《The Awakened World》Vol. 2, Ch. 27 : Relaxing at home


I woke up in bed. My bed. At my apartment. Which is a rarity lately as well.

I groggily go through my morning routine. Cooking a breakfast with extra protein. Especially meats grilled to perfection. Then long, hot showers that will definitely spike up my water bill.

"…How am I going to pay my bills?" I mumble with the droplets running down my body. I then climb out of the shower and dry the human looking parts of my body while combing all of my wolf parts.

Then I wear a set of casual clothes that fit me. During my drunken stupor it seems that Sophia and Madison bought me exact copies of all of my clothes, but a little larger to fit my little larger frame, so that helps my clothing situation. Then I heard a knock at my door.

The only thing on my porch was a package and letter. A suspicious combination. I bring them inside and open the letter first.

'Hello Alice,

Thanks for saving me yesterday. I got you a little gift.

From, Annabel'

I don't know anyone named Annabel, but I did save an elf girl yesterday, so that narrows down the suspect list.

The box contains those foam peanuts that get everywhere. I dump out the pink mess of pellets that explode everywhere in all of their annoying glory.


A blue skill stone drops out. Actually this one seems different than usual because it has little gems on the edge. How much did this cost her? I looked up the price of skill stones on my phone after Sophia gave me one. The one I found cost a minimum of $800 and the one she gave me went into the upper millions. My gut is telling me this might be a similar case.

[ Through external sources you have unlocked the skill: Mapping(Passive) ]

[ Mapping - Unlocks for the user the map function from the System. The Map only shows areas explored unless other skills add data to the Map. Functions can be modified using skills. ]


I open the Map using my thoughts like I would my status page. A map floating on a blue panel appears in front of me with the layout of my apartment with an arrow at the center. I can zoom in and out on the map and areas I've personally been seem to have more details than areas that I viewed a map of myself.

It seems that tapping on my arrow brings up my status as well.

[ Name: Alice Windshaw

Species: Lunares Wolf Beast-human

Age: 24

Level: 10

Experience: 224/225

Titles: Rank F Adventurer, Hero's Disciple

Effects: Normal

Health: 460/460

Magic: 46/46

Mana Regen: 0.8/hr

Power: 171

Endurance: 137

Intelligence: 147

Wisdom: 134

Agility: 125

Dexterity: 94

Skills: Enhanced Senses(Major, Passive)

Minor Physical Regeneration(Medium, Passive)

Observe(Medium, Passive)



Danger Sense(Medium, Passive)

Presence Detection(Minimum, Passive)


Sharp Teeth(Major, Passive)

Powerful Jaw(Major, Passive)

Beast Transformation(Active, Hereditary)


Jump(Minor, Passive)

Night Vision(Passive)

Sleep Immunity(Passive)

Poison Resistance(Medium, Passive)

Mental Resistance(Minor, Passive)

Radiation Resistance(Minor, Passive)

Alcohol Resistance(Major, Passive)

Soul Resistance(Minor, Passive)

Lunar Power(Passive)

Telepathy(Active, Hereditary)

Meditation(Minimum, Active)

Mana Vision(Passive)

Mana Sense(Passive)

Mana Circulation(Minimum, Active)

Earth Magic II(Minimum, Base)

Non-Elemental Magic II(Minimum, Base)

Rock Hand(Minimum, Active) ]

Interesting. I wonder if my other skills have merged as well. However, there's no way to test my other skills as they require other people, like Danger Sense, Presence Sense, and Inspect. Though I wonder why Mana Sense doesn't do anything.

Well, today's plans are really heroic. Sophia called me last night to tell me that she'll be busy today as well, so another free day. A day with which I can practice my magic.

Even though I just took a shower, I fill my shower and bathtub combination with water. "I didn't plan this at all." I talk to myself while ignoring the rising of the water bill.

I settle into the bath. The water reaches up to my neck as I lean my head back. I dive into my soul.


I'm welcomed with the usual lake that surround me, though this time the air doesn't feel as temperate as before. A more humid air fills the space. Willing some mana nearby, it has a will to it. Almost a will. More like it wants to change into a more suitable form, like potential energy turning into kinetic, it wants to become like its environment.

I'm capable of changing most of the mana into water attributed mana, but it seems harder to switch it back now. Probably with the same reasons as my energy metaphor earlier. But enough force can shift these things back.

Two hours later, I open my eyes.

[ Through repeated actions you have unlocked the skill: Water Magic I(Maximum, Base) ]

[ Water Magic - The base skill for using magic with a modicum of comprehension. ]

[ Through repeated actions skill: Non-Elemental Magic II(Minimum, Base) has evolved into Non-Elemental Magic III(Minimum, Base) ]

I dive back into my soul space. Most of my mana is non-attribute right now. All except a single piece that I didn't change, a piece different from other mana. It bounces around traveling with a green hue, seems as though it bounces directly, but also waves around.

When I grasp the mana a burn travels through my arm. Green cracks tear through my body. I can't let go. I want to let go. It burns. It burns so much. The mana is going into me. I need to get rid of it. Disperse it. Just make it go away.

A painful session of my body spasming later, and I am very tired. The mana didn't follow my instruction. It went into me. I open my eyes. It seems I was spasming and now there's water all over the bathroom. Temporarily ignoring the mess I look at a new Notification.

[ Through repeated actions skill: Radiation Resistance(Minor, Passive) has ranked up to Radiation Resistance(Medium, Passive) ]

[ Through emergency actions you have unlocked the skill: Radiation Magic I(Minimum, Base) ]

[ Radiation Magic - The base skill for using magic with a modicum of comprehension. Do not use unless user is prepared for radiation poisoning. ]

Well. Fuck. Radiation, huh?

I get dressed again after draining the tub, and then pick up my phone. Soon the call connects and I hear Sophia on the other end.

"Hello?" She calls out. "Hey Sophia. I, uh, was practicing my magic in my bathroom, and there was a green piece of mana that burned when I grabbed it. And now I have Radiation Magic." Silence reigns on the phone. "So, you figured out environmental meditation, and your recent bouts with radiation has now gotten into your magic. Can you check your status for any poisoning?"

"Hold on." Status. Effects.

[ Effects: Normal ]

"I'm fine. But the System warned me not to use the magic unless I am prepared for radiation. My resistance is only at medium."

"If it's only at the first level of magic then medium rank is fine. Though the higher levels will probably want a higher resistance or just straight immunity. I'll talk to Thomas about arranging ways to expose you to enough radiation to train you, but not kill you. Though you do have classes with him tomorrow, so that'll probably get put on the back burner."

"Alright. Bye."

"Bye." She hung up. With sore muscles I lay down in my bed and just mess around on my phone for the rest of the day.

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