《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》The Tune Of Nature
Chapter 15
The Tune Of Nature
It was almost midnight.
The noise of chirping crickets reverberated through the forest, carrying across the cool wind of the night. With the sound of shuffling branches, a white tailed deer emerged from the trees and plodded through the grass, checking its surroundings for potential predators. When safety was apparent, it bowed its head to feed on the moist vegetation below. But before it could get its fill, bright beams of white light shone across its face. Wide prey eyes stared at the radiance, which seemed to get closer and closer, spooking the deer into a panicking prance back into the forest.
A low rumbling noise traveled the road bordering the forest as a blue pickup truck flashing its high beams flew past. Two passengers were inside - one adult, and one child. Liam stared out his side's window, watching the motions of the dark world outside fly past. Sleep almost claimed him a while back, so he played games of spotting numerous critters to pass the time.
But the excitement of this trip prevented him from fully drifting away.
Robert adjusted his grip on the steering wheel, watching out for deer on the road. "I want you on your best behavior at this place, got it?"
"Mmhm," Liam mumbled back, staring out the window.
The man threw a look over at the boy, before returning his gaze back to the road. "And don't… mention anything about your mom, okay?"
"... I won't, dad."
"... Good, we're just about here."
The concrete road ended, transitioning into a paved dirt trail. At the end were visible sets of parked cars, where Robert slowly drove his truck into an open spot. He released his foot off the brake, taking his key out of the ignition and casting a glance at Liam, who was eager to leave.
"We're just staying here for your performance and the fireworks. After that, we'll be back on the road again."
The boy released his seatbelt, "Got it." He immediately opened the passenger side door, jumping out.
Robert silently chuckled at his display, popping his side's door too and stepping out. "Get your stuff out of the back and follow me."
Liam ran to the truck's backside, flipping over the tarp that covered their belongings and looking over its contents. All the supplies they required for their trip were here, strapped down with rope to keep it from tumbling away. But he was looking for one item in particular; after a few seconds of scanning, he located it.
'There it is!'
The instrument was resting against the trunk's side, a few scratches on its carved wooden frame showing its amount of usage. He pulled it out from the straps of rope, admiring the signature engraved on it. A pluck of its strings to test it out produced that wonderful homely sound he loved so much.
Banjos were always his favorite instrument.
"Come on, Liam!" Robert yelled. "It might start any minute now."
Liam redid the straps, scurrying back to match the pace of his father, who was continuing his small trek through the tall cattails and grass to their destination. The boy looked forward, seeing what was taking place ahead.
Glowing orange lanterns on posts revealed a small wooden stage with sound equipment and sets of large instruments already set up. White clothed tables with plates and of fresh food were lined up in rows, getting a rise from a hungry Liam. From the looks of it, over a hundred people from around the area showed up for the celebration.
A young man in a casual t-shirt and jeans noticed the two enter, dropping his plate on one of the tables and nearly running over. An almost relieved smile graced his features as he extended a hand towards Robert.
"Rob! Man, it's good to see you after so long. Uh, thanks for coming - everyone at the station was wondering, y'know?"
Robert accepted the handshake, looking him firmly in the eye. "Liam's been practicing, so I decided we come here for the performance. We'll be gone shortly after."
The man blinked, bringing his gaze downstairs to the small boy beside Robert. "Liam… it's been a while since I've seen you, too." He pointed a finger at himself. "You remember this face?"
"Uh… yeah?"
He could faintly remember the man showing up at their old house from time to time. Apparently, he was a deputy at the local station, and once partnered with his father when he was still a police officer. The man then grew a solemn look, placing a hand on Robert's shoulder and leaning in to whisper something into his ear.
"Hey. I'm, uh..." the man stopped to sigh deeply, "... Really sorry what happened to your wife. We tried to find the car's model, or its license plate, but we couldn't-"
Robert brushed his hand off, eyes briefly flashing with emotion. "There's nothing that could've been done. Just drop it."
The man leaned back, breaking their connection. "Right… sorry, I'll, uh… leave you two." He gave Robert a parting look before slinking back to the tables.
Liam could only wonder what words were exchanged, but knew they weren't good ones from his father's features. Before he could think about it, his shoulder was jostled.
"I'm gonna have a chat with the organizer. Feel free to wander, but not too far."
Liam nodded, smiling. "I sure won't."
Robert stomped ahead, leaving the boy to his own devices. Liam's gaze swept across the mini festival, taking in the familiar atmosphere of old parties he would attend. He even recognized faces from the local church that his family used to go to when they lived near this area.
'Wow… even the Sumter County Choir is here!'
Before he could reminisce some more, a growling noise coming from his stomach reminded him that he was still hungry from the long trip here. He diverted his attention to the tables of food propped up, looking at the banjo in his hold and back to the tables again.
'Guess I can eat before practicing a bit.'
He wandered over to one of the tables, aimlessly glazing over the many options he could choose from. Black-eyed peas, fried chicken, peach and apple cobblers, and a whole assortments of pies to choose from. A smile grew on his face just listing them all. It reminded him of past family gatherings when his mother would bake a whole array of wonderful things. But knowing he will never experience something like that again spiraled his stomach into a deep sickness.
Now he didn't even have the appetite to eat anymore.
His father told him time and time again not to dwell on it - to just let go. Liam knew his father also desired the same thing he did. It was just so hard to find it.
Revenge, or simply closure.
"... Liam?"
Time seemed to slow down, the quizzical silky voice with a hint of country in it registering in his mind. He turned, eyes scouring the festival grounds before he found her - the glint in her golden eyes and warm smile standing out. Her long blonde hair, pale, almost ethereal skin, and white sundress matched beautifully. Her dress and hair fluttered in the chilly breeze.
She always had such an enchanting aura to her - almost heavenly.
They wordlessly moved towards another, with the two staring at each other for a small moment. Liam's mouth parted, following up her greeting.
"H-Hello, Mrs. Lachaise." He scouted the grounds for his father, sighing in relief when he knew the coast was clear.
"Please, just call me Elena, Liam." Her yellow orbs danced around the scenery, sparkling in the light. "You don't need to be so formal in a place like this."
"Sure, Mrs- Elena." He scratched the back of his neck. "How come you're here? Err, not that you shouldn't be, but-"
She giggled softly, "It's been such a long time since I've seen celebrations as large as this. And…" She looked down at the banjo he clutched. "I wanted to see you play after all the practicing we did..."
He followed her gaze, "Will you be up there with me?" A hopeful look was cast her way.
"Of course - there's already a piano set up on the stage. It took a lot of convincing, but now we'll play together…"
The boy sighed in relief. "... Thank you, Elena. You don't know how much better I feel with you-"
Instantly recognizing the voice of an angry father, Liam took a step back as Robert closed in, putting himself between Liam and Elena - a hand firmly placed on the boy's chest to keep him a good foot away from the woman.
"What are you doing here?!" Robert harshly whispered. "Is he also-"
Elena shook her head, "My husband could not make it, sadly." She looked past the man and at the boy behind him. "I came here to see the fireworks, and to pass along some confidence in your son. We've been practicing so hard and-"
"You can talk to him the next time he is at your home."
Robert narrowed his eyes at the woman, before the hand on Liam's chest now rocked the boy's shoulder, spurring him out of his daze. "You're set to begin shortly with the choir." He pointed to a group already near the stage. "Go to your spot. I'll be watching from the crowd. Good luck... son."
Strung along by his father, Liam began the arduous trek over to the small stage, the heart in his chest beating like a drum in nervousness. But a quick glance back showed Elena treading over to the other side of the platform, where a piano rested.
It calmed him, slightly.
He gulped, taking weak steps up the wooden stairs over to a chair where he then sat. His clammy fingers ran across the strings of his banjo, lightly plucking them to produce that soothing sound he loved so much. The thrumming in his chest got louder once the rest of the band and members of the choir stepped on stage, getting ready to begin the performance. Never before had he played before a crowd as big as this, and it was more than apparent from the anxious look on his face.
That voice calling to him reminded that she was there for him. He found her across the stage, on the piano and smiling at him.
"Remember, deep breaths…"
He nodded, closing his eyes - inhaling and exhaling. Before he knew it, the performance was beginning and the world around him didn't exist anymore. He was all alone in the neck of the woods, playing his song in peace.
When his time to play came, he took another deep breath, and let loose his spirit in musical form.
Reality came knocking as Liam took a deep breath once realization set in. He kneeled, almost crumpling to ground in his disoriented state, stumbling back to a standing position and looking around in a frantic state. He was back in the real world, and still on the Mudsdale wagon.
An orange palm clasping on his shoulder almost sent him reeling again - the cackle-like laughter from Monferno preventing him from doing just that.
"C'mon, Mr. Personality! Stop daydreaming already, we're in the thick of the festival now and about to get off."
A quick scan of the Riolu's surroundings proved the Fire-type's words. The carriages rumbled slightly, being pulled in a single file line across a cobblestone paved road. Many Pokémon wearing strange outfits spilled along the sides of the carriages, ambling through the busy streets - or in some cases, dancing their way through.
Glowing orange street lamps and lanterns that hung from strings of multicolored ribbons that stretched from building to building. It brought light and warmth to an otherwise chilly night. Street vendors were propped up around every street corner, selling food or various novelties. Scraps of confetti swayed in the wind, carrying across the streets.
Liam blinked, shaking his head and brushing the primate's hand off. "I wasn't daydreaming! I was…"
Monferno rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Whatever you say."
Their short journey through the streets ended when the carriages took a left turn and stopped in an open area with less Pokémon congregating around. A series of whinnying and muffled stomps from the Mudsdale told everyone on board everything - this was their stop.
Liam walked to the back of the carriage with a limp, his thoughts swirling in his head. Sweat pooled around his face, but he tried his hardest to not collapse while climbing down the wooden carriage. Roark and Gloria were right behind him, and he offered them a weak smile.
'Don't think about… don't think about it...'
When the Guildmaster and Scizor hopped off their carriage, the Bug-type motioned a large red pincer for everyone to gather around the duo. Once everyone circled the Lucario, Jackson took a quick glance around before speaking loudly amongst the celebration around them.
"I will be very quick about this, so just listen to me." He thrusted a paw across the street and pointed at a faraway building.
It was three stories tall, sporting many windows and a large sign near the top that read 'Snooze-Lax Inn'. A cardboard cutout of a Snorlax was built in the back, waving its clawed paw at whoever looked its way.
"We'll be staying at that inn for the night, and will be leaving early in the morning straight to Celestial Mountain. You can rest at the inn now, or enjoy the festivities for tonight. But be responsible... and do not jeopardize our mission here."
Jackson's gaze swept over each member of the guild, before he started marching away from the group and into the partying streets. Scizor, Charizard and a selection of other tired members joined him in disappearing into the crowd. This left Roark, Team Blazingheart, Team Nightshade, and Team Requiem to do whatever they wanted for the night.
Rockruff immediately struck a stance, his tail wagging. "Cool! We get to do what we want! What should we do first, guys? And-" A paw swipe from Mightyena reminded him. "Oh… yeah! When does Primarina start playing?!"
Monferno shrugged, "Dunno, have any of you seen her pool on a cart escort she usually comes in?" He laughed, earning a brow raise from his Braixen partner.
"Does she really need that to move efficiently on land?"
Roark nodded, smirking. "Yup, but she's a real talent in the sea. Got to see her perform in the ocean near Watersong City. Remember that, Gloria?"
Gloria rubbed her eyes with a paw, adjusting the saddlebag around her side. "Mhmm… I'm really tired, but I uh, kinda want to see her show tonight."
Purrloin sauntered into the streets, spotting a large stage-like area a block down. "Mreow~ By the foot traffic... I think she should be performing at that stage in the distance, darlings."
"Shoot, I need to secure a good enough seat." He glanced back at the group. "Are you all coming?" A chorus of 'yes' came after his words.
Gloria nudged a still rattled Liam, breaking him out of his trance. "Hey… are you able to come with us? I think you'll really like this!"
He wetted his lips, sputtering for a second. "U-Uh… yeah. Sure!"
She giggled at his shock, walking after the Zoroark. "Don't worry, you can explore around the city once we're done."
He hesitantly followed the group, who chauffeured him in his dizzy state to the wooden stage. It was a large one, with many sets of funny looking instruments and colorful banners that dropped off the stage's ceiling. One in particular showed an illustration of crashing waves and a singing Primarina backed up by four Oricorio in different forms.
Roark stopped in his tracks once they reached the bleachers, which were nearly packed with excited Pokemon. He tapped a red claw on his chin, scanning the area for empty seats.
"Well, at least we don't have to pay for this." A claw was pointed at a group of unoccupied chairs near the middle. "Aha! It's no front row, but it'll do. Come on!"
Monferno rolled his eyes, "Who died and made you leader? There's some spots open near the bottom."
The Zoroark started walking up the stand's stairs. "What did you say? Speak up!"
"I said-"
"I can't hear you! What... " Roark's voice faded into the noisy audience, causing Monferno to grind his teeth.
The Fire-type waved a hand, stomping off to the stairs. "Bah, whatever. I'm going near the bottom. Enjoy the show, everyone."
Not wanting to be left behind, the group ascended up the stairs after him, splintering off into different sections of the bleachers. Liam followed Gloria as they stepped past multiple Pokémon and took up the two vacant seats next to Roark, who promptly spoke up.
"I hope you two are comfy. Primarina puts on quite a show, and not a disappointing one at that."
Gloria sighed contentedly, "I hope she uses her Sparkling Aria like last time…"
"Oh yeah, that was an amazing stunt of hers."
Liam looked down upon the stage, anticipating the aquatic wonder he's heard about so much to appear. It wasn't until he observed the street behind the stage that he saw her bizarre entrance.
Just like Monferno remarked, she was inside a well contained pool built on top of a cart, which was pulled by two other Pokémon. Four Oricorio in diverse styles flanked the sides of it, occasionally giving a brief flutter of their hypnotic feathers. The Primarina in the pool grew a large smile and waved a white flipper at the crowd, amassing an ensemble of booming cheers. The pool cart then stopped near the stage, the Water-type inside sliding down and onto the ground. The cheers got louder and louder as she dragged her rather large form up the grand stage, her avian cohorts right behind her. A few other Pokemon wearing curious outfits also ran up on stage, standing near their instruments of choice.
Once Primarina wiggled her way to the microphone stand near the middle of the stage, she waited for the crowd to simmer down before letting her voice flow through the large speakers positioned near the bleachers.
Just like Liam predicted, the singer sounded as elegant as can be. She was almost as soft as Gloria, but had a more womanly chime to it.
"Thank you, citizens of Elysium City... and all of my wonderful and dedicated fans for attending this year's festival and today's show!" The crowd went wild at her words, the Water-type smiling as she waited for them to settle before speaking again. "I won't stall any moment longer! The show begins as of now!" She raised both flippers to enunciate this fact, letting the crowd cry out their approval.
Liam felt an elbow jab his side, finding the culprit to be a smirking Roark.
"Hey, maybe she'll make you into one of her fanboys, eh?"
Gloria glared at the ruse fox, "Shhh! It's starting!"
As soon as those words left her mouth, the yellow spotlights shining on the bleachers turned off, leaving only the giant stage in front to be bathed in light. The voices in the audience were reduced to murmurs as Liam gripped his chair's sides, eager to see the performance beginning to unfold before him.
But before he could truly immerse himself, a chill travelled across his spine. His perception wavered, curls of blue and yellow forming around the spots in his eyes. He could do nothing but watch as it happened once more.
'Not… again…'
Just like before, a vision began to play in his mind.
Liam strummed the strings of his banjo, producing his final arrangement of notes in the song. With one last chant of harmonious lyrics from the choir, it was all over. A cacophony of clapping exploded from the crowd that gathered around the stage, along with some whistles from the more enthusiastic listeners.
While the choir and rest of the band waved to the crowd and departed, Liam stood around for just a little longer. He held his banjo to his chest, a blush dusting his small cheeks as he stared out into the cheering audience, seeing his own father staring back with a smile adorning his features.
It may not have been a packed concert, but it was almost overwhelming to the young boy. This was his first time ever performing before a crowd of people. And he couldn't have asked for a better performance.
He stood up, walking down the creaky wooden stairs with more confidence than when he walked up them. The only thing left to do was to wait for the countdown and the fireworks to begin. And right now, he just wanted to relax and watch them. He retreated to a set of white plastic chairs in the back of the area, taking a seat and simply watching the motions of the celebration occur around him.
It wasn't long until the long anticipated moment of the entire day came. Nearly everyone was near the stage again, shouting out the countdown. Liam would've joined in, but felt content in watching this historical event unfold before him.
And just as those words were shouted, Liam could hear a loud whistling noise behind the stage as the explosions and cracks of fireworks above were heard.
The boy looked into the starry night sky, watching the trails of dust combust into a flurry of reds, yellows, whites, and blues. He thought long and hard about the new year, and all the joys and sorrows he would experience in this new age of mankind.
'The year 2000… wow!'
It was such a monumental milestone, not just for humanity, but for him in general. The decade previously held the best and worst moments in his young life. But before he could dwell on it, a womanly voice broke his train of thought.
"Liam? Do you mind if I take a seat beside you?"
It was Elena, her inviting smile and soft steps towards the boy jolting him out of his staring contest with the heavens.
"Sur- wait, uh…" He started looking past the woman, into the small crowds. "Is my dad looking at us?"
She laughed into her hand, "Your father is holding a conversation with someone else, which means we can finally talk after so long apart."
A smile began to tug at his lips. "... Yeah."
The woman sat on the chair to the left of the boy, letting out a long sigh and lifting her head to view the fireworks in the sky, the sounds of pops and bangs accompanying them. Liam followed her gaze, thinking of what mess of thoughts to spill out.
"Thank you, uh... for the help with my performance. I think I did pretty good."
All the practice that he had done at her home seemed to pay off. And even when the time came for his part, she was there for him at every step.
Elena smiled, bringing her attention over to Liam. "You have a passion, Liam. At such a young age, you needed a mentor to hone such a skill."
He held the banjo in his arms, looking over the fine strings. "I guess it's an honor, y'know?"
"Of course, but I'd still love to practice more with you."
His face lit up, "Yeah!"
The conversation came to an end, the both returning to watch the crackles and snaps above. Elena would break the silence a minute later.
"Thank you, as well."
"For what?"
"For keeping me company. It can be quite lonely in that house when my husband is not around. And… painting has become a lot more enjoyable with a helper around."
Liam wasn't quite sure at the time if the woman had children and they were just distant, but he quickly realized that wasn't the case. Like she reluctantly told him, it wasn't from a lack of trying, either. Ever since he had first arrived, she was the only soul inside, creating new pieces of art and tending to her garden of wallflowers. She seemed strange at first, until she opened up, and then he did as well. It wasn't long until they realized they had formed a close bond. From her, he learned about this world - the feelings he felt, and the dreams they both longed for.
"S'no problem, Mi- Elena. I… have a lot of fun doing things with you. Maybe sometime we can go somewhere else?"
"Yes… maybe." She scratched at her arm, inhaling deeply. "It's very... hard for me to leave my house of comfort. I'm sure you understand - you know how this world is."
"But," the boy tried to counter her words. "But you came all this way… and you performed!"
"I came here only because of you… so I could finally watch you play." She closed her eyes, smiling. "I don't regret coming."
"Oh… thank you."
He wanted to go places with her, but he knew her reasons like she said. The world was an angry place, and she had already seen the brunt of it before. Her lids reopened, letting the flares of fireworks reflect across her golden orbs.
"You know what they say about new years, Liam. New expectations and changes - a better tomorrow. But… it never does come, does it? Even in this new millennium, conflict has and always will exist."
Conflict was something Liam understood well, and it always seemed to rear its ugly head throughout the ages. Whether it was in these very parts of America years and years ago, or sometime in the distant future - it was almost always for the same reasons.
"I wish it didn't, and that… the happy moments in life could last forever."
Elena laughed softly at his response, "I am glad you're still young and innocent enough to wish for such things."
Anothr tender laugh came. "I may be old on the exterior, but inside is a little girl who also wishes for the same things, too." She looked over at the boy. "Don't ever forget that you are a good presence in this world of hatred, Liam." Her stare was back on the night sky, taking in the combustion of vibrant fire. "It may not be this year or millennium even, but I know that there's another world in which we don't know. A world where our sisters… would have a chance at living a true life."
At the mention of his once possible sibling, Liam's eyes began to brim with tears. Bile collected in his throat, feeling like he wanted to throw up.
"Do you... really think so?"
"... If we as a species continue on this path, then total destruction isn't far away. But life always finds a way to begin again, Liam."
"... That sounds-"
The boy almost jolted out of his seat at the stern voice of his father. He looked up, seeing Robert walking, or rather stomping his way over to them, glaring daggers at Elena.
"I told you that you could talk with him at your house." He looked over. "Come on, we've got to go. It's a long trip down to the lake."
"Right, sorry dad." Liam got out of his chair, walking over to join his father.
Elena seemed surprised, "A trip? If I may ask… where to?"
The boy beamed, eager to tell her. "To the highest part of the Blue Ridge Mountains, near Appalachia!"
"Ah, that sounds quite exciting. You'll make sure to tell me all about once you're back, yes?"
He nodded vigorously, "Yeah! Of course!"
Robert checked the watch on his wrist, lightly tugging Liam away. "Let's get going, we're supposed to meet someone there soon."
Just as they started to walk away from the woman, Elena spoke up again. "Please be safe during your trip, Liam. And remember… to not fall victim to the evils of this world." Her eyes shifted towards Robert, restrained anger hidden behind them. "Or else, you might end up repeating the same mistakes."
The man countered her glare with his own, letting her words sink in. "Yeah…" He pulled the boy further away. "Come on."
They wandered further away from the celebration, brushing through tall grass as the sound of fireworks were reduced to muffled booms. It wasn't long until they reached the makeshift parking looked back once last time to Elena, who smiled at him and waved.
He copied her actions, waving goodbye.
Liam's eyes snapped back to reality just as the massive bubbles of water floating above the stands began to burst, cascading a light shower of water onto the crowd, who erupted into energetic cheers and clapping. The Riolu whipped his wet head around, his mouth parting as he realized he was back in the real world again.
He looked down at the stage, seeing the Primarina below retreating back to the pool.
'Is the… show already over?'
Gloria freed herself of wetness with a shake of her head, smiling widely. "Wow! I think that was her best Sparkling Aria yet!"
Roark ran a claw through his damp dark mane, whistling. "You just may be right, sis. Primarina really outdid herself this time, especially her Blackwater Dahlia performance."
Liam felt a red claw nudge his shoulder, rousing him out of his staredown with the stage.
"Hey, that shocked look never left your face the entire show. Tell me, what was your favorite song?"
The Riolu blinked in response, "Uh… I…"
Gloria giggled into a paw, "I'm guessing you can't pick? I told you that you would like this."
"Yeah… I guess I did."
As the cheering faded, a plethora of satisfied Pokémon left their seats, heading towards the exit stairs. Roark offered to lead the two partners down, stretching once they were out of the stands and back on the wild streets of the celebrating city.
"Man, does it feel good to get out of those stuffy seats!" The fox tapped his chin with a claw. "Now to see whatever else this city has to offer…"
Gloria yawned into a paw, batting her tired lids. "You can do that, I wanna get some sleep for the expedition tomorrow." She looked towards Liam, who was staring off into space again. "Hey, you look a bit out of it. Do you wanna go to the inn to rest up?"
"U-Uh… nah, I'm good. I uh, wanna see more of the city."
Truth be told, he was restless, and sleep could never stave off what he was currently experiencing. But his thoughts were immediately scattered by Roark pulling him into a side hug, grinning wildly.
"You mean to tell me this is a boy's night out? It's been ages!"
Gloria giggled again, albeit more drowsily. "You two have fun I guess, I'll see you all tomorrow." She took off her saddlebag, handing it over to Liam. "Just don't blow our Poké on Blast Seeds or whatever."
He managed to smirk a little. "No promises."
Roark waved a claw, "Later, sis."
The Vulpix trotted away in the direction of the tall Snorlax themed hostel, merging into the passing crowd of Pokemon. Liam watched her leave, only to find his shoulder jostled again by Roark.
"Hey, let's say we find ourselves a nice little beverage stand." He winked, telling Liam all he needed to know.
Drinking alcohol and competing with Roark at the same time was also something that he didn't need to deal with his troubles right now.
Liam broke out of the fox's grasp. "Sorry, Roark. I… just wanna wander the festival for a bit."
Roark shook his head, walking down the street and waving the Riolu off with a claw. "Psssh, okay. But don't say I never suggested the thought!"
"I also don't really want to be carried back to the hotel."
Roark looked back, "Not my fault you're such a lightweight!" He started walking backwards, raising his arms and coincidentally bumping into a Glaceon who was passing by. "Whoa! How you doin', beautiful?"
The Ice-type snarled back, "Watch where you're going, creep."
The fox arched a brow, following after the Glaceon. "Hey, you know I can change into whatever you want, right?
Both voices quickly faded into the crowd as they continued to argue and walk away. And just like that, Liam was now all alone in the bustling streets of Elysium City - free to do whatever he wanted in this breathtaking place. But for reasons that plagued his mind nonstop, he could do nothing but wander the busy streets in search of answers to the visions he was experiencing. Questions of why they felt so familiar and so homely to him. Questions of why this was happening to him.
Questions that would never be solved it seemed.
For about an hour, he continued to aimlessly wander through the thick of the festival, absently gazing at all the attractions and corner stores the city had to offer. Nothing really caught his attention, until a stand built into a stone building called Meloetta's Soprano stole his gaze. It appeared to sell musical instruments and other related accessories.
He wasn't sure why, but he felt compelled to investigate further.
Two Pokémon were stationed near the small shop, a stout looking Corviknight beside the counter, and one of those strange Psychic-type Raichu that Liam read about in his book floating on its tail behind the stand. Both were exchanging a conversation, which fell apart as Liam entered the fray.
The Raichu bobbed in the air once spotting the Riolu stroll up. "Heeey, little dude! Looking to buy some top of the line and premium instruments this side of Celestic?" He splayed his nub of a paw towards his selection in the back of the stand. "We've even got a one of the kind piece from Primarina's band."
Liam frowned, a bit overwhelmed. "I uh… sorry, I don't know what I'm looking for, really."
The shop owner shrugged, "Take your time - ain't like I got more customers to attend to, right Corvy?"
The steel plated crow nodded, speaking in a male accented voice that was similar to the Meowstic twins, but more urban and less posh sounding.
"S'alright, mate. You'll still get your Pyroar's share of the profits once you're…" The Pokémon trailed off as he intently watched the Riolu beside him scanning the stand's collection. "Hey, that scarf you're wearing… ain'tcha part of that guild near Empyrean?"
Liam jerked out of his stupor, looking up at the bird. "Uh.. yeah! Though, we're kind of here for expedition reasons."
Corviknight cocked his head, "Really now, and I thought you were here on 'oliday retreat… where to, chap?"
"Celestial Mountain, tomorrow."
"That place? Sounds like you've got a tough day ahead of ya. But… you seem a bit lost, mate. You alright?"
Liam nodded, staring off into the selection of instruments again. However, something hanging off one of the stand's back shelves caught his attention - his eyes transfixed on the familiar design of it. It was made out of pure natural wood, with a circular base and cheap looking strings. Across the surface of the instrument was a painted white flower.
He didn't know why, but his heart started to race, his mouth running on its own.
"How much… is that instrument in the back?"
The Raichu behind the counter followed his ogling, shrugging again. "Dunno, man. I got that banjo a while back, but don't know who owned it. How does five-hundred Poké sound?"
Liam placed his saddlebag on the counter, briefly contemplating whether he should do this. But all the feelings in his chest and mind told him to do it - he decided. Opening up one of the pouches, he grabbed the correct amount of gold coins needed for the transaction and handed them off to the Raichu.
"Good man! You will not regret this purchase!"
Raichu merrily floated away on his tail towards the back of the shop, grabbing the relic of an instrument and hovering back to hand it over to the starstruck Riolu. Liam grabbed it, letting his paw glide across the fine wood of the banjo.
Corviknight chuckled at the sight. "You look like ya just discovered a missing piece of yourself. Cherish these sorts of things, mate. Arceus knows how much I miss my first flute."
Liam looked up, holding the banjo close to his chest. "Uh… thanks."
The Raichu behind the counter grinned, waving his stubby paw. "No need to thank us. Enjoy, man."
Liam zipped back up the saddlebag and slinged it around his shoulder, returning to the hectic streets. He looked back momentarily, swearing the red eyes of that Corvinight were fixated on him. He went back to casually roving the streets, his mind combing over the many sporadic thoughts currently driving him insane.
It wasn't long until the curls of blue and yellow began to contort his vision.
The small wooden boat rocked slightly in the gentle waters of Lake Norman, occasionally caressing and bending strands of tall cattail that rose above the water. It waded through various lily pads and other large aquatic flora that floated on the surface - all to the sound of croaking frogs and buzzing insects.
The man who was rowing the boat with the two paddles on its sides, stopped temporarily to fetch his bottle of moonshine near the bottom of the craft. He popped open the cap to wash his mouth full of the concoction, placing the now empty bottle back down. A harness built on the rim of the boat proudly displayed a rebellious battle flag. The blue cross with its white stars on a red background billowed against the cold wind of the night.
The man swallowed the liquid down before addressing his two recent guests aboard the tiny vessel.
"Ya see... My great grand daddy fought the yankees on this very soil ages ago. And someday, kid… you'll fight 'em again."
Liam tilted his head, "Yankees? Why would we fight them… eh, again?"
Robert chuckled, "Lay off the moonshine, Ted. This country may be heading towards ruin, but don't get your wet dreams running."
'Ted' scratched his beard, grumbling. "Conflict is always on the northerners' agenda. Trust me, if they're looking fer a fight… we'll give them one."
Liam sighed, watching the moonlight reflect upon the gentle waves of the lake. It was just like Mrs. Lachaise has said about this world. Conflict has and always will exist.
Robert scoffed, "Maybe we should worry about our own backyard first."
"I know ya were an officer before, Rob. Tell me, what's yer opinion on all these PMC's runnin' the show in the cities?"
"My opinion matters little. I let my actions speak for me."
Another laugh came, "I guess you'd be right."
Ted went back to rowing, drifting the small boat across the body of water until it nearly beached itself on the lake's shores. "Alright, you folks can git yer belongings and head out now. The mountains this time of the year are a sight to behold, believe me."
The two occupants hefted their large and very full backpacks across their shoulders, safely stepping out of the boat and onto the moist grass. Robert extended a hand, which Ted accepted and shook.
"Thanks for ride here. You'll be back the day after tomorrow, right?"
"Anytime, Rob! Just make sure to tell me how everythin' goes in the city."
"Of course."
Liam followed his father as they trekked across the fields and into the forests beyond. Even despite the darkness present around them, he could see the steep outlines of distant mountains.
'Just a bit further…'
Liam didn't know where he was truly going, but he kept walking anyway.
The motions of the festival around him seemed to dwindle into nothing but a blur as he traversed past the sea of Pokémon and winding alleyways. The paved cobblestone road soon transitioned into soft grass that caved underneath his hind paws. It wasn't long until the city behind him was gone, and he was in a forest of pure nature to surround his thoughts with.
But he was too enthralled with his state of mind to notice the flapping of metal-like wings behind him.
For almost an hour, both Liam and his father unpacked their belongings for the trip and began to set up camp for the night.
"There!" the boy exclaimed, finalizing his setup of their tent's posts.
Robert groggily opened up the tent. "Good, now finish whatever else you were doing and get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us." He sighed tiredly, stepping in and zipping the flaps back up behind him.
Liam was now alone in this wonderful place, left to his own devices. Sleeping wasn't something his restless body could do right, and only one thing was etched into his mind. The boy plodded over to his heavy backpack again, sifting through the large pouch, until he uncovered his banjo.
Midnight practicing was just as fun as midnight adventuring.
But he needed to find the perfect 'stage'. He began searching the surrounding area, finding the right one shortly later. It was a large tree stump in the middle of a clearing surrounded by pine trees. The white moon in the sky was shining a spotlight on it, almost like a stage would.
It was perfect.
He hiked through the bushes and ferns to reach the stump, sitting on the moss covered stub of wood and resting his banjo between his arms. A deep breath escaped him, as he began to strum the strings, generating his melody throughout the quiet woods.
The sound of a banjo filled the air, blending in with the chirps of crickets and humming of harmonious insects.
Liam plucked at the way strings of his banjo as best as he could with his paws, adjusting his posture on the large tree stump and stamping his hind paw up and down to catch a rhythm. He attempted to replicate the song in his vision, getting very close.
He kept at it for a while, immersing himself in a feeling that was completely familiar to him. But when he finally stopped, a new warmth filled his chest as he peered up at the bright moon, realizing just what he had discovered within.
Ever since he first woke up beside that tree on the hill in the Sunshine Forest, he always wondered who he really was. It ate at him, sometimes making him think that he truly never existed at all. But the fact that he was here right now, staring up at the same stars as that boy put that idea to rest.
The Guildmaster had told him that someone or something was laying out a path before him, and that he had to choose whether to follow it or not. It was possible that these visions were the path that he needed to follow.
'Visions? No…'
There was no denying it anymore. These were not visions he was experiencing - these were memories, memories of a time when he was Liam, a boy with an adventurous spirit.
'I am… Liam!'
A lone tear slid down his cheek as a relieving smile graced his lips. He had a place to belong, a calling to his real name.
"It's a bit wonky... innit."
Liam whipped his head around, swiftly wiping his cheek free of tears. His features soon relaxed however once he recognized the familiar avian from the musical shop standing just beside the path.
He held his banjo close. "You… followed me here?"
Corviknight nodded, "Yeah, uh… sorry 'bout that, mate. But you seemed totally confused and lost at the shop, so I had to make sure you were alright in the noggin'." He tapped his black steel chest with a wing. "It's a guard's duty to keep 'mons safe."
"Yeah… sorry, I just-"
"No need to explain yourself. Sometimes we all need time to ourselves." He inhaled, before smirking. "So… you aight to return? You have an expedition tomorrow. Isn't that right?"
Liam hopped off the stump, walking over. "Yeah… we're set up near the Snooze-Lax Inn."
Corviknight displayed his impressive wingspan, turning around. "Hop on, mate. I'll get ya there in a jiffy."
The Riolu hesitantly hopped on top of the bird's strange metal-like back, making sure his banjo was nice and secure. Once he had a grip, the Flying-type took off, soaring past the spruce pine trees and into the crisp dusky skies above. Liam quietly admired the dazzling lights of Elysium City, feeling the cool wind course through his fur and lightly bat his aura tassels. But he wasn't so much marveling at the view as he was jumping for joy on the inside.
All these long months of emptiness in his mind had now been given clarity, and fulfillment. He relished in this personal victory, but found out that he needed something else.
Once again, the star-filled heavens above Elysium City exploded in color - the two drifting through the angelic dust it created, letting it wash over them.
'I am Liam. That is… something I can finally admit to myself…'
There is no better feeling in this world... than a reason to be.
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Next Time: Chamber Of Secrets
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Modern Patriarch
When Yao Shen, Patriarch of the Heavenly Sky Sect, ascends and regains memories of his past life on Planet Earth, he realizes that he can no longer allow himself to accept the cruel and violent ways of Eliria, the realm of cultivation. So he decides to change it. It was time to found a new sect. One based on the values of honor and equality over senseless violence and discrimination. A sect where all, from the mortal farmer’s son to a sect elder's daughter, were held accountable to the same rules. Welcome to the Modern Sect. Copyright © Daoist Enigma. Cover by the Talented Vitaly S. Alexius
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The Cursed Star
An existence that was revered, envied and despised, returned to the World of Gods, Monsters, and Devils. The World called The Origin was a mystery and his existence was just as mysterious. "Without power, it is a Sin to exist. Without Friends and Allies, it is unwise to Rule. Without Love and Desire, it is a Wasted Life." He had to uncover his own secrets if he wanted it all. And he wanted it all. This is a Tale of Love, Emotions, and Commitments. It's a story as simple as Life. WARNING: R18 content. The targeted audience is 18+. The World is OP and MC is only weak in the start if you compare him to the People that surround him. The Harem is part of the story. Don't read it if you don't like the concept. The Warning Tags are not for show. Do consider them before reading the story that I am telling. Thank You!Release Schedule: Every Sunday.Join me on Discord to stay connected to me. Discord: The Cursed Star
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Single while everyone else has someone to love, Rose Sexton is eager to discover a new side of life when she decides to go on a cruise. But when she accidentally gets on the wrong cruise ship, one only for vampires, she discovers she may have bitten off more than she could chew. What could be worse than being the only single and vibrantly healthy human on a vampire only cruise ship? I mean...seriously, what could go wrong? complete e-book available on smashwords -> https://www.smashwords.com/books/affiliate/1083654
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The Misadventures of a Young Dark Magician
A world unlike our own, monsters disguised as humans, attend a magic academy to learn spells from all kinds of sources, to choose a path towards good or evil. Benjamin is a young dark magician who, along with his familiars Harry and Chi-Chi, attends the school in hopes of becoming a great villain and conquering all worlds. His first target is Earth, and some misadventures cause him to get to his designated goal sooner than expected. Will Benjamin take over the world and stop anyone that attempts to get in his way or have a change of heart and try to save the planet from impending doom? While dealing with the circumstances there, shady stuff lingers on in the school grounds as an unforeseen threat, or threats keep a low profile, with a sinister plan on their own. Who is friend or foe? *Please note: The first book was finished in around 2016, and is also the first story I wrote, I was new to writing at that time, so parts of it haven't aged as gracefully as I had hoped. Book two will be coming soon. Until then, this will be on hiatus for now*
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Beyblade | The Girl Hagane
Gen Hagane, the twin sister of Gingka Hagane and daughter of Ryo Hagane gets Accalia, never beyblattled her whole life eversince her mom Aiko Hagane died eversince she was 8 years old.But at the age of 12, after a suggestion came from Kyoya that she had to continue battling, she restarts her journey...Together with Training Accalia, she undergoes obstacles and new rivals and later did she know, she got to know more about more about her mom and one step close to achieving her dream.....Note :1) If you don't know the story of beyblade metal saga, please watch it if you can otherwise you won't understand a thing.2) And I don't own any of the characters of the original series apart from some characters....3) Please don't consider this book as an "OC X Tsubasa" book...this is not just a romance book but also an adventure book and if u are gonna skip the other chaps just to read the romance part, then its best if you don't read the book at all
8 109