Heir Fantasy Tragedy Adventure Horror
Fourteen years ago, the world changed forever. The eternal rivalry between demons, archangels and humans ended, and the surviving races were unified in one land. Years passed, and a new society emerged along with an era without gods or religions.
However, Noir, an orphan boy from the kingdom of Trinity, has not been so fortunate. Since his birth, and even before, the consequences of millennia of war have condemned him to a miserable life. The heritage of a weakened race and the legacy of a superior being have forced him to become a hero he didn't want to be.
Chapter Selections
1. Chapter 1: Castiel, Last Of The Fallen
2. Chapter 2: The Storm Killer
3. Chapter 3: False Golden Hero
4. Chapter 4: Days Of Glory
5. Chapter 5: Have A Heart
6. Chapter 6: Unchained
7. Chapter 7: Descent Into Hell
8. Chapter 8: Judgement
9. Chapter 9: Dead But Not Forgotten
10. Chapter 10: Blind Men
11. Chapter 11: The World Needs No Heroes (Part 1)
12. Chapter 12: The World Needs No Heroes (Part 2)
13. Chapter 13: The Girl Who Dreamt
14. Chapter 14: Voice Of The Soul
15. Chapter 15: Angel Of The Healing Hands
14. Chapter 14: From The Depths Of The Soul
16. Chapter 16: Where The Dandelions Wither
17. Chapter 17: Servants Of Humanity
The Bride Of The Vampire King
Of course I'm happy, nothing can make me happier than this, he said, as he stepped forward and stood in front of Mila.
8 758I Live To Play VR-MMORPG
This is not the story about someone playing VR-MMORPG. Instead of someone playing VR-MMORPG, this is the story where someone makes VR-MMORPG possible. Technology and Science have truly come a long way. Finally, in the year 20XX, the people successfully created Immersive VR-MMORPG. A technology that takes you to another world, allowing an individual to experience a second-life. Unfortunately, Andy Lee, who participated in creating the masterpiece technology, didn't get to enjoy it. Before the technology was perfected, he died of a heart attack. Being devastated by the fact he didn't get to fulfill his dream, he was given a second chance. He miraculously traveled back to his primary school days. This time, he won't slack. He will live his life to the fullest unlike before. His goal in this life was obvious and that is to fast-forward the development of technology and science. All of the efforts he gave were only to achieve his dream, which is to play VR-MMORPG.
8 198Softly They Fall
A normal, quiet high school life is all Yuta Hiragi wants. He enjoys his gray lifestyle of going to school normally and going home normally at Ichigano High School in Sapporo, Japan. He keeps to himself at school, has a best friend, and even someone he likes. But what he doesn't know about himself could be the end to his desired lifestyle. What lurks within this normal high school student and how will it affect him and everyone around him forever?
8 192Failing Can Lead To Peace
We all know and love the Error from the Forced Destroyer multiverse, but what if Error failed? What if 'only' he and Ink survived? But... What if they have to travel to find something? Or should I say, some monsters? Well, let's see. Undertale is made by Toby Fox. AU's are made by many creators. (Sorry, but there are too many for me to track down them all and count them.) Ink is made by Comyet on Tumblr. Error, Geno, and Fresh are made by CQ on Tumblr. (Listed those four since their outcodes.) Forced Destroyer concept, Fate, and Destiny are made by Harrish6. Ship: Errormare
8 190Heaven, or Max's Special Hell? (Dadvid)
This story will be about Max's new life living with David as his son. The new life where they live in a Blockbuster storeroom, in the mall where dreams go to die. At least all the campers live around there too and they don't cause too much trouble......at least he still has David, something Max is coming to appreciate more and more as time goes on. This is a sequel to my other story 'Adopt me, you son of a bitch!'. Fair warning this story is at this point 46,267 words, so if your gonna go on this journey get a blanket, a pillow, and some hot chocolate, and enjoy all the laughs and the feels to come. Also remember, comments give me life!
8 150Tagging
Awnsering Some Tags And Tagging People
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