《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 21
Bella just looks at Edward; strong, independent, not about to acquiesce. He lets go of her. She jogs to Jacob's side. She about to get on his bike when we hear the roar of a car. I pulls up right in front of us the door opens. And the person that gets out of the car surprise me.
"Well look who came back from the dead. It's great you see you... Emily." I said
"It's good to be seen. You are one hard women to track down. Nice to see you Jasper." Emily said
"You as well Emily." Jasper said
"Um, Ana who is this?" Bella asked
"Bella, Jacob, and Paul this is a Emily a old friend of mine." I said
"Nice to meet you Emily. I'm Bella, Ana's sister." Bella said
"I'm Jacob Ana's friend." Jacob said
"Paul. Paul. Paul." I said
But all he did was continue to look at. Oh shit.
"Oh shit." I said
"Jacob get Paul out of here. Bella go ahead and go with Jacob. Emily we can hang after school. I think I need to up date you on somethings. That and the fact that I really want to drive your car." I said
"Okay sounds like a plan." Emily said
Emily then gave me her phone number. Paul got on his bike but still looked at Emily. Bella gets on Jacob's bike. She looks at Edward, strong, independent.
"Hold on tight." Jacob said
"Lose the grin, Jake. We're just taking a ride." Bella said
He kicks starts the bike, they drive away. Edward watches them go. I then hug Emily goodbye, I watch her get her amazing car and watch her drive away. I turned back around and saw the entire Cullen family.
"Edward it is totally your fault that your girlfriend is now on the back of a motorcycle with Jacob. I will explain who Emily is later. But for now we have to get to class." I said
I grabbed Jasper's hand and we walked inside. The first three hours of the day went by fine but I wanted to make sure Bella was okay so during lunch I did what I did best. The cafeteria started to fade and was replaced with the woods. I see Jacob and Bella and Leah. Leah glances at Sam and Emily's kiss she falls forward but before her hands hit the ground they are paws. Leah is now a light grey wolf who disappears into the woods. I can tell Bella is surprised.
"When did Leah...you know--" Bella said
"Around when her Dad died. Her brother, Seth, also phased. He's only fifteen. One of the youngest we've had. Sam keeps him home studying, but the kid's chomping at the bit. Wish it was Leah who'd stay home." Jacob said
"Don't be such a guy." Bella said
"It's not a chick thing. It's a love triangle thing. We all have to live the Leah-Sam-Emily pain-fest. Wolf telepathy, remember?" Jacob asked
"Sam...dumped Leah for Emily?" Bella asked
"It wasn't like that. Sam hates himself for hurting Leah, But...Emily was The One." Jacob said
"Yeah, I guess sometimes it chooses you." Bella said
"It's more than some crush. Sam imprinted on Emily." Jacob said
"...Do I want to know what that is?" Bella said
"Just one more thing we have no control over. Even our damn soul mates are chosen for us. Thanks to your bloodsucking buddies." Jacob said
"Come on, you can't blame this on them." Bella said
"I sure as hell can. If we weren't wolves, we wouldn't imprint. And we wouldn't be wolves if the damn vampires would stay away. But they keep coming back." Jacob said
"...And when they do, you change." Bella said
"We lose everything. Our lives, our futures, our free will -- you know Quil imprinted on someone. Claire. She's two years old." Jacob said
"Um...that's just creepy." Bella said
"You don't get it. There's nothing romantic about it. It's... a spiritual thing. All the same, Quil won't even date anyone for two decades. Until Claire catches up to him." Jacob said
"Still a little creepy." Bella said
"Still not getting it." Jacob said
They continue into the garage. Jacob rolls his bike into it's spot.
"It's like, when you see her... everything changes. Suddenly, it's not gravity holding you to the planet anymore. It's her. (very close to Bella now) Nothing else matters. You would do anything - be anything. For her." Jacob said
He's looking into Bella's eyes. I can tell she wants to ask something but is afraid to ask.
"It sounds like you know the feeling." Bella said
"I do." Jacob said
"Have you...imprinted on someone?" Bella asked
Jacob weights the loaded question the truth versus what he wishes was the truth. Bella waits, emotions conflicting. Finally, he turns away, regret clear in his voice.
"You'd know it if I had. I just have a direct line to Sam and Quil's thoughts." Jacob said
She's relieved. And confused at her relief. He picks up a wrench, tightening something on his bike as --
"So for now, you're still you." Bella said
"And you're still you." Jacob said
"Yeah. Until after graduation." Bella said
"Graduation?" Jacob asked anger flashing
"Jake, I told you it was going to happen--" Bella said
"Not in a month. Not before you've - you've even lived. Before I could --" Jacob said
Jacob throws his wrench across the garage.
"--For a second - just a second I thought - but he's got his hooks in you so deep-" Jacob said
"--He didn't decided this, I did--" Bella said
"--And now you're gonna be - that. They're not even alive - it makes me sick. Better you were really dead than one of them." Jacob said
"You did not just say that." Bella said
He's to angry to take it back. She heads for the door.
"Edward was right, this was a bad idea." Bella said
"Bella, I don't want -- please." Jacob said
He slows, turns back to him. He tries to calm himself.
"I'll -- I'm gonna try not to think about -- I --man. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Jacob said
It takes a long beat for her to recover from the hurtful comment. Finally, she nods. She moves to her dusty motorcycle, brushes off the seat.
"We should stick to safer subjects. Like...motorcycles." Bella said
"Only thing safe about you on a motorcycle is when you turn it off." Jacob said
A few seconds later, Jake's garage fades and is replaced with the cafeteria.
"Hey what happened you looked a little dazed." Jasper said
"Yeah. I was just checking on Bella." I said
The rest of the day was fine. Once the finale bell rang I headed back to the Cullen house. I gave Emily the address of the Cullen house. She arrived a few minutes after the phone call and so did Bella. We all headed inside. To my surprise Carlisle was home.
"So Ana, why don't you introduce us to your friend." Esme said
The entire family was now in the living room.
"Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Mason, Edward, Esme, Carlisle, and Bella. This is a very close friend of mine Emily. Oh and you guys can feel fine with her around she knows about vampires." I said
"Why does she know about vampires?" Rosalie asked
"I am one. Kind of well a special one." Emily said
"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked
Emily looked at me then Jasper looked at me and soon everyone was looking at me. Jasper nodded hiw head.
"Okay so does everyone remember when I first meet all of you and Jasper said again. Well I had meet Jasper before he was a vampire, back when he was human. When I lived in Texas, Emily was my best friend. And some major things went down after Jasper left to go to the war. A few days after I had found he was turned I went a little crazy." I said
"Crazy doesn't even begin to cover what you did." Emily said
"Just know that things really went down hill. I wanted to kill everyone and everything in my path. I knew what was going to happen to him before he left but I didn't tell him. I might have kind of leveled the town." I said
"You leveled a town?" Bella asked
"Yes she did." Emily said
"I still don't get what all of that has to do with her not being but being a vampire." Mason said
"Emily had been with me since I was a child the first time around." I said
"First time around?" Rosalie asked
"Yeah the first time in the year 100 CE." I said
They all looked at me like I was crazy. Emmett started laughing.
"You think I'm joking don't you. Well I'm not that is why I knew Laurent. And how I know Caius. Emily wanted to live forever. So I found a way for it to happen. Then when I went to Egypt, I did the spell again except this time the person had ben bit by something that had put poison in his blood stream so the spell took ahold of the venom and that's how the cold ones were created." I said
"Wait so really want us to believe that you are over 2000 years old and you were the one that created us." Edward said
"Yes. Emily has the same eye color as she did when she was first born, she doesn't age, she's doesn't need sleep but she can, she only needs blood evey now and again and her bite doesn't change, and she can have children." I said
"Really you can have children?" Rosalie asked
"Yes I can but I can only have them with my soul mate." Emily said
"Speaking of soul mates you already meet him." I said
"Oh really?" Emily asked
"Yeah, he is really hot, good in bed..." I said but was cut off
"Wait how do you know he is good in bed?" Emily asked
"Oh well it's Paul, and we kind of had this booty call thing going on." I said
"Oh okay then. So when do I get to meet him?" Emily asked
"Well now if you want to." I said
"Okay sounds like a plan." Emily said
"So any question before I leave?" I asked
"If you are over 2000 how are you and Bella twins?" Alice asked
"Well I could die, but if I got to hurt or was stab I had to make a descion if I wanted to die or live forever I had picked to die everyone time up till when I meet you guys and found Jasper again." I said
They all nodded their heads yes. I got up and Emily and I walked to the door.
"So how much fun did you have after you let Lilith out of her cage?" Emily asked
"A lot." I said
"It's to bad she is back in her cage she was always a lot of fun." Emily said
"Hey what makes you think she is back in the cage." I said
Emily just smiled and tossed me the keys to her car. I smiled big. I got in the car and peeled out of the drive way and down the road. The perks of being alive for 2000 years is the bank account that comes with it. We ere only a few minutes away from Sam's house. I knew he knew I was coming. I had not told Emily that Paul was a shapeshifter. I pulled into the drive away and hoped out. Soon all of the boys were out of the house. As I scanned the boys I found who I was looking for. Emily soon followed.
"So I just want say one thing. The people who pick out who you imprint on really have a thing for Emily's." I said
"What do you mean?" Sam asked
"Well you Sam imprinted on a girl named Emily, and well Paul just imprinted on my friend here who also happens to be named Emily." I said
Paul walked toward us.
"Paul I would like you to meet Emily. Emily this is Paul. Oh and there are a few things the two of you should know about each other. Paul here is a shapeshifter and Emily is a immortal." I said
"What why are you tell us this?" Quil asked
"I imprinted on Emily this morning when I went with Jacob." Paul said
"Wait is she a vampire will some new shift?" Jacob asked
"No she is like a vampire but with out all the bad." I said
"What do you mean?" Paul asked
"I'm can live forever, I don't have to sleep but I can if I want to, I have to drink human blood a least twice a year, I'm not cold, and I can have children that will be human unless they want to be immortal." Emily said
"Will you always be immortal?" Paul asked
Emily looked at me. I thought it over and I probably could find a way to revers it.
"I could find a reversal to the spell I created. But I could also make a new one for Paul a way for him to live forever with you with out him turning against his nature. But I have no idea if the reversal will work Em it might kill you." I said
"Why do you say that?" They both asked
"Age might catch up with you 2000 years is a long time to run from death." I said
"Wait did you just say 2000 years?" Seth asked
"Yes, Emily is my oldest friend and we are both over 2000 years old. So Seth respect your elders." I said
I went to say something else when I was hit. It felt like I had been hit in the face, but the world around me changed into Bella's bedroom. It looked as if I was walking in her bedroom but I knew I wasn't in my body. I move towards Bella dreamcatcher as a MANS hand moves over it, The man moves around the room touching everything. Picking things up, curious, then setting them back down. Finally his hands fall on the red blouse draped over a chair. He brings in to his nose, the person looks up so that he is looking at a mirror. It's Riley. I can tell he is a vampire. He inhales Bella's scent then stuffs it in to his jacket. He exits the room then moves to my room but can't get in. He tries again fails then walks down stairs. He enters the living room to see Charlie sleeping on the couch, case files everywhere. One of the pictures from a file is that of Riley. There is also a article about the serial murders in Seattle. Riley looks at Charlie's holster. He removes the gun from the holster he looks at it and sees a bullet. Riley points the gun at Charlie's head. He squeezes the trigger the hammer goes back then Riley looks at Charlie's chest to see his smiling human self. Then the house fades and I'm back at Sam's but I'm laying on the ground.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sam asked
I got up off the ground and took off my jacket and shoes.
"Emily." I said
She walk over and stepped in front of me. I answered the question Sam asked while I finished stripping.
"Had a out of body thing and Riley was in the house and going thought Bella's room then he took Charlie's gun and pointed it Charlie. I have to go make sure Charlie is okay. Oh by the way Riley is people eater." I said
That had all the wolves growling. Emily picked up my stuff as I shifted and started running towards the woods. I ran as fast as my paws could carry me. I saw Bella making her way inside as I neared the edge of the woods so turned back human. I was soon entering behind Bella. I see the living room is empty and quiet.
"Edward could at least respect meal times." Charlie said
We turn startled. Charlie is leaning against the kitchen doorway, indicating his watch.
"Actually, I was with Jake." Bella said
"Good. That's good." Charlie says pleased
I walked past Bella and walked over and hugged Dad.
"Ana what's up?" Dad asked
"Nothing. Just missing you." I said
"Okay." Dad said
There was a knock on the door. Charlie knows who it is, heads back into the kitchen with a small, self-satisfied smile.
"I'll just give two or three some privacy." Charlie said
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