《Particles of Paradise》Ch 11.4 - Fight of the Ordinary


Ch 11.4 - Fight of the OrdinaryーStart

After Lin, Rusty and Arnold had finished with their three-way, Miss Iva now wanted the other students to fight tooーSo as you students saw, it was a grandiose fight, but I'm still not content so I'll have you all fight one-on-one. The rules are all the same. So, let's begin with the pairings.

She formed pairs and made the students fight. But as the students were newー only 4 days in this academyー they practically had no knowledge how to perform magic other than some party tricks. It all came down to who was a better fit at fighting. The fights were like babies' quarrels compared to Lin and Rusty's fight.

After a few of them were done, Miss Iva looked through the students, disappointed, she wanted a better pair, one that would make her feel content. She gazed through them for a while, then looking down she finally said, "You are a disappointing bunch, fighting like klošars*1, maybe I should just let you go… sigh…" she looked exhausted, as if she would collapse any second. She stood like that for a few seconds, then looked back upーrealive, nobody knew what happened but she had regained all her energy and excitement and then in her usual excited tone she exclaimed, "I've found a dragulj*2 between you klošars… boy, you" she pointed in the midst of the crowd of students, everyone looked around to see who it wasー

"M-me?" asked John hesitantly, blushing hard enough to look more red than Mars. "Not you idiot, the one behind you." John moved to face the person at his back, "Oh? Me?" pointing at himself Yuki asked in confusion.

"Yes you. What's your name, boy?"

"Tachibana Yuki!"

"Come here Tachibana."

Yuki stood at the center of the ground, facing Miss Iva, "Yes ma'am?"

"You'll fight next."

"Huh-? With whom?"

"About that…" Miss Iva pondered while looking at the bunch of students, then again pointed at one of them, "You, come here." She commanded someone. No one responded. "I'm talking to you can't you hear me boy?" She angered at a certain someone. "What? Me?" asked John again. "Yes you. What are you waiting for, come here now." John hastily jogged towards Miss Iva. "Yes mo- I mean, yes ma'am?"

"Boy, you will fight Tachibana."

"Huh-? Oh okay." He was startled for a second, but then a grin slit his mouth ear to ear. He looked at Yuki, his eyes clearly saying, "I'll get back at you now bitch!"

"Now then, get ready." She said while walking off the ground with her back towards the boys. As she was walking she noticed Lin leaning on a pillar in the corridor. She approached him and asked what he was doing there, to which he replied, "I was bored in the class, with the only thing at my hands being stodgy books and noisy classmates returning after their quarrel. I thought coming here I'll be able to take sight of some good brawl, only to witness these humdrum quarrels. Must I say I'm colossally dismayed. Must I take my leave, as staying here any longer won't do me any good." He started returning but Miss Iva stopped him, "I suggest you to stay, this battle will for sure bewilder youー"

"I highly suspect otherwise, Kovač lǎoshī*3." He interrupted and looked towards the students on the field with meekness in his eyes, then continued, "These neophytes know nothing of my caliber. They won't be able to entertain me."



"Hm? No, I don't find it interesting."

"If you win I'll treat you."

"I don't need that, I can afford the food services for myself."

"Oh c'mon, don't be such a bore. I was very thoughtful while selecting the pair for this fight."

"...fine… if you insist so much."

"What if you lose tho." Miss Iva asked with a smug.

"...sigh…It will be my treat."

"Well then, it's settled."

❂ ❂ ❂

The battle between Yuki and John was about to begin. Both fighters were preparing themselves, physically and mentally, engineering their strategies. They both knew what the other was capable of and were scared of it. "Are you guys ready?" Asked Miss Iva from the corridor, standing beside Lin. Both Yuki and John replied in affirmation. "What are you waiting for then!? Start brawling!" She announced.

Finally the author is giving me some screen time. Now I'll beat up John's ass and impress the readers.

Yuki advanced towards John. In his accord he had seen enough fights by now to perform Crux Particles manipulation i.e magic, and all he needed was strategy. John decided to be on the offensive plan too, advancing to Yuki likewise. John charged his palm with Crux and created a fireball, Yuki manipulated his aura around his palm too but it still seemed to be empty. Yuki and John invaded each other's range. John pressed in on Yuki with a fireball punch to which Yuki responded with a palm block.

John hadn't realized that Yuki wasn't aiming to tackle his fireball with ice or some other party trick, the reason Yuki didn't form any magic with his Crux was because he was manipulating the air. He had created a vortex from the air surrounding his palm.

As Yuki's palm met John's fist the fireball swirled out of his hand, creating a fire vortex. The sizzling hot flames spun around their point of contact, burning off the grass from the ground. John had been able to create a very strong fireball but Yuki was good as long as he had his aero-vortex was spinning.

John immediately ceased the fire, out of all of his strategies he hadn't thought Yuki would be making a vortex. He quickly thought of a plan and replaced the fire he was exerting with ice. But due to the vortex being constantly active the ice didn't have enough time to be formed and broke up into several ice pellets flying out into the surroundings.

Seeing this strategy fail too, John was dazed. He tried thinking of another strategy. That's when he was hit with an idea. He took a deep breath and concentrated all of his Crux Particles around his fists, and then made an aero-vortex that spun in the direction opposite to Yuki's. This resulted in formation of a suction that sucked in all the destruction its creators had spun just a few instants ago.

This time Yuki was the one who was bewildered. If he continued the attack the suction would just grow causing destruction around, whereas if he decided to stop he'd be attacked instantly by John. So he decided to imitate John. He changed the direction of his vortex, which was now the same as John's.

The boost in the speed of the vortex shook John, knocking him off balance and sending his vortex rampant. He didn't realize what happened until he was sucked into the vortex. His brain was unable to handle the sensations that came in with John flipping in all kinds of manner.


The impact was hard on Yuki too. If he didn't undo the magic now he would put himself and John into grave danger, but that was easier said than done. Maintaining control over such high speed winds wasn't something he could pull off. He had no way of setting this down.

But Yuki saw a chance in this.

He manipulated the Crux Particles to send the dangerously fast winds in all directions around him. The winds swayed around in a disheveled manner, crashing and clouting it caused absolute mayhem. "Why would he do that? That will only cause havoc and damage to him and others around." Miss Iva queried while the wind fluttered her brown hair. But Lin didn't respond, he just stood there examining the battle.

Yuki then manipulated his Crux Aura as a whole. Taking in the control of the wind around him using his body. "He curved the winds around so he could preside over them using his whole body aura, as doing so would reduce the tension over a single part of his body and would be comparatively easy. I didn't anticipate him performing that move." scrutinized Lin with astonishment. "Fufu, it is indeed quite interesting. So, are you impressed now?" asked Miss Iva in amusement. "This isn't enough to hawk me." responded Lin in complete seriousness.

John was watching all of this unfold laying flat on the ground. He was devastated as he saw Yuki take over the winds. He couldn't let Yuki win. He had to think of something. The powerful winds swayed around him, the combination of their Crux put together had formed a storm of power not any random could sustain. Even though Yuki had managed to do so, he was still now out of the radar of danger, the powerful winds now lifted him up, floating him in air, at the center of the spiral he had caused. The sight aroused awe in the bystanders and agitation in John.

Yuki now decided to end the quarrel. He created a fireball in his right hand and let it merge with the winds, creating a small scale firestorm. Yuki directed the voluptuous flames towards John. Like the wings of a phoenix the flames let out a brilliant shine rivaling the sun itself. Like a claw of a beast it slashed towards John.

John had to think quick. If he didn't act in the next instance he would be dead for good. Fear struck him. His body moved, acting on its own, creating a giant wall of ice. It was too strong for John to pull off. Even he had no idea how it occurred. Perhaps it was just his body acting on instincts for survival. Or was it a greater force trying to save John.

The flames hit the wall making a loud sizzling sound as the ice vaporized into steam. But that only resulted in a dent in the wall, in no way harming John. On the other hand, time was running out for Yuki, controlling the winds took up a lot of his Crux energy. If he didn't defeat John quick enough the winds would go berserk again and he would drop dead on the earth.

Tch. If I don't break the ice wall, I won't be able to defeat him. I can't pull the flame wing as directing the winds consumes a lot more energy than maintaining them, let alone doing so while sustaining the flames.

That's when he was hit with another scheme. But if he didn't manage to pull it off properly he might completely change the face of the fight. However Yuki was persistent.

Yuki let go his control over the winds. And what followed rapidly was what all the bystanders could perceive was only a brown blur of Yuki's uniform. But that was not the case for Lin or Miss Iva. They could clearly trace the movements with their eyes. "No wayー" guaped Iva.

Yuki let go his control over the winds. Falling down into the spiral itself. But the strong winds picked him up, throwing him back and forth in the swirl. First sending him backwards, then right towards the wall. Yuki then reinforced his fist with Crux Particles and smashed them into the polar barricade accompanied by the momentum of the winds. Then using his Crux Aura to gain back the control over the winds, with the help of which he sent himself again towards the back of the spiral. And repeated the feat.

Everyone was astonished. All they had was a feeling of awe. But only Lin, Miss Iva and John actually understood what happened.

Fuckin' hell! At this rate he'll break through the wall in seconds. I hafta act fast. I hafta act fast. I hafta act fast.

John racked his brain trying to think of a way to escape. Finding no way out he even considered surrendering. What other option was he left with. He pondered. Growing oblivious to the environment. He pondered. Thinking about everything that led to this moment. He pondered. And finally. He schemed. He predicted the course of the next few seconds. He schemed. And now he had a plan.

As Yuki continued to bash the ice wall John again created two walls. One of fire, and one of ice and then hid behind the latter in a defensive position with his hands in a cross. Yuki finally broke the wall. Pieces of ice flew in, followed by a strong punch of wind sending Yuki towards John who was buried behind two walls of elements. The pieces of ice vaporized as soon as they touched the wall of flames. But the winds coming in from behind engulfed the wall over itself and hit the second wall of ice destroying it and sending John flying backwards curled in a defensive position. He flew back as if he was a ball, so far it was not possible for Yuki to reach as he couldn't go any faster while John was flying back with the same speed.

John then opened his legs, digging them in the ground to halt his movement. Then engulfing his arm with flames he went in to punch Yuki who was gliding towards him.

But Yuki knew what John was planning as soon as he set his foot on the ground. And so he did the same, halting his movements by digging in the ground with his feet. He then reinforced his fists with ice and grabbed John's arm, demobilizing him, then stricked his knee in the lower right part of his rib cage, i.e, he stricked his liver. A knockout move.

John fell on the ground. Stationery. Everyone had their jaws dropped, including Miss Iva and Lin. The former rushed towards the grounds and asked the bystanders to get John to the infirmary. Then approached Yuki, "That was a good fight, boy. I am honestly surprised at how quick ya can thinkー" as she was speaking the bell rang, indicating the end of the class. "I would've liked to talk to ya more but there is someone else who's equally excited." As she said that Lin appeared before her, his colossal body towering above their both. "So, are you impressed now?" She asked Lin excitedly. "Yes, in fact so much that I wish to fight with you, Tachibana Yuki."

Lin had challenged Yuki.

Ch 11.4 - Fight of the OrdinaryーEnd Ch 11.4ー2 Physical AftermathーStart

"That was a good fight, boy. I am honestly surprised at how quick ya can thinkー" as she was speaking the bell rang, indicating the end of the class. "I would've liked to talk to ya more but there is someone else who's equally excited." As she said that Lin appeared before her, his colossal body towering above their both. "So, are you impressed now?" She asked Lin excitedly. "Yes, in fact so much that I wish to fight with you, Tachibana Yuki." Lin had challenged Yuki.

❂ ❂ ❂

"Hey Hey Hey Hey! What?" Exclaimed Yuki. Miss Iva was amused with his response, "Looks like the impression was quite strong. In that case I want my treat today itself." She chuckled. "I'll see to that later, but presently all I worry about is contending with Tachibana." Lin was persistent.

"Hey I don't care if you want to fight with me, I'm darn exhausted and I want to rest so get out of my way." Yuki snapped.

"I said I'll see to that later, presently all I worry about is battling with yoー"

"That won't happen Lin." Miss Iva stepped in between Yuki and Lin, as if to protect the latter, "Unfortunately, the class has ended already, so please refrain from this challenge."

"I refuse."

"Dude, are you crazy? I said I don't wish to fight you, that's why, just stop with this drama already." Snarled Yuki while hiding behind Iva's back.

"You heard him boy, now go into your class."

Lin stared at them for a while then went back without saying a word, to which Yuki let out a deep sigh. Miss Iva then asked him to go back to the class too.

After that the recess began and ended, during which Yuki spent time with Naomi, Tonio and Joyce, and continuously trying to avoid Lin challenging him for a battle. And with that a few days passed by…

❂ ❂ ❂

26th August

Yuki found himself standing in the middle of an unknown forest. An empty abandoned monotonous forest, in the middle of nowhere. The bark of the trees were as black as the burnt coke, the white rays of moon pierced through the dense canopy of the absurdly large ebony trees, creating a monochromeous effect. The ground was littered with coal leaves, roots and decay. Yuki's forehead was covered in beads of sweat, his scattered eyes reflected the moonlight in all directions. He was scared.

Yuki had no idea where he was or how he got here. He didn't know the way out nor anyone he could ask for help. He was walking helplessly in the forest, crushing the black ebony leaves under his feet, the sound of them getting crisped echoed throughout his head.

He suddenly felt a sensation and a chill went down his spine. He slowly turned around his head. It was the same monochromeous scene but now it was covered in gray mist. The mist slowly approached Yuki, and within the mist, a black shadow, and through the black shadow, were yellow eyes, staring right at him. Yuki couldn't grasp the situation, but his subconscious did, his body started running away on its own, instinctively. The only direction he knew now was the opposite of the shadow, those yellow eyes.

Yuki knew no end. He kept running and running, his lungs felt like they'd explode any second, his legs felt like they'd tear open any second. But ignoring the pain he kept on moving.

Even after running so far, the floating gold nuggets didn't stop chasing him, shining in the dark of the forest they added a third color to the monochrome. Floating around lighter than air, those eyes didn't stop following Yuki.

Yuki's running came to an end when he reached a cliff hanging over a void. He had nowhere left to run, and the shadow had caught up with him. He couldn't even face the shadow due to its overwhelming presence. In between a cliff and death he was left hanging, trying to think of a way out.

In the end… he submitted. With no option of running away, no way of fighting the overwhelming force, no choice of trickery, he surrendered to the overwhelming force that was standing in front of him.

The shadow, accepting Yuki's surrender, revealed itself. Taking off the veil over its head it's horns towered and lit the monochrome forest with red, the mist was consumed by hellfire, the air was filled with lust and greed, the trees exploded with gluttony, the flames fumed with vainglory and wrath, and the branches were overcome with greed and sloth. The true form of the shadow shook Yuki from inside out. His brain maddened and body frose. All he could utter was a name.


Land of AvalonーEnd

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