《A Paladin's Rogue》Chapter 13
As we neared the city, I started to focus more, getting into the same energy I did when going out on a job. “I have an extra cloak for you so we look less conspicuous getting in. We’ll have to avoid as much attention as possible so we can reach Malachi quickly and without alerting the captors.”
“Man I hate this town…” Zelaphor mumbled as she agreed to take the cloak. “But my fey knight is in trouble. And I’d travel to the abyss and back to get his sorry ass! Caderyn would kill me if I let my paladin die to the hands of a demon.” She exclaims.
I snickered, “You care about him. Caderyn is just an extra factor.” I teased lightly. We get to the city and I jump down from Nexxis, handing a cloak to Z once she hopped down. “I’m not a fan of this place either but have to unfortunately come here often for work.” I sighed.
Nexxis shrunk down, He has passed here but I smell blood
“Blood? Is it his blood?” Zelaphor asked Nexxis nervously, very worried before she turned to me. “I ain’t hard to read, huh. Yeah, I do really care. We’ve been together for so long. We’re partners that have been through thick and thin,” She said as she put on the cloak.
Yes, his blood was spilt. Nexxis states as she started to lead the way into town.
I was a well known in the criminal city of Atharia but was usually left alone unless I sought information. Lucky for me because I didn’t want Z knowing that just yet. I feel bad enough that I left for a hundred years without so much as sending a letter. Then I just became a criminal, more or less, when my uncle is a paladin. “You’ll have to fill me in. It’s great you finally got out of that house.” I said but was more focused on the mission. We got through the checkpoint with ease and were now inside the city of Thamwold. A smelly city filled with crowded, shadow covered buildings that weren’t very well kept, colorful banners now torn and faded, and a bunch of shady looking people lounging around. Busy city despite all that but not a place I want to stay in long.
He is underground. Nexxis said as she discretely followed her nose.
“Oh I’m going to kill that bitch when I find her.” Zelaphor said angrily with her eyebrows knitted together. She couldn’t stand the thought of Malachi being tortured and wounded. The sprite took in a deep breath as she turned to me, “If he’s underground, how do we get to him? Secret tunnels?”
I turned to her with a sly smirk, placing one hand on my hip, “I have connections here. I can get us to the underground but we’ll have to be careful once we’re down there. Lots of cults sprinkled through. We gotta act like we fit in which won’t be an issue for me.” I said, looking Z up and down.
“What! Don’t judge my looks. If I need to use illusion spells, I will. I just need a little help.” She said with some sass. Being around Malachi’s paladin aura all the time, she had that divine scent radiate off her that any demon could pick up.
Zagasihr scrunched his nose as he chuckled. The fey’s been around that paladin too long. She reeks and will alert the bitch Allmokoth. He warns but found the whole thing amusing despite his clear dislike for the other demon.
“Can you mask that divine scent you got? I got perfume but I have no clue how well that would work.” I said, “You scream goodie goodie girl. Zagasihr says your stench will alert Allmokoth.” I said trying to think. Nexxis’ form hid her scent so she wasn’t an issue.
“Goodie goodie? Me? I don’t think so.” Zelaphor says with her hands on her hips. “Plus what am I suppose to use to hide a divine aura? I also ain’t a paladin, so it’s not like I can radiate that aura stuff.” She said with a pout.
“You’re around Caderyn and now Malachi all the time,” I sighed and pulled out my perfume and sprayed it toward her chest, praying it would help. “If we can’t fix that then this is gonna be one hell of an interesting rescue.”
Zelaphor took in a deep breath, “Hopefully it’ll fade away. I’m not around Malachi now, so it should be rather faint. I gotta come though. I gotta save my paladin…”
“I understand. But be prepared for an intense fight.” I said cracking my knuckles before we headed off. “Now just to find my mole.” I said looking around. My eyes soon caught the sight of a hooded figure leaning against a building, watching the crowd. I smirked and approached, casually leaning on the brick wall beside him, copying his posture. “Ay Molerat. Been awhile. Think I can cash in on a favor ya owe me?” I asked.
The man partially groaned and glanced toward Zelaphor. The sprite could see this man was a dark elf. “Is she with you?” He asked nodding his head toward her.
Zelaphor rose an eyebrow at the scene looking towards me, clearly puzzled by my connections and relationships in this town. She didn’t speak though which gave me some relief.
“Yeah, she’s with me.” I said.
“Odd for you to be travelin with anymore. What’s the favor Foxface?” He asked.
I sighed hearing that old nickname. “Wear the mask a handful of times…” I mutter, “Get us underground. We’re lookin for someone. Think ya can handle that?”
He snorted a laugh, “Of course I can, but your friend sticks out so watch yer back.” He said before motioning for us to follow him. He headed down a back ally a few streets down and soon lifted a sewer grate at the dead end and waved us down the metal ladder. It was a terrible stench and the air was freezing, lit by weak lanterns. There were doors lining both sides of the tunnel, very spaced out and the hallways made the place feel like a maze. “This is as far as I take ya. Be careful down here. Be a shame if a beauty like you died down here.” He said.
“I can handle myself. But thanks.” I said rolling my eyes with a smirk. He gave a two-finger salute before heading back up.
“How did ya know that fella Ara? I’m guessing all your years being away didn’t include hanging out with the right crowd…” Zelaphor asked as she followed me. She looked around and stuck her tongue out, “I can’t believe Malachi would be down here…” She mumbled to herself.
I looked confused for a brief moment, forgetting that she didn’t know my new name, but I didn’t correct her and the look faded from my face. “Uh yeah, I’m not a clean person anymore. I--- spent time here on jobs in the past although it’s been a few years since I was here last.” I shrugged.
“Not a clean person, huh? Anything that could give your uncle a heart attack?” She asked, sounding a bit motherly in her words. She watched her step as she navigated the darkness with me. It felt so natural and easy to me that I forgot sometimes that others weren’t as use to it.
“Honestly--- Most of it would probably give him a heart attack or make him real disappointed in me.” I said softly, one of the reasons I felt like I couldn’t come home. As much as I wanted to laugh and tease Z for sounding like a mom, it hit a spot in my thoughts that left me quieter. The things I have done with probably really upset my uncle and I don’t want to bear that look on his face. I don’t want him to be disappointed in who I have become. “I’ve killed a lot of people Z.” I finally admitted. A door opened up ahead and I pushed Z back against the wall, pressing my body close to the sprites as we hid in the shadows and waited.
“What, did Zagasihr make you do it?” Zelaphor whispered, she started looking more upset, “Wait, were you trying to kill Malachi while I was out?”
“Not all of it.” I said but then tensed up. “No!” I hissed, trying to keep my voice down. “I gave up the assassination thing awhile ago. I’m more of a bounty hunter now.” I said defensively as we waited. We could hear chatter and things moving around before the door finally shut and someone was leaving the room, going the way we were headed.
“Oh? So you were a paid killer, I see.” Zelaphor said sounding more and more disappointed. The exact thing I couldn’t handle hearing, but at least I expected it. “Is that why you never came back? Loved living the life of a criminal?” She asked.
I scowled and pushed off Z, starting down the hall again, “No. That’s not the entire reason. It’s—complicated. I was kidnapped by pirates and lived with them for a long time. In those years Zagasihr made me feel like I couldn’t come back. That you were relieved I was gone. That being with the pirates was simply better for me but that no one truly cared. Better off alone doing what I was best at.” I said to her. I felt like I needed to tell her these things even if now was a really awkward time to do so. I couldn’t stand the idea of her thinking I didn’t come back because I preferred being a criminal. She thinks so little of me.
Of course she does. You’re a killer. And now she knows the truth. It’s only a matter of time. Zagasihr says from the background.
Shut up. I can’t deal with you right now. I snapped at him, causing him to chuckle.
“Go ahead, tell me how disappointed you are, how much of an utter fool I am, that I shouldn’t trust the words of a demon.” I said, hurt yet angry. “It’s hard ya know. Living your entire life with a demon lord in your head.” I stopped for a moment as I hear something, “I’m sorry Z. I didn’t follow a very good path.” I said softly.
“Look… I’m sorry for all that happened to you… You didn’t deserve to go through all that suffering. But it sounds like you gave up on yourself a long time ago. You already chose who’s words to believe in.” She said.
She doesn’t understand. How can she? When There’s a powerful, evil being in your head able to control or influence your thoughts and actions, it’s difficult to see or think clearly. I’m split in two and I’m constantly at war. “How am I suppose to keep believing Z? How am I suppose to have hope when nothing is working?” I said frustrated. I wish I could get her to understand.
She was looking forward with her hand over her heart though, “He’s hurting… his mana is drained.” She whispered.
Something changed in me as she said that and my focus was pulled back to Malachi, “This is all my fault.” I said trying not to sound as broken as I felt. Soon I was running through the tunnels, no longer being as cautious as before. The need to be near him again overpowered everything else.
“Because you can’t say nothing works! You think you’ve tried everything but ya haven’t! I know right now things are hopeless, but just because you can’t see the answer, doesn’t mean it don’t exist.” Zelaphor said as she ran behind me, struggling to keep her volume down. “That damn demon only wants you to think there’s no hope because that’s how he wins.” She took in another deep breath as she tried to focus on the mission. “We’ll talk later, but for now know that it ain’t your fault. You didn’t know Malachi was gonna be abducted by some demon bitch. The lives a risky life…”
I nodded, wanting to talk later. “She had hired me Z. I probably led her right to him.” I said frustrated. “I didn’t think she would be following me. I swear it. I wasn’t gonna do it.” I said sincerely. As we kept running we could hear faint shouting, this wasn’t uncommon down here by any means but we could hear Allmokoth. Starting a fight down here would start a fight with more than just the demon and her goons. It was risky. I was on edge, wanting to run in and save him but it would only draw unwanted attention. I soon slowed my face to a near crawl and hid in the shadows despite how difficult that was.
Malachi was in the last room of this particularly dank hallway in a cultist hideout that worshipped the god of destruction and chaos, Tharizdun. This was the largest cultist room down here. A circular room with torches evenly spaced, lining the cobblestone wall. Malachi was chained up against the southern wall, covered in blood and bruises, his armor torn away and his clothing turned to shreds. On his lower, left-hand side of his rib cage looked terribly damaged and blood seeped out in large volume. He looked weak and could barely keep his head up. “Come on my son, please summon forth Shothragot and the suffering can stop.” Allmokoth says as she rested a hand on Malachi’s cheek. “Mother is becoming increasingly impatient and Tharizdun is waiting for your loyalty.” She says.
Malachi rose his head up for a moment and spat blood at her, baring his fangs like a wounded animal. “I already told you… I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says, his voice sounded horse and drained.
Zelaphor was just seconds away from charging in and getting into serous trouble to save her paladin. I put my arm out to stop her for a moment as I surveyed the room but caught eyes with Malachi for just a brief second before backing behind the corner. “I have a really bad idea that might just work. I need you and Nexxis to run down the hall and stir up as much trouble as possible. It should distract Allmokoth just enough for me to slip in and release Malachi.” I whispered to Z. I felt a strong sense of urgency which I knew Zelaphor could see in my eyes and I knew she would find it odd mostly because it was geared toward a stranger.
“O-okay, but how will you get him out? He don’t look to be in any shape to walk… and what about the other cultists?” Zelaphor asks with obvious concern. “—Oh I really want to rip that demon’s fuckin head off.” She says angrily, fuming with rage.
“I’ll manage.” I said. “If you make a big enough commotion then they should follow suit as well. But you have to get lost in the chaos so you don’t get hurt. This has potential to go real wrong real fast.” I continued to whisper, “Do you think you can manage? This might lead to a fight and we have to be prepared.”
“Oh I’ll manage.” Zelaphor says as she rolled up her fake sleeves. She got herself into position next to Nexxis and suddenly shot a small bolt of lightning towards Allmokoth’s back, “Hey fuck face! Leave my paladin alone!” She called out angrily.
The demon possessed wood elf turned and so did the cultists. It didn’t take long for them to summon their spells and weapons and charge after her. Zelaphor spun on her heel and started causing a lot of destruction and noise as she ran back the way we came. Nexxis right beside her helping add to the chaos. Allmokoth snarled before turning back to Malachi, “I’ll be right back baby. Please continue to try to bring Shothragot to light while I’m away.” She said as she gave him an eerily, motherly kiss to his forehead. Her demonic tentacle like wings were summoned and she used them to quickly crawl her way after Z and Nexxis, looking for blood for their intrusion.
I was hidden in the shadows as I waited for them to clear out of the room, other criminals and cultists come out of their rooms and added to the chaos perfectly. I finally snuck into the room and swiftly made my way to Malachi, I said nothing as I began to pick the locks on his shackles.
Malachi slowly rose his head up again and looked over at me. He had a black eye and could barely open the right. “Lia…? You’re okay…” He said. I winced hearing his voice. He tried to lift himself but was clearly in too much pain to stand strong on his feet.
I tried to give him a cocky smile but I knew my eyes were sad. “Yeah. But you on the other hand…” I whispered and trailed off as I glanced him over, it hurt too much to look to long. “I’ll patch you up as soon as we get out of here.” I said and released the shackles.
This is a bad idea. Zagasihr said nonchalantly as he saw my intention was to use some of his strength to help lift Malachi. I didn’t care if it was bad, we had to get out of here and I couldn’t lift him with my own strength.
“I’m fine, just a few cuts and bruises.” Malachi said, trying to joke at such a poor time. He was trying not to worry me; I rolled my eyes at him. “Thanks for coming to get me…” He said as he felt himself coming free. He tried to stand but found himself hanging onto the metal chains. I heard him curse in Infernal under his breath, the pain must have been great.
Allmokoth has caught onto us. The hag can sense me, hurry up and do what you’re here for already. No point in pussyfooting around. Zagasihr says impatiently.
“We need to get the hell out of here and fast. Joke later.” I said and tapped into Zagasihr’s power to help support Malachi’s weight. Given a few seconds, I teleported us into the chaos the was ensuing out in the tunnels, appearing next to Zelaphor and Nexxis. “We have to move. Now. No way that bitch isn’t gonna follow.” I said, my greed iris was now red with a flame flickering in the pink eye as I used the demonic powers. We haven’t been discovered yet thanks to the fighting around us, but it wasn’t going to be long.
“Malachi--! By the archfey!” Zelaphor exclaims in worry as she came to assist me with holding Malachi up. She had to fight back tears as she looked over the bloody and injured mess that was her Paladin.
As we were about to escape, a large explosion was seen alongside the tunnel walls. Allmokoth came crawling out with her tentacle wings like a horrifying spider. A shiver shot up my spine. “Give me the boy!” She calls out in a demonic, twisted voice.
I shot a large fireball at the demon to cover the wave of arachnophobia that caused me to shake for a moment. “Fuck off!” I yelled back. “Cut your losses you fuckin whore!” We followed Nexxis as she led us quickly through the maze of hallways.
The demon rose her wings up, taking the force of the attack, but was pushed back. “No! I need him! I need my son!” She screams out as she continued to chase us. A tentacle reached forward and grabbed for Malachi’s leg. Z and I tried to move him out of the way but we weren’t fast enough and she managed to grab him. As he struggled in and out of consciousness, a strange aura surrounded him and a long, almost black bandage sprouted forth from his back. It hardened into a blade like a shape and slashed at Allmokoth’s grapple. She cried out in pain as she finally released her grip.
I hid my shock at seeing the bandage and instead redirected my energy, “You better hold out or I swear to the gods.” I growled under my breath and took the opportunity to fire another shot. I looked up and gave a very calculated blast to the roof just behind us. Rubble and pieces from the road above fell to block the path, also giving us access to the outside. Nexxis quickly transformed and scooped the three of us up, bolting out of the opening and running for the forest outside the city. The supernatural bandage disappeared and Malachi fought to stay awake. Behind us were the distressed and horrific cries echoing from below the city as she called for “Akrakir.” Zelaphor and I did our best to support Malachi as we rode since he didn’t have the strength to hold on. Leaving the chaos of the city behind us.
I released Zagasihr’s aura and assessed Malachi’s injuries as I rode backwards on Nexxis. I debated on how I was going to stitch him up. Nexxis finally stopped and slowly shrunk down to lay us on the grass. She had been carrying a bag in her teeth this entire time and at some point Zelaphor and her had also bundled up his armor and had it with them. I got Malachi against a tree before I looked him over again. “I’m gonna patch ya up alright? It’s gonna hurt.” I said softly. “I’m so sorry.” I apologized under my breath.
“I.. I figured it’ll hurt. I… She broke a few ribs. Possible… compound fractures,” Malachi said with a hand resting on his lower left side. His shirt was a torn-up mess and draped over him as if he was a ragged, beaten slave. He leaned his head back against the tree, trying to focus on his breathing as his lungs expanded his rib cage and hurt terribly. “Don’t… don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong…” Malachi said, trying to speak while Zelaphor tried to help wipe the blood and sweat from his face.
I reached into my bag and produced a drink, “Here. Drink this. It’ll help ease the pain.” I said softly. I handed the drink to Zelaphor so she could help him drink it. Nexxis came up and started to lick at one of Malachi’s hands, no major healing magic but she used enough to help stop most of the bleeding and fixed bruises and minor cuts. I put my hair back into a ponytail and started to get ready to patch him up, cleaning up his wounds and pulling out a needle and thread. I set all my equipment on a blanket next to me, a numbing agent, the thread and needle, and a smear for healing. I lifted my hands and surrounded them in fire to sterilize them. “Are you ready?” I asked, almost ignoring his statement that I did nothing wrong. If I hadn’t taken the job or if I had decided to be more upfront or maybe I should have been more cautious. I should have been more cautious, suspected she would follow and watch me, I should have seen she was a demon…
Zelaphor helped Malachi drink slowly before brushing lose hairs from his face. She was clearly shaken up seeing him like this. The young paladin was in so much pain, he simply nodded to me. “Let’s get this over with.” He said as he went to lift his hand, revealing the scarred up and grotesque wound.
I was outwardly unfazed, putting on a strong look, bringing my hands to the wound. My hands were burning hot to help close and sanitize the wound. I set the bone and quickly grabbed the numbing agent, touching the edges of the wound with it before switching out for the thread and needle. I sowed up the long opening in his skin and applied the smear before bandaging it up, wrapping the white bandage around his torso and shoulder. It was soon red from the light trickle of blood.
Malachi had fire resistance but the demonic flames of Zagasihr’s power were not comfortable on bare skin. His eyes and fangs were clenched tightly while I worked but he remained strong through the whole thing which surprised me, but it was clearly difficult for him. His tail swayed side to side widely as his breathing was fast.
“I’m finished. You’re patched…” I said softly as I stood and walked away a bit, I didn’t go very far and sat down to start washing off the blood with my water skin.
“Th-Thank you. For everything.” Malachi said as he looked to relax. He couldn’t help but rest his hand over the new bandages.
“How are you feeling?” Zelaphor asked softly as she tried her best to repair his shirt.
“Better now… thanks again for the rescue.” Malachi said as he looked over to me, I felt his eyes on my back. He stayed resting against the tree to let the pain settle.
I glanced up but blushed a little when I caught his look, lowering my head again. “No big deal. Just had to rescue a damsel. That’s all.” I teased lightly. I am such a fool. “I wasn’t gonna let you get away that easily.”
“Hey now, I wouldn’t classify myself as a damsel. I worked hard for my paladin title.” He said with a tired, weak chuckle. “Are you okay? Allmokoth didn’t hurt you, did she?” He asked.
I giggled lightly but was soon surprised to hear him ask about me. Does he care about me because he’s a paladin, because we’re teammates, or is there something else there..? No, I’m just being silly. I don’t need to give myself false hope. “I’m okay. I-I wasn’t hurt by her.” I said as I began drying my hands.
“That’s good to hear… It was hard to watch her mess with Zagasihr earlier and make you lose yourself…” Malachi said softly. He went to sit up a bit more but was to sore to stand yet.
“Is it because you’re a paladin?” I asked but immediately winced, “Th-That’s not how I meant it… I’m sorry.” I said softly. “I-I didn’t get to see her take off with you… It was unpleasant to learn… Please just rest.”
“you don’t have to keep apologizing. Yes, as a paladin I want to deal with demonic problems, but I worry about your wellbeing… I can’t imagine the emotional and physical struggle of being stick with a demon. You don’t deserve that kind of torture.” Malachi explained as he sighed. “It’s hard to rest right now…”
I started playing with the tip of my hair. “It’s harder when you travel mostly by yourself or with people who don’t know.” I said softly, getting back up and walked over to him, sitting on my knees in front of him, running my fingers through his hair, pulling his bangs back from his forehead. “Why? Would you prefer a new location? Does your head hurt? Do you need something for the pain?” I asked checking on him with great concern in my eyes.
Malachi blushed at how close I was, especially because he was shirtless. I noticed Z out of the corner of my eye, she had a jealous stare but didn’t say anything. “I-I’m just a bit on guard. I’m fighting a headache at the moment but I’m sure that was from the adrenaline rush. I’ll be okay.” Malachi said.
I just started searching in my bag for a headache relieving drink, handing it to him and sitting back. “We don’t have to stay long, but Nexxis made sure we were safe.” I said but was admiring his chest. He was very well toned, with a sharp and iconic scar that stretched across his chest. Most likely the blade of a large sword.
Malachi thanked me again and sniffed at the drink before gulping it down. He sighed and rested his hand over his wound again. “I’m sure it is safe. I’m just on edge. Allmokoth is insane and her worship of an evil god is unsettling. I wish I was stronger to stop her, but I guess that’s another time…” He said.
“If we work on this together than I’m sure we can take her.” I said but my eyes continued to linger on his chest before slowly making my way up, taking in every detail until my eyes met his. A weird spark hi my heart but it wasn’t electricity. A pull, strong, that made me feel like I was meant to stay right here with him. “Once You’ve rested a bit we can head to Uncle Caderyn’s. It’s not long now.” I said as I mentally swore to protect him. My cute, sweet, burnt cinnamon roll.
I noticed in his eyes that Malachi felt something too. Those sharpened golden eyes almost staring into my sole before his eyes flickered, “Ah right—I forgot that master was your uncle. A really small world we live in huh?” He said with a light chuckle. “So I’m guessing you don’t need me to introduce Z.” He said gesturing over to the fey. She was sitting nearby still working on that shirt so he wouldn’t be shirtless forever.
I couldn’t speak right away, my heart skipping before I shook my head a little to clear my thoughts. “Y-Yeah. Real small.” I stammered. “Z and I were practically sisters when I was younger.. I don’t think introductions are necessary.” I snickered. Nexxis was laying against Z’s side as she worked. An interesting sight to see as the two were clearly comfortable together. I was still distracted as I watched Malachi, debating on asking him something but couldn’t seem to look away for more than a few seconds at a time. My cheeks felt a bit pink with a blush.
“I’ve known Ara since before she was born.” Zelaphor said with a smirk. She lifted up Malachi’s shirt, looking over her handy work, “Almost got your shirt fixed by the way. Don’t gotta worry about flashing anymore women.” She joked.
Malachi shook his head as he laid back a bit more and he looked a bit sleepy. He perked up though, confused. “Ara? You mean Lia?” He asked which made Z look confused.
“Uh—Yeah… Ara is my childhood name but I’m still use to hearing it. I changed my name to Lia about twenty-three years ago now. On my hundredth birthday.” Lia said apologetically. “Elf tradition.” I said to Malachi. “I don’t mind hearing my old name though.” I said to Z.
“Oh, I see.” Malachi said. Despite his mother being a half wood elf, he didn’t understand the full culture of the elves.
“I can still call ya Ara if you want, but Lia is a good, adult, elven name for you.” Zelaphor said before looking to Malachi, “Guess you’re the baby in this group compared to the rest of us.” She snickered.
Malachi closed his eyes, “Yeah, yeah I know.” He said as he finally started to fall asleep.
I was a bit nervous that Zelaphor would recognize my reputation the way Malachi had, she wouldn’t be too happy about it probably. But it’s not like she would understand either. Why I did it. Why I became this way. I sigh internally, a little thankful that Malachi finally fell asleep. “I-I do like Lia.. Ara is a good name but I was such a child then. I feel more mature now… I guess, just call me whatever you want.” I smile before snickering, “Get some rest kitty cat. You deserve it.” I say gently.
“I’ll call you by Lia then. Since it’s who you are now.” Zelaphor says with a grin. I was suspicious, there’s little chance that she didn’t know my reputation if Malachi did yet she wasn’t making a scene. Odd for her.
Malachi took in a deep breath, mumbling something that was probably in response to my comment, before finally dozing off entirely. His tail now wrapped loosely around his leg.
I giggled but smiled back at Zelaphor before finally backing up a bit and playing with my hair, staring off into the trees with unfocused eyes. There’s no way she doesn’t know.
You’re right. But is odd of the annoyingly loud pixie to be this quiet about it. Zagasihr says, adding to my suspicions.
Nexxis was listening but made no comment, even though she could hear everyone’s thoughts, her eyes simply twitched as she lay practically asleep against Z’s leg.
“Something on your mind? Beside Zagasihr?” Zelaphor asked as she pet Nexxis.
Don’t tell her. Zagasihr whispered.
I shrugged, “I guess. I- have a few things on my mind aside from him…” I said softly but I was uncomfortable. It has been so long since I’ve talked to anyone about anything but business. Until Malachi. Even then I don’t open up to him about everything. Maybe I should. A thought for later.
If she doesn’t know and you tell her she’ll think your crazy. Or she will get angry. If she knows and you bring it up then you could start her off. She’ll reprimand you like a child. Zagasihr says.
“It’s all dumb… I don’t need to go into details…” I said after a long pause. I feel like I’m losing my confidence, my drive to fight, worn down from all the years of Zagasihr fighting to control me. There’s no way my old friend hasn’t noticed.
“I’m sure it ain’t dumb. I’m willing to listen if ya wanna talk. I ain’t no Caderyn, but we haven’t talked in a long time.” Zelaphor says, “Unless you need to meditate. I’m okay keeping watch.”
Don’t tell her. Zagasihr says again.
She’s basically my sister. I can talk to her. I said.
She’ll hate you for what you’ve done.
What you have done. I have only done some of it. And I feel she’ll simply be disappointed or angry. Not hate me… I was unsure.
You left her for a hundred years.
Because you convinced me they didn’t want to see me.
Because you did not follow a good path.
I was kidnapped.
You enjoyed that life.
“I- have a few things.” I said slowly. Screw what the demon said. I could talk to Zelaphor. I would rather her be disappointed than never open up to her to find out the truth. Explain myself… “I’m not ready to meditate yet… but—I-I think I finally have hope—or the drive—to get rid of Zagasihr.” I finally said the words out loud. The demon slapped my mental form causing me to externally wince in pain but I bit my lip to avoid crying out. Physical things done to my mental self hurt worse than if someone were to walk up and actually hit me. “I-I want to explain.” I said strained as he grabbed my hair, I gasped as he punched me in the gut. I shoved him away. I am not yours to control! I put my face in my hands, ashamed and embarrassed.
“Oh yeah?” Zelaphor asked excitedly, fully supporting me. “I wanna hear it!” But as soon as she noticed my pain her look turned to one of concern. “are you okay…?”
“Mhm..” I said, he finally backed off with a grumble. I lifted my head and gave her a weak smile, “He hurts me when I talk about it.” I tried to laugh it off. “Uh but… well.. I got the drive b-because of him..” I admitted with a light blush as I lazily pointed to the snoring Malachi. “I realized that the thought of losing him is painful… and I know I know, I should get rid of the demon for my own good but—it’s difficult to explain… w-when I first saw him there was a strange pull. And now—when we locked eyes… I felt a spark in my very soul.” I said trying to explain but dropped my head, “It sounds ridiculous.” I mutter. I started to tug at my hair, she probably thought I was being silly or making it up.
Zelaphor looked puzzled yet curious, “It don’t sound dumb, but is it like that cliché love at first sight thing that mortals talk about?” She asks, not fully understanding. “Do you have a crush on a paladin and Zagasihr’s all pissed about it?”
“It’s not quite like that. I’ve been there done that… This is different. Stronger. Physical.” I said but sighed, “Yeah. He’s very pissed about it. And he’s pissed that this is causing me to seek ways to remove him.” I said softly. I-I have a book from my cleric friend Therona. She said it might be able to help out—but I’ve been persuaded many times not to look…” I said referring to Zagasihr’s not so nice methods.
“I’m sorry that you’ve been abused by that asshole… Maybe Caderyn knows more and can help? Maybe he could look at that cleric book. I would offer Malachi, but uh, he ain’t the strongest of readers.” Zelaphor said. I suppose Malachi is a bit illiterate. She crossed her arms though and pointed at me, “Also, you better not make any inappropriate moves on my paladin though. I’m watching you.” She said with a hint of jealousy. “He’s a pure and good kid.”
“Maybe I’ll ask Uncle. He would be able to read it… and I have noticed that… I helped him read a map” I recalled before looking surprised at the change in subject. I started snickering, “I’m not promising that. I’ve already done some inappropriate things while you were resting.” I smirk.
“Wait! Like what!?” She asks trying to keep her voice down as she narrowed on me. Her cheeks were getting rosy as she got more jealous.
“I’ve been naked in front of the man.” I shrugged. “I’m also a huge flirt.” I said, enjoying watching the fey squirm.
“What!? Why would you do that?” She asks getting more heated about the topic.
“I don’t see the issue! I bathed completely nude with the pirates. What’s the big deal? We were washing up.” I said defensive as I crossed my arms. “What’s it matter to you anyways? Are you going to try and keep him single his entire life or do you have some sort of crush on him?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Pirate life is a bit different than the real-world kid. You don’t strip in front of people you just met! I can already see Malachi being so confused.” Zelaphor says as she massages her temple. She looked frustrated as she stared at me. “I don’t gotta crush on him! I’m trying to look out for him. Besides, Paladins give up the chance of normal relationships when they swear their oath. They live isolated lives on the road fighting evil.” She says. I can tell she had some type of feelings for him, even if they weren’t romantic. I’d still tease her for it though.
“That just seems lonely and dumb.” I said. “Either way, it wouldn’t be normal. I travel too. I don’t want to settle down physically. With a partner it would just be easier to fight. Would it not?” I countered. “At this point it just feels like you’re making excuses.” I said but had to turn my face away.
She’s right. He can’t travel with you. He’s a goodie paladin and you’re nothing but a criminal. It can’t last. Zagasihr says. He took an oath and you have a demon in your head. He’ll have to kill me eventually and the only way to do that is to kill you.
There was a spark, something unnatural when we locked eyes. He wont hurt me. I will get rid of you so I can be with him.
His oath wont allow it. You heard the pixie, paladins can’t live normal lives. He can’t be with you. Especially when you’re nothing but a criminal with so much blood on your hands.
Zelaphor took in a deep breath to calm that fiery attitude before speaking again, “I ain’t making excuses… Malachi’s had enough hurt in his life. I’m just making sure he doesn’t suffer again. I don’t wanna lose him.” She said and looked off as well as she started fidgeting. “I’m guessing that asshole in your brain is stirring my words, isn’t he…” She said sounding annoyed. “All I’m saying is no inappropriate stuff…and warning you about the whole paladin oath.”
“I don’t want to hurt him Z…” I said soft yet defensive. “Yes. It’s what he does best. Try to ruin every shred of hope or happiness with manipulation.” I said sounding just as annoyed and tired. “H-he’s playing on the whole oath thing… But—I have the oddest feeling it’ll work. And for once—it’s a feeling I can’t shake. H-he can’t change it.” I said running my fingers through my hair repeatedly, faster and faster before finally dropping my hands into my lap. I will be with Malachi, it’ll work out. Even if there are bumps in the road, I have such a strong sense that we’ll be unshakable.
“Well maybe it can work out then… Paladin’s give up a life of normalcy and hunt down evil wherever it may be. They don’t have families, relationships, any of that sort of thing. Caderyn may be retried now, but he still lives out his oath as best he can.” Zelaphor explains, “If you’re willing to put up with Malachi’s life long travels… then maybe that’s something my fey knight needs…” She says but I felt her eyes carefully watching me.
I nodded a bit, “I’m willing… but you probably have nothing to worry about.” I said softly. “I don’t think he feels the same. He’s a paladin after all and I’m just—” I couldn’t finish it. Demon, killer, pirate. “I-I thought… I thought I saw that spark in his eyes too but—I’m too afraid to ask.” I admit softly but then I got a little confused, “Need..?” I asked mostly to myself. Why would he need me? Or someone anyway.
“Maybe you should ask him. Don’t let Zagasihr tell you otherwise until you get Malachi’s story and perspective.” Zelaphor says, her hotheaded expression turned somber though, “Did Malachi tell ya where we were previously? Why he’s going back to his master?”
“He’s leaving the war.” I said, but why didn’t she just say Caderyn? “But he didn’t elaborate on what happened there.” I plan on asking Malachi about the spark, when he’s awake, but I’ll have to gain the courage.
“Oh…” Zelaphor said softly, teary eyed, “Perhaps it’s not my place to say then,” She said, “But him having someone he can trust and team up with will do him good…”
“I don’t think he’ll ever tell me.” I said with a little shrug. “It seems to affect you too so I’d say that gives you the right to talk about it… You heard my silly trifles, I can sure as hell listen to yours.” I said watching the sprite. “He was—not pleased when I teamed up with him at first.” I said trying to snicker about it.
Zelaphor tried to smile back but it was clearly difficult. “I’m sure he wasn’t pleased… when Malachi was shipped off to the civil war, he was assigned to a team that he and I grew very close with. For five years he adventured with them, fought alongside them, and became friends with them, but…” She whipped a tear from her cheek, “during the final assault… Malachi was the only on to walk away with his life. It destroyed him… He’s never been the same.”
I looked over at Malachi then back at Z, heartbroken, before moving to her side and hugging her. “I don’t think that only hurt him sis.” I said, “I understand why he was so against it, but I hope I can help him heal… Being alone probably wouldn’t help, I’ve learned that…”
“It has been a very painful path to recovery… I miss them so much. Malachi and I tried to support each other, but we’re a mess… That’s why we’re going back to Caderyn. Malachi is looking for help to get back on his feet…” Zelaphor explains. “I appreciate you wanting to help. Malachi doesn’t have many friends or people to trust… Most of the time he enters town and gets stoned, threatened, beaten, you name it. Living in isolation sometimes seems like a good option for him…”
I pulled back, giving Z a serious look, “I will not let that be the case any longer. I’ve sworn him my bow but it’s so much more than that.” I said, angry at what he has gone through. “Uncle is a good option for that. D-do you think he’ll be angry when he sees me?”
Zelaphor shared a warm smile and shook her head, “I don’t see Caderyn being angry with you. He’s going to be so relieved to see you after so long.” She says sounding a bit more cheerful. “I’m glad to hear how much you want to help him. Thank you.”
I smiled back, “Good and of course.” She still hasn’t brought up my name. Or if she recognizes it. But—I have the strongest idea that she does. So why hasn’t she made a big deal of it yet? “You recognize my name. Don’t you.” I finally said.
“What? Lia Nailo? Elbaran’s infamous bounty hunter and assassin?” Zelaphor asks sarcastically. Yup, she knows. “As soon as Malachi corrected your name and you mentioning your lifestyle of killing, it didn’t take long to put two and two together.”
I sighed, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” But hey, I am good at what I do. And I gave up assassinations unless that pay is good. I’m just a bounty hunter now.” I shrug. “I’m beyond rich at this point. I think being a pirate for so long has caused an addiction to shiny things.” I snicker, trying to be playful about it.
“I’m guessing interesting characters pay a lot for you to either off or capture people.” Zelaphor said. She eventually got up to kneel by Malachi, causing Nexxis to lift her head, laying his shirt over him like a little blanket. “What kid of jobs do you do as a bounty hunter? And if you’re so stinkin’ rich, where do you keep all that wealth? A criminal bank?”
“They do. I get paid quiet handsomely.” I said with a nod. “But—Most of my bounties recently have just been missing people or criminals at large. Trying to bring in the baddies while reuniting people with family or friends.” I said, pretending that made me fit in with Malachi. I never will. I sighed, “I do keep a portion of it in a bank, but I won’t tell you how big a portion… I don’t trust banks and I have most my coin stashed someplace safe.” I said with another nod. “I also keep quite a bit on me.” I shrug. I reached into my backpack and pulled out a beautiful black blanket with a silver crescent moon on it, the blanket was only big enough to cover a single person really. “Would you like to lay this on him? Might keep him warmer than that.”
Zelaphor smiled and nodded, “He’d appreciate it. He’s kind of a big baby when it comes to any amount of cold air.” She said, “But going back to before, I’m glad you broke away from the assassin jobs. That sort of work really does a number on the soul”
I giggled softly as I rested my blanket on Malachi but soon became serious again, “Some jobs were more—difficult than others. Eventually you learn to numb yourself to it.” I said, remembering the scream that turned to gurgles of one of my first jobs. She was young. I shook my head before I could remember too much more. “I’m glad I gave it up full time. Now I just pick and choose. Usually only hunting hard criminals anymore.”
Malachi took a deep breath, looking more content with the blanket. He was lightly snoring but I swear I could hear faint purring. Zelaphor shook her head as she listened, “Well I’m glad to hear you’re trying to do good. I know it can’t be easy, but Malachi and I can help. We’re here to support.” She said, encouraging me.
I smiled warmly, “Maybe traveling with the two of you goodie goodies will help me get Zagasihr out of my body.” I said softly, a small inkling of hope spreading into my voice. “Thanks Z. I sure have missed you…”
“I missed you too kid. You’re welcome though.” Zelaphor says with a wide smile. Malachi started getting fidgety in his sleep causing the sprite to divert her attention. She looked mildly concerned as she checked on him. “He seems kid of warm… Well more so than usual. Ya think the blankets were too much?” She asked. The faint odor of brimstone was noticeable in the cool air, making Zelaphor stick out her tongue.
I got up, worried, “No.. I don’t think it’s the blanket. Let’s cheek his bandages. I doubt they’re infected since I’m always careful.” I said smugly, “But there could have been something I missed… Or—he’s having a nightmare. I’ve noticed those frequently enough with him.” I said concerned. Nexxis lifted her head once again and stares at Malachi, reaching into his mind. I start checking his bandages with careful and precise fingers.
Nexxis noticed he was having a nightmare, projecting it to me so I would know what was going on. But I didn’t need it. It was manifesting in front of me. Humanoid fingers wrapped in black, rotting bandages with dagger like claws were extending themselves in Malachi’s dreams but I noticed the same bandages crisscrossing his wounds as I checked my work. A living organism.
“What the hell is that…!?” Zelaphor gasped in horror.
Ah, he has the shadow. Zagasihr commented.
“Shothragot” Nexxis and I said in sync. “But I’m not allowing this.” I said as I debated.
You can’t do anything. He’s a host. He’ll be consumed. Zagasihr says but I ignored him.
I started shaking Malachi urgently, “Get up. This is gonna hurt like a bitch, You’re gonna want to be prepared.” I said as a plan started to formulate in my head.
“Huh…What?” Malachi asked still groggy and tired, “What’s going on?” He started to reach for his equipment.
I smacked his hand, “No, no stupid. I’m going to help you with something you aren’t noticing right now and it’s gonna hurt.” I said searching his eyes, urgency coloring my voice while worry seeded itself in my eyes. “We have to hurry, please. Just let me know when you’re prepared. Those long claws of yours can stick into bark right?” I asked but then turned to Z for confirmation.
Malachi started to look more awake, but he wasn’t understanding the situation. “What’s happening?” He asked again. He clearly didn’t notice that anything was even amiss.
Zelaphor looked ready, “Ya just gotta trust us fey knight. There’s something growing on your ribs.” She said causing him to look down. He looked horrified and dumbfounded as he saw what was happening. A living linen.
“I’m going to help you and then explain.” I said trying to regain his attention, lifting his chin gently with my fingers. “Try to stay as still as possible but also release the pain however feels right. Gripping something, yelling, I don’t’ care so long as I can work” I said seriously before looking down at the bandages.
It wont matter in the end. Zagasihr said.
“Shut up.” I hissed under my breath. I stole some of Zagasihr’s power and my hands exploded in black and red flames. I put my burning hands directly on the living bandages, pulling and burning them, they felt so gross to touch but I refused to feel sick over this. I knew I smelled faintly of Zagasihr to Malachi but I doubt he would notice through the pain.
Malachi couldn’t say anything else as he cried out in agony. His claws pulled away at the bark and Zelaphor had to jump in to hold him down. She couldn’t hold down his tail though and it flailed around, even when I straddled it, it still managed to smack me in the back a few times. The linen was stubborn and kept trying to grow back. Shothragot was trying to heal the wound while Malachi rested. “This is going to heal naturally you stupid shadow.” I growled at the bandages and kept working until they finally subsided. As soon as I was positive they were gone for good I dropped the flames and sat back on my heels. Malachi started to calm as the flame torture stopped, “I’m so sorry.” I said as I looked at him concerned. I fixed the original bandages before dropping my hands into my lap.
Malachi gave me the okay sign before Zelaphor released him. He weakly rolled over for his bag, reaching his waterskin he desperately needed. He was breathing heavily and his heart pounded in his ears and for a moment I saw a mark on the back of his shoulder. A crooked and twisted spiral that was glowing angrily. The mark on the chained god. I briefly covered my open shocked mouth with my fingertips. It was quick though and I dropped my hand and my expression relaxed. Of course he would have that mark. He has the shadow. Zagasihr’s knowledge being my knowledge, I felt like I knew about this stuff but it was all the demon. I don’t understand all of it. Just enough. I reached forward to rub his arm and shoulder in an awkward comforting manner, something I was not used to doing.
Malachi leaned back against the tree and weakly smiled at me, “Thanks for your help Lia…” He said, clearly beginning to feel better, “But wow did that hurt.” He tried laughing it off.
Zelaphor shared a light smile, “Glad to see you’re doing okay.”
“I hope you didn’t mind me waking you for that… Can’t let the shadow be crawling his way forward like that.” I said with a guilty smile. “I’m sorry it was so painful…”
“No, not at all. I needed to wake up…” Malachi said as he looked down at his chest again. “What in the great divine was that…” He asked lightly massaging his wound.
“Y-you don’t know?” I asked a bit surprised. If Shothragot was living inside him I thought he would have known. Interesting. “That was Shothragot. You know—Tharizdun’s shadow or whatever.” I said with the wave of a hand. Nexxis was sitting back a few feet, watching the paladin intensely.
“That thing that Allmokoth was asking about…?” Malachi said looking puzzled. He looked like he was trying to remember, as if he recognized the name but couldn’t figure out from where. “I don’t know who or what Shothragot is… This is the first I’ve seen anything…” He said, desperately trying to remember.
“I’m trying to think to if I’ve ever seen it before. The name sounds familiar. Like Caderyn had talked about it before.” Zelaphor said.
“Zagasihr and Nexxis recognized it. An evil entity created by Tharizdun to hunt down the key to release him or some shit like that.” I said but waved it off. “We can talk about that later. How are you feeling?” I asked. “Do you need anything?”
Malachi was quiet for a moment as he reached for his shirt and put it back on. “I’m doing better. A lot better actually.” He said as he humorously had to twist his head side to side to fit his head and horns through his shirt, “I’m all set. We can probably hit the road again.” He said. Obviously the information I provided bothered him but he looked more puzzled rather than scared.
“Are you sure? You don’t want to rest more?” I asked tilting my head. I stood though because it wasn’t worth arguing about. “We can still talk about it… I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” I said as I reached down to pick up my blanket and folded it, sticking it back in my backpack.
“No, I’m all set. We need to hit the road anyway.” Malachi said as he reached for his armor. “Thanks again, for everything. You’ve been very good to me.” He said.
“Don’t be pushing yourself to hard. You always do this.” Zelaphor said crabbily.
I looked between the two for a minute and sighed, long and exasperated. “Look. I’m not going to argue with you. But you do need to actually take care of yourself. If you don’t, then what? You’re dead. That’s what.” I said a bit snappy at the end and crossed my arms of my rather large chest.
There is no point in arguing. I shall simply carry you both. It will be quicker anyway. Nexxis says.
“It’s fine Z. We aren’t walking anyways.” I said as Nexxis transformed into her true form, still watching Malachi.
“I’m fine. My wounds are more than healed to head to master’s home.” Malachi said as he gradually stood up and began putting the rest of his heavy armor on. He honestly looked like he was almost swimming in my uncle’s old armor. It was kinda cute. Zelaphor sighed, defeated, her form glowed and transformed into a battleaxe that flew to Malachi’s hand. Once he equipped it on his back, the small five-inch sprite popped out, fluttered her wings then landed on Malachi’s head.
I rolled my eyes, “I’m more concerned about sleep deprivation.” I said before climbing onto Nexxis’ back then offered my hand to Malachi.
“I promise, I’m okay. I was out for a while.” He said as he took my hand and climbed aboard.
“Ya say that but I don’t think you actually know what okay means.” Z said, pulling his hair.
- In Serial22 Chapters
The Pokemon Ranger
Summoned from his unjust suffering in the mundane world, Spike finds himself before Arceus, who opts to send him to the world of Pokemon with the request to assist in maintaining the world's harmony. Afterwards, Arceus sends him off with the egg of a Riolu who will be his partner along the journey. Next thing he knows, he wakes up with a headache in the body of a five-year-old boy in the middle of a forest in Hoenn. Thus begins the journey of a Pokemon Ranger who will come to be feared by those hiding in the dark of the Pokemon world.____________________________________________________________Author Note:Please keep in mind that this is an AU (Alternate Universe). I will be taking aspects of the Pokemon world that I find to be the most fun and enjoyable and editing some things as I see fit. The world will contain some elements and characters from the anime, manga, and games, but it will also have some original characters and a mostly original storyline. It will not go fully grimdark like some gritty parts of the manga or some more realistic fanfictions, but also won’t be all sunshine and roses like the games. Overall, I do want to keep the story on the lighthearted side, but there will be some more serious plots as well. About 90% taking the story seriously and 10% wish fulfillment, I suppose. Note: I am also posting this fanfiction on Webnovel. No difference on release times for chapters.Also, as an update because of the people who messaged me about the multiple transmigrators, the existence of other transmigrators won't have much, if any, affect on the main plotline (or the harem if that's what those people are worried about). There will only be a handful of interactions with a few of the transmigrators during some of the more dangerous scenarios I have planned. I don't expect this to change anybody's mind, but thought it was worth mentioning. Also, I edited the first chapter to make this more obvious.Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or speak for GameFreak, Nintendo, or Pokemon. I'm just a fan having some fun in his free time.
8 225 - In Serial44 Chapters
The Federation Of a Thousand Earths
Humanity has spread across many worlds. It is just that each and every one of these worlds is earth. The Gate technology allowed humanity to turn away from the stars and back to earth. Spread out across millions of universes, humanity is in a golden age. Of technology, of science, of peace. But invaders, coming from the stars are threatening humanities original home, its first earth, Terra. And humanity will take on this threat. They do not know with whom they messed, they cannot see our empire, our federation of a thousand earths, and they will know fear when we return the favor. Updates every Saturday. Everything in this is my own work, if not otherwise stated. Please do not copy or reuse.
8 323 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Emperor's Chef
"Cook like your life depends on it, kid. Because it does." Charles had an enviable future lined up for him. Training from the age of five by some of the finest chefs in the world. Schooling at a top culinary academy in the capital. An honorable position as heir to House Boulier, a line of merchant-lords who have charmed the rich and powerful with their cooking for centuries. And in a single night, it all burned to ash. When the outbreak of war destroys his hometown, Charles is charged with escorting his family’s sacred treasure—a recipe book passed down for untold generations—out of harm's way. But his simple mission grows complicated when he’s captured by one of the most feared battalions in the world: the Spears of Mercy. Life as a prisoner in their war camp is brutal and uncertain. Charles has few allies and even fewer strengths to rely on. Only his skills in the culinary arts, honed over a lifetime in the kitchen, are deemed useful enough to keep him alive another day. But he’s not out of hope just yet. With a dash of wit, a pinch of luck, and some very creative cooking, he might just find a way to recover his family’s legacy and take back his freedom. This project is a food-themed fantasy that centers on cooking and chefs. The setting spans a wide world featuring ingredients/recipes both real and inspired by traditional fantasy. I'll eventually be publishing it as a full-length novel (or series of novels depending on length). These are the first draft chapters. I'll likely be re-writing more than once, then editing before publishing, so impressions and feedback are quite welcome. If you like the story so far and you're interested in being an early reviewer for the final product, feel free to message me. I'm looking for an artist to make some concept art and a cover (the cover shown here is just a temporary placeholder). A stand-alone novel for now, but it may turn into a series down the road.
8 185 - In Serial11 Chapters
Ghost Girl, Ghost Girl. She Gonna Take Your Soul!
Ghost Girl had no name or she didn’t want to use it, for she… is dead. Ghosts like her appeared due to lingering attachments to the physical world or unfinished business. Her unfinished business were her horrible parents! She will haunt them. Or kill them! Thus, the haunting (killing) adventures of Ghost Girl. Image drawn by Lizalot. I thought this image was a great fit as a cover.
8 191 - In Serial6 Chapters
Stained Red
In the village of Firden a boy is born. He is born under normal circumstances with normal parents. However, the boy is not so normal. He has a pair of red eyes, and seems to have a knack for adventure. Could there be a reason for the red eyes? And what could this strange child accomplish in his life?
8 61 - In Serial7 Chapters
Untitled Demon Book
After a few hundred boring years in Hell, Vivi’xidan is finally summoned to the mortal plane. Follow Vivi on the path of adventure and learning more about mortals (which are no less cunning than most demons), as Hell tries to follow them and ruin all the fun. It's an action adventure with fighting and magic and monster people. Note: This is my first time posting online anything I wrote. And English is not my native language. I try to do a few reviews before posting, but I'm still learning. If you find any errors or have constructive criticism, please tell me! I will be happy if you leave comments. Content warning information: this story includes lots of killing of different sentient beings, but it doesn't have explicit gore. I still put a content warning, because it's better to be safe than sorry. It also contains a few profane words here and there... No sex scenes or traumatic content, I'll try to keep it positive.
8 202