《Pokemon Oasis》11| Meeting the Cooper’s


‘No fucking way’ Heath thought as he saw Torchic’s stats, He expected starters to be on a different level, but he felt like he should’ve had some type of chance but it appears that the strength between Copper and Silver are important after all. Heath looked at Piplup who was still royally pissed about losing.

“We just need to train and get more experience Pip” Heath soothes Piplup by rubbing its head. Piplup calmed down but was still visibly annoyed at the battle. Heath looked at his opponents who were celebrating their victory.

“Stop gloating or I’ll tell your mother.” Birch warns with a smile. May listens to her father and goes over to Heath who is getting up.

“A deal is a deal. Leave me alone.” May shouts at the blue haired boy. Heath remains quiet and May taking this as him agreeing, walks off with a pep in her step.

“Bitch” Piplup mutters which causes Heath to chuckle.

“Can you understand me?” Piplup asks, little did Heath know Piplup was still unaware of Heath’s ability to truly understand him and other pokémon. Heath in his previous conversation with him would generally get the right answer but most of the time it was off the mark completely. Suddenly, Heath now got what Piplup was saying perfectly.

Heath nodded his head with slight hesitance which caused Piplup to starts asking questions. Heath ignored him and walked over to Max and Professor Birch who seemed engrossed in their own conversation.

“I’m going to head off to my room, it’s been a long day and I could use a nap. Birch looks at Heath weirdly before Nodding his head. Heath walks off to his apartment but before getting out of earshot of them he hears.”

“Heath don’t take this battle to hard. May has been with Torchic for a lot longer than you would expect. I’ll call you over for dinner.”

“Alright professor” Heath said not turning around.

‘That’s weird, did I look upset? I just wanted to talk to Piplup about my new abilities. I can’t have Piplup telling people.’ Heath thought to himself but subconsciously he held a fist tightly. They arrived at the lab and Heath walked upstairs to his apartment. When the pair enter, they both jumped on his bed.

“You know this bed is rather comfy,”

“This bed is the best” Piplup agreed.

“So Piplup” Heath called as he sat up. He looked towards the Piplup who looked extremely cute rolling around in the bed. Piplup mimicked it’s trainer by also sitting up and when they both made eye contact with each other Heath continued.

“I have the ability to understand you but you cannot tell anyone. I’m pretty sure they will figure it out eventually but right now it’s important that we keep this between us and our future companions” Heath explained.

“Fine, ?” Piplup asked.

“Fine?” Heath blurted.

‘I was sure I would have to do more than that. Well, I guess better Piplup doesn’t really care?’ Heath thought.

“Yeah, it’s fine, it doesn’t really matter to me.” Piplup explained.

“Thank you Pip” Heath quickly grabbed Piplup who at first struggled but accepted the hug. Heath put Piplup down to which Piplup fixed his down feathers.


“So, time to talk business. Tomorrow I say we train. We forget about the earlier battle because I suspect that if you guys were on the same rank, the match would’ve gone completely different.”

“Yes, we must get stronger” Piplup agreed. They both quickly fell asleep after that until Professor Birch woke them up so Heath could eat dinner. Piplup wanted to go with Heath but Birch and Heath refused and put him with Mudkip who was ecstatic to have his friend back. Heath went with Birch who had a normal dinner besides the fact that Birch seemed to be concerned with Heath. This went over Heath’s head as focus was solely on his plans tomorrow. He would have to visit Claire’s grandmother early the next for some supplies for his trip in the early morning. Heath debated and he agreed he should focus on the Beedrill quest as soon as he gained a decent amount of strength. After obtaining such strength, they would begin culling the weaker mons to make his job easier until he is able fully erase their territory which was slowly starting to becoming dangerous. Heath went home after the delicious dinner and quickly grabbed Piplup with them both falling asleep once more.

After a couple hours asleep, Heath woke up due to the alarm he set the previous night before bed. He got ready by taking a shower and other necessities before finishing by putting on some of the clothes that he picked yesterday. He wore a gray cargo shorts with a plain white tee and over that he wore a forest green short sleeved sweater. He went out back to due his job before Waking up Piplup.

“Piplup wake up we have a big day in front of us. No need to waste time” Heath directed. Piplup got up in a daze and stumbled around before sitting and dozing off to sleep. While Piplup did that, Heath grabbed a couple of water bottles, some left over sandwiches from the Heath’s favorite cook in this world and a spare change of clothes just in case it rains or any other circumstance occurs. He already had pokémon food for Piplup, so he just jammed everything in his SSD.

‘Cute,’ Heath thought to himself before picking up Piplup like a child and placing him on his head. He went downstairs to the lab before looking at box of pokéballs that had a note on them. His first thought was to ignore it but seeing the position of the pokéballs they looked to be there on purpose. He grabbed the note, and quickly skimmed its contents. It read:

‘Heath, if you’re reading this, then you are probably going out to do something or just nosy. In any case, here’s some pokéballs for you to catch some of the nearby pokémon. Keep them for yourself but if you find anything useful, catch it and I’ll give you a bonus. Don’t be afraid to use a most of them for yourself.’

And below that was the different bonuses of what Birch would be willing to pay and that read

‘Copper – 5K+ (depends on the rarity of the pokémon), Silver – 8K+ (Works the same as Copper)’

“Neat” Heath put away the note in one of the bags non-spatial pockets before grabbing the pokéballs.


‘There’s like 20 in this box what does he expect me to find, and does he want to go broke? I can easily earn up to 160K+’ Heath joked. After putting the pokéballs away which was difficult to due since he had to balance Piplup on his head, Heath left the lab and walked through Little Root. As he did, he remembered that he had notifications to check.


[User has learned Pokémon Translator]

[User has completed quest: Explore Little root]

[User has received System Candy, 2x Rare Candy]

‘System candy?’

[System Candy is the method the system uses to be able to have the world’s influence on Pokémon transferred over to the User. Otherwise, user will only be able to properly implement 2 pokémon. System Candy can be bought through the System or through Quests]

[User cannot steal pokémon from others. Attempts to steal pokémon will result in a punishment]

‘That sound troublesome. What type of punishment’


How much is System Candy?’

[System Candy: 500 Pokedollars + Rare Candy]

[System’s designer has given the warning that with each System Candy bought from the System, it will cause the next purchase to increase in price]

‘That’s not bad but I don’t even want to see what the price of the 10th one will cost’ Heath looked towards Piplup and then thought of another question to ask.

‘Does it affect the Pokémon when I get the World’s influence transferred to me?’

[The pokémon may experience a decrease or increase in level depending on the status of said pokémon being transferred. Nothing else will occur other than that]

‘How about its memories?’


‘How about evolutions or Mega evolutions?’ Heath asked.

[Evolution have been reworked due to the different circumstances of evolution. Pokémon will have a general level when they will be able to evolve but it won’t be the determining factor of when they evolve. External Resources may also affect the Pokémon’s level, development and even form. System is to encourage user to try methods of this world and see what it would do.]

[Mega evolution may be possible for some pokémon that society hasn’t discovered. Mega evolution has not been thoroughly researched, so system has little clue due to the lack of information in this topic. Mega Evolution should be temporary]

‘The evolution part makes sense. Pokémon of this world evolve due to external factors most of the time and there are general tips of giving pokémon beneficial items to pokémon so they can raise their potential and even rank in some cases. I wonder if that’s the same for me. I wonder what the system means by it should be temporary’ Heath thought. He wondered if he could receive some type of skill that would change what normally happens.

Heath was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw that the lady of the shop was opening her stall while speaking to Mr. Cooper.

‘I wonder what is going on.’

Heath continued to walk in the direction of the shop and when he got within earshot, he saw Sherry glance at him. This caused Mr. Cooper to look in that direction until he recognized Heath, resulting in a smile.

“It’s nice to see you again Heath. I’ve heard you have been spending a lot of time with Professor Birch after our encounter” Mr. Cooper outstretched his hand to which Heath took before replying.

“Yeah, Professor Birch has been so kind that he even gave me a job and a place to stay.”

“Sounds like him. So, what brings you to my mother’s shop so early?” Mr. Cooper probed.

“That’s your mother? Wow, I thought she was your sister. Your younger sister at that!” Heath Joked. Mr. Cooper feigned to be offended while the Shopkeeper’s smiled.

“So, he’s handsome and smart. 20% Discount for whatever you purchase today just for making my day” The Shopkeeper continued to open her stall and when that was over, she started cleaning what little dust there was and placing a couple of things in their rightful place. Mr. Cooper shook his head before patting Heath’s shoulder.

“Anyways I was just stopping by. I hope to be seeing you around Heath have a nice day.” Mr. Cooper turned to leave while saying.

“You too mother, I’ll see you tonight”

Heath wondered what was happening tonight before clearing that dumb thought of his. He then took a peek at the catalog. He also looked at his bank account and it read.

[Pokedollars: 1200]

Heath became disappointed at his meager amount of money.

‘We need a lot of cash. Ughh bothersome’ Heath thought as he closed the app on his C-Gear.

Can I have a regular potion?” Heath ordered. Sherry nodded and quickly tapped a couple of things on her Poképad before a potion that looked more akin to the ones in the anime appeared. Heath then let the scanner scan his PokéGear before taking the potion and putting it in another non spatial pocket along with a couple of unused pokéballs that he figured he would use if he needed to be quick. Heath thanked the shopkeeper before heading off towards the forest.

“Have a safe trip” The lady cheered. Heath turned and nodded before continuing his journey. He looked at his Mission logs and saw that he could scan the missions that he saved the last time.


[Should system integrate with PokéGear? yes, or no?]

‘That would take care of few things’ Heath thought before debating the pros and cons.

‘Will others be able to see the system integration?’

[No, and system will be able to sell and purchase items on the market, System might also be able to do other tasks. This information is only speculative until User integrates.]

‘I wonder if my system will be able to upgrade from doing this’ Heath thought to himself before pressing yes. The blue screen in front of him went away. He checked his C-Gear and saw a couple of function that he couldn’t see before. He had a pokémon app which showed a simple 5 gen pokémon team layout with the pokémon currently on his team. Additionally, all of the apps now showed a Show HUD. When enabled, the blue system screen came back with the same information on his PokéGear. He turned both off and thought.


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