't notice the Boss wearing it?

I picked up the necklace and put it on since I didn't believe it would harm me considering it was loot. I felt myself fill with power and I punched the floor as hard as I could. I managed to crack the stone with just my fist! This must've been why the Goblin Boss was so strong! I checked my experience.

[Killed Goblin Boss]

[+500 System Experience]

[Experience: 665/800]

Darn I didn't get enough to level up. Well whatever it'll come soon enough.

[Killed Goblin x 3]

[+45 System Experience]

[Experience: 710/800]

I killed the three goblins again while heading out of the dungeon. I needed to get some rest after that hard battle. I noticed the two remaining goblins were following me. I told them to stay inside the dungeon. I couldn't bring back monsters to the town!

I wonder if there are more dungeons like that in the world? I mean it would make sense if there are. I want to find more of them in the future. They're a great source of experience and money.

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