《Secrets of the Myath》Chapter 6 (edited)
I nearly froze. Kine had done such a great job of putting me at ease that I had almost forgotten. Would they take Seth from me? Or worse join forces with House Kuthar? I really hoped Kine wouldn’t make any enemies because he made me his Ward.
“It will be alright Sierra. You’ll both be safe.”
I nodded woodenly but kept walking. It felt like ever since I’d met Kine, I was more tense than normal. I needed to stop overreacting. I blew out a long, quiet breath and glanced around swiftly to make sure Seth was safe. He must have gotten tired because I spotted him in the arms of Eecee. She had a small smile of her face as she watched my brother stare in awe at everything around him. He had a petal in his clasped paw. I hid a smile of my own. Another heart captured.
As we approached, the group as one offered a slow blink to the King to show friendliness, followed by a salute. The Head of House Greer step forward and waited for Kine to speak.
Kine stared intently at Seth’s father, eyed narrowed, as if he were trying to discern every thought. To his credit, the Head of House Greer stayed relax, willingly submitting to his Kings scrutiny. Tension began to build and the House Greer retainers became restless, tails twitching in agitation but the two men just continued to stare silently. I didn’t know whether to be anxious or impressed and I checked once again on Seth.
Finally, Kine spoke. “Greeting Lord Lazot, to you and your House.” They bow in answer. “What business do you have? I have just arrived from my pursuit and am little equipped to address your business.”
Lord Lazot inclined his head and spoke in a surprisingly gentle voice. “My King, forgive my sudden appearance. Your return was reported by both the city guards and your runners. I trust your pursuit was successful?”
Kine answered, “Indeed. The criminal has been apprehended and dealt with. Thank you for your greeting. I have much to attend to.”
Before Kine could even move, Lord Lazot Greer spoke again. “Forgive my impertinence my king but we also have news of the cubs with you. I had hoped...” his voice nearly broke but he recovered before anyone could notice. Anyone but Kine and me. “ I can scarily believe my eyes. My King, can you verify, has my son been returned?”
I saw Kine's demeanour soften and his eyes were gentle as he spoke softly to the obviously shaken man. “Lazot, I understand your hope and anticipation but now is not the time. My wards have suffered and met with difficulty. I must insist that they be given time to settle and acclimatise before we pursue this. I must also tell you that there will be at least one trial in light of these circumstances. I promise you, you will be able to greet your son but in private. I do not want them more exposed than needs must for now.” Kine paused, gauging if he had made his point. Lord Lazot nodded reluctantly but swiftly resumed his courtiers mask. Kine nodded back in approval. “Come Lazot. Dismiss your House and walk with me. I would hear of what has transpired in my absence.”
Lord Lazot waved off his people and fell in on Kines left as we all walked into the impressive Heart. Though he appeared calm and poised, his eyes regularly flickered alternately between Seth and I as Kine kept up a steady stream of niceties. Entering the vast gathering hall off the entrance, staff hustled about trying and failing to anticipate their Kings wishes or gain his attention.
“Pasha. Rotate the guard shift and get some rest. Good work.” Kine instructs one of his personal guard. Immediately, Pasha gets a vague look in his eyes as he uses his na’net to arrange things. All this time, Seth and I suffer the stares, both subtle and open, of all around us and I feel my shoulder slowly tense up. This is excruciating, I’m used to blending in and not drawing attention. To cope, I focus on Seth. He’s fascinated by the large hall and tall ceilings, completely unaware of any atmosphere that seems to have formed around us. I can’t help but smile at him. He’s been through so much but still has his innocence, he’s an amazing little cub.
Pasha's focus had just returned when a small influx of guards arrived. The old guards, including my new friends Kaylor, Thane and Eecee, left to clean up and rest. I watched them go with a twinge of nerves. I may have only known them for a few days but they were at least familiar. Now I have to face this place and these people with only Kine by my side. Looking back to Kine, the twinges turn to full on nausea.
There he is. Mother's legal mate. Lazot Greer, Lord of House Greer. I try to plan for all the outcomes that are in my head. Logical arguments if he tries to blame me. The moves to use of a larger, stronger male if he attacks. Politically... I don’t have much. I’ll have to trust Kine. Will he try to block me from seeing Seth? The best I can hope for is that he is coldly polite but I wont even set my sights that high. Urrrrrrrrgh. This place is so alien to me. I don’t know what to do and it feels wrong. I’m used to being in a leadership role, helping and guiding my people, but here I feel like... prey. I hate that feeling. My poor tail must be stiff. I hope not but I can’t exactly check. Its so embarrassing.
At the sound of Kines voice I look to him. At some point he must have taken Seth from the guards because my little brother is beaming in his arms. I smile back, happy to see him happy. Now that he has my attention, Kine smiles gently at me.
“Sierra, why don’t you and Seth go and get some rest in my wing while I speak with Lord Greer. Then we will all return to my mansion together.”
I glance at Lord Greer before meeting Kines eyes. He wants to give us a chance to hide a little longer. Time to adjust. But... I remember the desperation of Lord Greers face, the brief flash quickly hidden and I feel empathy. Mum spoke well of him... he deserves a chance to be with his son, right? I always hated waiting anyway. Better to clear the air and set a good foundation for our stay here. I take a quiet breath to steady my voice to answer.
“I think, we’d both rather stay with you Kine. If that’s alright. We’re safe with you and, if you approve, I’d like to speak with Lord Greer.”
There was a brief, startled silence before Kine nodded and half-turned sweeping the three of us up with him and moving toward a staircase.
We were on the second floor and through many hallways and vigilant guards, I found myself in a large office with a solid desk and a hosting areas with comfortable seats. Several windows light the room well and I got the impression of a welcoming place, well ordered and well used. But despite the warm surrounding, I was feeling numb and clammy, my nerves jittering. It felt like something was poking around inside me desperately trying to get out. I tried to take surreptitious calming breaths, rigidly controlling my body language to neutral. It would be okay. Mum always said he was a decent man and her friend. It would be okay.
Kine must have noticed, despite my efforts, because he walked towards me and put a comforting arm around my shoulders, steering me to a comfortable little sofa and plopped Seth into my arms. I smiled a “thank you” at him, gave Seth a little squeeze and finally started to relax. I don’t know how he read me so well but Kine was looking out for us.
Kine gestured towards another comfortable chair for Lord Lazot and took his own comfy seat, close to us but giving me room too. “Lazot,” he began. “I have a lot to tell you and most of it will be a considerable shock. Please let me get it all out and then we’ll clear anything up after okay?”
In public, Lord Greer had been calm, composed and quiet but now, in the relative privacy of the Kings Office, he couldn’t take his eyes off of Seth. I could never really understand what he was feeling, a parent so long separated from their child, though I knew how I’d feel should Seth be taken from me. Echos from the back of my mind whispered that I knew exactly what that feels like but I firmly shut that part away again. That wasn't me.
At Kines words, the fixation on Seth left and Lord Lazot looked puzzled and slightly frustrated but nodded his compliance. Kine seemed to relax a little and approval radiated off of him.
I was at war with myself. I really shouldn’t do this but... Tentatively, reluctantly, I reach out to Kine telepathically, searching. It was so... easy. And so similar to speaking with Dad. Kine felt like Kin. Not that I had a lot to compare it to, few of the Myath had mastered the skill. Maybe it was because he was full blood or perhaps, as King, he was stronger than any other.
“Kine?” The connection was strong but I daren’t look at his face. Telepathy was a very personal thing, especially the first time. It’s not just communication, it creates a bond and most only really use it with those they trusted. Again I’m reminded of how easy it is to relax around him but I don’t understand why. I found the courage to look at his face which was schooled into gentle kindness. If he’d had any reaction, I’d missed it but he didn't seemed surprised by my actions though he had every right to be. You didn't just establish a telepathic connection with a stranger, especially not the King, no matter that I’m his ward. Then I heard it.
“What is it Sierra?” It was his gentle voice, kind and welcoming.
“I... I’m sorry to contact you like this. I should have asked permission before establishing a link... but I don’t know what to do. I know I should be the one to speak with him but, somehow I think it would be better, more believable, coming from you. He doesn’t know nor trust me and it’s important that he has this information. I’m sorry I don’t mean to push off my responsibilities...”
“No. I think, in this, we are in agreement. I will talk to him first and then you can fill any details. But we will keep this short today. I want both you and Seth to go straight to medical after this for checkups. Do not be afraid, I will support you. Is this agreeable?” I send ascent to him wordlessly and his acceptance washes over me. “I know how hard this is for you Sierra. Both you and Lazot. You’re kin but... not.”
“Exactly. I don’t know how... I’m normally more capable than this... I just don’t want him to separate me from Seth” I finally get out in a rush.
Kine sent comfort and what felt like a tight hug. “I know. I’ll make sure he won’t. I promise.”
The link dropped and I settle back into the soft seat as I listen to The King of the Icathie explain to my step father everything he knew, how my mother hid Seth with the Myath to protect him from her House. How they imprisoned and tortured her for it. And how she escaped and died.
Kine finished his detailed but brief explanation to Lazot. Though they weren’t close, they were friendly and he was one of the courtiers that Kine was inclined to like. He was fair minded and a powerful force. But at the moment, he looked stunned and Kine couldn’t blame him. What he had just told the Head of House was devastating. The betrayal of kin alone was bad enough but the rest... and how much more was there?
“I’m going to have House Kuthar throughly investigated but I want to keep it quiet and I’m going to delay the trial. I sense this goes much deeper and it would be a mistake to stop with Lord Quix Kuthar. If we let them know what we are doing, they will either launch an attack, subvert the investigation or manoeuvre their allies to gain power. If we seem to do little, they will wait in the hopes that we will act in their favour. But we can’t leave it too long, Lady Wistra is a formidable individual and won’t take kindly to her brother's imprisonment.”
He didn't have to mention she would be livid Sierra even existed let alone was in the city as the his ward. That much was obvious. He believed that Lady Wistra Kuthar would gladly kill her niece and feel no remorse. He wouldn’t let that happen.
A small voice piped up from the sofa. “Be careful.”
Kine remembered his wards and brought his attention back to the pair. They had been so quiet he’d almost forgotten they were there. Sierras words registered and he tried to comfort her. “It’s alright Sierra. We will be very delicate when handling this. You and Seth are safe and I’m sure House Greer will put all their power behind this investigation too. After all, Lazot here has every reason to want House Kuthar cleaned up.”
Sierra still looked trouble and Kine wasn’t sure why. He walked over a sat by her of the sofa.
“Before they took her, she found something. I think it’s why they suddenly turned on her but I don’t know what exactly it is. Something about treason.” She shook her head. “I think the things that are clearest are the things she wanted me to know. Everything else is a hopeless mess or just hints. I think that her House was deeply into treason but we need to find the rest ourselves. I’m sorry Kine.”
Kine nodded. “It’s okay Sierra. Feenya knew what she was doing, she was very capable. We need evidence anyway, memories will never be enough. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll make sure security is increased and everyone is tested. I’ll not let them win. Okay?”
Sierra nodded and Kine gave her a little head bump of affection. Internally, he was deeply troubled. This warning was fortuitous. Despite the fact that they had practically killed Feenya, their kin, he had not taken House Kuthar seriously enough. He would not make that mistake again.
“Lazot. I will ask SASSI (Species Advanced Selection System Intelligence) to do a deep dive on all sitting members of the Ruling Triangle to see if there is any treason at top level. Will you support the petition?”
“Of course my King. I might also suggest that you check security around the Entity and all its major Expressions to ensure they remain uncompromised. If we are talking treason, then we must test and check every route thoroughly.”
Kine nodded. “We can use the growth of the royal family as cover for all the extra security and checks. Still, we should try to keep it as quiet as possible. If House Kuthar are as deeply involved as we think, they will jump at shadows.”
He turned to his new wards and smiled. Already they were precious to him. Kin was everything and he would protect them. They had not had it easy in life but he would give them everything he could from now on. First things first.
“Now you too. It’s been a busy few days so a quick trip to the healer then off to bed with you. You need the rest.”
I fought with myself. I really didn’t want to go to the healer, be prodded and examined.The Myath had endure a period of “we-can-fix-it” from the other races in the past and had become very private as a result. In a world where genetic tweaking was the norm, we were fiercely protective of out genomes. We didn’t trust anyone not to try and fix it again. We weren’t ill or broken. We didn’t need fixing. Then there was the issue of our secrets. The Myath didn’t have access to a lot that others took for granted so we make our own ways. Just because I had Kines protection as the King, it didn’t mean the others were safe. I didn’t want to reveal our secrets.
Kine smiled at me then raised an eyebrow in challenge. Still I dithered. Seth did need a check up and I’m sure Lord Lazot would insist. I’d find a way to keep my secrets. With a tired sigh and a little slump of the shoulders, I reluctantly agreed.
The Healers Hall wasn't far and we walked together with a small guard. Lord Lazot wished to accompany us but Kine insisted on some privacy and argued that they needed to keep Kuthar guessing about our identities for as long as possible. I was a little glad about that. I knew he would be involved in Seth’s life but I wasn’t sure how much I wanted him in my life yet. We needed to get to know one another before we decided that.
Upon entering the healers hall, I found myself looking out of a wall of windows. The view was breathtaking. We could see the whole citadel and far beyond the wall. Green forests, sparkling lakes and the might of mountains. The grav-lines infrastructure was barely a blip on the vast landscape. I felt myself relaxed as I soaked in the warm light and watched as Flickers flew in beautiful displays. It was so peaceful.
Seth saw the Flickers too and squirmed to get down so he could scamper to the windows for a closer look. No one but Kine was around so, smiling at his excitement, I put him down. I couldn't help but giggle as I watched his little tail whip back and forth, tooshie in the air and his little tongue sticking out as he prepare to jump. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Kine watching, a soft sort of look on his face. Turning to him with a questioning look, I asked “Is it okay?”
“Of course. The healer will be here in a moment.”
I nodded and we continued to watch Seth in a comfortable silence.
“You know, you’re more open when we’re alone.” Kine observed. I said nothing. “Are you afraid of our people?”
I shook my head. “No. I know how to hide. I could get away. I’ve faced danger and uncertainty all my life so this doesn’t scare me. You don’t scare me either, I know we’re safe with you.”
“Kine looked sad and a bit pensive. “Please don’t leave Sierra. I can’t explain it but you are already kin to me and I want you to be safe, I want to get to know you and help you however I can. I won’t insist you stay in The Capital forever but please don’t just disappear without word.”
I swallowed everything I wanted to say along with the emotions that swelled up and rested my head briefly on his shoulder. “Okay. Promise.” I whispered.
We stayed like that for a while, thinking.
“If you are not afraid of us, then what’s wrong.”
I sighed. How do I say this without hurting him?
“I’m afraid for him.” I nod towards my brother. Kine tried to speak but I continue. “I’m scared they will take him away, not because they care but because they want to use him. I’m afraid they will turn him into another individual who hates, and sneers and thinks it’s okay to kill because you don’t like someone or because life doesn’t matter. I’m afraid one day, I will have to protect the Myath from him...”
The silence returns and this time, it’s not as comfortable. I realise that I may have just insulted his people and his power as King but I hadn’t meant too. I know he doesn’t condone the acts of House Kuthar and their ilk. I whisper one last thing before I let this drop. “Mum didn’t want that for him.”
“I know. I’m not proud of it but I understand. We will work to make this right. House Kuthar, and others like them, will learn to change or be stripped of their status. I’ll even consider banishment. I promise, I will make this right for your mother and your family Sierra. I’ll make a kingdom that we can be proud of.”
I smile at him but we are distracted by a door opening, one I hadn’t noticed. Hmmm, I needed to up my environmental awareness. Kine made me feel too comfortable sometimes, I needed to remember that many didn’t feel as he did. I was also tired. Coming to the Capital was more stressful than I wanted to acknowledge.
The healer strode in and bowed to Kine, smiling at Seth as he looked around. “My King, are you well?”
“I am fine Darius. I have brought my wards for a general health check if you would oblige.” Kine said with a grin. The easy manner between them spoke volumes. “Sierra, Seth, this is my good friend Healer Roake. If you will permit, he will scan you both and ensure there are no immediate problems.”
“Greetings Healer Roake. Thank you for your care.” I nodded politely to the strong looking male before turning to call my little brother. “Seth! Come and meet the Healer.”
Seth’s sweet face looked up from where he was trying to catch his tail and he scampered at full speed towards us. I crouched down, arms wide and scooped him up as he reached me, flinging him in the air and catching him again to his delighted giggles. We turned and I brought him close to the healer. I thought he would turn shy like he had been with Lord Greer but Seth surprised me. He looked on intently, tail moving in a slow sway.
“Hello cub. A pleasure to meet you. Shall we take a look at the smart bed?”
Seth gathered his legs under him and leapt up onto the bed that seemed to hang in the air. It had a soft, algae like surface on top of a dark strong alloy. If I listened closely, I could hear a very faint hum coming from it. It was the only old fashioned solid bed in the room, but I spotted plenty of the standard reclines you’d expect at the healer. Each one was made up of hundreds of hovering spheres that cradled the body and could position the patient any way you can imagine. I’d rarely seen one in action.
Once onboard the smart bed, Seth sat down and resumed his watching of the Healer.
“Well done! You certainly seem healthy, let’s just check shall we? I’m going to give some commands okay, and there will be a lot of lights. You can stay as you are or lie down but once the lights start, you must stay still. Can you do that?”
Seth nodded and stayed sitting. The Healer Roake, smiled indulgently then focused on a small hovering panel that had appeared out of his pocket. He unfolded it to a larger size and began his examination.
“MACC, (Medical Assistant for Complex Care), highlight patient in bay seven. Initiate passive scan.”
I watched Seth to make sure he didn’t move. A grid of warm lights extended from the surface of the bed to about a meter above it. Where Seth sat, the lights bent around his figure as an androgynous voice spoke gently.
“Scan initiated. Identifying... Setheroth of House Greer. Icanthie Male. Four solar orbits.”
“Match to records and initiate level three scan.”
“Searching... pre existing records found. I’m sorry Darius, but there seems to be an error. The records for Setheroth of House Greer have been erased. Do you wish me to continue with the scan?”
We all paused. I could feel the questions in the air but none of us wanted to alarm Seth who was holding so still. I was about to contact Kine telepathically when I saw him nod at Healer Roake so I waited.
“Thank you MACC, initiate level three scan. Save all of today’s data to a new record and leave the old record intact. New record will be labelled as Setheroth Greer, Ward to House Den. Ensure it has the royal security codes.”
“File created. All temporary records move to new file. Initiating level three scan.”
The scan was longer than I expected but Seth handled it well. Occasionally Healer Roake would ask questions or give instructions to Seth. Things like “Take a big breath”, “stretch out your claws” and “wiggle your tail”. Then it was all over.
“Scan completed.”
The light grid disappeared and Seth gave himself a little shake, hopping down to the floor. Already losing interest having stayed still for so long, well long for a four orbit old, he ran off to explore and watch the Flickers again. Healer Roake was occupied with the data he’d collected. Kine and I waited quietly, enjoying Seth’s antics. Eventually, the Healer spoke.
“Nothing to worry about. Growth is optimal for his age, I suspect he will be above at least one standard deviation in height. Brain function above the standard. I see he already has his House nanites. Earlier than expected but not a problem. Full functions will be added with his second dose at mental maturity.” He trailed off hmmming to himself. “Out of curiosity, when did he shift from his resting form and has he shown any other states?”
Kine looked to me and I realised that I was the only one who could answer his questions. I’d stayed quiet until now, focusing on Seth to distract myself from the discomfort of another new person. But I was used to projecting calm, even if I didn’t necessarily feel it so I answered as concisely as I could.
“He shifted from his resting form just under two orbits ago. No other forms have presented.”
Roake looked up as if mildly surprised to see me, then smiled. “Thank you. Well, all is well with the young man. Now, you are next young lady. Hop up.”
Surprise skitters across my face and I’m momentarily stunned silent before shaking my head. Despite everything, I thought I could avoid this. I stutter,
“N-no I’m fine. I don’t need a check up.”
Before Healer Roake can object, Kine interjects. “Sierra, I’m concerned for you. Not only have you undergone a difficult upbringing and recent trauma, memory transference is risky at the best of times. Feenya was dying, had little energy or control and you have exhibited some problems already. The survival instinct is strong and Feenya may have done more than she meant to. I’m sure she anticipated your father's passing and she feared for her cubs. Please.”
He paused, waiting for me to decide. I looked at the bed, fighting the urge to run and hide. Despite everything Kine had done for us, there was no escaping the fact that I was not one of them. And I had secrets. Kine tried again.
“I promise you, we won’t take anything away your mother gave you. Nothing will be disclosed outside of this room and we will not judge you in any way. But for your safety, we must understand you and what happened if we are to help you to control it.”
I looked into his eyes. He really did care. The tension built but, finally, with a small nod, I look away and move stiffly towards the bed.
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8 167 - In Serial55 Chapters
Let Me Start Again [Completed]
Start Date>>>> 1.4.2020End>>>20.5.2020ကိုယ့်ဘက်က အချစ်တွေပေးခဲ့လည်း ပြန်ရခဲ့တာက နာကျင်မှုတွေတဲ့လား မင်းအမုန်းတွေကိုထပ်ပြီးမခံစားနိုင်တော့လို့ ငါထွက်ပြေးပါရစေ'ခက်ထန်'ငါအရမ်းမုန်းနေတုန်းက တွယ်ကပ်နေပြီး အခုကျထွက်ပြေးတော့မလို့လား အရင်ကမှားခဲ့တာတွေအတွက် တောင်းပန်ပါတယ် အပြစ်တွေကိုပေးဆပ်တဲ့အနေနဲ့ မင်းကိုဂရုစိုက်ပေး ချစ်ပေးမှာမလို့ ကိုယ့်ကို အစကနေပြန်စခွင့်ပေးပါ'မင်းစစ်မောင်'ကိုယ့္ဘက္က အခ်စ္ေတြေပးခဲ့လည္း ျပန္ရခဲ့တာက နာက်င္မႈေတြတဲ့လား မင္းအမုန္းေတြကိုထပ္ၿပီးမခံစားႏိုင္ေတာ့လို႔ ငါထြက္ေျပးပါရေစ'ခက္ထန္'ငါအရမ္းမုန္းေနတုန္းက တြယ္ကပ္ေနၿပီး အခုက်ထြက္ေျပးေတာ့မလို႔လား အရင္ကမွားခဲ့တာေတြအတြက္ ေတာင္းပန္ပါတယ္ အျပစ္ေတြကိုေပးဆပ္တဲ့အေနနဲ႔ မင္းကိုဂ႐ုစိုက္ေပး ခ်စ္ေပးမွာမလို႔ ကိုယ့္ကို အစကေနျပန္စခြင့္ေပးပါ'မင္းစစ္ေမာင္'
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