《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 22
"I'll just give two or three some privacy." Charlie said
Bella walks towards the door she opens it to show Edward.
"Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" Edward asked
"-- I was perfectly safe --" Bella said
"-- I nearly broke the treaty to make sure of it --" Edward said
Edward then abruptly comes to a stop. Inhales. His face alarmed.
"I know, I smell like dog--" Bella started to say
"--Something's -- wrong." Edward said
He moves into the living room. Darts throughout the first floor, checking it. Charlie doesn't see... he's concentrating on the photo of Riley, whose face has been scratched out.
"What? What is it?" Bella asked
"Stay here." Edward said
"Yes because it wasn't if she asked you a question or anything." I said
Edward then bolts upstairs. We both hurry after him. We reach Bella's bedroom to she Edward holding her dream-cathcer.
"Edward. What's wrong?" Bella asked
"Someone was here." Edward said
He then bolted to my room.
"And here." Edward said
He then grabbed my hand and Bella's and dragged us out of the house and puts us in his car and took off down the road. We pulled into the driveway. I was then pulled out of the car by Jasper and Bella by Edward. Soon we were in the house I was on Jasper's lap and Edward was pacing, frustrated. Alice is stressed. Bella tries to track their fast-paced conversation with Carlisle, Rosalie, and Esme.
"Edward you need to stop pacing before you'll burn a hole in the ground." I said
Edward stopped.
"No, Alice -- It was a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent. That's not helpful, Rosalie." Edward said
"Could you guys please, like -- speak out loud?" Bella said
"Sorry." Edward said
"A nomad passing through? --" Esme said
"-- A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." Rosalie said
Both Bella and I were chilled by the thought. Esme wraps an arm around her just as the door bursts open. Jasper tries to help us calm down.
"His scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house." Emmet said
"Someone orchestrated this--" Edward said
"-- Victoria --" Carlisle said
" -- No, it has to be the Volturi--" Edward said
"They wouldn't dare go against me." I said
They looked at me, but didn't quite believe me.
"I agree with Ana, it wasn't the Volturi. I've been watching Aro's decisions." Alice said
"We gotta find this fool and get some answers out of him." Emmett said
"It was Riley." I said
Jasper grip on me got tighter.
"What do you mean?" Jasper asked
"The missing kid that our father is looking into was turned by Victoria. He was the vampire in the house. I don't know why he was there or what he hoped to find. But it was Riley." I said
"Are you sure?" Carlisle said
"Yes." I said
"Okay. We also need to take shifts at Bella's and Ana's House." Carlisle said
"-- Another protection detail? I don't mind helping Ana." Rosalie said
"-- Rosalie --" Esme said
"-- She's right; you can't watch over us, and search for the intruder, and for Victoria, and keep yourselves fed. Your eyes are black - when's the last time you went hunting? You're already too busy protecting us--" Bella said
"-- I'm not about to let you guys fend for yourself--" Edward said
"-- I'm not about to let you starve." Bella said
She stops. Looks at me and I get a wicked grin on my face. We both look back at the family.
"I never like it when you get that smile." Jasper said
"What?" Edward asked wary
Edward and Jasper were waiting outside the house. Both boys eyes were frozen in place. Waiting and watching the front door. Finally, it opens, Bella and I exit, Jacob and Paul behind us. Jasper and Edward meet us half way. Both vampires are cool, calculating. The two wolves are hotheaded, fractious.
"He left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again." Paul said
"We'll handle it from here." Jacob said
"We don't need you to 'handle' anything." Edward said
"Or anyone." Jasper said
Jacob and Paul step towards Jasper and Edward who don't move.
"I couldn't care less what you need --" Jacob said
Bella and I move between the two wolves and vampires.
"Great, so we'll all work together. -- Hey, we all have the same goal, right? To catch the bad vampires -- " Bella said
"Like there's a distinction." Jacob said
"Jacob, I feel that some day you and I are going to have words." Edward said
Bella tried to step between them and push them apart but she soon found out it was like pushing boulders. So I stepped up and pushed them apart.
"Stop it." Bella and I said
Jacob and Edward have a stare down, as do Jasper and Paul.
"Just stop it." I said
"I'm tired of being in the middle of a territorial dispute between mythical creatures." Bella said
"From now we're Switerland, okay?" I said
Jacob and Paul started to say something, but Bella cut them off.
"I don't expect you guys to chuck a football around together. Fine. But we have a lot of problems." Bella said
"And this is one temporary solution. Are you willing to at least try?" I asked
There was a long tense beat. Finally, Edward nods. Jasper nods. Paul nods. Jacob nods.
"Alright, so you need to coordinate." I said
"You know, schedules and stuff." Bella said
Neither side say a thing. Bella and I both sigh. Bella and I look at each other, then the wolves, then the vampires, then back at each other.
"Would the pack prefer days or nights?" Bella and I asked at the same time
"Nights." Jacob said
"(to Edward) Will days work for your family? (Edward nods) Good. See? How hard was that?" Bella asked
With that Bella and I walked back inside the house. Later that night when it was dark outside I looked out my window and saw a pair of gleaming eyes. I turned and walked away from my window. Knowing that the wolves were out there made my feel a little bit better knowing Bella was safe. A laid down in bed and was actual able to fall asleep.
"U.W. sent me and Eric our dorm assignments yesterday..." Angela said
"Oh really." I said
"I'm in the furthest dorm from campus. Eric's in the closest, of course. Has Alaska assigned you guys dorms yet?" Angela asked
I look at her.
"Not yet." I say
"Where is Edward tonight anyway?" Angela asked
"Out looking for trouble." I answered
Angela can hear the worry in Bella's voice. Looks at her.
"Is something wrong?" Angela asked
"No, why?" I asked
"One, Edward's always with you. Two, you keep looking out that window like you're hoping he'll show up with a mariachi band." Angela said
"Angela, what if Eric was like, secretly a member of this...violent gang, and... your brother was in this other gang, and they wanted to kill each other, and you couldn't tell anybody?" Bella asked
I know it was a slightly odd remark just kind of site there.
"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." Angela said
"There's nothing to...I mean, there is but..." I said
I sit up, cross my legs, choosing her words carefully.
"Okay. You remember Jacob Black?" I asked
"Ah. Edward's jealous." Angela said
"You say that like it's so obvious." I said
"Oh. It's not?" Angela asked
"Edward just thinks Jacob's dangerous or something...a bad influence on me." I said
Angela smiles. Shakes her head.
"What?" I asked
"I've seen the way Jacob looks at you. Edward's seen it, too, and he's only human. He's going to react like any other guy." Angela said
I manage to curb my reaction.
"It's... more complicated than that." I said
"Say the words Bella: Jell-oh-see." Angela said
"I've told Jacob how I feel. He accepts it. He'd...rather be best friends than nothing." I said
"Okay, so the words are Dee-nigh-ul." Angela said
"You're saying I'm an idiot." I said
"Just a little oblivious." Angela said
"Well, I don't want this. Every move I make hurts someone." I said
"They're big boys. They make their own choices. Don't worry, it'll work itself out, it's not life or death or anything." Angela said
I glance back out my window.
Bella and I were in Edward's Volvo going down the road when we pulled over and got out. About 30 yards down the road, a shirtless Jacob is leaning against his red volkeswagen. Waiting, the two guys exchange a tense look.
"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward asked
Bella looks at Edward a beat, realizing--
"Angela is a wise woman." Bella said
"What does Angela have to do with--?" Edward asked
"You should go. No rush. We're good here." Bella said
Which doesn't make him feel better. He pulls Bella closer.
"I hate being away from you." Edward said
Then he surprises her with a particularly passionate kiss. I look away because I really don't want to watch that I look down the road and see a scowling Jacob.
"Really Edward. Can you please stop eating my sisters face, thanks." I said
Edward pulls away, leaving Bella a little dizzy.
"Well -- you could rush just a little." Bella said
Edward smiles. She gives him a reassuring look, before she grabs my arm and pulls me towards Jacob. As we reach Jacob, he smiles broadly--
"Hey, Beautiful." Jacob said
"Wow I feel the love." I said
"You know I love you." Jacob said
He then pulled us both into a big hug. We hear Edward's car peel out, obviously pissed. As Bella watches the car leave as Jacob opens the car doors. She takes her seat. I leaned over to Jacob.
"I think you succeed in pissing Eddie boy off." I said
"Good that is what I was trying to do." Jacob said
I laughed and sat back down in my seat and he pulled off.
"Whaddaya wanna do today? Bike, hike, hang? It's your call - but tonight we're going to a very chill party." Jacob said
We spent the whole day with Jake which was kind of boring I mean Bella had fun while I felt like a third wheel even thought Bella and Jacob are not dating. But now we were headed to some party at the rez. We were walking towards a group gathering around the fire, eating hot dogs, laughing. Billy sits as the natural head of the circle. Old Quil, who is Quil's ancient grandfather sits on one side of him, Sue Clearwater on the other. The three Council leaders. The whole pack is there, Paul with my Emily, Quil, Embry, Jared and Sam with his Emily at his side. Leah sullenly stares into the fire. Meanwhile a girl about Quil's age is definitely giving him the eye. As we finally make there.
"You sure this is okay? I hate being a party crasher." Bella said
"Technically, you're a Council Meeting crasher. But you're okay. I thought - I mean, they think it'll be good for you to heat the histories." Jacobs said
"Wait, the history histories? Of the pack? Aren't they...secret?" Bella asked
"We all got a role to play. And you're a part of this. It's the first time Quil, Seth and Leah are hearing them, too. But you're the first outsider. Ever." Jacob said
"Wow, I... should have dressed better." Bella said
"Jake" Seth yelled
He runs up to use like a little puppy, who clearly idolizes Jacob.
"'bout time you got here. Paul's been hovering the grub. But I saved you some burgers." Seth said
"Good looking out, Bro. Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack." Jacob said
"Newest, bestest, brightest --" Seth said
"Slowest--" Jacob said
He grabs Seth in a headlock, the two tumble to the sand. Seth laughs, absolutely loving this guy. A whistle comes from the circle. It's Sam, Seth jumps up.
"Come on. Your dad's about to start." Seth said
I go sit down next to my Emily. Who gives me a big smile. I'm glad she is so happy.
"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning...but we always had magic in our blood." Billy said
I look around to see that everyone attention is on Billy.
"We were great spirit warriors, shape-shifters who could transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day our warriors came across a creature..." Billy said
As I listen to the story and look at the fire I can see the story in mind. To Quileute warriors all in human form emerge from the trees, horrified to find a male vampire (wearing the clothing of a mid-1700's Spaniard) bent over two lifeless tribe girls. His eyes are blood-red, feral. A terrifying image.
I can still hear Billy's voice.
"It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice..." Billy said
The two warriors phase into wolves and charge the Vampire. He grabs one of them, strangling it. The second wolf gets his teeth into the vampire's neck and tears off its head. But the strangled wolf falls dead to the ground.
"Our warriors' sharp teeth finally tore it apart...but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear that the Cold Man was not alone. They were right." Billy said
A beautiful vampiress in a tattered 1700's Spanish gown, moves through the Quileute village of long houses and teepees. A trail of dead bodies; tribes-people screaming.
"She took her vengeance on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe, after his son was killed." Billy said
Taha Aki, a man of 60 anguished, stands over his dead son. His third wife weeps inconsolably next to his body. Taha Aki spins toward the vampiress and takes a running lunge at her, transforming into a great wolf, they clash. The third wife watches with great horror as the vampiress quickly gets the upper hand--
"Taha Aki's third wife could see he would lose..." Billy said
The third wife pull out a knife and runs toward the vampiress who barely acknowledges the impending attack--
"The third wife was no magical being, with no special powers but one: courage..." Billy said
The third wife charges the vampiress, dagger raised high-- but as she nears, shockingly, she plunges the knife into her own heart. Blood flowers on her chest. The vampiress catches the scent and spins toward her, ravenous--
"The third wife's sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her, She saved the tribe." Billy said
As Taha Aki's wolf leaps onto the vampiress, tearing her apart, the wife lay dying, her expression at peace...
"Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains - Cold ones...Our magic awakens only when they come near. And we sense it now, feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming, and we must be ready. All of us." Billy finish's
I get up and walk a little bit away. I know my Emily got up and followed me.
"You know you don't have to follow me anymore." I said
"I know but I've known you long enough to know that you are upset. So what is wrong." Emily asked
"It's all my fault." I said
"No it's not." Emily said
"Yes, it is. I had to make a balance but I just ruined more lives. There are so many vampire that hate what they have becomes. Then there are the wolves, look at them Em. Jacob hates it, Sam hates it, Leah hates it. You are the only thing that turned out right." I said
"That's because I am fabulous. But you saved lives with what you did." Em said
I was about to say something when Paul walked up and wrapped his arm around Emily.
"Hey what are you two girls talking about?" Paul asked
"Nothing much just Emily doing what she does best." I said
Emily gave me hug and I headed back over to Bella and Jacob. We left soon after that. We made it back to the house. I went up stairs and fell right asleep.
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