《dreadnaught: scifi apocalypses space marine》chapter 7: peace be with you


David made a very obvious approach to Charles, who could only look surprised to see the ranking of threat level David was now that he had ammo.

“ Well now, aren't you a pretty sight? Not as pretty as a marauder suit but you will do. I need you facing the north side and take out those dress wearers.”

David turned his head in that direction and noticed the zombie threat had almost been dealt with as the cosplayers and Jedi seemed to band together to take out the greater threat.

“ I am going to go out there and see if we can work together.”

“ You crazy, whatever happened out there messed with their heads. They ain’t people no more. Just rabid killing machines.”

David took a look at Charles and then back over the barricade.

“ All due respect, whatever happened, what? Less than an hour ago? Whatever that was messed with all our heads. Do you realize you just told me to go out and mow down regular people as if it was nothing?”

Charles narrowed his eyes and gave David a closer look.

“ Soldier, when I give an order...”

David instantly cut him off.

“ I ain’t no soldier, Roughneck. I am an independent contractor,” he said as an idea came to him. “ You think the military would risk their pet project and millions on untested gear. I belong to the manufacturer of the armor.”

[New secondary combat class option available: {Freelancer}

Accept Y/N]

[You are now a {freelancer}, synergy detected with the merchant class.] [Charisma check... Passed]

Charles seemed to back off and rub the back of his head.

“ You’re right. And if we can stop the fighting we could potentially work together to secure the whole building. Maybe potentially setting up some real camp here. So, I’ll give you one chance merc.”


“ Thanks.”

“ Don’t thank me yet. You might just get yourself killed.”

David bowed lightly to Charles as he could not nod his head and made for the spot where he and the others got through the barricade before. It took less than a minute for them to make a hole for him to leave from and it was already being resealed when he passed through it. With nothing better to do, he started heading north toward the front of the building.

As David walked he took a look at the devastation and carnage. Behind him were the horror displays. People dressed up as psycho killers and their victims. Now there are only bodies. First of the victims than the horror killers when they went after each other. Of course, not all of them stayed in their area as many decided to move on.

Those that went toward the Starship Troopers remake preview came to be surprised by a quickly organized group of pretend soldiers and a hastily made defensive perimeter. That is not to say the horror killers went in only that direction, David had to kill three earlier.

What disturbed him the most was he noticed killing those people produced no response from David that he would expect. Instead, he felt everything was business as usual. Even as he wore power armor and carried a minigun heading toward a likely fight against those who were probably considered Jedi at this point.

On a whim, David found a broken pole beside a tie-dye place for shirts that had been abandoned. Quickly stripping the pole of its useless banner, he tied a short sleeve white 3xl shirt to it to act as a white flag before he moved to the barricaded area between the Starship Trooper guys and the Star Wars ones. This prompted the Charles Roughnecks to stop firing and cause a few heads to peak out.


It was not long before someone he thought was eight or something like that moved from the Jedi’s barricades to meet him. When he got closer he was mildly surprised to find it was actually a really short adult man dressed, and apparently became Yoda.

“ Cease fighting, we did. What now, will we do?”

David had to take a moment to compose himself and translate the speech.

“ As you well know it became chaotic fast after the ‘Initialization’. I was in the Halo presentation when I am guessing some jackass necromancer decided to get a quick start. So I do not know what really started the fighting between you and the Starship Troopers guys, but if you have not noticed, whatever that has happened is not done. What we really need to do is work together to secure this place till someone comes to get us. Or at least make sure the place is livable... long term.”

The implied implications were quickly caught by the shorter man by him putting a hand to his chin and humming to himself.

“ True your words, you speak. Peace we have, for now. Now I leave to speak to others, I must. Our doom I see, we remain divided we are.”

Feeling the need to be a little dramatic, David put his minigun down slowly and took the flag to his left as he made a very poor solute to the Yoda cosplayer.

[quest complete: divided we fall

Reward: pt2 of quest.]

David could not help but sigh seeing that. He could already picture them having to work together against some sort of impossible fight. And then do it over and over again as other survivor groups who failed to do the same have their now upgraded beasties of whatever kind coming for them.

David started regretting his former future where he had his moment of glory and then faded to obscurity the next day. Doomed to watching netflix and growing fat and alone.

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