《A Paladin's Rogue》Chapter 12
We’ve been traveling for a while now and I felt such relief that I no longer had to carry the secret of my job with me anymore. We were getting so close to Hugel now when we both slowed down. Nexxis sensed something evil nearby, and Malachi had to of felt the same. There was an ambush ready for us up ahead. Malachi’s cheery and fast paced demeanor soon slowed and he looked disheartened, “Something smells like trouble…” He said as he pulled out his battle-axe and shield, looking around and staying close to me.
“Yeah. And not the fun kind of trouble either.” I said disappointed as I retrieved my bow. I took in my surroundings and quickly picked out the things that were out of place. In one swift motion I had an arrow ready and took a shot, knocking a merc from a tree which caused the rest to jump out and approach with weapons drawn.
“You stupid bitch.” The wounded human growled as he held his bleeding shoulder, arrow deeply rooted in his muscles.
“Watch your tongue runt.” I growled back.
“Give us the red skin.” Another said, this one a dark elf. There were five hired mercenaries in total.
Malachi’s lips were pulled back over his fangs, looking like a snarl could rip up his throat at any moment. Lightening started dancing around his battle-axe as he got in position to strike. “Stay back if you know what’s good for you.” He threatens as he spins his weapon with one hand. I wanted to admire him, Zelaphor was not a light weapon by any means, but we were in the middle of a fight. I didn’t have the luxury.
The mercenaries looked between each other and nodded before looking back at us, “We can’t go back empty handed.” The drow said. The wounded human finally got to his feet after carefully pulling the arrow from his shoulder and drinking a small healing potion. He looked pissed and his eyes were on me. Listening carefully, a couple of the men in the back of the pack were talking about how the woman who hired them might join their little mission.
A female merc wasted no time however and immediately struck Malachi from the right with her short sword while his focus was on the leader, leaving a slight gash on his cheek as his reflexes raised his shield fast enough to avoid serious injury. This action started the assault and soon swords and arrows were flying everywhere as they converged on us.
I tried to leap back to gain some distance, but it was difficult since we were surrounded. Nexxis was biting at them as she kept to her smaller form, not wanting to reveal her identity. Malachi did what he could with his shield to push back the sudden attacks. With a mighty swing he went for a thunderous smite attack on the nearby enemies.
From the shadows, the eyes of a demon stared at Malachi, swinging through the treetops with great agility and snuck its way toward the battle. I know Malachi could sense the demonic presence just like Nexxis and Zagasihr, but he had to focus on the mercenaries as they didn’t relent their attacks.
One of the mercenaries shot a net and entangled me in it, it was a distraction as I tried to get it off before trying to use Zagasihr’s magic to burn it off. That didn’t work as well as I had hoped, and I shrieked angrily as someone grabbed me from behind. They were trying to get me out of the way so they could get to Malachi. Fucking bastards!
Three of them were on Malachi, which kept him entertained and focused so he couldn’t divert his attention anywhere else. Nexxis stayed between us, unsure who she would be better off assisting. “Go help Lia, Nexxis!” Malachi called out, “I can handle this!” He said as he struck the ground, summoning large vines to ensnare one of his attackers. As he tried to rush toward an opening, the demonic presence launched from the trees and before Malachi could react, the possessed wood elf made powerful contact with his shield, causing him to launch back with a lot of force. His battleaxe slid across the ground as his stumbled back.
“Malachi!” I cried from the net, trying to reach out toward him. Nexxis had been rushing toward me but quickly skidded to a stop and turned to look at the newcomer, growling and baring her fangs. She launched forward to strike. As Malachi rolled to try and lift himself up, the cloaked wood elf with glowing red eyes, saw Nexxis charge. With dexterity similar (but not quite as fast or graceful) to Zagasihr, the woman twirled and gave a powerful kick at the small celestial.
Nexxis howled in pain as she flew back from the force. She wasn’t very powerful in her small form. I started biting at the net, kicking and squirming and fighting for freedom. Anything to get to Nexxis and Malachi, but every time I got any headway I was just grabbed again, “Don’t you fucking touch him!” I shrieked.
“Nexxis--!” Malachi called out as he jumped to his feet. He didn’t have time to grab his battleaxe so he reached to his boot and pulled out a beautiful, small short sword. He went to strike at the demon but barely missed, cutting a few of her hairs.
The demon jumped back, ignored my violent begging, and turned on Malachi. With her full force, the possessed elf struck him under his chest piece with her fist. Like a cannon being fired at his chest, Malachi gasped from the wind being knocked out of him and fell to his knees. His electrical power quickly vanished and the demon smiled at she knelt down beside him, placing a hand on the back of his head, “Shhh, don’t worry now. Mama’s got you. You don’t have to fight anymore.” She said in a hauntingly sweet voice. Malachi couldn’t speak back but his battleaxe began to glow and shake violently.
Help me! I need to get out of here! I beg Zagasihr. He groans but complies and I was finally able to burst through the netting and stood in a ball of flames created by the demon lord, but he had no interest in helping me save the paladin.
The rest is on you unless you do something stupid. Allmokoth is- interesting. Zagasihr comments as he stands by to keep an eye on the action. I rushed forward with my sword, aiming to run the demon through. Nexxis was swaying herself back into a standing position.
Lia! Nexxis calls to me, hoping I would stop.
Allmokoth shared a toothy, cold smile as she watched me rush forward with blood lust. In the blink of an eye, she summoned these long, grotesque tentacle wings, grappling Malachi and jumped toward the trees. She held onto a nearby branch, her feet planted against the trunk. “I’m sorry if you’re looking for payment little moon elf, but I’m afraid my own involvement cuts out our agreement.” The demon said, “As for you, Zagasihr—It’s been some time since I’ve seen your fire ablaze. Funny to see you hiding in this frail girl after all the years you’ve mocked me from jumping around mortal skins.” She said tauntingly.
“If you want to get away with you’ll have to put me out of commission first!” I snarled angrily but before I was able to make a move, Zagasihr took my mental form by the shoulder and ripped me from control and threw me back over his shoulders. I hit the meadow floor hard and cried out in pain as he took over and rooted my physical body in place.
“Ah Allmokoth. I do not hide, unlike you. If I chose it, I could still rip you apart with ease, so it would be wise to hold your tongue.” He said calm yet intimidating as he stared up at her.
“I’m sure that can be arranged,” the demon said to me before giving a playfully sinister laugh listening to Zagasihr, “And yet you have to fight for control of your host. I have this body all to myself. I can roam the material plane as I please. The abyss simply gets boring after a while.” She said with a twirl to her movements. Her head jerked though as she quickly jumped out of the way as the battleaxe moved on her own. Zelaphor finally making her appearance. “What in the nine hells!?” She asked in surprise.
The battleaxe glowed again and finally transformed into a fey creature. Long pointed ears, thick curly dark hair, and black scaly feathers that acted as skin. “Zelaphor…” Malachi said weakly as he tried unsuccessfully to escape his captor. Oh so now he talks.
“You better let my paladin go you fuckin’ bitch before I know your head off!” The violent, five foot tall sprite said, “I just woke up from a long rest and the last thing I want to see is his ass getting abducted!”
Zagasihr gritted his teeth and shot a powerful blast of fire toward Allmokoth, not caring if he hit the paladin. My mental self rushed forward to fight for control, trying anything to regain my body but Zagasihr’s rage was too much for me to overcome. Nexxis wobbled forward, slowly getting steadier as she looked up at the demon who held Malachi.
Allmokoth jumped to another tree, using her shadowy tentacle wings to swing through the treetops, “Get back here!” Zelaphor called as she tried to jump after her, “I’m coming Fey Knight!” She yelled, lunging forward. “I’m coming Fey Knight!” She yells.
Oddly enough though, Allmokoth wasn’t attacking, like she was trying to lure us toward her mercenaries for another ambush. “Come on, Zaggy. You can do better than that! I know you can.” She taunted.
“Call me that again woman and it will be the death of you!” Zagasihr shouted, outraged but he noticed she was setting up, “You think your trap will hold us for long? We will hunt you down.” He growled, but I could tell one more taunt might throw him into a blind rage. One I have no hope of stopping.
“We? Since when do you care about this paladin? Wouldn’t you be better off without him?” Allmokoth asked, having to quickly dodge as Zagasihr hurled another Fireball at her. “Or are you growing soft for the paladin? Don’t have it in you to kill him off?” She asked. Although she missed the entire reason Zagasihr wanted to hunt her down, the pride he had just wanted to rip her a new one for insulting him. She was acting as if she wanted to throw my demon into a blind rage, was this her plan? And Zagasihr was too angry to notice. She clearly didn’t care about the destruction he would cause, but his rage and poor decisions would give her the perfect escape opportunity.
Stop this you idiot! I shouted at Zagasihr but he simply shoved me away again and ignored me.
He shouted in anger and burst into flames, shooting forward at blinding speed and teleported before her, slamming his fist into her cheek. He pushed Zelaphor away in the process, leaving burn marks on the humanoid form while everything around him started to burn.
The mercenaries seemed to have some type of spell on them that caused them not to fear and as they charged forth, they quickly became Zagasihr’s new focus.
Nexxis could no longer hold back and transformed into her true form as she rushed forward to stop the raging demon wearing my skin. This was Allmokoth’s perfect escape and all I could do was watch helplessly, a prisoner in my own mind.
Despite being struck with a nasty blow, the female demon wiped her cheek and fled with Malachi as he tried to call out to us but his voice was too weak to reach anyone’s ears with the exception of Nexxis. He couldn’t bear to see me be consumed but couldn’t do anything about it and I watched him disappear.
Zelaphor tried to brush off her injuries and go after her paladin but Zagasihr’s fiery wrath made it impossible to leave. She also couldn’t bear to see me like this but had nothing but her brute strength.
Nexxis wanted to get Zagasihr under control before we could go after Malachi. She ran to the sprite, I shall distract him to give you a window of opportunity. You must use your strength to knock him unconscious. Will you please assist Zelaphor? The celestial asked in a pleading manor.
“Of course Nex. But I need a clean shot. It’s a bit hard when he’s teleporting all over the place!” Zelaphor said with her black feathers puffed out.
Understood. The fox said and rushed forward, firing small shots of white and blue flames at Zagasihr to get his attention, but nothing that would severely hurt me. The mercenaries were long dead so he quickly focused on her. She didn’t run which gave him no reason to teleport as he flew at her with his fist ready to strike. She turned humanoid and caught his attack, energy exploding from the impact which caused the earth to indent where she stood. She locked her hand around his to try and keep him still long enough for Zelaphor, but Zagasihr was starting to overwhelm the celestial with brute force. Hurry. She strained.
Zelaphor, with the full force of her supernatural strength and immense weight behind it, charged forward, lightning dancing down her arm, she gave a powerful blow to my head. Zagasihr cried out in pain but internally he had to fall back from the ringing, leaving me to feel the rest of the pain, the end of the external cry becoming my own voice. Nexxis allowed my unconscious body to fall to the earth as she transformed back into her small fox form to look after me.
Thank you Zelaphor. I apologize deeply that we could not rescue Malachi, but we will give chase once we can wake Lia. She says looking up to the spite.
Zelaphor winced as she heard me cry out and looked so guilty to watch me fall unconscious. She rested her hands on her knees as she crouched down to check on me. She nodded to Nexxis but looked a bit teary eyed. “This whole thing is my fault. Malachi wasn’t ready for a real fight.” She says softly. “I can’t believe I took so long to recharge. Damn it all!”
Nexxis nudged her head into Zelaphor, Do not blame yourself for this. We will rescue him. I swear it. She says. I was breathing steadily but my head was badly bruised. I felt so sore. Nexxis started licking my cheek which caused me to groan and grumble unpleasantly. The sensation just made the pain easier to focus on which was the opposite of what I wanted.
“How can I not! Malachi wasn’t in the game! He’s a broken mess.” Zelaphor says before hearing me. “Do you have any healing licks to help her out? I kind of knocked her melon pretty good…”
What has happened? I do not understand, Nexxis asks, unfamiliar with mortal wars. She focuses a moment and licks my injury at the sprite’s suggestion.
“It’s a long story. I’ll explain later.” Zelaphor said.
I weakly pushed at Nexxis before slowly sitting up and putting a hand to my head, my vision a bit blurry. “Wh-What happened?” I asked a bit dazed.
Zelaphor looked down at me, “Sorry kid. Ya kind of got possessed again and I had to knock on your skull.” She said as she brushed some of her long, thick brown hair behind her ear.
“Z-Zelaphor? Z! You’re—You’re awake!” I said in shock as I jolted straighter, wincing in the process. I couldn’t help but throw my arms around her though, “I’m so sorry.” I said as little tears pricked my eyes and I ignored my pounding headache. I was sorry for so many things I didn’t know where to start.
“Long time no see kid. Again, sorry I tried to knock your brains out. I ain’t got a lot of fancy tricks.” Zelaphor said as she gave me a pat on the back, “You don’t gotta apologize. I didn’t mean to be out for several days…”
“I-I meant I was sorry for—not coming home.” I said, finally deciding that was the biggest one. I referred to my kidnapping that took place a hundred years ago. “M-Malachi..?” I finally asked as I noticed he wasn’t around. I wasn’t concerned with being knocked out, I needed to be knocked back to myself.
“It hurt to see ya gone, but I’m sure the old man will be happy to see you when we get home.” Zelaphor says as she watched me look around, her eyes grew somber, “That demon elf took him… she used Zagasihr’s wrath to make a scene and used it to escape… I couldn’t get to him…”
I lowered my head, looking at my open palms before clenching my hands into fists and looking angry. It was my fault that bitch got away. I wasn’t strong enough. I couldn’t contain Zagasihr. But I will get him back. “Zagasihr, you--- We will be separated.” I said determined as I stood up. “Well. Let’s go get that kitty cat. He’s prolly eagerly awaiting his knights in shinning armor.” I said trying to make a joke but was looking off toward our destination.
Zelaphor snorted a laugh and stood up, “Of course, but uh let’s not call him a kitty cat to his face. He don’t very much like cats.” The sprite said with a funny smile. She looked off to where I was looking and was rather bewildered. “What does that demon even want with a paladin? Normally they want ‘em dead…”
“I already have called him a cat to his face.” I smirked but it didn’t last long. “That demon is possessing his mother’s dead body. I think she’s trying to use him to get to his dad.” I said, intentionally hinting at the fact I knew who his real father was. I was trying to gauge if Zelaphor knew the truth as well. “She hired me to find him claiming to be his mother.”
Zelaphor had a rather concerned look on her face as she crossed her arms. “You know who his dad is…?” She asks, as if she were worried the secret was out. “Does he know…?”
“Hell no he doesn’t know. The big cat would hunt my ass down if I went back on my word. But I swear to the gods, when Malachi does eventually find out, if he’s pissed at me I’m gonna fight the overgrown house cat.” I said cracking my knuckles.
‘Tis unfortunate that we cannot tell the young warrior. Nexxis sighs with regret as she transforms into her celestial form and gets down so the two of us could climb aboard.
“You made a deal with Ryldranth…?” Zelaphor asked rather shocked, “You already got one demon to deal with! Why another?” She asked, confused by my previous choices.
“More of a promise to end a stalemate. It’s not a big deal.” I said flipping my hair over my shoulder before getting on Nexxis. “He had to make a promise in return.” I muttered.
Zelaphor looked over to Nexxis with a sigh, “The day he learns the truth is going to be the darkest day for him… His heart can’t deal with that right now.”
You still have not explained this. Would it not be best to know who one’s father is? Nexxis asked, looking over at Zelaphor confused. She didn’t understand mortals very well.
“Eh, yes and no.” Z says as she followed my lead and climbed onto the fox’s back. “Ryldranth is the one that brought the kid to Caderyn and I fifteen years ago. He wanted to separate himself from his kid because Malachi would be a target… apparently the lion demon has gotten himself into deep waters with others in the Abyss. We may have also made a deal with Ryldranth to keep our mouths shut.” She explains with a sigh. “I just hope the day Malachi does learn, he understands why we couldn’t say anything…”
“Seems to be a running theme among demons.” I mumbled a bit annoyed. Surprisingly Zagasihr made no comment. “You gettin all surprised with me for makin a deal then yer over here doin the same.” I said rolling my eyes. Nexxis stood and soon started to run at great speed through the forest.
I am sure he will. Nexxis says but soon went quiet in her own thoughts.
“Hey now! I’m worried about ya since you already have a demon problem! I’m just makin’ sure your promise didn’t put your life in danger.” Zelaphor says rather crossed. “All Caderyn did was agree to raise the kid. We didn’t make no pact with a demon.” She says, making sure that was clear.
“I didn’t expect you or uncle to make a pact and I sure as hell didn’t either. Doesn’t mean my life isn’t in danger if I decided to go back on my promise but that’s not the point. I’m sure I can handle it if the time comes.” I said trying to wave it off. “It’s comforting to hear you still care about me.” I half teased, but I really did miss the sprite. It felt so good to be reunited with her again after all this time.
“Course I worry. You’ve disappeared for a hundred years and hadn’t made a peep.” Zelaphor said, “Caderyn was worried sick. The only reason he was able to stay sane was the gods giving him visions and reassurance… Your uncle and I care about you a lot kid.” Z said as she looked off, trying to feel for her paladin.
“Even with Zagasihr…?” I asked softly. My mental state had deteriorated over the course of the last hundred years as I lived with Zagasihr. He had constantly told me that my family didn’t want me anymore and that they were relieved I was finally gone. No longer their problem to deal with. Their burden to carry. We were getting closer to Thamwold as Nexxis was very light on her feet, darting through the forest quicker than a hummingbird flitted through the sky.
“Demon or no demon, we love you kid. Don’t let that asshole in your head tell ya otherwise.” Zelaphor says. “You mean the world to Caderyn and I. You’re family and we want to know you’re okay.” She was still looking forward and a from formed on her lips, “We’re coming fey knight…” She said under her breath.
“Well I’ll be seeing uncle real soon.” I said softly. I urged Nexxis faster, something strange was pulling on my heart and soul that made me feel the need to reunite with Malachi but I couldn’t figure out why. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. Something was tugging inside of me and it almost hurt to be far from him especially knowing he was in danger.
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