《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 23
Bella and I were at the Cullen house. Watching the news with them. I was sitting next to Jasper and Bella was next to me and Edward was doing what Edward does best pacing.
"Seattle is in a state of terrorr..." The reporter said
The tv showed a female reporter.
"...Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances." the reporter said
I look over at Jasper then up at Carlisle who watch the TV with concern. Emmett is draped over a arm chair.
Theories range from a vicious new gang to wildly active serial killer..." the reporter said
"Oh Bella and Anna do you guys need something for those flea bites?" Emmett asked
"I'm good, thanks." Bella and I said together
"Seattle?" Edward says nodding towards the tv
"It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something." Carlsie said
"Alice still hasn't had any visions about who's doing this." Edward said
"I told you who was doing it." I said
"So we track him down and kick his bloodthirsty ass. Let's go now. I'm bored as hell." Emmett said
"Emmett." Rosalie yells from upstairs
"She's such a pessimist." Emmett said
Edward abruptly looks at Jasper, reading his mind beat--
"I didn't think of that. But...yes, it makes sense." Edward said
"Guys." Bella said
"Not all of us can read minds so let the family in on your conversation." I said
"Tell us, Jasper." Carlisle said
As Jasper speaks, Bela is surprised me not so much.
"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more. They're undisciplined. Conspicuous --" Jasper said
"Newborns." Edward said
"Like...new vampires?" Bella asked
"In their first months after the change." Edward said
"That's when we're at our most vicious, uncontrollable, insane with thirst--" Jasper said
"Something to look forward to." Emmett says
I see Bella face go a little pale I look over to her.
"It won't happen to Bella, because I am here and you share by blood so the venom will take to you different." I said
She nodded her head, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Edward relax a little.
"No one trained these newborns, but this isn't random..." Edward said
"...Someone's creating an army." Carlisle said
Jasper nods. Emmett rises, enthusiastic.
"Oh, now we definitely gotta go." Emmett said
"Wait, an army? Of vampires?" Bella asked
"There haven't been any newborn armies in over a century that I know of." Carlisle said
I grabbed Jasper's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"There is now. And they've been created to fight someone." Jasper said
"We're the only clan even close to Seattle." Edward said
"Regardless, if we don't put a stop to it, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long." Carlisle said
"Maybe they're purposely ignoring it. Or even...behind it. When we were in Italy...I read it in Aro's mind...He didn't want me to see, but it was there...He wants Alice and me to join him. Our gifts would shore up his power...But he knows we'd never choose him as long as our family is alive...An army could solve that for him." Edward said
"Really now." I said
"We can't wait two weeks for graduation; you need to change me now--" Bella said
"You'd be a liability as a newborn. Unable to control your instincts. An easy target." Jasper said
Carlisle puts an empathetic hand on Bella's shoulder.
"There's also your father to consider. And your mother. How terrible would it be for them if you suddenly disappeared?" Carlisle said
Bella just sits knowing that Carlisle was right. Emmett on the other hand looks confused...
"But...we are gonna kick someone's ass, right?" Emmett asked
I kind of just laughed. Bella and I stayed at the Cullen house for a little while longer before we headed home. When we got home we see Charlie sitting at the kitchen table looking at picture of Riley that reads "have you seen me?"
"Hi Dad. You already eat dinner?" Bella asked
"Huh? Um...no...not yet." Charlie said
I walk over to dad.
"Dad what is wrong?" I asked
"Riley Biers. His parents are papering Seattle with these. Fifth time they've tired." Dad said
"...Do you think they should give up?" Bella asked
"I wouldn't, if it was you or your sister. Not ever." Dad said
I see Bella swallow guilt knowing she was about to put him through that and may still. Dad then wraps an arm around us. Then stands up covering his emotionality.
"So, one large, extra cheese, and a salad?" Charlie asked
After we ate Bella and I headed upstairs. Jasper soon found himself in my room.
"I'm worried about Bella." I said
"Why?" Jasper asked
"Listen." I said
Jasper and I listened in on the conversation Edward and Bella were having.
"How to explain why I won't be home for Christmases. Why I won't visit. Why they'll never see me again." Bella said
"After a few decades, everyone you know will be dead. Problem solved." Edward said
"Why are you so against me becoming like you?" Bella asked
"I've told you." Edward said
"There's more to it. You can be honest." Bella said
"The choice you're making. I know the consequences of it - the loss, the isolation. I've lived it. To let you suffer that...And I know you believe I have a soul, but I don't. and to risk yours, just so I'll never have to lose you...it's the most selfish thing I'll ever do." Edward said
"Then I'm just as selfish." Bella said
"I thought maybe you were afraid I'll be too different-- I won't be, you know...warm anymore. Won't smell the same..." Bella said
"You'll always be my Bella." Edward said
Jasper and I stopped listening.
"Do you see what I mean. Immortality will become Bella, but I don't think things are going to go as planned." I said
"And if it doesn't go as planned we will be there for her." Jasper said
I fell back against the bed. Jasper next to me.
"I'm so tired Jasper. I just over all of it." I said
"It's okay Lilly soon Bella will be a vampire and we can just travel you won't have to be worried all the time." Jasper said
I nodded my head.
Bella, Jacob and I were walking along the sand. Jacob seems distracted, like he wants to say something but can't. Bella's too busy worrying to notice.
"They keep saying "everything's fine," but it's complete bull. Alice is even going ahead with that stupid graduation party - which I'm inviting you to, by the way. (Jacob scoffs) Yeah, I figured. The whole situation is a mess, and I can't even help. If I was one of them already--" Bella said
"I want to say something." Jacob said
"Right. Sorry. We agrees not to talk about that." Bella said
"Jacob be careful with the next few words you say." I said
"No, it's - I wanted to do this differently. Smoother. But I'm out of time and you need to hear the truth, understand all your options. You probably already know what I'm going to say but..." Jacob said
"Jacob, don't..." Bella said
"I'm in love with you, Bella. And I want you to pick me instead of him." Jacob said
Bella just stares at him, momentarily speechless. But finally speaks--
"Jake, I...thought you understood. I don't feel that way about you." Bella said
"I don't buy it." Jacob said
"What don't you buy? It's how I feel." Bella said
"Do you want me to go away? Never see me again?" Jacob asked
"Of course not." Bella said
"See? You feel something else for me, you just won't admit it. And I'm not giving up. I'm gonna fight for you. Yeah. Until your heart stops beating." Jacob said
"You have no clue." I said
"Then you won't have to fight long--" Bella said
"-- you're rushing into it because you're afraid you'll change your mind." Jacob yelled
I can that something inside Bella snapped.
"It's what I want." Bella yells
Jacob grabs her arm, both of them are emotionally charged.
"You wouldn't have to change for me. Or say goodbye to anyone. I can give you more than him. He probably can't even kiss you without hurting you. (pulls her close) Feel that? Flesh and blood and warmth." Jacob says
"--Jacob--" Bella said
Suddenly and some what spontaneously Jacob kisses Bella, Bella pushes against him angrily, but pulls her tighter to him. Bella goes limp, drops her arms, opens her eyes, waiting for him to stop. He does, lets go. She turns away and Jacob waits, gauging her reaction. Bella spins back around towards him and punches him in the mouth. I can hear a horrible crunch sound. Jacob doesn't flinch, but Bella grabs her hand in pain.
"Come on Bella lets get you Carlisle." I said
We head to Jacob car, we get in and drive to the meeting place. Bella pissed climbs from Jacob's car holding her hand. Edward Volvo screeches to a stop. He gets out and moves directly for Jacob. But I get in his path.
"Not here, Edward. Please." Bella said
He goes around and gets directly in Jacob's face.
"If you ever touch her against her will again--" Edward said
"She's not sure what her will is--" Jacob said
"Oh, she can speak for herself. I guarantee you." Edward said
"Fine. Some day, she'll speak for herself, and me to." Jacob said
"Stop it, Jacob, just go--" Bella says
Jacob and Edward still stare at each other, Behind them Charlie exits the house and sees the hostility between them. And walks over towards us.
"Okay, guys, let's take it down a notch. Come on. Simmer down." Charlie said
The two guys could crush him, but they both back off.
"Now what the hell is going on?" Charlie asked
"Jacob kissed Bella." I said
"Oh." Charlie said
I can tell by the look on Charlie's face that he is a little pleased. But what I say next kinds of change his attitude.
"Against her will do she hit him which resulted in her breaking her hand." I said
Charlie then glares at Jacob which makes Jacob shrink away.
"Jacob I think it is time you leave. Oh and I will be calling Sam. Bella why don't you go ahead and leave with Edward and head over to the Cullen's and see what Carlisle can do." I said
Jacob headed to his car and drove away. Bella and Edward headed to Edward car and drove away. I walked up and gave Dad a hug before heading over to my car and driving to the Cullen house. Once there I head inside and into the kitchen where Carlisle Edward and Bella are. Edward looks at Bella's hand with worry. Carlisle is putting it in a splint. Rosalie is at the counter going though several newspapers, looking for updates.
"It's just a small fracture. You're all set, Bella." Carlisle said
Emmett and Jasper breeze in, both seeing Bella in the splint. Jasper is by my side in a instant making sure I am okay.
"Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Emmett asked
"Punched a werewolf in the face." Bella said
"Bad ass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn." Emmett said
"Tough enough to take you on--" Bella said
Rosalie slaps down the newspaper and abruptly walks out, throwing a fierce scowl Bella's way.
"Don't worry about it." Emmett said
"Did you find any leads?" Edward asked
"No sign of the intruder. But Victoria continues to make appearances." Jasper said
"She's toying with us. Keeping is distracted." Carlisle said
"From Seattle?" Emmett asked
"Or the intruder. Or something else." Carlisle said
"Alice can keep tracking her decisions but we have to track her on the ground." Edward said
Tired of being ignored, Bella heads out to the deck--
"We've already covered the entire southern peninsula down to Quinault." Jasper said
"We'll search the northwestern trail..." Edward said
I followed Bella out. The sun is setting over the river as Rosalie looks out. I know Rosalie knows that we are behind her.
"Go blather to someone else about the joys of becoming a newborn." Rosalie snaps
"I know how bad it'll be." Bella said
"You don't have a clue." Rosalie said
Now Bella's had it. That piece of her the snapped with Jake just snapped again.
"Rosalie, I'm trying here. I've been trying with you. But I can't figure out what I did to make you hate me --" Bella said
Rosalie faces Bella I can clearly see she is surprised.
"Hate you? I don't hate you. I don't particularly like you but... Bella, I envy you." Rosalie said
"That's... ridiculous." Bella said
"You have a choice. I didn't. none of us did, but you do. And you're choosing wrongly. I don't are how miserable your human life is--" Rosalie said
"My life isn't miserable. It's not perfect but no one's is." Bella said
"Mine was." Rosalie said
"It was a long time ago; maybe you're forgetting the bad--" Bella said
"I remember. And it was perfect. Till the end..." Rosalie said
Rosalie turns toward the river again. Bella slowly moves to Rosalie's side, but keeps a safe distance.
"I had...almost had...everything, even though it was the Great Depression. I was eighteen, beautiful -- everyone in Rochester envied me. There's only one thing I wanted that I didn't have..." Rosalie said
Much like what happened at the fire with Billy. I could still hear Rosalie but when she talked I saw what she said in my minds eye. A baby's face, curly black hair, dimples, cherubic. He's being held by a human Rosalie rosy skin stunning but naïve. I see her face longing as she hands the boy back to his mother.
"I wanted a child badly. A home of my own, a husband to kiss me when he came home from work. And I thought I was going to have all of that..." Rosalie said
Rosalie walks on the arm of the handsome, well-dressed Royce King. Passersby eye her admiringly. Royce enjoys the attention she brings him. But it's clear from their looks that Royce himself is not well-liked.
"Royce was the most eligible bachelor in town. I barely knew him - we were never alone. But I was in love with the idea of love." Rosalie said
Rosalie doesn't see Royce eyeing a pretty woman across the street. The pretty woman, appalled, hurries along; he wipes the leer off his face. Rosalie blithely sees only her perfect man.
"I was young..." Rosalie said
Rosalie heads down the empty lap-lit streets. She pulls her coat close in the chill night ally.
"On the last night of my human life, I left a friend's house later. I wasn't far from home..." Rosalie said
She slows as she sees a group of five men, gathered under a streetlight. They laugh drunkenly, passing a bottle. Rosalie veers away to avoid them but then hears--
'Rose! We've been waiting for you.' Royce yells
Rosalie relaxes a little as she realizes it's Royce.
'Royce, you're drunk.' Past Rose said
'Isn't she lovely, John? Told you she was a looker.' Royce said
'Hard to say with all those clothes on.' John said
Rosalie, uncomfortable, looks to Royce but he just snickers.
'Show him what you look like, Rose. Take off a few layers.' Royce said
Rosalie pulls away from Royce.
'I'll see you tomorrow. Sober." Past Rose said
She starts off, but Royce abruptly yanks her hat off she cries out in pain as the hat pins wrench her hair out. Royce grins, the sadist in him unmasked now. The men laugh.
'You'll do as I say.' Royce said
Then he grabs her coat. She fights him, scratching his face, but he violently rips the coat off her--
"I didn't see who he was until that night. Who they all were..." Rosalie said
I looked over at Bella who reels at the horror of Rosalie's assault. Empathy fills her as a stoic Rosalie continues...
"They left me in the street, thinking I was dead. Believe me, I wanted to be. Carlisle found me - smelled all the blood. He thought he was helping me." Rosalie said
"I'm...so sorry that happened to you." Bella said
But I know Rosalie won't be pitied.
"I did get revenge on them...one at a time. I saved Royce for last...so he'd know I was coming." Rosalie said
Two large men guard the doorway to a room. They look up as a specter in white appears at the other end of the hall. As it nears it becomes clear that it is Rosalie in a wedding dress.
"I was a little... theatrical back then. Things got better after I found Emmett. But we'll always be...this. Frozen, never moving forward. That's what I miss most...the possibilities. Of sitting on a front porch somewhere, Emmett fray haired by my side, surrounded by our grandchildren, their laughter..." Rosalie said
Rosalie is silent a beat. Bella turns to her, a empathetic but holding her ground.
"I understand that's what you wanted, but...there'll never be anything I want more than Edward." Bella said
"Wrong again. After you've been changed, there's one thing you'll want more, one thing you'll kill for: blood." Rosalie said
Rosalie knows she has made her point and walks off, leaving Bella and me standing on the deck.
"Is what she said true?" Bella asked
"No not in your case. Because you are around vampires as a human you will know of ways to stop the hunger. But you will have a gift that will also help. Bella I promise you'll be find okay and if not you have a entire family ready to help you." I said
Bella walked forward and hugged me. I look up and see Edward watching us.
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