Heir Fantasy Tragedy Adventure Horror
Fourteen years ago, the world changed forever. The eternal rivalry between demons, archangels and humans ended, and the surviving races were unified in one land. Years passed, and a new society emerged along with an era without gods or religions.
However, Noir, an orphan boy from the kingdom of Trinity, has not been so fortunate. Since his birth, and even before, the consequences of millennia of war have condemned him to a miserable life. The heritage of a weakened race and the legacy of a superior being have forced him to become a hero he didn't want to be.
Chapter Selections
1. Chapter 1: Castiel, Last Of The Fallen
2. Chapter 2: The Storm Killer
3. Chapter 3: False Golden Hero
4. Chapter 4: Days Of Glory
5. Chapter 5: Have A Heart
6. Chapter 6: Unchained
7. Chapter 7: Descent Into Hell
8. Chapter 8: Judgement
9. Chapter 9: Dead But Not Forgotten
10. Chapter 10: Blind Men
11. Chapter 11: The World Needs No Heroes (Part 1)
12. Chapter 12: The World Needs No Heroes (Part 2)
13. Chapter 13: The Girl Who Dreamt
14. Chapter 14: Voice Of The Soul
15. Chapter 15: Angel Of The Healing Hands
14. Chapter 14: From The Depths Of The Soul
16. Chapter 16: Where The Dandelions Wither
17. Chapter 17: Servants Of Humanity
Monster Integration
In the world where Humans and Monster's form a bond and fight together, the world where both Evolve together to get stronger. Walk with Micheal as he starts his adventures with his Silver Sparrow, overcomes countless obstacle and adversaries to fulfill his greatest Dreams.The initial and new chapters getting edited everyday.
8 1081Artificial Fantasy
While the revolutionary discovery of Advanced Dive Virtual Reality (ADVR) lead to the birth and trend of VRMMOs, 18 years old Hayate Palmer only cares about his future for his younger brother rather than living out his fantasies in a virtual world. However, when Kazuki convinced him of playing Isekai Online, he decided to give this trend a try for his brother's sake. Yet what they don't know is that they are stepping not into a life-or-death or some kind of world-changing prophecy, but a special adventure that discovers the life of the game's AI and their brotherly love. (Cover drawn by me)
8 190Mail Fox Tales
When trying to save an injured animal while drunk you don't really expect many consequences. If you were sober, you'd likely expect to be saddled with a few bills and some work finding the owner.In either case, being saddled with divine duties by an ancient animal spirit is probably not amongst the things you expect. Neither did Eva when she picked up an injured canine after an evening out drinking with a friend to celebrate their arrival in Tokyo.At least those duties are little more than a part time job as a delivery-fox. And they come with room and board, as well as making her life that much more interesting.
8 253World End My Life Start WEMLS
world end my life start or WEMLS It's the story of two friends that where studying when the world changed. What well happend to them? Will they survive? Stay as friends?
8 188Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader Oneshots
Thought it would be a fun idea so here this is :) Slight Sexual Warning Cover Art is by yours truly ;)
8 76Your Dad is Captain America
Ranked #1 in sicksteverogersRanked #1 in dadsteverogersRanked #1 in tiredRanked #10 in illnessRanked #44 in mayparkerRanked #53 in parenthoodRanked #57 in AutismRanked #73 in avengersassembleRanked #85 in peggycarterRanked #130 in illnessRankings contain old & new.This is a female reader insert story, where you're Captain America's daughter. Your Dad finds you in a Hydra base as a baby, then what happens, well, read and find out!Please comment and vote!All of the characters are from Marvel, Disney, and Sony. I'm simply borrowing them. All store names belong to their rightful owner, I'm borrowing them as well.
8 156