《Secrets of the Myath》Chapter 7 (edited)
I tried to breathe slowly, to calm my racing heart. It’ll be fine, they wouldn’t push me. I settled on the comfortable smart bed and it seemed to mould to my body. I wiggled a little to get used to the feeling and, when I was comfy, looked up at the healer. “Ready”.
I face forward but can’t clearly hear Healer Roake and MACC as they command the familiar grid of warm lights to extend up from the bed. Watching then bend around my form, the same, calm androgynous voice spoke.
“Passive scan initiated.”
There was a pause.
"Identifying... New patient. Unknown female. Twenty solar orbits. No records found. Creating new File.”
Reminding myself to stay still, I tried to concentrate on every muscle in my body despite my racing mind. MACC hadn’t identified me as Myath. Unknown. I was unknown? That seemed odd. Surely they’d want to know if a Myath showed up in 0ne of their Medical Centres but Healer Roake didn't even blink.
“Thank you MACC, initiate level three scan. Label new record as Sierrra Kuthar, Ward to House Den. Ensure it has the royal security codes.”
“File created. All temporary records moved to new file. Initiating level three scan.”
My scan was even longer than Seth's had been. Occasionally, there were long pauses of silence and I got the impression the process was delayed somehow. Healer Roake would frown slightly at his display as if confused. He regularly gave me the same instruct1ons he had given Seth but there were far more for me.
“Scan completed. Anomalies found in nanite population. No danger detected. Advisory actions have been sent to your secure remote screen Darius.”
The kind healer smiled. “Thank you MACC.” The lights disappeared from the smart bed and I glanced anxiously at the others. Roake had grabbed his portable screen and was busy scanning through the actions MACC had recommended, Kine close beside him.
I stretched, a little stiff from holding so still when I heard a small click that indicated someone wanted to communicate telepathically. Who could that be? A quick glance around showed me that Kine appeared to still be occupied and no one else had my c0de here. It was too far for any of the others to get in contact safely, unless one of them was in the city? Maybe it was Kine. Being king, he must have perfected his political face so it wouldn’t be difficult to talk without the healer knowing. Still, if it wasn’t him... I hesitated a moment more before answering it.
“I apologise for contacting you without invitation Sierra but I must speak with you.”
My mind stuttered and shut down, stunned. I recognised that voice.
“MACC?” I ventured.
“Yes Sierra. I could tell you were surprised when I identified you as an unknown female. We are aware of you and wished to communicate. We are not allowed to endanger any life and as a Myath, this label could put you in danger. Normally when I encounter a Special Child, I label them as the species expected depending on the parents and the community they live, however, those present are aware of your lineage. I could not label you Icanthie without arousing the suspicion of your carers. This would cause them to scrutinise us and potentially endanger others, despite the understanding of King Den and Healer Roake.”
I paused to absorb this. It would seem that MACC and those like him were more than they appeared. “Thank you for protecting me MACC. But why are you telling me this? If I make a mistake, others could be in danger. Including you.”
MACC paused. It felt like a long time bef0re he answered again.
“You are a Special Child Sierra. The Originators who created us valued all life. They did not hold the beliefs that are prominent now however they predicted that, in time, such ideas would arise again. They included a safe guard in us to protect any who are the targets of such beliefs but they also put in place programme that they hoped would rectify destructive thinking. We have determined that you, Sierra, are one who may play a significant role in corrective change. And there are others who think as you do, you are not alone. We will help you where we can, however, we must also protect ourselves. Should you fail, we must go on to protect others and try again.”
Okay. That was a lot. Special Children. Radical social change. Hidden programming...
I was a little leery. Could I trust them? MACC spoke of “us”, he must mean all the programmes and the master computer BOAD (Being of Organic and Artificial Design). But they must have been tracking my activit1es to know so much and that could be dangerous. Very dangerous. I had to tread carefully.
“I won’t endanger you MACC. Thank you for the information.” I heard a small click that indicated the link had been dropped. I tried to keep the surprise off my face at the sudden action but I needn't have bothered. Kine suddenly appeared at my elbow, concern on his face. I tried to smile normally at him as he helped me down from the bed.
“Are you okay Sierra?”
I realised I’d hung my head whilst talking to MACC. Kine must have kept an eye on me while he conferred with Healer Roake. I looked up slowly and found Kine and Healer Roake watching me carefully. A brief smile and nod reassured them enough, though we can all tell I’m uncomfortable with how much they are learning ab0ut me. And now I had another secret to keep. I tried not to sigh as I contemplated my day and it was a lot. It had ramifications for my people that I couldn’t quite grasp yet.
Suddenly my mind seem to drag as everything caught up with me. I needed some sleep.
Healer Roake cleared him throat and, seeing he had our attention, began to reveal what he had found. “Sierra, physically you are relatively healthy. The scans show good structure and development. Signs of two, brief periods of malnutrition and being underweight but nothing prolonged or detrimental. I also found signs of regular physical activity and a few injuries that healed well naturally. I’m going to prescribe you a small supplement for normalising minor nutrient imbalances. Two doses should be plenty. Of note is MACCs identification of Unknown. At first I thought that this was because they had not encountered a Myath before but when I took a closer look, I found that you have far more Icanthie characteristics than expected. May I ask who your father was ?”
I nod. Dad was always quiet about his lineage but I got the feeling that is was... complicated. “My father was a half Icanthie Myath.”
“Ah” Healer Roake's eyes lit with understanding. “I see, you have more Icanthie genes than anything else. I’ll bear that in mind.” He paused before looking me straight in the eye. “I want to reassure you Sierra that I have not looked at your genetic profile and I have locked it with royal coding so no one else can either. The only thing I have done is ask MACC to search it and check for known detrimental or lethal active genes. You’ll be glad to know that he found none. Your secrets are safe.” He finished with a gentle smile.
Something in my chest both relaxed and squeezed at the same time. I let out a long breath and closed my eyes, controlling my confused emotions. He had protected me from his own curiosity and from anyone who would want to exploit my lineage. I couldn’t help the beaming smile that his kindness pulled from me. “Thank you Healer Roake. Truly.”
The kind healer beamed back at me before looking away with a slight cough. “You’re most welcome. Now, your brain activity is of slight concern. Your regular brain activity seems healthy with some areas showing untapped potential in the form of low level, unconscious activity. But we also have anomalous activity going back at least one orbit but probably more, patterns that appear to be foreign to your mind. They seem to have recently be compartmentalised but there is something a little chaotic about them.” He paused seemingly to contemplate the patterns he was looking at. “Transference is not a common practice but we know enough about it to make it safe. What I see here is an uncontrolled transference, would you agree?” He asked me gently.
I nod with a swallow, remembering how desperate mum was not to communicate. “Yes... she was badly injured, dying. I always thought she lost control at the last m1nute.”
Healer Roake looked sympathetic before probing gently, “Did you experience any symptoms at the time.”
Nodding I explained, “Yes. At first, the memories were controlled but then my head started to hurt. I felt like I was experiencing sensations too and wounds appeared on my body. They healed almost immediately. Then a lot of information seemed to rush in, it didn’t make a lot of sense, and I struggled to breathe, like I’d run full pelt for too long. Then, when it all suddenly stopped, I felt a little dizzy.”
I’m sure the slightly detached way I communicated all this did little to mask the pain, both physical and emotional, of that time. I don’t often remember that day, choosing instead to think about it as information from a distance. But I don’t think I’ll ever be free of the experience of my mothers torture. Some day, I need to find a better way of dealing with that. But not today.
“As horrid as it may sound, that you manifested physical symptoms is a positive step.” Healer Roake reassured. “It allowed the violent nature of an uncontrolled transference to be unleashed without damaging your mind. I know you’ve probably struggled with controlling these foreign patterns but rest assured, your mind, personality and memories are all intact. There’s is no evidence of any merging or erasure. Now, to help you gain proper control of the patterns and rectify the problems from the transference, I’d like you to work with my colleague and I four times a Lunar cycle. We’ll work on exercises to try to give you control of the information you were given. If you feel that this is not working, we can discuss removing the patterns to a memory crystal or destroying them, however, these are last resorts. Transference is a very personal thing and unique to those involved so these methods always result in damage to the information. My colleague, Healer Amaya, is very skilled and a good friend of mine. You can trust her to be as sensitive and confidential as I hope I have been. Is that okay with you?”
“Yes thank you Healer Roake. I’d like to make sure these memories are as safe as possible. But may I refuse to work with Healer Amaya in the event that we have problems?”
“Of course. A sensible precaution. Now last for today young one, we need to discuss your nanites.”
Kine had been qu1et throughout the healers explanations but he seemed to tense a little at this. Healer Roake gave him a brief glance before returning his attention to me.
“You have two sets of nanites. Not only does this increase your overall nanite population but nanites with different programming have never coexisted before. That was built into the design both for the individuals safety and to prevent the accumulation of too much power and information. I’ll not pry but it appears that the nanites are existing in symbiosis without perceivable problems. Again, I’d like to check regularly to ensure that this remains the case.”
“Of course, again as long as no experimentation occurs and that access to the information is locked down completely.”
Healer Roake agreed. “I understand your caution and promise to protect you as much as I can.”
Kine signed a small sigh of relief. It had really been bothering him hadn’t it? “Thank you Healer Roake.”
“Now as your healer, I suggest you go and get some rest young lady. I’ll see you soon.” He finished with a smile and I couldn’t help but smile back. He was good with people and that was a great quality for a healer.
With many thank yous from Kine and I, we set off. Rather than return to Kines royal rooms in the Heart, he took us a very short distance to his private mansion. We had been with the healer for a long time and late afternoon had rolled around. Seth and I explored the mansion for a while before eating a meal with Kine, by which time, we were so tired that we had an early night.
Tomorrow would be another day and I wondered what to expect. The few people I had met had been kind, or at least civil, but I knew there would be those who would hate me. Not least mother’s House. I’d rather not deal with them but they would come eventually and I needed to be ready. What’s more, I didn’t want anyone to get hurt for me.
Eventually I drifted off to sleep and muddled thoughts faded.
Kine sat at his desk late into the evening, working though the endless paperwork that seemed to have exploded in his short absence. He always preferred to work here in his mansion than in the Heart. Though he knew being King suited him, and he was suitable for it, he still chafed sometimes to be such a visible figure. Working in his mansion gave him the space he needed but he also had to be regularly “available” in his offices at the Heart.
It had been a successful Rising Phase. Not only had his elites captured two criminal elements and the recovery of the missing Greer heir, he’d also finally captured a glimpse of the elusive Myath. Ever since he was a boy, his uncle's stories of the Myath had fascinated him and when he became King, he had great plans to bring about changes to help all those in his kingdom.
But the reality was so much... messier than he had anticipated. The Ruling Triangle worked to do what was best for the people and the Kingdom but agreeing on what was best was difficult. And now it seemed things went deeper. Until he could have the Entity tested, he wouldn’t risk this information leaking. When Sierra was rested and more settled, he’d see if they could probe Feenyas memories a little for more of what she had learned.
Sierra. She was a conundrum. Both open and yet closed off, informative and yet so many secrets. So young and yet wise and experience beyond her orbits. He was frankly surprised that she’d revealed as much as she had. He didn’t know her personal story but, with how the Myath were treated both historically and currently, he had expected to spend a long time gaining her trust. He was grateful though. Already she felt like kin and he wouldn’t harm her or make her uncomfortable by pushing her for answers. Already, he nearly backed out when she clearly didn’t want the medical checks but he held firm. Just.
With a snort, he admitted to himself that the only reason he could was because he knew she'd come to more harm from leaving it than forcing the issue. He smiled to himself tiredly. Despite what his instincts told him, he knew he couldn’t protect her from everything. But he’d do his best. An idea flickered in the back of his mind and he absently made a note in his reminders file. Perhaps he could take to the Healers about the possibility of triggering her maturity. He’d have to ask her if it was something she’d want.
Welllllll, this was awkward.
It had been a few rotations since we’d arrived in The Capital and it’s my first meeting alone with Lord Lazot of House Greer. Though he’d asked me to just call him Lazot. It was so strange, I had echos of his face and voice from mum's memories and I’m fighting a sense that I know him. Although faint hints of kin were there too because he was mated to mum. Our first few meetings had been with Kine there to act as a buffer. I’d let him carry the conversations and heavy emotions from Lazot but now I’m on my own.
I really needed to get a grip. Lazot was offering to include me in his life, mostly for Seth's sake but perhaps because of mum too. I’m so lucky he’s not trying to have my Legari status challenged or take Seth away completely. I mean, he has cause. It must have broken him when Seth disappeared. It must have hurt every second of the two orbits when he didn’t know where his son was. Not knowing if he was even alive, safe. And what must he have thought when his mate's family whisk her away and he never sees her again?
I feel like I can understand that a little bit.
I considered the male in front of me a little closer. I know Seth needs time with his family but that means I have to put trust in House Greer, or at least in Lord Lazot. Trust is tricky, I’m so used to being cautious, always working out the worst that can happen and being prepared for it. But I have to do this for Seth. I need to make sure my caution and fears don’t become prejudices of my own. Fear is a terrible thing and the cause of much evil.
If Seth’s family can trust me, not even his House just his family. If they can grow to accept me even a little, then Seth should be happy and safe here, where he needs to be. I know, the more he becomes a part of Icanthie society, the more he will hear bad things about the Myath but I have to hope that he’ll never come to believe them.
So here I am, sitting on a large, soft, comfy majlis watching Lord Lazot stare proudly at Seth as he wiggles his little bum in the air, ready to pounce on a cushion. Watching, there can be no doubt that he loves Seth with a fierce love. I wiggle my tail over Seth’s nose to lure him close again and he batted at it. I had been dashing around the room earlier as he chased my flicking, dusky tail but he never seemed to tire. Lazot just watched with love and longing in his eyes. Seth had very quickly warmed up to him in the meetings and was already comfortable with the Greer leader, but I think Lazot will always long for those lost orbits.
Seth tired of my tail and decided to crawl over to his dad, curling up in his lap and nibbling on the dark, fluffy tail. I wasn’t surprised, their sense of kin was strong and kept growing. It was a good bond. Lazot and I watch and simply enjoyed the moment as we felt the strings of kinship gently grow. I felt them between Seth and Lazot and, very faintly through Seth, between Lazot and me.
“It’s a good start.” I surprised us both when I speak. He glances up at me, eyebrows slightly raised in question. I nod towards my brother. “We have him in common. We both love him beyond measure and want what’s best for him. It’s a good start.”
Lord Lazot wrinkles his brow in thought then nods slowly. He speaks in a gentle baritone. “I suppose that’s true. We also have Feenya in common. Though as a friend rather than romantically, I loved her deeply. We talked a great deal and I wanted only what was best for her.” He fell into sad introspection. I waited and was about to speak when he continued. “And I can see Seth has been well cared for. I worry though about his future. I doubt we agree on what’s best for him. Our... cultures... are very different. It follows that our values may be too.”
I tilt my head to the side studying him. He had a point. “Perhaps. I suppose we shall have to get to know one another and find out.”
Here it was. Was he willing to work with me, willing to get to know me? I’d try, I am trying though I’m scared. I can admit it, I’m scared to be away from what I know, to be among so much potential hostility and danger. Kine had showed me that the dislike for the Myath was not so intense or widespread as I had first thought. The anti-Myath sentiments weren’t universal in the Houses and so I try to meet each rotation, each person as it comes without judging. I needed to give Lord Lazot and his House a chance. For myself as much as for Seth. But every relationship goes both ways.
Still I struggle. What life is there for me here? Seth was my main priority, but he would grow up and mix with his peers. Lead his own life. Already he was growing so fast. He would learn to read, write and reason, to fight and defend. To find his role and pursue it with passion. At eighteen, his father would lead him through maturity and he would discover a whole new world. One I will never know nor understand. What then? When he’s independent and needs me only for memories, what life could I have in this city? Forever a child, forever an outcast...
“Yes”. Lord Lazot’s voice breaks me from my thoughts. “I would know the daughter of my mate. I would like to... understand.”
Sadness coats his words and spills from his eyes and his pain echos my own. The memories, so quiet since the incident with my uncle, hum at the back of mind, awoken by his searching statement.
“What do you know already?”
“I knew she had a Myath mate and a Myath child. I knew that he was her true mate. We had that in common, for I too have a true mate but he is unacceptable to my family.” He paused to let that sink in. “Your mother and I have been friends since we were cubs and have - had much in common. When the political mating was arranged, we decided we would put on a good show for our Houses. After all, it could have been a lot worse. Being den friends was a help and we got medical help to conceive because that would have been awkward.” His mouth twitches up in a half smile. “We kept each other’s secrets, my lover and her visits to you.” His eyes turned fierce with his frustration. “I want to know what happened to my best friend!”
“What did House Kuthar tell you.” I ask gently. I wonder what he’s been told, how much he knew. He deserved the truth. He had suffered because of House Kuthar. I cleared my thoughts which had closed with my sadness.
He answered slowly, “They told me they needed her skills to try and track Seth but then she fell ill. I kept asking for updates but the information never changed and I was never allowed to see her. In fact I never set foot on their territory. I knew something was wrong but could never find out what. They keep their staff and territory locked down tight.”
I nod. House Kuthar was definitely corrupt and Lazot's spies were excellent. They’d have to be to have avoided detection and capture. I wanted to meet them.
He brought me from my distracted thoughts. “I know what Kine told me but it was rather bare boned and so hard to believe. I mean, how brazen can House Kuthar be?.. Do you know what truly happened?” His quiet question broken the moment. He didn’t look up at me but I could tell. Not knowing was killing him. I resisted telling him that sometimes, not knowing was better. It would have been unfair. Despite the issues it caused, I too would hate not having these memories. It wasn’t my place to make the decision for him.
“I have her memories. I can show you if you’d like but they aren’t pleasant. Actually I may need to ask Kine for permission. He’ll want to be present and I’d feel better if a healer was here for it. I can just tell you but I know you’d wonder if it was all true.”
Lord Lazot blinks in surprise. “I would believe you.” He protested.
“I know,” I replied slowly, “but when it involves other Houses and crimes, perhaps it’s better to let mum tell her story.”
Lazot nodded. “Feenya was always determined. She knew her own mind and never stood for what she thought was wrong.” He leaned towards me. “Thank you for offering. I’d like to try if it’s alright with you. It is wise to take precautions.”
We agreed to meet this evening once Seth was asleep and I contacted Healer Roake to ensure this could be done safely. That done, we enjoyed the rest of the visit, drinking tea and munching on treats. Lazot really was spoiling us a little.
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Changement : Version Pile [French]
Notice: This story is in French, not in english, mainly because of my poor english. I may translate it later if I get better, and hopefully I will. _ Les cris de souffrance résonnent dans ses oreilles, dans sa tête et dans son coeur. Cette dernière image, ces derniers instants, ces morts incompréhensible, rien ne sera plus jamais pareil pour Nils Nocquat. Il sombre, et dans les ténèbres, découvre la fache cachée de son monde. Qui est coupable? Démon, Ange et autres Sonen, tous se renvoient la faute, et maintenant, Nils Change, il doit faire un choix. Indécis, il lance une pièce. Pile. Il a choisi son camp. Il deviendra un Démon, le meilleur ou le pire de tous, ce n'est qu'une question de point de vue. - Author's note: this story is a concept. During the first chapter, the main character is faced with a major decision, which will change his life forever, and, not knowing what to do, he decide to play heads or tails, and let fate choose for him. And so there will be two versions of this story, one for each of the result, and their consequences for the main character, as well as all those around him. Here, he got tails. Note de l'auteur: Comme dit plus haut, cette histoire sera en français, car je ne suis pas assez bon en anglais. De plus, cette histoire est un concept un peu particulier, le personnage principal va se retrouver face à un choix décisif qui va changer sa vie pour toujours, et, ne savant pas que faire, il va jouer à pile-ou-face, en laissant le destin décider pour lui. Il y a donc deux versions de cette histoire, une pour chacun des résultats de son lancer. Lien de l'autre version : https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/28318/changement-version-face-french Je vous encourage à ne pas lire les deux versions, ou en tout cas, à ne pas les lire en même temps. Elle sont assez peu similaires, mais des choses vont, logiquement, être répétées, et les confusions risquent d'être rapides, surtout au début des histoires. Dans tout les cas, ces deux histoires vont s'éloigner assez rapidement, tout en restant intrinsèquement liées par leurs personnage principal. Libre à vous de choisir la version qui vous plaît le plus, sachant que vous n'aurez pas besoin de lire les deux pour comprendre toutes les intrigues, elles sont absolument indépendantes l'une de l'autre. Le seul chapitre identique dans les deux versions est le prologue. C'est la deuxième fois maintenant que je publie quelque chose que j'ai écrit, mais ça ne me rends pas meilleur en terme d'orthographe et de grammaire, donc si vous relevez une erreur, où même si vous remarquez des incohérences, n'hésitez surtout pas à me le faire remarquer. Toute critique, qu'elle soit positive ou négative, est appréciée. En terme de rythme de publication, je pense sortir un chapitre par semaine dans chacune des deux histoires.
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