《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 24
A few days passed and it was graduation now we were sitting down listening to Jessica's speech.
"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up... Our answers were things like astronaut, president...Or in my case, princess. When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?" Jessica says
I look next to me and she Bella I can tell Jessica's words are sinking.
"This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, it's the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love - a lot. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent... So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be...we won't have to guess. We'll know." Jessica says
Everyone stands up and claps. Bella and I walk over to dad. We are getting out of graduation gowns. People are saying 'see you at the party'. Dad wraps his arms around our shoulders.
"I'm so proud of you two. I can't wait to see what you guys do next. You're my biggest accomplishment." Dad said
"...Dad, that's not true." Bella said
"Yeah, it is. And it's...Well. You'll see, when you have kids." Dad said
Bella and I headed home and changed and into something for the party. Once we did we headed to the Cullen house. When we walk was see Edward in a deep conversation with Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper. We head towards them but are stopped by Angela.
"You're finally here." Angela said
"What'd you think of my speech? Too easy-breezy, self-helpful?" Jessica said
"Actually, you pretty much nailed it." Bella said
"It was amazing." I said
"Like I was born to lead, right?" Jessica asked
"I love this song. Come on--" Angela said
Jessica grabs Bella's hand and Angela grabbed mine and pulled us to the dance floor. Eric and Mike soon found us.
"Time to dance, Bella. Don't make me get my robot on." Mike said
"You wish your robot looked this good." Eric said
Mike and Eric start a robot battle. The girls laugh. The celebratory mood here is a striking contrast to the atmosphere in the kitchen. I make my way off the dance floor, but Bella is not as lucky she is still in her own personal hell which is the dance floor. She is glaring at me but then she looks over my shoulder. I turn around to see Jacob, Embry, Paul and my Emily. Bella is final able to get off the dance floor and makes her way towards Jacob.
"What are you doing here?" Bella asked
"You invited me, remember?" Jacob asked
"Emily, Paul lets go get something to drink." I said
"Was my right hook too subtle? 'Cause that was me uninviting you." Bella said
As we walked away I laughed at Bella's comment.
"Bella, I'm sorry about, you know, the kiss and your hand and...I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing but...it was just me. Being an ass. Really, I'm sorry." Jacob said
Paul was getting drinks and Emily and I were watching Bella and Jacob. I can tell that Bella knows the Jacob is sincere.
"I brought you and Ana graduation presents. Made them myself." Jacob said
I walked towards Jacob. He takes Bella's hand and puts a charm bracelet. The charm was a hand-carved figurine of a miniature wolf Bella looks at it, moved--
"It's...beautiful. You made this? Wow, I...thank you." Bella said
Jacob then takes a necklace out of his pocket and holds it up.
"This is for you Ana. Em helped with the stuff in the jar." Jacob said
I turned around and pulled my hair up and he put the necklace on for me.
"Thank you. Jacob." I said
Both Bella and I can see how pleased Jacob is. But then both of Bella and I's eyes were drawn to Alice who was frozen by the staircase. Having a vision.
"I'll be right back." Bella said
"Why? What's going on?" Jacob asked
"Nothing. Just wait here a sec." I said
I can see that Jacob shares a look with Paul and Embry. Bella and I reach Alice just as she comes out of her vision, her face alarmed.
"Alice what did you see?" I asked
Jacob, Paul, Embry, and Emily appear behind us.
"Okay, something is going on. Tell me." Jacob says
"I...need to talk to everyone." Alice said
Jacob blocks her path.
"Why don't you talk to me?" Jacob asked
Suddenly Mason and Jasper are there both expressions lethal.
"I suggest you remove-your-arm. Before I do." Mason said
Jacob does so, slowly, carefully.
"Just looking for info--" Jacob said
"The decision's been made." Alice said
"You're not going to Seattle, are you?" Bella asked
"No...they're coming here." Alice said
The Cullen's, Jacob, Paul, Embry, Em, Bella, and I were now outside. Alice was replaying her vision in her mind so Edward could see.
"How long?" Edward asked
"They'll be here in four days." Alice said
"This could turn into a blood bath." Carlisle said
"There aren't enough of us to protect the town." I said
"Someone's going to attack Forks?" Jacob asked
"Who's behind it?" Edward asked ignoring him
"I didn't see anyone familiar - maybe one--" Alice said
"Yes, I've seen his face - he's local. Riley Biers--" Edward said
I started laughing. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Em smiling cause she knew what was coming next.
"I have told you that since day one of this. But none of you believed me so guess what have fun I'm leaving." I said
Just as I finished I got a phone call. The call ID read Dracula.
"Why hello there." I said
"I got the creepy feeling that I needed to call you." Johnathan said
"I'm glad you did where are you?" I asked
"Trying to not die as I leave Seattle." Johnathan said
"Well why don't you come on down to Forks. Oh and thank you for the gift while I was in Italy." I said
"Know problem Mia, I'll see you soon." Johnathan said
I hung up and when I turned back around to look at the Cullen's they looked down.
"--But he didn't start this." Edward said
"Whoever did is staying out of the action." Alice said
"So it's someone that knows how to get around Alice's gift." I said
"I agree with Ana it's someone's playing with blind spots in you vision." Carlisle said
"Only the Volturi could know how Alice's gift works. Aro would have found out, when he read Alice's mind..." Edward said
"Or Victoria." I said
"Why do you say that?" Emmett asked
"Because that night that Both you guys and the wolves chased after her she saw Alice. She saw how her decision were known but then they weren't." I said
"That does make since." Alice said
"Either way, the army is coming and our odds aren't good." Jasper said
"Alright, hold up. What damn army?" Jacob asked
He about explode. Carlisle and Edward share a look. Edward shakes his head no, but Carlisle decides differently.
"This Eddie Boy is why I don't like you." I said
"Our kind. Newborns." Carlisle said
"How many?" Paul asked
"Enough." Jasper said
"What are they after?" Embry asked
"They were passing Bella's scent around, a red blouse--" Alice said
"That's what he was doing at the house--" Bella and I said at the same time
"Okay, what the hell does this mean?" Jacob asked
"It means an ugly fight. With lives lost." Carlisle said
The weight of it lands on all of them. Beat, Jacob share a look with the other two wolves.
"We're in." Jacob said
"What? NO, you'll get yourself killed." Bella said
"Bella it's what they were made for." I said
"Forget it." Edward said
"Wasn't asking permission--" Jacob said
"--Alright. You believe Sam will agree to this...understanding?" Carlisle
"If that's a fancy word for fighting together, yeah. We happen to live here too." Jacob said
Edward looks at Carlisle then at Jasper then Back at Carlisle.
"Jasper?" Carlisle asked
"They'll give us the numbers. And the newborns won't know werewolves even exist. That'll give us an edge." Jasper said
"Carlisle, don't. they'll get hurt." Bella said
"We'll have to coordinate -- Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. We were already planning strategic meeting. You're welcome to join us." Carlisle said
"Name the time and the place." Jacob said
A few minutes later The wolves and Em are leaving. Bella runs up to Jacob.
"Jake, wait - you don't know what you're getting into --" Bella said
"-- It's what we do. You should be happy. Look at us, working together. You're the one who wanted us yo get along." Jacob said
Jacob leaves I walk up and see Bella worried face.
"Bella they will be fine. Okay none of the die, and none of them will get to badly hurt. They were created with a magic that would be able to go against Cold One. I created them to destroy my mistake." I said
Bella nodded her head. The party soon dies down and everyone soon leaves. Edward drove Bella home but I stayed with Cullen's. I helped them clean up and spent some time with Jasper. Jasper and I were in Jasper's room.
"Who was the guy you were talking to?" Jasper asked
"That was a guy I meet while you guys were gone." I said
"What did you and this guy do together?" Jasper asked
"Jasper. Are you sure you want to know?" I asked
Jasper nodded his head.
"He knew who I was and was willing to do anything to make me happy." I said
"And now he is coming here." Jasper said
I turned around so that I was facing him. I grabbed his face in both of my hands.
"You have nothing to worry about, Jasper. I love you." I said
I kissed him.
"I love you too." Jasper said
He then slammed his lips on to mine. I fell back against the bed. He slid his hands up the sides of my body. His hands reach the bottom of my shirt and soon rips it off.
"I liked that shirt." I said
"I'll buy you a new." Jasper growled.
"What ever you say Major." I said
Lets just say we got no sleep what's so ever.
It was dawn everyone was at a field in the woods. Bella and I are sitting on the side watching Emmett and Jasper fight. Jasper just pushes him aside.
"Again." Emmett shouted
They get ready to go again but Edward stops them.
"Their here." Edward said
Everyone looks where Edward is to see eight giant wolves, I can tell Emmett recognizes Paul wolf. Emily soon finds me and comes over to me.
"Two more have joined the pack." Bella said
"They're young. Very young." Edward says
I tense up and Emily takes my hand giving it a squeeze.
"They don't trust us enough to be in human form." Edward said
"They're here. That's what matters." Carlisle said
I watch Bella her looks at the wolves when her eyes land on a red drown wolf at it turns toward her.
"Jake..." Bella said
He seems to almost smile at her. I see Sam's wolf give a look to Jacob.
"Will you translate?" Carlisle asked
Edward nods. Carlisle moves slowly towards the pack. Sam's wolf the biggest and blackest steps forward.
"Welcome." Carlisle said
"He says they'll watch and listen, but that's the most we can ask of their self-control." Edward said
"That will be fine. Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle said
"They want to know these "newborns" differ from us and from Ana's Emily." Edward said
Carlisle and I shared a look.
"They're a great deal stronger than the Cullen's, because their own human blood lingers in their tissue. The Cullen's kind is never more physically powerful than in their first several months of this life. Emily is a true immortal, never dyeing, never ageing, she only needs blood twice a year and maybe even less because of her age. The only thing that can kill Emily is me." I said
I can Paul is alarmed buy that fact. But then he notices how close Em and I are and clams down. Carlisle then nods to Jasper take over. I can Jasper is uncomfortable. I let go of Em hand and made my way over to Jasper I took his hand and sent my calm over to him.
"Carlisle's right. That's why newborns are created for armies." Jasper said
"One of them -- Quil -- he wants to know how many vampires constitute an army. He seems to be made...nervous by the term." Edward said
I can tell is a little embarrassed. I laugh a little bit, and I see Quil glare at me.
"Army is an expression for a large number of newborns. The good news is, they are not in the thousands, like a human army. The bad new is, no human army could stand against them. But they're untrained, and their thirst will make them wild. Volatile. That can work in our favor." Jasper said
Jasper moves to the center of the field for a demonstration, as moves he grows more commanding, the long dormant Major resuming control. I took the spot across from him. I watch as the pack becomes tense.
"The two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you so fast your head will spin. Second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be ready for that. And you'll lose. Don't hold back Lilly." Jasper said
"On one condition. I want the Major." I said
Jasper's smile grew and his whole body changed.
"Hello old friend." Em said
Jasper ran at me. I stepped out of his way. He swung his arm around to hit me I grabbed it and through him. Jasper charges again and wraps his arms around me I kick my leg straight up and hit him in the face. Jasper stumbles back.
"You have to come at them from the side, and keep moving. Always moving." Jasper said
"Jasper stop holding back." I said
Jasper nodded his head and ran at me he through a punch at me. I spun and kicked at his side he flew back and hit a tree.
"I won. I beat the all powerful Major. You better have not let me win." I said
After that everyone took a turn of sparring with Jasper or pairing off against each other. I spar with Jasper again. Jasper launches at me, in a split second I jump and then land on his back, I kiss his neck.
"Gotchya." I said
He laughs and slings me around so I was facing him. I leaned forward so I could whisper in his ear.
"Did I mention how hot you are when you are in Major mode." I said
A low growl escaped his throat. I was going to say something when I was taken from his arms. Then the person starts tickling me. I turn around and come face to chest with Johnathan.
"Johnathan stop." I say
Everyone that was sparring stopped and looked at us and the wolves were ready to ponce. Emily on the other ran over and gave him a hug.
"Um... who is that?" Emmett asked
"My name is Dracula." Johnathan said
The wolves mouth's dropped open. Emmett started laughing.
"Really you please stop saying that." I said
"Oh come on Lilith don't be like that." Johnathan wined
"Cullen's and wolves this is Johnathan. Johnathan meet the Cullen's and wolves." I said
I walked over and grabbed Jasper's hand. Johnathan looked over at me.
"You must be the Jasper I heard so much about." Johnathan said
"That I am." Jasper said
"It's nice to meet the man behind the name." Johnathan said
Everyone went back to facing off. Jasper watches everyone put his info in every now and again.
"Focus on speed, agility, keep you opponent off guard... Use their momentum against them -- yes, good..." Jasper says
I walk over to Bella Johnathan and Em following behind me.
"It will be a hundred times worse then this, won't it?" Bella asked
Jacob in wolf form made his way over to Bella.
"Some of you might not be here. Afterward. Because of me." Bella said
Jacob nuzzles her face, she pets him and lean against him.
"We're done for the day." Edward said
Edward and Jasper were by our side in a second. Edward eyes Jacob who rejoins the pack.
"Em I'll call yo later." I said
Em nodded her head and walked over to Paul. They soon disappear behind the tree. Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett leave. Bella is sitting on the hood of the Volo, Jasper is walking that direction, brushing some dirt off his clothes. Bella looks at him as if it was for the first time.
"Jasper... Is there anything I can do to help?" Bella asked
"Your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns; their hunting instincts will take over, drive them crazy." Jasper said
"Bella." I said
"Good. I'm glad. How do you know so much about all this?" Bella asked
"Bella, don't ask someone that." I scowled
I grabbed Jasper's and gave it a squeeze.
"I didn't have quite the same...fine upbringing as my adopted siblings." Jasper said
He turns to leave but Bella jumps off the Volvo. Jasper stops he can see the look on her face. He pulls his selves up and at first you can't see anything but then you can see the half moon scars.
"Those are bites. Like mine." Bella said
"Battle scars. All the training the Confederate Army gave me was useless against newborns. Still, I never lost a fight." Jasper said
"This was during the civil war?" Bella asked
He nods as we start to walk away , but Bella caught up to us.
"I was the youngest major in the Texas cavalry. All without having seen any real combat, until..." Jasper said
"...Until..." Bella said
"...I crossed paths with a certain immortal. Maria..." Jasper said
Once again as someone spoke I could see everything.
I see Jasper's face tan and flushed. Riding his horse full throttle down the dirt road. Looking amazing I might add in his confederate uniform.
"I was riding back to Galveston after evacuating a column of women and children...when I saw her..." Jasper said
He slows when he slows seeing three women in frayed dressed and bare feet. I can tell he sees them as beautiful. Jasper dismounts.
"Southern Gentleman that I was, I immediately offered her aid." Jasper said
"Mmm. Lovely. And an offer." Lucy said
"You'd better do it, Maria. I can never stop once I've started." Netteie said
Jasper is confused but mesmerized as Maria moves closer.
"What's your name, soldier?" Maria asked
"Major Jasper Whitlock, Ma'am." Jasper said
"I hope you survive. You'd be an excellent addition." Maria said
"Maria was creating an army?" Bella asked
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