《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》Chamber Of Secrets
Chapter 16
Chamber Of Secrets
Above the starry skies of Elysium City, a Corviknight quietly soared amongst the twinkling stars and colorful remnants of recent fireworks, flying past tall and intricate looking stone buildings, and swathes of large crowds in the restless streets below.
Glaceon let out a short sigh, holding her head high and trotting down a busy intersection. After many long hours of scouting the city, and denying the charming attempts of multiple Pokemon, she had spotted the two assets she was sent to look for.
'Stupid Weavile… Of course she makes me do the lackey work.'
The steamed Ice-type made a beeline across the cobblestone roads, and into a series of dark and grimy alleyways. She carefully tiptoed her way around puddles of water, and piles of trash to the safehouse they had secured earlier before the festival began. She stopped at a shabby looking wooden door built into the back of a stone building, beating her dark blue paw on the entrance and flipping her icy bangs as she impatiently waited for her to be allowed in. It wasn't long until a silenced lumbering noise came from beyond the entrance.
The door then swung inward slightly, revealing a pair of twitching magenta mandibles peeking out from the darkness inside.
Glaceon rolled her eyes, "Let me in, Golisopod."
A chittering sound reached her ears as the door was then pulled wide open by the Bug-type's large clawed arm, who quickly retreated back to his private spot of meditation. Glaceon immediately stepped in, happy to be free of the dirty outside world. It was a small, dark, and cramped space only lit by a few glowing orange lanterns in the corners of the room.
It was made clear that only four Pokémon from the clan were going to Elysium City, as to not cause potential suspicion. Glaceon whipped her cold gaze to a dusty looking table positioned along the walls. Two individuals were seated by it on creaky chairs, fiddling with their sets of cards.
Weavile grinned wickedly at her opponent. "C'mon, tin man. Lay out your cards."
Bisharp grimaced, his tongue digging the inside of his cheek. "Alright, a promise is a promise, Weav's." He hesitantly laid his cards flat on the table, showing off his hand.
Not a second later, Weavile slammed down her cards as well, a victorious grin etched on her face, while Bisharp just sighed at his obvious loss.
She leaned back in her chair. "When we're back at base, I want you on it right away."
"Yeah, yeah... "
Glaceon narrowed her eyes at the display occurring before her, coughing loudly into a paw.
Weavile spared the upset Ice-type a glance, shuffling her deck back together. "Ah, good to see you back, ice queen." She waved a claw at the Pokemon. "Did ya see the two anywhere?"
Glaceon growled at the nickname, before slowly nodding. "Of course I did." She whipped her bangs once more. "I found them wandering the festival before they entered the Council's main headquarters just a few minutes ago."
That caught Weavile's attention, as she dropped her cards on the table and immediately stood up, a new kind of grin finding its way on her face. Bisharp was up as well, a fierce and determined look in his eye.
"So you say," Weavile began. "Then that means we gotta act now." She pointed her claws at both Glaceon and Golisopod. "Remember the plan - you follow us just out of sight, and only engage if we do. If we're spotted by guards, then you make an escape back to the safehouse, got it?"
A trilling noise from the silent Bug-type and a 'hmph' from Glaceon was the response. Bisharp marched past the table and grabbed a black saddlebag stuffed in the corner of the room, tossing it over to Weavile, who slung it around her shoulder.
"Like Weavile said, this is hopefully just recon, so don't get caught." Bisharp said, casting a glance at the two clan members. "You don't wanna end up like Magmortar."
Weavile smirked, "Hopefully?"
He rolled his eyes, "A possibility, Weav's."
She chuckled, walking past the three and swinging open the wooden door to greet the cold night air and muffled sounds of the city's festival around them. She cautiously checked her surroundings before walking out, Bisharp just behind her while Glaceon and Golisopod stuck to the far back.
"Think this will be juicy, Weav's?" Bisharp inquired.
She shrugged, "Maybe. If we're lucky, then they still have yet to go to their trading location with Serperior's bozos." A wistful look grew on her face. "It's a shame this isn't a snatch and grab mission. I wonder if those two are high in rank..."
The Steel-type quickened his pace, now by her side. "What I rather want to know… is how or rather why the Alignment is trading with the Rose Clan, a bunch of mercenaries like us."
"Mysterious groups do mysterious things, Bishy." Weavile said, sighing and shaking her head. "I don't really care for their reasons - I just want his head."
A snort was his response. "Well I do - you know that."
The group exited the dingy alleyway, merging into the crowds of Pokemon flooding the cobblestone roads. Glaceon jogged forward, her interest peaked by the conversation that was absorbed by the boisterous and noisy celebration.
"Weavile, I've been in this clan for years and you've never bothered to tell us why we're messing with these weirdos all the time."
Weavile chuckled, "There's no gossip here, ice queen." She waved a claw behind her. "At the end of the day, you're still getting your Poké no matter what we drag you into."
Glaceon whipped her bangs with a huff. "That is… true."
Through the winding streets of the ceremony, Weavile silently guided her crew across, until the crowd thinned out in a plaza-like area near the center of the city. Smooth foundation stretched across the landscape, along with large stone fountains of aquatic Pokémon spewing glistening water from their maws. A decorated pathway laden with trees and other green shrubbery led to an enormous structure beyond, which dwarfed any other building in the city by far.
Columns of white concrete pillars were erected across the building's front, along with rows of long staircases leading into a grand hallway. The structure split into four different sections that curved around in a circular layout. There were multiple stories and windows dotting the sides; the ceiling above all sections bending and forming an arch to unify the building. Banners of blue backgrounds and shining suns were draped off the building's sides, floating gently and proudly in the wind.
Weavile whistled, crossing her arms. "It's been a long time since we've seen the Council's main crib, right, Bishy?"
He nodded, "Ten years to be exact. But we never mustered up the courage to enter the belly of the beast, did we."
"Nope." She smirked. "But why enter when we can just wait for our prey to come on out."
Glaceon huffed, "Can we get this over with? My paws are starting to hurt!"
Weavile thrusted a claw at the building. "Bisharp and I will have a little stakeout near the entrance. Once those two come out, you both will follow us, just not too closely, got it?"
Brief nodding from Golisopod and Glaceon sent them scattering across the plaza, finding their own spot to blend into the crowds. Weavile and Bisharp, meanwhile, turned their attention to an unoccupied bench near the building's pathway, which gave them a perfect view of the entrance.
Once seated, Bisharp couldn't help but speak up.
"Don't you think it's a tad bit suspicious that we're here. We're practically celebrities according to the Council... "
Weavile chuckled, "You know me, Bishy, I like to take risks. And besides, the guards are all keeping watch over the festival."
"Heh, that is true."
For a while, they silently watched numerous Pokémon come in and out of the large building. None were the elusive duo they had seen the night previously.
"Y'know Weav's, eventually we're gonna have to tell the guys back at base our secrets."
Weavile vacantly watched the entrance, contemplating his words in her head. "... I know that, Bishy. It's just a matter of when all of this uncertain bullshit clears up." She bit her tongue, anger swelling up. "Secrets are meant to be found, like you said."
Bisharp bowed his head, "Sometimes… I wonder if you and I will ever see eye to eye on the truth of this all, instead of that revenge of yours."
She was about to cook up a response, but felt it die in her throat as her gaze fell upon two Pokemon exiting the structure - a Gallade, and a Heliolisk - purple armbands strapped around their shoulders. An elbow from Weavile was then hastily jabbed into Bisharp's side.
"Look alive! That's definitely them…"
She was ready to see what happened next.
They silently stepped down the gray concrete stairs of the Council's central offices, feeling a lot better now that the burden of failure to come to an agreement with the Council was not on their shoulders anymore - it was a success.
Gallade readjusted his armband, bringing his head up to look at the twinkling stars above, slightly wincing at the crack and explosions of fireworks painting the sky in different hues. A smile was imprinted on his face as he spoke - his voice callous but young.
"... Have you ever seen something like this before?"
The Heliolisk turned its head to the stars, smirking and speaking in a male almost nasally voice.
"Maybe the tower's lights, but these are more vibrant… and explosive. But I bet you wish it were raining, don't you?"
Gallade laughed, relaxing his muscles and sensing the natural wind of the outside world on his skin. Even the full moon in the sky seemed to shine brighter than he would've ever expected. Days, or rather, nights like this brought out a feeling within that he didn't get to experience often.
He just hoped that one day everyone back home could as well.
The Psychic-type's response fell flat as he watched his companion fiddle with the saddlebag attached to the Electric-type's waist, retrieving a strange looking plush doll that held a significant resemblance to a Wooloo.
"What… is that? And why does it look like one of those sheep Pokemon?"
Heliolisk smiled, extending forward the well knitted lookalike with a claw. "Managed to buy it from a vendor while you were preoccupied with watching the festival." He gave it a squeeze. "Think my brother will like it?"
Gallade could almost imagine the hyperactive Growlithe bouncing off the walls at the prospect of something new added to his collection of rather chewed up toys.
"I'm sure he will. We can hand it off to him after we complete this last meeting with the Rose Clan."
The expression of amusement on Heliolisk's face immediately morphed into one of disdain - his yellow and black tail behind him thrashing wildly as he stuffed the plush back into the saddlebag.
"It's a mistake that we're cooperating with these… mercenaries. They're untrustworthy, and have no allegiance to our cause."
Gallade sighed, keeping his gaze on the moon and letting it wash away his disappointment. "I know… I don't like it either. But the orders from the Allfather are clear, and we're expected to carry them out."
"It's stupid!" Heliolisk snapped back. "We should be out here looking for that commander, or that Fire-typ-"
"They'll be found eventually, don't worry." Gallade trained his eye on the Pokémon. "We'll talk with Magearna once we're back about it."
The pair traversed the small hallway of nature, too enraptured with their conversation to notice two other Pokémon lurking the path behind them.
Weavile and Bisharp used the shrubbery dotting the pathway to their advantage, hiding in the shadows of trees and bushes to avoid any unwanted attention.
"Magearna?" Bisharp inquired. "I've never heard of that name before. Is it a Pokémon?"
"Just keep listening before asking any questions, tinman."
Gallade and Heliolisk wandered away from the pathway, exiting the central plaza-like area and heading down one of the many packed streets of the city. The Psychic-type took the time to gawk at the almost non stop motions of the festival around him.
Heliolisk frowned, "She can't do much on her own without our assistance. You know how she is…"
Gallade nudged the Pokémon's shoulder with his bladed arm. "All of this will be resolved in time. You don't need to worry so much."
Heliolisk brushed off the arm, "Easy for you to say. I never liked this Allfather. The things he's making us do…"
Gallade shot him a look, "Each Allfather is given a responsibility and a connection. His main priority is to help light the path before us, as ours is to protect it."
"Jeez, aren't you the astute one," Heliolisk quipped back. "I don't know why he hasn't promoted you yet." His words caused Gallade to chuckle.
"I try, but I don't think I'd like to work in a field without you by my side."
"Because you totally need my help."
Gallade laughed, "As expected."
After a quite uneventful trip through the city's streets the celebration around them began to wind down as they neared a dead end - the only remaining path being the large alleyways, which the pair quickly strode into. Weavile and Bisharp emerged from the small crowd still present, sneaking their way towards the dimly lit alleyway that the mysterious pair ventured off into.
"I keep telling you, Weav's. Us and them aren't so different."
She growled back, "If you saw what I did, then you'd realize it's all a facade."
"Maybe so, but there's more to this - I know it."
A drawn out sigh escaped her. "There always is, Bishy…"
As they skirted their way to the alley, Weavile momentarily looked back at the festival behind them, seeing Golisopod and Glaceon slowly plodding towards them. At a closer glance, she also caught a glimpse of those familiar outfits she dreaded adorning various Pokemon.
"Stay quiet, metal-head. Guards are everywhere."
Bisharp scoffed, "You're one to say…"
She smirked, "Whatever…"
Just behind the duo ahead, Weavile and Bisharp disappeared in the pitch-black shadows of the alley, following in silence. Other than their own footsteps, the echoing mix of sounds in the darkness did little to ease their nerves.
Gallade shifted his eyes warily at each crossing point, until his gaze fell upon a pair of small disheveled looking Litleo curled up along the sides of a building, a grimy cloth draped over themselves to protect against the cold. Such a sight sparked an ounce of familiarity from within, a chill racing up his spine.
It sickened him to think some Pokémon weren't fortunate enough to experience this beautiful world.
"Even up here…" Gallade murmured to himself. "All this suffering for the young and old still exists."
Heliolisk followed the Psychic-type's listless look - that same pang of familiarity rising inside. "This path the Allfather is making… Do you think we'll ever see it happen?"
Gallade watched the Litleo cubs huddle together for warmth in their drowsy state. Just like a certain Helioptile and Ralts did in the past. He wasn't sure why, but seeing such kinship even in the most dire of times provided him a sense of hope - of gratitude for life.
"Rest easy, friend." The Psychic-type glanced over, confidence overtaking the sadness in his eyes. "We might have to do questionable things, but I know there's a light at the end of this all."
Heliolisk nodded slowly, taking his stare off the frail looking Litleo. "I hope so, too."
Eventually their trip through the desolate alley ended at another dead end, this time, a group of stern looking Pokemon lined up against each of the buildings that cornered the area. Gallade looked around, analyzing the breastplates on their forms - a single red rose stitched on.
Weavile ran her sharp claws along the edges of the alleyway's corner, standing in the shadows that obscured her and Bisharp's location. She resisted the urge to simply run out and claw them to shreds.
'Stupid snake…'
"You are all part of the Rose clan, yes?" he questioned.
A Roserade, and a Luxray stepped forward, with the former bowing slightly, extending her arm bouquet over her leafy chest.
"Yes," The Roserade said. "And I assume you are the two emissaries sent for us?"
Heliolisk harrumphed, "That would be the case, mercenary. You-"
Gallade held out an arm blade in front of the Electric-type, halting any potential vitriol from spewing out.
"Apologies, we are just here to adjust the location of our next supply delivery, and recent developments in our agreement."
A smile appeared on Roserade's lips. "Yes, would our regular spot near one of the markings work?"
Weavile gnashed her teeth together, whispering something harshly into the ear's of Bisharp. "The Alignment is delivering supplies to these guys!"
He whispered back, "Yeah… and they made some kind of agreement."
Gallade nodded, "That would be sufficient, but the Allfather also requests I know more about your endeavor in stopping the other clan."
Weavile widened her eyes, leaning in further and whispering. "Stopping another clan? Which one is he…"
The Roserade gleefully laughed into her arm bouquet. "Princess Serperior has been vigilant in undermining the Razor Claw clan's dominance over the continent."
That was when it all made sense. The countless years of back and forth between the two clans, then the slow buildup of Serperior's forces and equipment. Weavile knew the Grass-type was coming for her title, but didn't realize just how much it meant to Serperior. Bisharp seemed just as shocked, but Weavile could tell he was silently leaping for joy at the prospect. He closed his mouth to stop him from shouting, before whispering to the Ice-type beside him.
"Weavile… do you know what this means?"
She did, and she didn't know what to feel at this moment. Angry at the fact that the Alignment was funding her greatest rival to fight her, or happy that the Alignment has realized the danger her clan poses to them.
"I do," She replied sharply. "This means that-"
Gallade approached the Roserade, a stern look in his eye. "The Allfather has also requested for me to inquire about your clan's presence in the Grit Region, especially around the ruins."
Roserade guffawed, "Princess Serperior has many clients in that region, mostly from the bandit nomads."
Weavile almost laughed, 'Bullshit.'
Gallade seemed convinced, as he backed up. "Very well, I hope your clan succeeds in your efforts. We were cutting it too close with the… situation... at the Eden Theater."
'So we did spook them… wonderful,' the Ice-type noted in her mind.
"We will be taking our leave now." Gallade motioned to Heliolisk, who briefly glared at the mercenaries before reaching into the saddlebag. "Send a few of your members to our transaction spot."
Roserade bowed yet again. "Of course, thank you for your time."
Heliolisk brought out an orangish card-like object, tossing it on the ground as both he and Gallade stepped on it. With a parting look at the Pokemon around them, and an explosion of orange light, the pair was gone.
Weavile and Bisharp patiently waited for the mercenaries to depart, but noticed the electrifying black fur of the Luxray frilling up, a gleam entering its predatory eyes. A growl began to fill the alley as its now shining pupils contracted, staring directly at the shadowed area in which two Pokemon were hiding in, now revealed to the Electric-type.
"It's them! The two captains!" the Luxray roared, fur crackling with electricity.
It took only a split second for a barrage of elemental attacks from all angles for Weavile and Bisharp to scatter out of harm's way, regrouping in the middle of the alley's dead end.
'X-ray vision, how typical…' Weavile bemoaned in her mind.
Roserade laughed uproariously once more, holding her head up high. "My, my, it appears we don't have to hold up our end of the bargain for long!" A sinister smirk crossed her face. "We'll simply annihilate you here!"
Surrounded by foes on all sides, Weavile jabbed Bisharp with an elbow, peering into the darkness of the dusky corridors for the next part of the plan. "Hey, think we should give these guys a good 'first impression'?" The wink she sent afterward gave him all the information he desired.
"They'll never see it coming…"
In the blink of an eye, a white blur catapulted through the narrow alleyway and smashed into the grassy chest of Roserade, sending her careening into a nearby building, and forming a decent sized hole in it.
Golisopod halted his steadfast movement, whipping his obsidian black eyes on all the shocked Pokémon circling him. Glaceon hurriedly leapt off the Bug-type's armored back in a dizzying state, staggering on her paws and glaring at her partner.
"Why'd you have to go so fast… idiot!"
The Pokémon responded in a series of mandible twitches, flexing his claws as an arrangement of yellow holographic swords rose above him - Swords Dance. The faux weapons clashed, resulting in a fluorescent wave of powerful energy to wash his form.
But the Rose Clan was not one to be intimidated, leaving their spots on the walls to charge at the four intruders. Flames built up in the jaws of a Houndoom as it sprinted at Weavile with malicious intent. She easily sidestepped the hound, bringing down a slash on its exposed side, sending it to the ground with a yelp of pain.
At the same time, Bisharp dealt with his own enemies. An Arbok had quickly coiled around his metallic body, constricting him in place. He could tell the Turtonator in front was planning an attack in his incapacitated state, so he needed to act fast.
With a bout of quick thinking, and the formation of solid steel on Bisharp's head - an Iron Head making a devastating collision with the Arbok was enough to knock it out cold and release him from its grip. The Turtonator was still preparing its shell attack in the meantime, only to receive a Razor Shell to the face from a beefed up Golisopod, dropping instantly with a 'thud'.
While her Bug-type companion mowed through the ranks of opposing mercenaries, Glaceon followed his path of destruction and finished off any remaining Pokémon - sealing them to an ice induced sleep with her concentrated Ice Beam.
Bisharp took a good look at the group of groaning or unconscious Pokemon littering the ground "Think we showed them we're the best mercs on this continent, Weav's?"
She flicked some blood off her claws, garnering a grin. "You mean the best in the world, Bishy. They can't even-"
The violent flapping noise of cloth in the wind resounded through the alleyway, only intensifying after an entire squad of flying Pokémon rounded the alley's corner into the dead end - brown, dusty coats adorning their bodies, rifles strapped to their backs, and a shared glint of justice in their eyes.
Weavile recoiled instantly, "Council guards! They must've heard… shit - remember the plan!" She locked eyes with Bisharp, who returned with his own fiery look.
Things were about to get more interesting.
Glaceon stood her ground, puffing out her cheeks. "I am not scared of some… muscleheads wearing drab coats! I will- EEK!"
The Ice-type's act of defiance was met with swift resistance from Golisopod, who yanked her up with his arm, holding her closely and producing fidgeting noises from his mandibles while she squirmed.
"Let me go you stupid bug! I will freeze you soli- AAAAAAA."
Her voice became but an echo as Golispod turned into a white blur again, zipping through the alleyway at near impossible speeds. While the guards were still stuck in shock from the sigh, Weavile and Bisharp saw ample opportunity to make their getaway, so they took it. At nearly the same pace, they bolted from their spot, leaving a few guards to tend to the wounded members of the Rose clan. The remaining guards made a sudden U-turn at the dead end, flying at breakneck speeds towards the fleeing pair, squawking out demands.
Weavile didn't bother responding, smiling to herself. 'It's like they don't know who we are.'
"WAIT! IT'S THE TWO CAPTAIN'S OF THE RAZOR CLAW CLAN! DO NOT LET THEM ESCAPE!" a new voice from behind shouted, before quickly fading away, presumably to gather more backup.
'That's more like it…'
Jumping across piles of trash and dodging the occasional swipe of talons from the guards, Weavile and Bisharp exited the narrow alleyway, emerging into the still booming festival grounds on the streets. They ran into the crowd of Pokemon, pushing and shoving their way across. Meanwhile, more guards of the flying variety began to swarm the area like angry Combee.
While Bisharp dealt with his own group of avian guards, Weavile rushed through the busy streets, searching for an alleyway to run into. Before she could find one, a dive bombing maneuver from a Staraptor forced her to abandon the plan, hastily ducking the bird.
With the spotlight now on her, she knew she needed to get out fast. Pushing past more angry Pokemon, Weavile scrambled across the numerous stands lining the road, jumping past the aghast vendors inside and scattering many baskets of fruits or baked goods in her warpath to freedom. All while the wings of authority were in hot pursuit behind, sending blasts of compressed air to stop her.
It was times like these that gave Weavile a nice window into the past. Simple times - like a Sneasel stealing a regular old Oran Berry, and being chased by the local guards. Times like these seemed to only reinforce that part of her that desires a life like this.
But she couldn't help but wonder why the other part of her hates this so much.
At the appearance of a nearby alleyway, she dodged yet another swipe from the guards and made a mad dash into the shadowy corridor. With the darkness and disorientation of the city's winding alleyways on her side, the first part of her escape plan was a success. SHe never stopped running, only momentarily glancing behind her to see the absence of Council guards. She was about to write off the second part as a success, until a loud whipping noise from the alley's corner revealed another, more larger and menacing guard - a Salamence.
It was only a second later that the Dragon-type noticed Weavile, furiously beating its red wings and rocketing forward, easily surpassing the Ice-type on foot.
'Fuck. Time to switch gears…'
She clenched her claws together and glanced upward, seeing the underbelly of the gliding Salamence. Solid ice then began to encase her makeshift fist, before she jumped as high as she could and slammed an Ice Punch right into the dragon's belly. A guttural cry escaped the Pokémon, earning a smirk out of Weavile as the dragon swooped up, turned around, and exposed its gaping maw to the Ice-type.
'He's gonna-'
She had little time to react before the purplish draconic flames erupted from the Salamence's mouth, lighting the area around Weavile ablaze. She emerged not a moment later, burn marks across her fur and a scowl staining her face. From the flames, an array of jagged shards of ice were sent spiraling towards the Salamence, pelting its skin and producing a roar of pain.
Another dose of purple flames were cast to the alley's ground as Weavile nimbly jumped to the sides of the buildings, anchoring onto stone bricks that were ajar. Before she could plan her next move, the dragon suddenly swooped down and rammed its entire body into the building she was hanging off of, letting her crash to the ground and leaving a sizeable dent into the building.
Bolts of thunder crackled around the Salamence as it unleashed scattered storms of electricity at the felled Weavile, shocking her greatly. The Ice-type picked herself up quickly, barreling out of the way before the dragon could ram her again.
Weavile knew this needed to end quickly.
As quickly as she could, she opened her black saddlebag, scoured her selection of orbs, and picked one up - the Luminous Orb. She hurled it at the meddling Salamence, resulting in the orb's destruction and a flash of white light that briefly encompassed the alleyway. The effects were weakened outside of Mystery Dungeons, but it gave her all the time she needed to sprint as fast as her tired body could from the Dragon-type's wrath. She never stopped running. only relenting when the familiar door to her safehouse was in sight. A quick check of her surroundings proved her escape attempt a success, so she stopped to take a breather, hoping that her comrades also found their way back to the safehouse.
But inside she already knew the answer to that question.
Grabbing a hold of the door's handle, Weavile threw open the door and weakly entered the dark room, seeing that familiar hardened look of Bisharp staring back at her. In the corner, Golisopad sat in his usual meditation pose, while Glaceon attempted to loosen the curls cropping up in her blue fur.
'No matter what we do, we still find a way…'
Bisharp raised a brow once he saw the scorched marks on Weavile, jostling her shoulder. "You're a little late, aren't you? Something happen?"
She snorted, coughing a bit. "Got caught up in traffic. You know how it is this time of the year."
"Of course, but…" He looked up at the ceiling in thought, before looking back down. "What those two said… and what Serperior is doing in the Grit Region."
Weavile tapped her chin with a claw, grinning. "You think there's something juicy buried in that sandbox?"
He grinned back, "Definitely. And we need to be the ones to scoop it out."
"I like your thinking, as long as this gets me-" She bit her tongue. "Us… closer to the truth of this all."
"It just might…"
From across the room, Glaceon stomped her paws on the creaky wooden floors, whipping her icy bangs in protest.
"I do not want to wander around a giant empty desert looking for old junk, Weavile!"
Weavile laughed loudly, "Don't worry, ice queen. Something tells me this will be a special kind of operation…"
In the Pokemon's heart, she knew everything they were doing was to achieve something. Whether it was the pursuit of truth in Bisharp's eyes, or her own personal justice for her past comrades. Even though she hated everything about them, Weavile couldn't help but reflect upon the words spoken by the Gallade.
That there was a light at the end.
Liam steadied his crimson orbs on the mirror's reflection, taking in the image that stared back at him. He slowly extended his paw, or rather, the reflection's paw and ran it across his muzzle, feeling the sensation of his fur being bristled. While his senses told him that everything was normal, it felt like everything but that to his brain.
The Riolu in the mirror was a completely different beast.
Why was a question he asked himself many times after the revelation he experienced the previous day. It began to consume his thoughts, until it was the only thing he could think of. He thought he had gotten over his obsession to find out his past before, but now it only intrigued him more.
He had found himself, but was still in the dark about the reason for this all. How he lost his memory - how he ended up in the Sunshine Forest, and how he became a Riolu - a Pokémon
'This… isn't who I am. But… what even was I?'
He wasn't one for insane theories, but the thought of aliens was too believable now to pass up.
Liam almost laughed upon recalling the first day when he woke up and followed Gloria out of that forest, feeling like he wasn't a Pokemon. In the end, it was true - he wasn't. He felt estranged in this strange world, where things felt familiar, but also different.
He sighed, turning away from the image in the mirror. In the past, he was able to accept never recovering from his amnesia, but things were different now. His uncovered past revealed things about himself that he would've never imagined before. The secret of it all lingered in his thoughts, tempting him to venture more into the unknown.
And he was always a fan of the unknown.
Exiting the bathroom, Liam entered the tiny room that he, Gloria, and Roark shared at the inn. Rays of golden morning light poured out of their window, obscured by beige curtains, and accompanied by loud snoring.
Across the room, and crashed on a plain looking couch was a sleeping Zoroark, claws resting on his belly, and another pair supporting his head. Liam snickered at the Dark-type's splayed out form, knowing for sure that the fox was intoxicated beyond any measure yesterday.
He stood still for a moment, letting the light bathe over him, until realization of this new day set in over the tired Riolu. His tail began to wag uncontrollably, an excited smile overtaking his once drained and blank features.
'Today's the expedition!'
For months he had been waiting for this moment, to finally conquer something as monumental as Celestial Mountain. He was ready, but he needed to know if someone else was.
'Is Gloria…'
He diverted his attention to the large plush bed, seeing the white Vulpix curled up in a ball near the pillows. He silently plodded over, lightly bopping her exposed snout and loudly whispering.
"Hey, Gloria! It's time to wake up!"
The sleeping Vulpix scrunched her muzzle up in response to the touching, burying her face deeper into the covers to avoid it, which only made Liam further his efforts.
He pushed her side, "C'mon! Wake up!"
Eventually she began to stir, groaning softly and lifting her head out of the bed. She batted her blue eyes, adjusting to the bright light in the room, before resting them on the excited Riolu by the bedside.
"L-Liam…? Is it time to go?"
He began to eagerly nod, before stopping suddenly. "Uh… I'm not sure, but I just wanted to wake you up first." A sheepish smile was imprinted on his face. "Sorry if I got you up too early."
Gloria drowsily giggled her yawns away, "I guess now would be a good time to get ready." She wiggled her way out of the covers and onto the shaggy carpeted floor. "Did you enjoy the festival?"
"Uh… it was great! Primarina's performance was awesome!"
It saddened him a bit that he didn't get to experience all the amenities of the celebration, but the return of some of his memories trumped everything else.
The Vulpix looked around for her saddlebag, finding it lying near the bedside table. She slipped it around her side, smiling at his comment.
"I told you that you would like it!" she said gleefully. "What did you and Roark do after I left?" Realization of what she said took over as her look then became suspicious. "You didn't… do anything stupid, right?"
He quickly raised his paws in defense. "Hey, wait a second - I didn't go with him! Whatever he did is on him!"
Her wary stare soon collapsed into giggles, as usual. "Okay, but what did you do?"
Liam blinked, his response slow. "I… just wandered around. You know me, I like to explore my environment."
Of course that was only the information he could provide her. He hated lying, especially to her, but he knew this was the best option for right now.
The Riolu brought his gaze to the carpet, before perking back up, a goofy smile on his face. "Wait! I got something to show you!" He shot across the room, flipping over a blanket to retrieve the item.
It was the old banjo he purchased from the festival - white flower painted on its scratched surface. After he was transported to the inn, he procured some strips of cloth from around their room and created a makeshift strap for the battered instrument.
Liam slung the banjo around his shoulder, making his way over to Gloria as he proudly held it with open arms. "It's a banjo! One of the shop vendors had it in the back of his shop and I bought it!" He gave a few plucks of its strings, producing that sound he loved so much.
Gloria stared at the instrument for a while. "I didn't know you could play."
"I didn't know either!" He looked down at his banjo. "Guess I... discovered a part of myself yesterday."
She smiled earnestly, "Well, I'm happy for you. Maybe…" Her smile became meek. "Maybe you could play a little for me some time?"
"Yeah! I can do that after the expedition ends and we-"
A yawning noise from the couch across the room scrambled his words. Roark stretched from his uncomfortable position, holding up a single claw in the air.
"Man... never accept dares at a bar." Roark held a claw to his head, sparing the two a glance. "You think this place has room service specifically catered for hangovers?"
Gloria frowned, "You know I told you not to go overboard, remember?"
The Zoroark shrugged as best he could, chuckling. "You know that goes in one ear and out the other, sis."
Before the Vulpix could lecture her older brother, a few daintily knocks were placed on their door, the ruse fox silently thanking the interrupter for saving him from his sister's rant. Liam walked over to open the door, revealing it to be Leafeon, who introduced herself to everyone.
"Hey! Just wanted to tell you guys that we're leaving in a bit!"
Gloria nearly sprinted over to the door, hugging the Leafeon with great intensity. "It's good to see you this morning! Is everyone else ready?"
The Grass-type leaned into the exchange. "Yup! They're all chatting with Team Drarosteel in the lobby."
Roark snapped his claws, "Leafy! I need another favor!" He winced. "Which can be redeemed about now."
Leafeon rolled her eyes, breaking the hug and trotting over to the Zoroark. She let her Aromatherapy do the magic - green mystic energy flowing out of her fuzzy tannish fur, basking Roark in its enchanting glow.
"Ah…." The fox groaned in bliss. "Screw Arceus, you're the real goddess."
"I try."
While Leafeon tended to her 'patient', Liam wandered over to the large window. He brushed away the curtains blocking the view of the city and peered at the outside world, only to gawk at what was taking place on the streets below.
Stretching far and wide on the cobblestone roads was an entire battalion of diverse Pokemon. They marched down the streets, hardened looks staring straight and brown coats gliding in the wind. Each who could hold a rifle did, placing it square against their chests as they continued forward through the streets. Along the sides of the road were even more Pokemon waving banners and flags, cheering out various calls that were lost to the thunderous sound of footsteps.
"What is happening down there!?" Liam yelled to no one in particular.
Leafeon focused her attention on the astonished Riolu. "It's the Council guard parade. Always happens a day after the festiv-"
Liam was already gone from the room - the entrance to it wide open.
Roark scoffed, awestruck at the Riolu's speed. "Man that kid can run!"
Gloria was spurred into a giggling fit, ambling towards the room's entrance. "Sorry about that, Leafeon. He can get a bit… too excited."
Liam blazed down the hotel stairs, racing through the halls and entering the main lobby of the building.
He had to see the parade up close.
Gloria, Roark, and Leafeon were not far behind, also appearing at the spacious foyer not a moment later. The glossy beige tiled floor beneath their paws gave way to a stainless red carpet, with a column of large decorated marble pillars stretching to the ceiling.
Near the center of the room and by the lobby's desk, were the entire crew of the Cosmic Quilt Guild, except Scizor and Jackson. All were engaged in a chat with the three imposing members of Team Drarosteel. Nonetheless, Liam sprinted past all present, breaking through the revolving doors of the inn's entrance.
Garchomp broke her discussion to stare at the blue bullet that zipped past her vision, until the appearance of a white Vulpix entering the fray came into her sights. She cracked a grin, beckoning a large talon at the snow fox.
"Gloria! It's been a while, come join us!"
With everyone's focus on her, the Vulpix gulped and gingerly made her way over, accompanied by her big brother and also self proclaimed big sister. Upon her arrival, Aggron smacked his chest with a hearty 'thud'.
"It's good to see ya again, lass! Still got some fire in ya like last time?"
Gloria nodded eagerly, puffing her chest out. "Yes! I've been giving it my all during our missions! Liam can be my witness to that… even if he ran ahead a few times."
Roark chuckled, attempting to frazzle the Vulpix's head tuft. "I keep telling this lot - my sister is one of a kind. She's packin' quite a lot of skill in that nerdy brain of he- ow!" He rubbed the part of his ankle where the Vulpix jabbed her paw into.
"And she's been helping me a lot in the kitchen as well!" Leafeon chimed in.
"Yup, Maria- I mean Gloria knows I like all my Figy Berries extra cooked!" Charizard added.
Rockruff almost started salivating. "The stuff they make is soooo good! Like yesterday there was a-" He also received a jab from his partners.
Garchomp flashed her razor sharp teeth. "Where we're going today… you're gonna need that fire more than ever, Gloria." She shot Aggron and Tyranitar a look. "Isn't that right, boys?"
Only a modest shrug came from Tyranitar. "I was still a Pupitar at the time, but Aggron isn't ready, says he."
The steel goliath bumped a fist into the Dark-type. "Now you've gone and done it. Slandering my name like that."
"You deserve it, motormouth."
"Why I outta-"
Both got a talon to the face, courtesy of a certain Dragon-type.
Monferno snorted at the display, flicking an ear. "C'mon, what's so difficult about this mountain. It's got a lot of Mystery Dungeons - big deal."
Roark also flicked the Fire-type's ear, much to his dismay. "Wait, so you superstar's already explored the mountain? Any reason to be back at that tall Drilbur hill?"
"We have always wanted to return to Celestial Mountain, but got caught up in a lot of our adventures over the years," Garchomp said. "We didn't get far in our expedition in the past, mostly because of your Guildmaster's actions."
Staravia flew around wildly, nearly throwing Joltik off his back in his frantic state. "No w-way! You guys and the G-Guildmaster explored together?!"
"Aye, but not just him, lad. Us and Team Moonlight go way back. We're just as interested in this potential truth like Scizor and Jackson are," Aggron noted.
Garchomp sighed fondly, letting the memories flood back in. "That Lucario is quite like the mountain itself - a secret. But since we're here to crack 'em, then we're gonna make sure this is the last time we have to come here."
Liam squeezed his way through the many Pokémon present, all of them in the way of his goal of finding a better vantage point of the whole event. Eventually, the sound of marching grew louder and louder as he clambered on top of a nearby wooden box to get a better view.
But once he managed to climb up, what he witnessed didn't disappoint.
Almost in perfect synchrony, the guards went row by row, their aged brown coats drifting with them. They threw their legs up into the air, bringing them down with immense force, advancing further into the city's heart. The strange weapons placed against their chests were also tipped with pointy bayonets, begging for an enemy to get up close and personal with. A shower of victorious and vibrant confetti rained down on the guards, along with the deafening cheers, whistles, and hollers of the crowd.
Liam knew military parades were supposed to be impressive and flashy to promote patriotism in Pokemon, but he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by it all. The only guards he remembered were the plain looking ones from Empyrean City.
"It's pretty wicked, innit?"
Liam nearly sent the frail box toppling, but managed to steady himself. He immediately locked eyes with the steel feathered avian flapping his wings beside him.
The Pokémon tapped his armored chest with a wing. "That'd be me, mate. Enjoying the parade?"
Liam blinked in response, "Uh… yeah? It's um… actually really cool!"
Corviknight shrugged, "Maybe if you're a civilian. But the entire march puts a lot of strain on us bloke's." He watched the guard's journey through the streets with a sly smirk. "Glad I got to skip out on it this year…"
"Wait… you're a guard of the Council?"
"Yyyup!" The bird tapped his chest with a wing again. "For nearly two years at that. 'Mons are nice, but the pay is pretty shit I'd say." He grumbled.
Liam needed to ask a question that he never seemed to get an answer on. "I've heard a lot about the Council, but what is it exactly?"
Corviknight looked appalled, "What?! You live on Celestic and have no clue what the Council is?"
"I'm, uh… foreign?"
Silence took over the pair for a solid second, until the Steel-type began to snicker under his breath.
"Mate, you're pretty weird, but I guess that's typical for foreigners." He shook his head. "Anyways, the Council is like a body of government, right? They're the ones who set up all the authority and laws on the continent. "
Liam racked his brain, "So if it's a Council, then who is representing everyone?"
"Mayors, or more specifically, mayors from well populated cities like Elysium, Empyrean, and Watersong. Each region of Celestic has members of the Council, and all get their input on certain things." Corviknight smirked. "Did you see Primarina's show last night at the festival?"
"Yeah, but what about it?"
"Guess what - that singer is the mayor of Watersong City in the Shore Region, which means she's also part of the Council."
That was certainly a lot to think about for the Fighting-type.
"That's the gist of it, and-" Corviknight stopped his spiel upon noticing the banjo strapped around the Riolu's back. "Hey, glad to see you're still tugging that thing around."
Liam followed his gaze, "Thanks, I think it means a lot to me…"
"Innit crazy how music always holds a special place in our hearts?" Corviknight flapped his wings. "Anyways, I've gotta fly before my superiors notice this bird is gone. Been nice seeing you, Riolu."
"... Liam."
The crow saluted the Riolu with a single wing, leaping into the air with a great big 'woosh', beating his wings and flying off into the sky without a moment's notice. Liam watched the Steel-type vanish from his sights, reflecting on the words of the watchful but friendly avian.
Music really did hold a special place in his heart.
They were almost there.
Roark whistled, tossing the remainders of his Aspear Berry off the side of the Mudsdale carriage. "A banjo? Heck, I've gotta show you how good I am with my acoustic guitar some time." He nudged the Vulpix beside him with an elbow. "Right, sis? I know how much you loved me sending you off to bed with it."
Gloria went deep in thought. "That was so long ago… I can hardly remember."
"Ah, but I do!" Roark retorted, raising a claw. "And I remember when you were so tired that you would start drooling all over your books."
She frowned, "Thanks for the reminder..."
"No prob, sis."
Liam stood against the carriage's railing, staring off into the distance. It was a perfect day, blue skies all around with the sun shining on their backs. But he was more interested in the looming figure of a mountain before them.
'We're so close!'
As the Mudsdale pounded the firm rocky ground, they inched closer and closer to their destination. The shadowy image that was once part of the horizon was now fully revealed to the envoy of explorers and guild members alike.
Vast grasslands turned into enormous mountainous terrain, teeming with all sorts of cliff faces, caves, forests, and jaw dropping waterfalls and rivers. A sort of mist seemed to roll in around the mountain's side, shrouding whatever existed on its surface or within the cracks in its tall and grandiose appearance.
'We're here! We're actually here!'
It took a lot of willpower for Liam to not jump out.
The Mudsdale grinded to a halt, spewing mud and other bits of earth in their wake. After the long ride to the mountain, everyone eagerly climbed out of their respective carriages, grouping up near a large boulder wedged into a grassy hill. There were a few bouts of excited chatter amongst those organized, only to be stopped once Jackson broke free and stood in front of everyone else, arms crossed behind his back.
"Listen up! We are now beginning our expedition of Celestial Mountain starting now! We are to break up into three teams to take on different parts of the mountain." He thrusted a paw to the left of him. "For the first team, I want Team Blazingheart, Evergreen, Static, and Nightshade!"
A chorus of 'yes', and a few 'no' emanated from the group, the chosen beginning to assemble into their makeshift teams.
Jackson pointed to his right, "For the second team, I want Team Drarosteel, Gloria, Roark, Charizard, and Scizor!"
Liam raised a brow, 'Wait a second. Why am I not with-'
"For the final team… it will be myself and Liam."
Scizor was just as confused, stepping forward. "Guildmaster, I don't see why me and Charizard aren't accompanying you-"
Jackson narrowed his eyes, "This is final, Scizor."
"... Yes, Guildmaster." The Bug-type retreated to his team's spot.
The Shiny Lucario motioned to the large bags and backpacks still on board the carriages. "Grab the supplies you will need for the few days we will spend hiking up the mountain. If you have located something, then your job is to contact me through your ELE." His eyes glazed over the Pokémon present. "Any questions?"
"Then the expedition begins now. Split up and we will dissect this mountain for good."
As soon as the Guildmaster's parting words were over, the team's began the process of selecting the gear needed for the arduous trek up Celestial Mountain. Liam felt himself getting nervous at the thought of teaming up with the Guildmaster himself, but swallowed that fear and followed the Lucario back to the carriages.
"Take these backpacks, Liam. Scizor has put most of your belongings in them."
The Riolu followed orders, jostling the quite heavy rectangular backpack around himself. Once the two of them were situated, Jackson led him across the quiet valley of boulders and rocks, straight towards Celestial Mountain. This adventure that Liam has been waiting to start for so long just began.
"This is a mountain of secrets, Liam. We are here to fully uncover them…"
This is a world of secrets. Some are meant to be discovered, while others not.
If you would like to check for news about the latest chapter progress, discuss the story as it goes on, give criticism on anything, point out mistakes, give your appreciation, ask questions, or simply chat about the story, then my DM's are open and I will respond to all meaningful messages. You can also add me on Discord and talk/send me things if you prefer that, for the same reasons. Discord = Z2H#7239
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Next Time: The Magnagate Investigation Project
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