《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 11


"What do you mean you're leaving?" Dad asked

"I can't deal with Bella right now. I can't deal with town anymore. The people at school look like I could break at any moment. I just can't do it anymore." I said

"Where will you go?" Dad asked

"Anywhere, everywhere." I said

"Okay, but only if you call, and when Bella finally snaps out of it you have to come back." Dad said

"Okay." I said

I left the kitchen and walked upstairs to my room. I packed up a few things like my laptop, phone, chargers. I walked over to Bella's room. She was sitting in the same chair that she normally is. I walk over and sit down in front of Bella.

"Hey Bella." I said

I wait but nothing happens.

"I'm going to be leaving town for a while. If you need me call I will come back okay." I said

Bella nodded her head.

"I understand." Bella said

She hugged me. I got up and left the room. I grabbed by bag and headed down stairs. I hugged dad and left the house. I decided to take my car. I threw my bag in the car and got in. I got out my phone and called Sam but I got his voicemail.

"Hey Sam, I can't take this town anymore. I'm going to visit some friends. I promised Charlie that I would call and come back when Bella snaps out of her funk. I will be safe okay. If you need anything call me." I said

I hung up the phone and soon I was passing the Welcome to Forks sign. I sped and soon I was in LA. I was in LA for about a week when I got a call from Sam.

"Hello." I said

"Where are you?" Sam asked

"LA. Why?" I asked

"Jared wants a shirt from everywhere you go." Sam said

"Okay. Anything else?" I asked

"Nope." Sam said

I hung up it was night time. I headed to a local club. It was Halloween. So everyone was dressed in costume. My diet on this trip was blood and different types of alcohol. I didn't look the same as I did when I left Forks. I had dyed my hair white and my style somewhat changed. I walked into the club. I walked up to the bar.

"What can I get for you?" the bartender asked

"A vodka." I said

"Id please." the bartender said

I looked into his eyes.

"You don't need my id, and my drinks will be on the house all night, and you will out some of your blood in each drink. Do understand." I said

"I understand." the bartender said

"Good." I said

I sat down at the bar and waited for my drink, the bartender handed me the drink. I smiled at the bartender he nodded back and walked away. I man walked up and sat down next to me.

"That was a nice trick you did." the man said

"I have no idea what you talking about." I said

The man leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"I know what you are." he said

"And what am I?" I asked

"A vampire." he said

"Oh really." I said

I looked at him he had short dark brown hair, blue eyes, tall.


"What makes you say that." I said

"Cause I'm one too." he said

"Whatever you say." I said

"You don't believe me?" He asked

"Your not like the vampires I'm used to that's all." I said

"Okay, can I buy you a drink?" he asked

"I already have one, but maybe later." I said

"Want to dance?" he asked

"What is your name?" I asked

"Jonathan. What's yours?" Jonathan asked

"Lilith." I said

I grabbed his hand a pulled him on to the dance floor. We danced through three different songs. When we finally left the club we left together.

"I need a bite to eat want to join me?" Jonathan asked

"Sure why not." I said

We head down the street and soon found two victims. As the night went on we found more and more people to drink from. I drank from at least 10 people and killed 5 from of them. I was headed back to my place when Jonathan appeared at my side.

"I thought we called it a night." I said

"We did but I forgot to do something." Jonathan said

He pushed me up against a near by wall and kissed me. I kissed him back and we soon made it back to my place. Jonathan and I stayed in La for a few more days. In November we head north I wanted ski and Jonathan wanted to make me happy. So we headed to Aspen. We stayed in Aspen all of November and most of December. I get call from dad.

"Hey Ana, Bella's up and walking and talking and wants to see you can you come home." Dad asked

"Sure, I'll be home as soon as I can." I said

The line went dead I turned around to see Jonathan.

"Who was that?" John asked

"My dad. My sister is kind of back to normal so it's time I head home." I said

"You want me to come with you?" Jonathan asked

"Forks is a small town, and I know how much you hate small towns." I said

"Yeah I do." John said

"But keep in touch Mr. Irish." I said

"I will." he said

With that I left the room and head to find my car. I finally found it in LA, and surprisingly it was in one piece. It only took me a day to get back to Forks. I pulled into the driveway just in time to see Bella and Charlie walking out of the house. I got out of the car.

"Wow look at you." Dad said

"Yeah look at me." I said

We heard a noise we turn around to see the Bob Marks who lived across the street putting two old bikes on the curb.

"It's about time you got rid of those, Bob. Seen one too many bikers smeared on the highway." Dad said

"Save the lecture, Chief. Soon as the garbage truck hauls 'em off, you and my wife can rest easy. Oh, hey, what's the word on that bear problem? Folks are saying they're huge." Bob said

"Bear problem?" I asked

"That's just...talk..." Dad says

"How you doin' there, Ana, Bella?" Bob asked

Bella doesn't respond. Bob gives an understanding and walks off. Bella opens her truck door. But it gets slammed shut by Dad.


"That's it." Dad yells

"That's what?" Bella asked

"Your sister is back and you both are moving to Jacksonville to live with your mother." Dad said

"What? Why?" Bella and I both asked

"I just - don't know what to do any more. You don't act like someone left you, more like someone died." Dad said

"I'm not leaving Forks." Bella said

"Bella, the bastard's not coming back." Dad said

Bella nods. I can tell she is in pain.

"It's not normal, this behavior. And frankly, it's scaring the hell outta me, and your mother. Go to Jacksonville, Baby. Make some new friends." Dad said

"I like my old friends." Bella said

"You never seen them anymore." Dad said

"I do, too. In fact, I'm...um... Jessica and I are going to Port Angeles tomorrow. Shopping. And now that Ana is back she can come too." Bella said

"You hate shopping." Dad says suspicious

"That's how good a friend I am." Bella said

"Alright. Shopping." Dad said somewhat appeased

"Hi Jessica, it's Bella." She said on her phone

"Ana please go to with her." Dad said

"Yes sir." I said

I got in her truck. As she drove she talked into her phone.

"...Yes, Bella Swan. Hey, any chance you feel like shopping today with me and Ana?" Bella asked

"Yeah she is back in town." Bella said

The drive to Port Angles was short but Bella and I talked about what I had been doing the past three months. I left out Jonathan and all the blood. We had decided to go a movie. It was a zombie film.

"I don't get why there are so many zombie movies." Bella said

"It's, like, a metaphor? For crass consumerism or something." Jessica said

"It's what is making to most money." I said

"Not that Bella know anything about consuming. You didn't even buy anything today unlike Ana." Jessica said

"I bought something." Bella said

"Socks don't count. 'Course, I was surprised you even called." Jessica said

"I've been kind of...out of it." Bella said

"No kidding." I said

"Kind of? I mean, at first I was worried. Then I'm like, okay, she's still bumming? It's not like I wasn't going through things, too. Like Mike deciding he wanted to "just be friends?" That was really hard and --" Jessica said

"How 'bout a ride, girls?" some man said

We look across the street, I can see the gears in Bella's head spin. Four rough looking men leaning on their motorcycles. They were in the shadows so you really couldn't see their faces. I remember the four men from that night Edward "saved" Bella. She just stays starring at them. Bella then looks as if she heard someone she turns , she smiles. But there is no one there.

"Come one." Jessica says

"I know them... I think..." Bella said

"Can we just go--" Jessica says

"Come on Bella." I say

Jessica pulls at Bella's arm, but Bella just shakes her off.

"I want to see something." Bella says

Much to both Jessica and my frustration, Bella begins to cross the street towards the guys.

"Alright, we got a taker." one guy says

She looks happy, then she stops. She takes a step back, then forward again. She is full on smiling and happy by the time she reaches the me.

"...You're not them." Bella said

"We'll be whoever you want, honey." the same guy says

The a different guy pulls up next to Bella on his bike.

"Ready for a thrill ride?" the second guy asked

She gets on the bike. But as they leave I hear Bella say something.

"I can break promises, too." Bella said

What the hell is she talking about. She is not gone long before she is walking back up to us.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jessica asked

"Seriously." I say

"I...saw something." Bella said

"Yeah your life ending." I said

"You. Are insane. Or suicidal." Jessica said

"The more dangerous...the more real it was." Bella said

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"So, what, you're like an adrenaline junky now? Go hang-gliding or bungle-jumping. Don't be a complete freak." Jessica said

Jessica charges off. Bella watches all of the motorcycles disappear. Bella and I walk to her truck and get in.

"So Bella tell me what caused you to get on the that guys bike." I said

"I saw him." Bella said

"Saw who?" I asked

"Edward. When I got closer to the men he became more clear." Bella said

"Okay." I said

When we got back home I acted like the perfect little daughter. I kissed dad on the check goodnight and head up to my room. My phone rings.

"Hello Sam." I said

"Are you back. I can feel your energy." Sam said

"Oh really." I said

"Yeah and it is so much different than it was when you left." Sam said

"Well I'm different now then I was when I left." I said

My phone beeped I pulled it away from my ear to see I had a incoming call from 'Dracula'.

"Hey Sam I have a call waiting. I'll call you tomorrow." I said

I ended the call with Sam and answered the call from 'Dracula'.

"Well hello there Dracula." I said

"So you saw that?" He asked

"Of course I did Jonathan. I do have caller ID." I said

"But how do you know it was me?" He asked

"Because you were in my phone as the "The Mad Irish Man'." I said

"So how is Knife?" He asked

"It's Forks not knife and boring. I can't drink from anyone because it is such a small town and if I wanted to I would have to go to a different city." I pouted

"Can't you do that whole snatch, eat, erase thing?" he asked

"Yeah but I don't want to taste all the weird people here. I mean there are Shape shifters here. Gods those things are disgusting." I said

I heard him laugh.

"Don't laugh at me. Have you ever tasted anything other than human?" I asked

"No I don't think I have maybe I should come test it out." he said

"Believe me no you don't. I have to go get a bite to eat." I said

"Let me know how that goes." He said

"Will do Dracula." I said

I hung up the phone and made sure dad was asleep before I jumped out the window. I ran to Port Angles and found those four bikers picking on a little girl. I pushed one of them against the wall I turned to the girl and she ran away. The other three men turned and looked at me.

"Hello boys. Goodbye Boys." I said

I than drank them dry in less than a minute. I left them in the ally way and threw my lighter on them and watched as they lite up. I headed back to the house. I jumped back up in my room and landed without making a noise. I really didn't sleep so I kind of re painted my room.

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