《A Paladin's Rogue》Chapter 15
As we walked from my uncle’s house I held Malachi’s hand with our fingers locked at the first knuckle in a cute and friendly way. “So—can we consider this a date?” I asked harmlessly with a giggle. I wasn’t going to let this go.
“Maybe? I’ve never been on a date before…” Malachi said as he kept watching how I held his hand. I swear he couldn’t process this.
I giggled happily with a light blush on my face, “ Then it’s a date.” I announced giddily. I give his fingers a gentle squeeze, “So—what do you want for dinner?” I asked as I turned my gaze forward.
“I don’t know. Anything as long as it’s edible.” Malachi joked. He listed a few examples but they were common, poverty food. He didn’t even list anything I’ve made for him. I sighed, no wonder he’s scrawny.
I raised an eyebrow at him, “I said meals for dinner Malachi. Those are—nothing.” I said. “I can’t believe none of the dishes I’ve made for you were even on the list. I feel a little offended.” I said putting my free hand to my chest and turning my head, being dramatic.
Malachi sank in on himself a little, “Sorry… I didn’t know what those meals were called. I wouldn’t mind one of those dishes. They taste a lot better.” He said, not meaning to offend me.
“It’s okay. Although next time, just say you want one of my dishes.” I smirked and winked at him. “I know they taste better than all those other things.” I said smugly.
“Okay, I’ll make sure to do that… You’re cooking is amazing. I’ve never tasted such wonderful food before.” Malachi said, daydreaming about food now and causing his stomach to growl.
I glowed with delight before giggling, “Well I’ll go all out on this one then.” I smiled. “Hold that appetite a bit longer. Gotta shop first.” I teased absently, poking him in the cheek, as I thought about what receipt to use.
“Sorry, I get hungry a lot.” Malachi said a little embarrassed, “I could probably eat a whole cow right now..."
“I believe it.” I smirked. “But I don’t think I’ll be able to cook an entire cow for our dinner celebration tonight.” I said as I thought about it. “I really hope uncle doesn’t actually try to pay me back… I use only high-quality things.” I mumbled to myself.
“You do know Master is well off right? He has a lot of gold, he just likes the humble, modest life.” Malachi said with a shrug. “He’s probably going to try and pay you back.”
I waved my free hand, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I still don’t want him trying. I can treat too.” I said with an adorable little pout.
“But he is your uncle. Seems like Caderyn cares about you and wants to take care of you.” Malachi said. He started sniffing the air a bit as Hugel came into sight.
“I know he does. He always has… And I love him. He’s practically a father to me. Better than my actual one for sure. But I want this to be my turn to take care of him.” I said with a little sigh.
“I’m sorry that your real father was so cruel to you, but such a blessing you have your uncle. It’s sweet you want to take care of him.” Malachi said with a cute smile. A nice wind blew by and it seemed to make him rather happy but he reached up to adjust his scarf anyway.
“Yeah…” I said with a little smile before giggling at him, “You’re never without that scarf. Particular reason why? Sentimental or something?” I asked curiously. “Or do you wear it for its magical properties? Although—that wouldn’t make much sense.” The scarf has a magical enchantment on it that is supposed to repel demons, but that wouldn’t be very good for a paladin.
“Both I suppose. I’ve always had it with me. It means a lot to me.” Malachi said as he put his hand over it. “I’ve had this scarf for as long as I can remember. Caderyn told me once that it had an enchantment on it that can hide me from demons… probably doesn’t help much if I’m the one fighting them.” It was uniquely crafted by its pattern and golden stitching of leaves that have faded with time. It also had elven writing stitched on the inside that I could just barely see from where I stood.
I reached up and touched it, “This feels like it was made from a very expensive and well-made dress. May I see it? There’s elven writing on the inside and I’d like to read it.”
“Oh uh, yeah sure—I believe my mother made me this scarf. I don’t know where she got the fabric from.” Malachi said as he leaned his head down so I could see better. Definitely from a high tailed shop like I had suspected. I read the elven, ‘ya’s ar agar salka thar i’ undome elen’
“This—was definitely from an expensive tailor. Must of cost a hefty price.” I said complementing it. “It says—Who’s Royal blood dances across the evening star.” As we reached town Malachi got some fearful looks but also a few friendly waves probably from those who recognized him and he took a brief second to return the waves while still being close to me. I blushed at our closeness.
“My mother probably stole it…” Malachi mumbled under his breath. “That’s pretty interesting. So this probably came from some noble? Based on the writing?” He asked curiously. His ears flickered as he felt my warm, little breaths.
I doubt that this was stolen. The writing is from an elven family. The work looks like it came from my home province of Brasingard and why would she steal some fabric from a noble family? She could have made a scarf out of anything. And this was definitely from a dress based on the pattern and feel of it. This had to have been hers. She has to be from Brasingard. She was a noble born runaway. Is she the run away I heard rumors of? “Mm yeah.” I said softly but glanced up, we had stopped walking and were in plain view of a lot of people as we stood on the side of the main road. My heart skipped and before I realized I was acting on impulse, I kissed him.
Malachi made a surprised noise in response and I felt a jolt through my chest at the contact. This felt so right. I wonder if he felt it too. I’m too scared to ask. Some of the townsfolk were very shocked to see me kiss him. It wasn’t a common thing to see. I kissed him a moment longer before pulling back, my cheeks burning red. “S-Sorry.” I stuttered softly as I looked down to my feet, extremely embarrassed. Why did I do that? He turned me down not to long ago. I’m only setting myself up for heartbreak. I loosened my grip on his hand to give him the opportunity to pull away.
He looked speechless but I felt him lightly squeeze my hand which surprised me. “It’s alright. It just surprised me.” He said with an adorable smile and light laugh. “You don’t have to apologize.” His cheeks were also glowing.
I peaked up at him, “Then can I do it again?” I asked, my heartbeat fast and irregularly in my chest. I just feel so much more drawn to him after that kiss and I just wanted to be closer to him.
“I—I wouldn’t mind.” Malachi said. I could tell he felt something and there was confusion in his eyes. I think he does feel something like what I do. He seems to be drawn to me too.
I lifted my face to look at him properly and took a step toward him so I was pressed to his chest. I put my hands on his shoulders and brought my lips back to his but this time I moved my lips slowly, drawing out my motions carefully. The rest of the world faded out and bliss took over. My soul was being pulled toward him and this time I didn’t fight it. Malachi seemed to melt at my touch and I felt his chest warming up as we pressed together.
I moved slowly, enjoying every bit of this moment. It would be obvious that this wasn’t my first kiss, but I have never had a kiss like this. I felt a spark in my chest that felt like it passed between us and it felt like heaven. I eventually, reluctantly pulled away, my lips slightly parted and I was breathing heavily. “D-did you feel that too?” I asked, I thought I was going a bit crazy. This isn’t the first time I felt it.
“Y-yeah, I think so.” Malachi said. He was glowing a bit and breathing heavily as well. His chest briefly lit up, a light blue color. He rested a hand over his chest and tried to focus on his breathing. “Sorry, I think I need to find a drink. A little dehydrated…”
“The spark? I-I’m not crazy?” I asked softly, I was a bit amazed at seeing the glow but shook it off and reached into my bag. I pulled out my waterskin and handed it to him, “I-I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not crazy, unless we both are.” Malachi said with a toothy smile and thanked me, “Why are you apologizing?” He asked a little confused before happily drinking the water.
I was flustered, “I don’t know. I just feel like I have to. I-I just—I—” I was simply a stuttering fool that couldn’t get the words out and was instead left there blushing fiercely.
Malachi tilted his head curiously and gradually started to hand me back my waterskin, “It’s okay if you don’t know. Want to go find some of that food?” He asked.
I covered my face with one hand while I accepted my waterskin with the other, “Mhm.” I said softly as I was finally getting my blush to calm. My only issue now was that I was terrified of losing him. I don’t think my soul could take it. I just don’t want to lose this. We moved forward, but I’m terrified that we’ll go back like nothing happened. “Lead the way.”
“Uh sure—are you okay?” He asked looking at me worried with those beautiful, unique golden eyes.
I peaked at him through my fingers before slowly dropping my hand. “Y-yeah. Just—worried. I guess.” I said trying to shrug it off. “I- don’t want to move backwards, only forward… but I feel like if we go back to uncle Cade’s that you’ll act—like the kisses never happened. And it hurts.” I said trying to explain to him how I felt as I started walking again.
He looked puzzled, “Why would I do that...?” He asked.
“I- don’t know. It’s complicated. I- feel something but I don’t understand it and I’m confused.” I said flustered as I started playing with the ends of my hair. “I’m not making sense, huh..” I softly laughed at myself. “You make my heart do funny things.” I mumbled.
“Nah, it makes sense. Emotions and thoughts can be confusing at times. I get that.” Malachi said with that blushing smile, his tail swaying a bit more widely. He kept an eye out for shops but it was clearly hard for him to focus and his ears kept twitching.
I held his hand a little tighter, walking a little closer, and a little smile came to my lips. “Will we need to pick up a bottle of whiskey?” I asked curiously, changing the subject. It was difficult to concentrate on anything as I played with the idea of being in a relationship with Malachi, including intimately. My stomach did flips as I thought about it.
“Caderyn would like that. He’s kind of an alcoholic.” He said only partially joking. His thumb was a little fidgety as it lightly tapped against my hand. “What else should we get..? I’m not really sure the ingredients or food that we need.”
I giggled a little and started rubbing my thumb against his hand in a soothing manner. “Hmm. Meat is always a good place to start.” I said with a shrug. “Then maybe some vegetables and fruits to pair with it, rice would also be good… and bread. I should have enough seasonings but it doesn’t hurt to check.” I said as I started planning the meal in my head.
“Let’s head central into town then. Lots of fresh produce and meat.” Malachi said pointing the way. Some of the villagers were very polite and waved and would say hello or long time no see. With so many humans living in Hugel, I didn’t recognize anyone although I could see resemblances to those I had once known.
“It’s odd to be back here.” I commented. I couldn’t help glancing at his face every so often. I would love to look at him for the rest of forever. Every curve of his face, that lovely shade of red, the curves of his horns, even that tear in his ear.
“It has been a long time for you hasn’t it? I know I’ve only been gone a few years, but it does feel odd to be back.” Malachi said as he eyes the sun for a moment, determining the time, before glancing around. Before we could continue talking though his ears perked up as the sounds of a man in distress echoed nearby. Everyone turned their heads to the yells but Malachi was already running.
I blinked and took a moment to realize he ran off before I took off after him. When we got to the source there was a middle aged human man who had fallen from a ladder while working on hanging a new sign for his store. Probably broke something based on the fall.
“Are you alright?” Malachi asked as he started checking over the man.
“I.. I think I broke my leg.” The man said hissing in pain.
His wife sat next to him worried and she started pleading with Malachi, “You’re Caderyn’s boy right? Can you heal my husband? If he can’t work we won’t be able to get enough done in preparation for winter.” She said shaking. Winter? It’s barely spring. I guess it must take normal people a lot to prepare. Which I suppose makes sense. Might as well get an early start.
Malachi held out his hand, “It’s going to be alright. I’ll get him patched up.” Malachi said laying his hand on the man’s leg. It started to glow with a white and golden hue, within seconds the man’s leg was healed and he held the man stand. “It’s alright now. He’ll be okay. Just take it easy for a day and you’ll be good as new by tomorrow.” The wife was thanking him in tears and the couple tried to pay him, but like a fool he denied them. He finally came over to me though smiling and grabbing my hand again, making my heart do that weird flutter again. “Sorry for the detour. Shall we go?”
“You’re such a goodie two shoes.” I teased with a little smirk on my face. “No wonder you’re a paladin. You’d run into a burning building without hesitation—wouldn’t you.” I said.
“Is that a bad thing..?” Malachi asked curiously with a tilt of his head. “I like helping people. I like seeing their smiles and happy tears.”
“No? Aside from running into a building without protection. You can’t keep saving people if you’re dead.” I shrugged. “I like money… I don’t think I could do it for free—at least not all the time.” I laughed.
“That is a valid point I suppose.” Malachi said with a smirk. “I’m okay going doing jobs and getting paid, but I don’t charge people who need medical help or if they’re in trouble.” He said with a shrug of his own.
“If that’s what you enjoy. But I charge for my services. But I don’t have fancy healing magic.” I smirked and wiggled my fingers on my free hand.
Malachi chuckled, “Is that how magic is casted? Maybe I’m doing it all wrong.” He said playfully.
“Maybe. Maybe you’ll have to show me how it’s done magic man.” I smiled playfully. “I’d love to see you cast magic like that. Who knows, it could work” I snickered. We were coming up on the marked and I accidentally squeezed his hand a bit tighter as I was giddy by the thought of shopping. I noticed that when I squeezed, his nails extended like cat claws. That’s amazing.
“I’ll definitely have to try and put on a show for you.” He said with another chuckle. He seemed to happy now, something I rarely saw and I absolutely adore it. He hadn’t seen me this happy either though.
“I can’t wait.” I giggled trying not to tease him about being a cat yet. “You’re even cuter when you’re in a good mood.” I teased instead.
“Oh yeah?” He asked, blushed. “I could say the same about you.” He mumbled, embarrassed. I couldn’t help but blush and light up with the complement.
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