《Particles of Paradise》⌥ Afterword


So at last the first arc of Particles of Paradise - The land of Avalon has concluded. If you've read till here I'm very grateful for your loyalty. This first arc was an introduction to the world, its characters and the powers that come with it. I started publishing this rewrite version of my old shitty web novel called 1608:Case on 25th April of this year and it's been months since then, 73 days to be exact. This last chapter, tho being a sub-chapter, was the longest yet. And I'm glad how it turned out. After days of writing this has finally faced the readers and I really want to know what you the reader thinks of it. Feel free to criticize my web novel as long as it is constructive and not directed hate. The last few chapters had suffered some delays which I'm truly sorry for but as I'm a student and my classes have started now it's become really hard to give time for things I like, but I'll try so that this problem doesn't continue with the next arc of this web novel.

Speaking of which, maybe I'll reveal its name to you reader, as a token of gratitude for reading till this far. So the arc will be called "The Forest of Azazel" or the First mission arc, here you will see development of the recently introduced characters and how they develop their relations with our protagonist, there will also be one hell of action and a ton of new information. But as I have to prepare for it I'll have to take a break, no no please don't click off, it won't be a long one I promise, only 2 weeks, and only for you reader there will be a surprise coming out next week so you won't be bored. There will be a new upload schedule implied and more information about it will be shared next week with the surprise.


With that I will sign off and wish you, my readers, good health and a good day. Bye-bye and keep reading the new chapters I upload, as always it will be highly appreciated if you drop a like and maybe take some of your time off to comment something.


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