《Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Phantasmagoria》A Little Chat Over Tea
Chapter 14
A Little Chat Over Tea
The ice cubes rattled against the glass on their way down, piling at the bottom. For extra measure, she grabbed a couple more from the tray next to her and threw them in.
'That's probably good enough.'
Weavile's claw latched onto a big bottle of her favorite Nanab Berry whiskey, tilting it over her glass and letting its brown contents pour and swish into it. For any other Pokémon, it was cheap garbage, but to her, it was her comfort drink. She sighed, tapping the glass with a claw.
'Is it worth the hangover? Arceus knows this won't be my last tonight…'
Across the cherrywood table, Rhyperior slammed his own hefty glass down. "What are you looking so down for, Cap?" He chuckled deeply. "Don't tell us that you lost your taste for whiskey?"
The Simisear beside him laughed, shaking his head. "I haven't been here long, but I see the captain down here all the time."
A metallic squawking noise from a few tables away graced everyone's ears, as Skarmory raised her glass with a wing. "C'mon Cap'n! Drink!" She began to chant the last part.
Soon, everyone present in the room began to raise their full glasses of alcohol, chanting along to rally their leader.
Hearing the encouragement of her fellow mercenaries, Weavile abandoned her previous worries and grabbed her glass to the cheers of her comrades. She chugged it down, feeling the liquid burn her throat like so many times before. She wondered if she would regret this, but let go of that thought as she had many times before.
Weavile tore away the now empty glass from her lips, sighing at the taste. 'What kind of leader am I to put a damper on their happy hour?' Her listless gaze watched everyone return to their entertainment. 'Why am I still feeling like shit, though?'
Despite her best efforts, she could not squash the ever growing thoughts in her head - the thoughts of that place. She told herself that she would never return after what happened, but fate was a funny thing.
Weavile quietly chuckled, already hearing the voice of Bisharp in her head spouting out about how much importance that place held to the 'truth of this world'. She could only roll her eyes every time he went off on one of those tangents. Like there was even was a truth to uncover that wasn't greed at the heart of it all.
It was like he didn't realize that he was still a mercenary.
Weavile's claw latched onto the bottle of whiskey again, stealing a glance at the Pokémon around her. Some were playing card games, arm wrestling, or tentacle wresting in Octillary's case - or just drinking for fun.
'Why the hell couldn't I have just been a normal merc.'
To her, this place and her lifestyle was her calling above all. But something else resided within her that told her it wasn't just that.
Revenge. Justice. Fulfillment.
Weavile narrowed her eyes at the melting cubes in her glass. Of course, there was always a reason for something, and she definitely had her reasons of establishing the Razor Claw Clan. Reasons that she has never fully disclosed to her faithful comrades, besides Bisharp. For years, she had always brushed those thoughts of telling them away, as to her, they were nothing but criminals. But as time passed, she began to saw them more and more as comrades. She chuckled to herself again, pondering about all those times Bisharp took a jab at her.
'Heh, maybe I am growing a bit soft.'
"Eh?" Weavile swerved her head towards the direction of the voice, which was Electivire. "What are ya bugging me for, plughead?"
The Electric-type laughed, "All week we've been wondering what was up with you." He grew a devious grin. "Is it that time of the mo-"
"Shut it," Weavile growled lowly.
"I wanted to know too, Cap'n!" Skarmory squawked from the back. "Ya haven't even shouted at anyone!"
Murmurs of agreement swept through the half drunk crowd of mercenaries. Weavile groaned, not even knowing the answer to that question herself.
'How would I… even begin to tell them? Would they even care?'
They were useful to her in accomplishing her feats, sure. But letting them all in on exactly they were chipping away at was something she refused to tell them. Keeping them ignorant and waving a bag of Poké in their eyes for now was seemingly the only feasible way to keep her operations going.
After all, they were just mercenaries.
Weavile coughed into a claw. "Don't worry, runts. I'm just a tad sick. I'll scream at ya lackeys later."
She sighed, 'Just a little longer - they'll understand…'
The creaking of the double doors to the Lounge broke her train of thought, as sounds of metallic steps on wood greeted everyone's ears.
"Captain Bisharp!" Rhyperior drunkenly shouted. "Come to have some fun with the boys, eh?"
Bisharp shot down his efforts with a wave of his gauntlet. "Not today, I have matters to discuss with Weavile here."
Upon hearing her name, Weavile faced the approaching Steel-type, a smirk expanding on her face.
"What's it this time, Bishy? More requests?"
He shook his head, wearing a grin of his own and pointing at the room's exit. "Something better - you're gonna get a kick out of this."
Weavile stared at the glass in her grip. "If you're interrupting me time…" She placed it on the table and stood up, mock glaring at Bisharp. "It better damn be."
"Oh, trust me - it is."
Surrounded by their drunk and happy criminal Pokémon in arms, they breached the double doors of the Lounge and entered the dark purple hallways of the 'guild'. Bisharp then escorted Weavile to his room, where a thin envelope was laying on his bed.
"So... you found a girlfriend to send you letters?" Weavile joked. "Am I supposed to be shocked that you managed to find someone?"
Bisharp strolled over to the bed, picking up the envelope and handing it over to her. "Not exactly, Weavs. Let's say that it's from the kind of 'mon you'd hate to see me date."
She rolled her eyes in response, snatching the paper away and tearing it open with a swipe of her claws. Once the letter inside was revealed, she took it out and began to read the angrily worded heading, her eyes widening.
"Oh no, not her."
Already she could feel the seed of a blistering headache forming. And Bisharp's now uproarious laugher wasn't helping her case.
"This must've appeared last night in our mailbox. I can't help but wonder what's on her mind," Bisharp sarcastically wondered.
"Clearly nothing at all. What a bitch," Weavile grumbled. "But hey, maybe she's turning over a new leaf."
"I doubt it, but give it a read anyways."
She obliged, clearing her throat and reading the neat cursive writing.
Weavile tore the letter into pieces, scattering them over the floor. "Fuck… she actually wants us to go to her little tea party." Her eyes squinted at the floor. "And that's today…"
Bisharp gazed down at the now shredded letter. "You know… we might just have to attend."
"What?!" Weavile was taken aback. "Why should we have an audience with that crazy bitch of a Pokémon?"
Bisharp walked over to wall where the map of Celestic was displayed. Various scraps of paper and colored string connecting across the different regions littered the map. "That mysterious mercenary group we stole that dungeon's information from? Hell… it just might be the Rose Clan for all we know."
Weavile approached him, questions already brewing in her mind. "Why would Serperior care about anything like that? For years, she's been after my position in this game, not answers."
Bisharp let out a drawn out sigh in response, ultimately shrugging. "Just got one of those feelings, Weavs." He looked to his side, feeling Weavile's smug features staring back. "... What?"
She playfully punched his shoulder. "You never just get 'feelings', Bishy. Tell me, what's got those gears in your mind turning?"
He approached the map, giving it one last look over. "I'll tell you, but… we'll have to go see her to confirm my suspicions."
Weavile sighed, already dreading the experience. "Fine, but you're getting us a flight to that city."
"Just treat this like a date, a date with your worst enemy."
"I hate this fucking city."
Bisharp shooed away the tiny Mienfoo trying to pass out newspapers to them. "Serperior picked a good time for a dinner date, didn't she?"
Weavile scolded herself and that Grass-type for flying all the way out to Empyrean City for this meeting. She preferred to stage meet ups in the shade of questionable street corners or abandoned ruins, not busy shopping districts. She adjusted the black bag around her shoulder, pushing past more Pokemon.
"If she picked it to piss me off… then I guess she succeeded," the Ice-type grumbled.
"If it's for reasons I suspect, then she might have a good reason to…"
That earned a laugh from Weavile. "Hah, as if that snake has a reason to be a bit-" she bumped straight into a Riolu, breaking her words, "Hey! Watch where you're walking, moron!"
The Riolu scowled, readjusting his scarf. "Moron? You bumped me into me!"
"Excuse me?"
The Fighting-type's Vulpix partner intervened. "We're so sorry for bumping into you, miss." The Vulpix tapped her partner's shoulder. "C'mon, Liam, we've already got everything. Let's just go."
Her words seemed to calm the Fighting-type down as the two walked away. Weavile angrily stomped ahead, freeing herself from the mob of Pokémon and forcing Bisharp to attempt to catch up with her.
"Jeez, Weavs. What's got you so riled up today? You're like a teenager again, yelling at guild kids and everything."
"You know why," she responded. "This situation isn't exactly where I want to be right now…"
It was a half truth. While having a sit down with her dreaded 'nemesis' out in the field was bad on its own, her thoughts from earlier still plagued her mind.
Bisharp chuckled, "Whatever, just don't blow your top at her. Trust me, she doesn't need more ammo to shoot at you in her angry letters."
Thankfully for Weavile, they arrived at their destination after just a few trips through the winding streets of Empyrean. As mentioned in the letter, they took up a seat outside of a tea shop next to Sylveon's Sweets at a table draped in white cloth.
Bisharp gave a quick scan of their surroundings, noting the lack of Serperior around. "Hmm, either she's late or this is a new tactic of hers - pranking us."
Weavile rested her head on a claw, squinting her eyes at the sun shining on their faces. "Doubt it, she would never pass up on an opportunity like this."
"We're gonna be here a while it seems," he lamented.
After around twenty minutes of waiting, in which Weavile was ready to leave any second or stab someone with her darts. But before she could act on that, a familiar slithering noise and overly pompous female voice met their bored ears.
"My, my, the delinquents actually showed up!"
Weavile silently growled in her mind. 'Here we go…'
The slithering noise got louder as the pristine Serperior crept into view across the busy street. Along with her presence, a stout Aegislash in its Shield Form ominously floated behind her.
"And you even left a chair out for me! How thoughtful!"
A green vine extended out of Serperior's leafy neck, pulling out the wooden chair as her body coiled around it, soon resting her entire form on the chair. Once situated, Aegislash floated over and assumed its position her near side, glaring into the two Pokémon across from it.
The Grass-type sighed in relief. "Much better after a long carriage ride with noting but boring grizzled mercenaries to talk to, right, friends?"
Weavile scoffed, "Cut the act, what'd you call us here for anyways?"
Serperior scoffed back, "Oh yes, just a moment, dear. Right now I'm a bit… parched." One of her vines extended into the air, waving at a passing Lilligant in uniform. "Waitress!"
Weavile sighed, "This isn't nec-"
"Nonsense! Service here, please!"
'Keep calm, Weavile, keep calm…'
The Lilligant waitress teetered on over, notepad at the ready in her leafy grasp.
Serperior cleared her throat, "Yes, we'll have three Polteageist teas; piping hot, yes?" The waitress nodded, earning a smile from the evergreen serpent. "Marvelous, thank you!"
With the waitress now gone, Serperior adjusted her gaze back to Weavile, who seemed to barely contain her rage.
"Is there something on my face, my dear Weavile? You've been giving me a strange look this entire time."
Weavile murderously gripped the white cloth table. "I think you know why, snake."
Bisharp tapped Weavile's claws with his gauntlet, signaling for her to cool it. "Let's just get down to brass tacks. What is your purpose in staging this meeting?"
"Well, it's for a few reasons, good chum," Serperior hummed. "I witnessed your little charade at the premiere of the Eden Theater. Quite the preparation for that one, wasn't it?"
Weavile eased up, suspicion replacing anger. "How do you even know that was us? And I call bullshit on you even attending."
Serperior laughed - one filled with mirth and smugness. "I shared quite a laugh with Mayor Empoleon when your little Magmortar goon was carried out cold!" She sighed. "I wish that event wasn't swept under a rug - it would have been a magnificent newspaper to read. 'Razor Claw Mercenary Clan defeated by two random Pokémon.'"
'Guess the Meowth's out of the bag on this one…'
"Defeated? Our mission there was successful."
"Successful? Maybe successful in attempting to torch a little innocent ambassador to ashes." Serperior rose her snout. "I know your clan is full of barbarians, but please make an effort to not seem so proud of it."
"Innocent? Hah, as if. They may have got the Council and the rest of this continent fooled, but I'm more wise to them…"
This was a surprise to Serperior. "You… have a vendetta against the Alignment?" She guffawed loudly, various Pokémon around their table casting glances at them. "You two think yourself a hero of Celestic for attempting to thwart them, hmm?"
Bisharp raised a brow, "Heroes? No, more like… sending a message that we will not stop until we get what we want."
"And what is that, my dear Bisharp?"
Before he could respond, the Lilligant waitress from before appeared, balancing a platter of tea cups on a leafy appendage. She set it on the table, politely bowing before scurrying away.
"Thank you!" Serperior shouted, a vine of hers extending towards the tea cups. "Please, help yourselves, darlings."
Bisharp reluctantly grabbed his, but Weavile didn't budge.
Serperior daintily sipped from her teacup, raising a brow at the glaring Ice-type. "Are you not thirsty, Weavile? It might grow cold, darling, like your heart."
"I don't like tea..."
"A pity."
Bisharp took a sip as well, flinching at the taste after drinking nothing but alcohol for so long. "Our interests in the Alignment are none of your concern. Now, get back to why you're here."
"Well…" The Grass-type rested her cup back onto the platter. "I'd like to discuss the incident of a theft of an exploration team near the Lush Gardens."
'Does she…?'
Weavile leaned over the table, honing her glare at the Pokémon. "What do you exactly know about that, huh?"
"Oh, just that you two ruffians roughed those poor Pokémon up to acquire the information of a dungeon they had."
Bisharp smiled, his theory coming out on top. "I see… and you're here to discuss this with us because...?"
An irritated look crossed Serperior's features. "That team was supposed to relay that information to a mercenary group - my mercenary group."
Weavile smirked, "Oh, so that's how it is… you're upset your little delivery 'mons were robbed by us?"
"Robbed?" Serperior laughed haughtily. "Please… a little persuasion was enough to coax the information out of them. That is not why I called you here for a chat."
Weavile rose both arms in the air, completely dumbfounded. "So what the hell are we here for? You got what you wanted, snake!"
A vine extended Serperior's tea cup up as she took a hearty gulp, smiling. "I am here to send a message to the Razor Claw Clan… you, my dear Weavile."
The Ice-type leaned in again, a scowl forming. "Oh, really? What is your little message if I might ask?"
Another sip was taken. "Mmm, that you are not the only ones after the truth I'm afraid... "
Bisharp placed his teacup down, narrowing his eyes at her. "I do not follow. Do you assume our work is playing into some deeper meaning?"
Serperior scoffed, "No need to be so coy, Bisharp. Your attempts to outwit me are futile at best, as I am already aware of your... escapades in the past."
Weavile began to scratch the cloth table, attempting to contain her anger. "I am not after this 'truth' like you think I am. My business is with the Alignment only, and my clients don't dictate what I do."
"Does your hatred or lust for revenge solely motivate you, Weavile?" Serperior asked, her fangs glistening in the sunlight. "Surely you are not as simple minded as I think you are? That is no behavior fit for the 'Queen of the Mercenaries'."
"What?! You little-"
"Ladies, please," Bisharp interjected. "Serperior, this… 'truth' you're following. What makes you think it'll lead anywhere."
"Only the complete destabilization of Celestic and the world, my dear. And the Rose Clan will be the very first to unearth it! So it would be wise for you to, hmm… dawdle off to do your usual drunken antics instead."
Weavile suddenly grinned, everything making sense to her now. "So this is your little threat to us? I've heard worse."
Serperior closed her orbs. "It's not a threat, my dear." She opened them back up. "It is a promise that I will wipe your little clan of misfits out and reign as this continent's true mercenary queen!"
Weavile's claw nearly shredded the cloth as she stood out of her seat, leaning over. "Fat fucking chance, snake. You've tried before and you still won't win this time!" She wanted to jump across the table and slash at the Grass-type's throat.
Bisharp yanked Weavile back into her chair. "We won't be halting our missions any time soon, so this meeting of yours is a bust."
Serperior sighed, shaking her head. "I knew you two would be stubborn, but competition does not sway my efforts either, I'm afraid." Her vines picked up her teacup again, gulping down the remnants of the tea. "It was nice seeing you today, Weavile. The next time we meet, I hope you will be kneeling out of respect for your new mercenary queen."
"The next time we meet, your head will be the newest wall trophy," Weavile spat back.
Aegislash, who was originally still as a statue, moved out of way of a slithering Serperior. It dutifully followed behind its leader, the both of them soon exiting the area. But before she was truly gone, the serpent angled her back to the table for one last remark.
"And thank you dears for footing the bill! I'm afraid I forgot to bring my purse along!" The Grass-type threw her head back and cackled to the heavens as she and Aegislash departed, leaving a fuming Weavile behind.
"She really got under your skin this time, didn't she, Weavs?" Bisharp remarked.
"Shut up, Bishy." Weavile released her grip on the table, finally relaxing. "And aren't you happy your little theory about her got proven right?"
"Sure am, but this only complicates things further. With the Rose Clan even involved in this, who knows how many players we gotta take out to get to the center…"
"Yeah, but that shouldn't be too much of a pro-"
Muffled harsh static emanating from the bag around her shoulder broke her sentence. She immediately stopped to open the zipper to peer inside, finding the strange yellow device emitting such noise.
'No way… again?'
Soon, the rumbling of static faded, as an unmistakable and familiar gruff voice came out of the tiny device.
'Razor Claw… your services are needed.'
Weavile and Bisharp exchanged looks.
"The reason I have contacted you is because I need your assistance in another matter," the voice spoke through the hole in stone wall.
Weavile leaned against the broken mossy surface of the building. "Well, that's obvious, so just spill me the details and we'll discuss it."
"Of course. There is a tiny clearing located near the Soaring Falls. Here, there will be two… assets that I require captured and brought back."
"Kidnapping, huh?" She whistled. "Been a while since we've had one of these requests. So, who's it gonna be?"
"A Gallade and a Heliolisk. These are the Pokémon I want you to bring to me - is that clear?"
Weavile crossed her arms, "I'm gonna need a bit more than that. What are the details of this… capture."
"The two will be meeting up with another pair of Pokémon to establish a deal around midnight today. Once that deal is complete - you will act." The voice confirmed. "The price tag is your choice of anything below twenty-thousand Poké."
She whistled, "Below twenty-thousand? Sounds like a deal to me. Alright, we'll gather these 'mons and bring 'em back here."
"Perfect. Send me a message through that device when you have secured the assets."
A grinding noise filled the air, the square-shaped hole in the wall allowing their conversation now being sealed by a cracked cinder block sliding into place. Weavile released her back off the wall, walking back to where Bisharp and Honchkrow were currently stationed.
Bisharp saw her smirk first, raising a brow. "You seem to be in a better mode. What has our client got in store for us?"
"Kidnap job, Bishy. These always get me in a good mood."
He shook his head, jumping back on Honchkrow's back. "You've got issues, Weav's."
She cackled, joining him on Honchkrow's back, the crow Pokémon extending his wings and taking to the skies.
"Let's go back to base, and prepare for the harvest."
"Get down, get down!" Weavile harshly whispered.
Bisharp did as told, crouching behind her as they encased themselves in the nearby bushes, staring at the four Pokémon congregating ahead.
Their trip to the falls in the dead of the night was a dangerous one, with crashing waterfalls flowing out of cracks in the ravine nearly knocking them out of the sky. Luckily, they managed to land their crew safely around the cliffside. From there, it was only a matter of time until they found the small clearing, where their target was surely found. But finding the right time to strike was an entirely different matter.
"You got eyes on them, Weav's?"
"Sure do…"
Her eyes snapped to a Machoke and Toxicroak blocking her vision of the two other Pokémon in front. Strange, shiny metal plates covered their torsos, along with metal tubes strapped to their backs. Weavile's gaze hardened at this.
"Rifles. We're gonna need to be careful. Anyone of them can-"
"Shhh," Bisharp warned, placing a gauntlet over his mouth. "Don't want them to hear us and-" his eyes caught the two Pokémon in front move, whispering again, "Look, they're doing something."
With movement happening, they were able to confirm the two Pokémon's identity - a Gallade and Heliolisk, both wearing armbands.
Weavile growled under her breath. 'No fucking way… these guys are the assets?'
After a few words were exchanged between the four Pokémon in the clearing - none of which reached their ears - the Gallade tossed a card-like object onto the ground. Then, he and his Heliolisk companion stepped near it. An ominous flash of orange blossomed at their feet.
Weavile tried to get a better look, whispering. "What are they-"
An explosion of orange glowing light burst out of the object's expanding frame, enveloping the two Pokémon near it. Once the light receded, the Gallade and Heliolisk were gone. With their communication severed, the Machoke and Toxicroak gave each other a shrug and marched down the path they came.
Bisharp gaped at what he just saw. "They just-"
"Disappeared," Weavile finished for him, clenching a claw. "And these two are about to leave with our answers. We take them down, now."
He scowled, "Fine, I'll take the Machoke. You take the frog… and just watch out for those rifles. Don't want to bury you too early now."
Weavile emerged from the bush, a toothy grin on her face. "That all depends if they're quick on the draw..." She immediately splayed her claws, dashing towards the retreating Pokémon, with Bisharp hot on her trail as well.
Before the Toxicroak could even notice, an encased icy fist slammed into its side, sending it to the ground. Weavile immediately pounced on her foe, ripping the rifle off its back and tossing it aside - her claws then pressed against the bulbous throat of the Toxicroak.
"Move a muscle and you're history, got it?"
Unbeknownst to her, the Machoke beside her was already drawing its weapon at the sense of danger. It locked onto Weavile, squeezing the trigger.
With the sound of an explosion, and a shower of smoke and gunpowder, the bullet sailed harmlessly through the air, as Bisharp thankfully reached his target and knocked the rifle out of the Machoke's hands. The Steel-type narrowly dodged a lightning fast punch in response, ducking under the Pokemon and slamming his sharpened knee into the Machoke's chest.
The Fighting-type kneeled in pain, which gave Bisharp ample opportunity to strike. He summoned a Night Slash, dark purple energy surrounding his arm blades as he battered the kneeling Machoke into submission. The Machoke almost keeled, but attempted to stand up, only to receive a sudden and painful Iron Head to the face. It fell back into the dirt, shakily holding up its arms in an act of surrendering.
"Alright, Alright! Y-You won… what the hell do you want from us?!"
The Toxicroak on the floor grumbled. "Damnit, Machoke. I told you this would happen."
Weavile smiled, removing her claw from the Poison-type's throat. "Sorry, boys, but you're gonna need to tell us exactly what went down just now. Who were those two?"
"T-Those guys?" Machoke stumbled over his words. "We just came here to confirm the new delivery location with 'em! We swear!"
She scoffed at this. "Right, and you two are…" Her eyes wandered over to the metal chest plates they wore - her eyes expanding once she saw the flower symbol engraved into it - a rose.
'Arceus. Not her…'
Bisharp followed her gaze, realizing what she just did. "... Who gave you these orders, Serperior?"
Machoke nodded multiple times. "Y-Yes! Her highness did!"
Weavile scowled, rolling her eyes at the title. "What are the contents of this delivery? And what is the new location?"
"I… don't know what the deliveries contain, but… they said tomorrow in Elysium C-City, after the festival!" The Fighting-type flinched upon seeing her scowl deepening.
Weavile pointed a claw towards the clearing's exit. "Get outta here! You saw nothing, got it?"
The Machoke and Toxicroak heeded her words, scrambling to their feet and collecting their missing rifles. Weavile watched them as they urgently left the area, breathing a sigh. Like Bisharp stated before, things seemed to only get more complicated from here.
"Seems like that snake wasn't lying. She really is trying to one up us…"
Bisharp placed both gauntlets on his hip. "Yeah, but we now have the location of her next little shipment with them."
"It doesn't make sense, though. Why would the Alignment supply a mercenary group?"
He smirked, "Well, we can find out tomorrow if you're up for finding answers, Weav's"
She smirked back, wordlessly popping open her bag and retrieving the yellow device. She flicked the switch on its side and spoke into the speaker.
"Are you there?"
A few seconds later, the gruff voice responded. "Yes. Were you successful in capturing the assets?"
"... No. We found the two, but they disappeared in some orange light. The two other 'mons we beat down didn't provide any answers, either." She sent a wink Bisharp's way.
An audible sigh traveled through the speakers. "That is… troublesome to say the least. Until the next time I require your services, Razor Claw." The voice, along with the static vanished.
Bisharp chuckled, "...Well, I hope you're ready to pack your bags tonight. We have a lot to do tomorrow, apparently." In response, Weavile glowered at the sky, shaking her head.
"I hate that snake so much."
Liam could hardly contain himself right now.
Today was the day the guild began the first step of the expedition to Celestial Mountain. Currently, everyone who could lift heavy objects was situated in the foyer of the guild, pulling along boxes of supplies needed for their week-long trip outside. Sometimes, Liam cursed that he was born a Fighting-type, as now he was subjected to intensive lifting.
Roark pulled his container alongside the Riolu, shooting him a look. "Hey, Liam. Have you seen Gloria anywhere?"
Liam dropped his box, stretching his back. "Nope. Is she still in our dorms?"
The Zoroark shrugged, getting back to pulling his load. "Dunno, but you'd better go check on her... "
Liam nodded, shifting his eyes around his surroundings for the signs of the clipboard holding Bug-type.
The coast was clear.
With one final glance, he bolted from his position and sprinted to their dorm. The door was slightly ajar, allowing him to crack it open with a paw and enter. His gaze snapped to Gloria, laying on her beanbag and holding some sort of blue necklace in her paws.
"Gloria? Are you okay?"
The Vulpix almost jumped out of her fur, quickly putting the necklace back into her cream saddlebag and facing Liam. "Oh… uh, yeah!" Her ears drooped. "Sorry if I got you in trouble by being late."
"Nah, Scizor isn't here yet. Are you… all ready?" He placed both paws on his hip. "This is the big day, y'know."
She nodded, standing up and looking vacantly out their window. "Don't worry, I was just thinking about things."
Liam came over to her, placing a paw on her side. "Well, we have plenty of time to think about things on the carriage ride there." He strolled over to the door. "Are you ready to go, then?"
She smiled, walking over as well. "Of course, I don't wanna spoil your most anticipated trip."
Going back to the main hall, they assisted the rest of the guild in transferring the boxes outside. There, three carriages led by Mudsdale were stationed. Over time, wooden containers from inside the guild were placed on board. Once the job was complete, and the carriages were full, Jackson and Scizor gathered everyone outside, the Shiny Lucario preparing a speech..
"Attention! Over the next few hours, we'll be riding these Mudsdale carriages to Elysium City, where the annual festival there will be in full swing. We will stay the night in a hotel already prepared for our arrival by the time we get there." He gave each and everyone a glance of his sharp red eyes. "Once a day passes, and we leave the city, we will travel directly to the nearby Celestial Mountain to begin our expedition - is that understood?" A chorus of 'YES, GUILDMASTER' met the Lucario's ears, pleasing him. "Very well, you are free to enter your carriages now."
As if a switch was flicked on, each guild member began to climb aboard the carriage of their choice. Liam found himself, Gloria, Roark, Monferno, and Rockruff in the same carriage together.
The puppy Pokémon bounced up and down. "I can't wait to see Primarina and her crew play at the festival there!" He got into a pouncing position. "Ooh! Do ya think I could get her autograph somehow?"
Monferno snorted, "Ha, get in line, pal. So many dudes out there think the same. It's not gonna happen…"
Rockruff tilted his head, "Why not?"
The Fire-type jabbed himself in his chest. "Because... I'm gonna get that autograph." He placed both arms behind his neck, leaning against the railing.
"Nuh-uh!" Rockruff retorted.
"Sure am."
Roark laughed at the two. "You're both wrong. I'm getting that autograph, and ones from the Oricorio Sisters, too!" He waved a claw. "Then sell them all to desperate 'mons of course."
Liam and Gloria rolled their eyes watching the three Pokémon bicker. A rocking motion rumbled the carriages, the Mudsdale starting to trot down the paved path.
The expedition was finally beginning.
As the hours rolled by, Liam gripped the wooden railing of the carriages, watching the rolling green hills and meadows of colorful flowers slowly fade into taller plains. The temperature also dropped - the cool mountain air becoming more apparent with time passing. The sun began to set too, and as dusk rolled in, he began to see distant lights and faraway buildings.
'That… must be Elysium City,' he thought.
With the carriages drawing closer to their destination, the Riolu was able to see more and more of the place. It was no Empyrean City, but it was a sight to see. Colorful Pokémon shaped buildings and grand feats of architecture were just one of the many things that took shape around them.
'Ah… are those?'
Liam looked towards the sky, seeing the mystifying remnants of exploding fireworks illuminating the night sky in multicolored fire. It reminded him of the premier at the Eden Theater.
'Must be from the festival… I can't wait!'
Joy filled his heart at just the thought of this expedition - and now, he was finally going to be able to experience it all.
'This is gonna be so-'
His vision wavered, as if a flash of blur invaded his line of sight. He blinked, looking around in his state of confusion.
'What was that? Did someth-'
Immediate pain flooded his senses, his grip on the railing intensifying to keep him from tumbling to the ground. He gritted his teeth, feeling the pain getting worse and worse. Curls of blue and yellow wrapped around his eyesight, worsening his ability to see.
'N-no… it's hap-'
He lost the ability to speak and think coherently from his pain, slipping further and further into a state of unconsciousness. The colors in his vision melted away into mute blobs. Familiar voices, and the sound of soft instruments playing replaced his natural hearing. As everything collapsed around him, something began to play inside his mind - a vision.
It was happening again.
The past can never be forgotten… no matter how joyful or painful.
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Next Time: The Tune Of Nature
- In Serial28 Chapters
One Look to Rule the Heavens
What would you do if you were told you were going to reincarnate into a world of immortals and have three wishes? What happens if things don't go the way you thought? With no knowledge of the world at large, our MC will stumble his way through with knowledge not his own, a body not his own, and power that doesn't belong to this world. One look to rule the heavens. One flap to travel the earth. One thought to destroy them all. I do not own the cover photo. It was drawn by silverbloodwolf98 on deviantart (If someone wants to draw me one let me know) I do not own the rights to some of the ideas in the story as this is a FanFic (Please don't sue me, I have no money)
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The Assassin System
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Alter's Aburd Escapades!
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The Nurse
With war raging all around, some battles can't be won...♠The year was 1916, Elosie Keller was dwelling in a secluded Belgian cottage where she remained hidden away from the world until the day he fell from the sky...Drawn to the carnage of a fallen plane, she finds more than rubble when she notices that the pilot is still alive. She knows without medical treatment that the man is fated to die. Acting in a haste, she pulls the man from his destined coffin in hopes to help him live. Eloise soon finds herself tending a German patient in her hidden home and realizes he isn't the monster the world made him out to be; instead, she begins to see much more than an officer, but a man with a heart just trying to survive a war. When she is finally discovered by the Germans, she is called upon to become a field nurse for the men on the western front--only to fall into a whirlwind of unfortunate events that she must learn how to survive.Follow Eloise as she takes on the battle of being a wartime nurse in a man's world, fighting the one enemy that could never be conquered-love...*This is a work of fiction. Any names, dates, or events are completely coincidental. Thanks for reading. (unedited)
8 203