《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 20
By the time was done painting my room I looked out my window to see the sun was rising. I deiced to I was going to dress different today. So instead of the stuff I had been wearing for the past year. I had got dressed and headed down stairs. I passed Bella in the kitchen.
"Wow you look different." Bella said
"Is it a good different or a bad different?" I asked
"Good." Bella said
I walked out of the house and headed to my car. I got in a drove to school. The first half of the day was normal. When it came time for lunch we all headed to the cafeteria. I looked over to the table and see Bella, Edward and Jasper sitting Angela, Eric, Mike, and Jessica. I walk over and sit down as soon as I do Jasper pulls my chair next to his. I get a look from Bella. So when this happen Bella said. We will talk later I said. Angela was busy addressing a pile of note card envelopes. Mike writes what he's saying on a legal pad--
"My fellow students. We are the future. Anything is possible if we just believe, blah, blah, blah." Mike said
He rips the page off, hands it to Jessica.
"Yeah, this will be my speech. If I want people to throw their diplomas at my head." Jessica said
She crumples the paper. Tosses it at him.
"Ya gotta embrace the clichés, Jess." Mike said
"They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians." Eric said
"This is why you're not valedictorian." Anglea said
"I chose to exit the political arena to spend more time with my family." Eric said
"Jess doesn't need clichés. She's gonna rock that speech." Bella said
"Yeah Jess you will deliver a great speech." I said
"Rock? Great? It'll change lives." Jessica said
Alice and Mason have abruptly appeared carrying trays of food they won't eat/ AS they sit--
"--I've decided to throw a party." Alice said
"After all, how many times will we graduate high school?" Mason asked
Edward, Jasper, Bella, and I all stifled a smile.
"A party? At your house?" Angela asked
"Whoa. I've never seen your house." Jessica said
"No one's ever seen their house." Eric said
"Bella and I have." I said
"You know what I meant." Eric said
"Another party, Alice?" Edward asked
"It'll be fun." Alice said
"That's what you said last time." Bella said
"And we all know how that ended." I said
Suddenly Alice freezes her eyes glazing over. She's having a vision. Mike hasn't noticed yet.
"Well, cool, that's really uh...normal of you. What time? (nothing from Alice) Dress code? (still nothing) Bring anything? Cheetos?" Mike asked
A beat as Alice still looks into the distance. Awkward. Bella looks at Edward, concerned. Edward shrugs it off nothing to worry about.
"Wake up. Alice." Edward says
"She hasn't been getting much sleep lately. Senior jitters." Mason said
"That you two never only sleep." I said
Jasper looked at me wide eyed like he couldn't believe I just said that. Soon the bell rang and we all headed to class. When the day was over I head toward my car and Jasper followed. I got in and he got in after me sitting in the passenger seat.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked
I started up the car.
"I just got you back I'm not letting you out of site unless I have to." Jasper said
"Okay. I'm headed to the police station." I said
We drove in silence, it was a nice silence not a awkward one. I pulled into the station and a few seconds later Bella pulled in. Bella, Edward, Jasper, and I walked in and towards Charlie. I see him talking to Doug and Nancy Biers whose faces are etched with grief and worry. I freeze, I feel Jasper's arm tighten around my waist.
"Are you alright?" He ask
"We'll talk about it in the car." I said
We then finish walking towards dad.
"So--what was that at school? What did Alice see?" Bella asked
"Nothing. Something about Mason. It was innocuous." Edward said
"Didn't seem that way." Bella said
"I was just worried that everyone would notice how strange Alice is." Edward said
"I think that ship sailed a long time ago." Bella said
Charlie looks up and over at us. He gives us a look to keep our distance.
"He'll get over it someday. Don't worry." Bella said
"No. That's not what's bothering him. Those people. Their son has gone missing." Edward said
"Their son has done more than just gone missing." I said
They all gave me a weird look.
"Don't look at me like I've gone crazy." I said
"Do you three know something about this?" Bella asked
"Seattle. Unexplained disappearances, killings - we've been tracking it for a while." Edward said
"Really? You three think..." Bella said
"Our kind generally stick to victims who won't be missed. Or they move on quickly. But whoever's in Seattle isn't playing by the rules." Jasper said
"You said - if vampires kill too conspicuously, the Volturi step in-- But - if they go to Seattle, they could come up here see I'm still human--" Bella said
Edward turns to her, strong, reassuring.
"We won't let it get that far. We'll protect you, whatever it takes." Edward said
I went to say something else but dad stopped me.
"You ready, Ana, Bella?" Dad asked
As dad walks toward us all of our eyes go to the biers as they exit.
"I'll call if I hear anything at all." Dad said to the Biers
I see dad out a picture of Riley into his case. We all then head towards the exit. And anyone with eyes can see that there is tension between Dad and Edward.
"It is just us tree for dinner right?" Dad asked
"Dad--" Bella started
"I'm just dropping Bella off, sir. (to Bella) I'll see you tomorrow. (heads off, then stops) Oh. Bella, my parents wanted me to remind you about that airline ticket they gave you for your last birthday. (to Jasper) Are you coming Jasper?" Edward asked
Jasper kissed me on the cheek then followed Edward. Bella eyes him with suspicion, but he appears guileless.
"What airline ticket?" Dad and I asked
"A round trip to Florida to visit Mom." Bella said
"What was...generous. What about your sister?" Dad asked
"I saw mom during that trip I took." I said
"It expires soon. They thought you might want to use it this weekend." Edward said
"I can't just drop everything and go." Bella said
"It could be you last chance to visit with her before you...graduate." Edward said
Bella finally understand the meaning behind his words.
"It wouldn't hurt you to get away for a couple days. Get some time away." Dad said
"I would like to see Mom. Maybe I will go... (to Edward) if you'll use the companion ticket." Bella said
"Wait, if there are two tickets you can take your sister." Dad said
"I can't go with her I have a major date with Jasper." I said
And with that Jasper and Edward left then so did we. A few days later I waved goodbye as Bella and Edward got on their plane. Jasper and I then headed back to his house. I walked in to see everyone getting ready for something.
"What did I miss?" I asked
"You know that vision I had at school?" Alice asked
"Yeah." I said
"Well it really wasn't about Mason. I had a vision of Victoria. Which is why Bella is not in the state." Alice said
"And why was I not told of this as soon as you had the chance to tell me. What if she had changed her mind Alice and decided to come sooner." I said
Nothing happened the first night and the second night came around when Alice saw her coming. We all headed out and into the woods. Alice stops her eyes glaze over, you can tell she is watching something in her mind. We are spread out but still close waiting for Alice but ready to jump.
"You're sure this is where you saw her?" Jasper asked
"She's almost here..." Alice said
I closed my eyes and bent down and put my hand flat on the ground and tapped into the energy. I could see her she was going one way but then she stops and inhales then she bolts in another direction.
"On your left." Alice and I yell
Emmett explodes to his left, Rosalie right behind him. Jasper, Mason, and Carlisle go wide, looking to cut Victoria off, Esme and Alice following up the rear. I stay in place I see Icky Vicky racing through the trees, tense but not afraid. She reaches a ravine she doesn't break stride just leaps across. As she reaches the peck of her jump right above the water I make it explode kind of like a geyser. I trips her up and . It messed her up and she ended up smashing into a tree. Carlisle stops and yells to Emmett and Rosalie--
"Wait. She's in their territory." Carlisle said
"She'll get away." Rosalie yelled
"No she won't--" Jasper said
I got up from where I was and ran past everyone. I looked towards the ravine and saw the wolves who were also chasing after Victoria. The pack is lead by Sam. The others followed behind me. Victoria leaps over so she is back on our side of the ravine.
"All ours now." Emmett said
All the Cullens close in. Emmett grabs hold of Victoria's shoulder and hair. They roll Victoria uses the momentum to her advantage and flings Emmett off and over her into a tree. She takes this split second to leap back over to the wolves. Emmett is pissed.
"Emmett, don't --" Esme yells
But Emmett seeing red flies over the ravine the second his feet hit the other side Paul's wolf turns to face him. There's a moment of standoff. It would be simple enough for Emmett to defuse the situation by jumping back but that's not his style. Paul growls, that just makes Emmett smile.
"She is getting away." I yelled
She slows, stops, and turns to look at us. I can see by the look on her faces that she is studying the conflict with curiosity. Paul and Emmett charge at each other. They slam into each other. Paul is able to shove Emmett so he flies back over the ravine. He flies and hits me I go flying back into a tree where a tree branch stabs me. I push off the tree. I heal but I still shoot daggers at both Emmett and Paul.
"Why are guys just standing there go get her." I yelled
They nodded and went back to chasing her, but both groups stopped when they reached the Washington border. The wolves turned and ran back. So did we, we arrived back at the Cullen house a few hours before we needed to be at school. I walked inside and upstairs.
"If anyone needs me I'll be in the shower." I said
When I was done in the shower I walked into Jasper's room to see him holding the shirt with my blood on it he was smelling it.
"Why are you smelling my shirt?" I asked
"It smells weird." Jasper said
"What do you mean weird." I said
"It doesn't smell like you. I mean it does but at the same time different. Are you still eating people?" Jasper asked
"Where are the others?" I asked
"Hunting." Jasper said
"I am still drinking human blood but I am not taking it from innocent people a friend of mine runs a blood bank for vampires who want to drink human blood but don't want to end someone's life. And if I do take it from a human the human has done something unforgivable." I said
I look down with out making eye contact with Jasper.
"Look at me, Lilly." Jasper said
I looked up at him.
"It doesn't matter to me that you are drinking human blood." Jasper said
"I didn't know that drinking changed my scent do you want me to stop. I know how much you love the way I smell." I said
"Your fine. Now then we have a hour before we need to be at school." Jasper said taking his shirt off
"I like the way you think." I said
I dropped my towel.
So after our little trip around his room. We both got dressed and headed to my car. We pulled up to school to see Bella and Edward. As soon as I parked and turned off the car and ran to Bella. I hugged her.
"Are you sorry you went?" Edward asked
"No. It was great seeing mom. Just...hard saying goodbye." Bella said
"It doesn't have to be goodbye." Edward said
"Is that why you wanted me to go? Hoping I'd change my mind?" Bella asked
"What did I just walk into?" I asked
"Nothing." Bella said
"Hey Bella we need to talk as soon as we get a chance." I said
Bella nodded her head.
"I'm always hoping for that --" Edward said
Edward then abruptly looks up and stiffens. Hearing something. I listen and her two people.
"What?" Bella asked
"Would you two stay by the car if I asked you guys to?" Edward asked
Bella looks up at him, concerned, then pulls my hand.
"Of course not." Bella and I said
I look over to see Jacob and Paul getting off two motorcycle and strides toward Bella and I. Paul and Jacob were both wearing the same type of outfit. Black t-shirts and grease stained jeans. But they both have a heard expression on their face. Now they both our right in front of us.
"Oh look Paul you do own a shirt. I had my doubts." I said
"Haha very funny, Ana." Paul said
"Jake--" Bella said
Edward pulls both closer to him. Students are watching from a distance, but out of earshot.
"Charlie said you left town." Jacob said
"To see my mother. Why?" Bella asked
"He's here to make sure you're still human." I said
"You want to read my mind? Enjoy." Jacob said
"What are you doing?" Bella asked
"Just taking a walk down memory lane." Jacob said
"He's reminding me. Of what it was like for you when I went away." Edward said
"Jacob. Please." Bella said
Jacob takes a breath to calm himself. Paul helps.
"I'm here to arm you - if your kind come on our land again --" Jacob said
"Wait, what?" Bella asked
"You didn't tell her." Jacob said
"I was just about to, but you and Paul showed up." I said
"Leave it alone, Jacob." Edward said
Jasper, Alice, and Mason place themselves with proximity, just in case we needed it. Mike, Eric, Jessica and Angela who watch the going on.
"Tell me. I want to know." Bella yelled
"I had no idea what was going on till I arrived at the Cullen house." I said
"There was a stupid misunderstanding between Emmett and Paul. Nothing to worry about." Edward said
"Man. Listen to you, Slick. Nothing to worry about." Jacob said
"Leave. Now." Edward said
"She has a right to know." Paul said
"She's the one the red-head wants." Jacob says
"Victoria's back. Alice's vision - it wasn't about Mason, was it? It was Victoria --" Bella said
"I was trying to protect you--" Edward said
"By lying to me?" Bella asked
"When I threw Emmett back he hit you I smelt your blood are you okay Ana?" Paul asked
"Just a tree branch, I healed all good." I said
Bella is still waiting for Edward to answer her question she is getting pissed. She turns to Jacob.
"Jake, wait up --" Bella said.
Edward's hand is on her arm so fast she's barely moved. She turns to him with controlled anger.
"Edward, you have to trust me." Bella said
"I do. It's him I don't trust." Edward said
Bella just looks at Edward; strong, independent, not about to acquiesce. He lets go of her. She jogs to Jacob's side. She about to get on his bike when we hear the roar of a car. It pulls up right in front of us the door opens. And the person that gets out of the car surprise me.
"Well look who came back from the dead. It's great you see you...
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World of Combat: A Dystopia Gamelit Series
In her world, single combat decides everything. It's her sixteenth birthday and Kiriai has a big decision to make. Will she fight for her dream to battle in the arena? Or buckle under her grandfather’s pressure to become a healer? Her best friend Eigo is an outcast from his scrounger family. On a recent expedition into the wastelands, he found a peculiar birthday gift for Kiriai—an AI trainer from a centuries-old, martial arts game. Could it give her the advantage she needs? Will Kiriai win the fight that decides her future? An impossible deadline, a persuasive mentor, and her own family all stand in Kiriai’s way. If she loses, she’ll be consigned to a mundane life, but more importantly, banned from the arena forever. Kiriai can't let that happen. Combat Origin is the first book in the World of Combat, young adult, dystopia series. If you like strong heroines, gamelit/litrpg and a good brawl, keep reading. Author note: I just discovered the Royal Road community and decided to jump in and participate. I posted Combat Origin, Book 1 during Nov and Dec of 2019 (before moving it to Amazon), followed by the short story prequel that gave backstory on two of the main characters. (non-Gamelit - because the gaming AI hasn't been found yet) Now, Book 5 has been finished and posted on Amazon, which allows me to leave a 10% sample here. The books are all free to read, If you have Kindle Unlimited. Please comment, ask questions, offer suggestions or just say hi. I'm hoping to connect with readers and improve my storytelling. -- Misty :) https://www.amazon.com/author/mistyzaugg https://mistyzaugg.com/
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