《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 10
As soon as we park the car and get out, Alice is taking us inside the house to change into the dresses she got for us. Once we are changed we head to Carlisle's room to see a old 18th century oil painting.
"The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family..." Edward says
"They are not that old." I say
"The closest thing my world has to a royalty..." Edward says
"Is that...Carlisle?" Bella asked
"The Volturi are also what you might call enforcers." Edward said
"Of what?" Bella asked
"The only rule they have: to keep secret the existence of our kind. We don't make spectacles of ourselves, or kill conspicuously, unless we want to die." Edward said
Bella then spins on Edward.
"Don't even -- talk about that. You can't let anyone hurt you. The Volturi or anyone else." Bella asked
"Who else would hurt me?" Edward asked
"You said there were more dangerous things out there than you. And I know you have at least one enemy --." Bella said
I think of Victoria and I know Bella did as well.
"You said she'd come after you for killing her mate." Bella said
"If you want to go that route Ana killed James. Yes, some day. But Alice will see her coming. And she won't win." Edward said
"Thanks for that Edward." I said
"I hate that I can't protect you." Bella said
Edward laughs, amused. Bella on the other hand is.
"That was me being serious." Bella said
"(kissing her face) I know. But you do protect me... (kisses her nose) from boredom... (kisses her lips) and loneliness... (in between kisses) you give me a reason to stay... un-dead. But it's...my job to protect you..." Edward said
He stops and smiles then I hear why he is smiling.
"...from everyone but my sister." Edward say
Alice the burst the door opens and dances in.
"It's time it's time it's time." Alice chants
Sometimes I wonder hos she has so much energy. We all head to the second floor landing. Alice tugs Bella who is dragging her feet. She the skips down the stairs. I headed down the stairs and am hugged as soon as my feet leave the last stair. I look up to see Rosalie.
"Hey Rosey." I said
"Hey Ana." Rose said
"I was then taken out of her arms by Jasper. I look around the living room to see hundreds of pink candles and rose and lily filled crystal bowls. I can see the Bella would like nothing more than to just disappear.
"Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle said
"Like that's even possible. Happy birthday Ana, Bella." Esme said
I see a flash and look over to see Alice holding Bella's camera.
"Found it in your bag. Mind?" Alice asked
Emmett moves to Edward's side. Nudges him.
"Dating an older woman. Hot." Emmett said
Bella caught that. Edward elbows him and I glare.
"What?" Emmett asked
"Touchy subject." I said
Rosalie steps up. Shoves a silver a package at Bella, then hands me a black package.
"It's a necklace. Alice picked it out. I on the other hand found Ana's." Rosalie said
I opened my package to find a necklace that had belonged to me in the 20's.
"How on earth did you find this?" I asked
"I had a little help from Jasper." Rosalie said
"Well thank you Rosey." I said
Alice then starts taking pictures.
"Show me the love." Alice says
I see Edward pull Bella into his arms and they look into each others eyes. Alice then takes a picture. She then takes a picture of Jasper and I.
"for your scrapbook. Now open your presents." Alice said
Alice drags Bella and I over to a table piled high with gifts, a huge cake and a tall stack of china plates.
"Alice, Ana and I are the only ones who even eats cake. That thing could feed fifty." Bella said
"Or one Ana." I said
"Hope you're hungry. Here, this one's from Emmett." Alice said
She handed one box to me and the other to Bella. Bella unwraps her gift to find a empty car radio box.
"Um... thanks?" Bella asked
"Already installed it in your truck. Your turn Ana." Emmett said
I unwrapped my present to see a empty box just like Bella's.
"Um thanks." I said
Then something is out on my head. I reach up and take it off to see a helmet.
"Um guys I don't really need a helmet. But thanks." I said
"We know, but it just make us feel a little better." Carlisle said
"Open mine." Alice said
Alice then hands Bella and each a present. Bella starts to open her present but stops.
"Ouch - paper cut." Bella said
I look over at her, and see single drop of blood fall to the floor. I hear a snarl and look over to see Mason and Jasper. Jasper looks like he could kill but Mason is the one that lunges at Bella. Edward flings Bella behind his own body, causing her to crash into the table just as Mason slams into me, which throws me into a wall. Edward then push Mason so that he files into the piano. Alice runs over to Mason to try and calm him down. I look up to see Jasper just standing there. He looks at me then at Bella, then back at me.
"Mason... shh." Alice says
But she stops, her head suddenly turning towards Bella. We all then turn to Bella to see shards of broken glass in her arms. Her arm covered in blood. I get up and run over to her. Carlisle followed but I could tell that he was fine with the blood.
"Emmett, get Mason out of here. Emmett." Carlisle said
Emmett reins himself in, elbows Rosalie. They drag Mason out. Esme bows her head and politely exits with the others. Alice looks at Bella and apologetic.
"I'm sorry, I... can't..." Alice said
"Jasper can you go help Emmett with Mason." I said
He nodded his head and left the room.
"I'll carry her to the kitchen." Edward siad
He moves to pick her up, but looks down at her arm.
"I got her Edward go make sure, everyone is okay." Carlisle said
Edward looks one more time at Bella before leaving. He then steps back, allowing Carlisle to lift Bella and carry her away to the kitchen. I followed but as we entered the kitchen, I looked back to see Edwards face. We are sitting in the kitchen. Carlisle wipes the blood off Bella's arm and removes the glass that is in it.
"I sure can kill a party." Bella said
"It's not your fault. Mason hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us. I'm surprised Jasper wasn't the one." Carlisle said
"He didn't because of how often he's in my house and around Bella." I said
"Seems like you're the only one it doesn't effect." Bella said
"Centuries of practice." Carlisle said
"Did you ever think of... living differently?" Bella asked
"Bella don't ask something like that." I said
"Ana it's fine. I enjoy my work too much. Helping people, saving lives..." Carlisle said
"The family business." I whisper
"I'm hoping there's a point to my existence, even if I damned." Carlisle said
"Damned? You're not damned." Bella said
"I agree." I said
"Then the three of is agree. But Edward doesn't believe there's an afterlife for our kind. They think we've lost our souls." Carlisle said
"That's why he won't...he thinks he's be damning me." Bella said
"If you believed as he did, would you risk it?" Carlisle asked
I grabbed Bella's arm and healed it up. We then walked out to the truck. When we got outside I saw Edward leaning against the truck. We got in and saw the large red bow hanging from the new stereo. Edward drives in silence.
"Say something." Bella yelled
"What do you want me to say?" Edward asked
"That I'm a klutz. That I should have been more careful --" Bella said
"You got a paper cut. Normal people get paper cuts. And a normal boyfriend wouldn't have flung you into a stack of plates. A normal boyfriend wouldn't have had to fight the urge to kill you--" Edward said
"Stop. I don't want normal, I want you." Bella said
I didn't say anything. Edward doesn't respond. The truck soon comes to a stop when we pull into the driveway.
"You can't protect me from everything - something's going to separate us -- accident, illness, old ages...as long as I'm human..." Bella said
"That's your solution? My ending your life?" Edward asked
"I'm just going to go." I said
"No you don't" Bella said
"Okay I'll stay." I said
"Your giving me forever." Bella said
Edward whips around, jaw tight, mind working, and tormented. Bella reaches for his hand.
"Carlisle told me how you feel, about my soul, but I don't believe that ---" Bella said
-- Edward moves his hand away from Bella.
"You should go in. It's late." Edward said
Edward climbs out and instantly is opening the passenger door. I step out and then Bella. Edward looks down at Bella his face softens, he puts a hand on her cheek.
"I'll leave my window open for you." Bella said
"I won't be coming back. Not tonight." Edward said
"Then...can I ask for one thing? It's still my birthday. (Edward nods his head) Kiss me?" Bella asked
Edward lifts her face to his and kisses her. It starts careful and gentle but soon changes and becomes urgent. It looked like a goodbye kiss. He abruptly pulls away, with one last look, he turns and walks away. Bella and I walk inside, we go and sit in Bella's room. She prints off all the pictures that were taken today. She gives me the ones of Jasper and I and keeps the ones of her and Edward. She puts them all in her scrapbook, she folds up one picture then puts it in so only Edward is showing.
"Bella it's late and you've had a long day it's time to go to bed." I said
"Okay. Good night Ana." Bella said
Once I was in my room, I had feeling like something bad was going to happen.
It was the next day. We got up and got dressed. When we arrived at school none of the Cullen's were there. As the day goes on the Cullen's still don't show up. At lunch Bella and I sit with Jessica, Anglea, Eric and Mike. I can tell Bella is worried, hell I'm worried. As the day goes on Bella gets more worried. As soon as we get home we see Edward standing by the woods. Bella gets out her truck and runs straight to Edward.
"Edward. You're here." Bella said
"Walk with me?" Edward ask
They head into the forest. I head inside and into my room, I see Rosalie.
"What's up?" I ask
"We are leaving, people are noticing that Carlisle isn't aging." Rosalie said
"Don't lie to me." I said
"We are leaving because Edward believes we are a danger to Bella." Rosalie said
"Why are you the one telling me?" I asked
"What do you mean?" Rosalie asked
"Why isn't he. Why isn't he the one telling me that yet again he is leaving me." I yelled
"I don't know. No one was going to tell you. But didn't like that I thought you had the right to know." Rosalie said
She goes to leave my room. I can feel the tears falling from my eyes.
"Rosalie?" I asked
"Yes." She said
"I picked immortally for him. I could have died and been reborn. But I picked to never die again because I didn't think I could live with out him. But he has picked to live without me. You guys will be coming back. But when you do I won't be here. The girl you all know and have grown to careful dies tonight. Tell him that there are no more chances. Tell him everything." I said
She nodded her head and the left. As soon as she was gone, I broke down crying. I let out a ear piercing scream that only the supernatural can hear. Then something clicked in my mind. They left, they weren't going to tell me, he left, he wasn't going to tell me.
"Vt vos infirma . Im ' non infirma . Vita sum et ego ero ego immortalitatem. Ego sum Lilth ." I said
Then just like that a white light left me and I felt as if a great weight was lifted off me. But then my phone rang. I looked to see it was Sam.
"Lilith here." I said
"Did you scream a few seconds ago?" Sam asked
"Yeah I had to let some built rage out." I said
"Were you crying?" Sam asked
"Yes this bit of information will make you happy the Cullen's left town." I said
"It does make me happy that they are gone. But it hurts that it makes you sad. How did him telling you go?" Sam asked
"He didn't, Rosalie did. She then told me that they weren't even going to tell me. Shit, Bella." I said
"What about Bella?" Sam asked
"Edward asked to talk to her in the woods, a few minutes ago. And if he told her he was leaving she would have tried to follow him." I said
"Calm down, Jared, Paul, and I will go look for her." Sam said
"Thank you. And if you find her, I need to talk to you. In person." I said
"Okay." Sam said
The line went dead. I heard dad get home not long after he gets worried and calls a search party. I was standing outside with dad. Soon other police cars and Billy and Jacob show up.
"Hey dad just got off the phone with Sam. Him and a few guys are in the woods looking." I said
Dad nodded his head and walked away to look at a map. Billy rolls up next to me.
"Is it true that the Cullen's left town?" Billy asked
"Yes." I said
I walked away. I hear a twig snap and look to the woods.
"Charlie." Jacob yelled
Sam emerges from the woods with Bella in his arms. Charlie runs up to them and takes Bella from Sam.
"Thank you, Sam. Thank god." Charlie said
Dad carries Bella inside the house. Harry am d Billy give Sam a nod of praise and gratitude. Sam looks at Jacob who up till that moment had been walking up next to dad. I hear dad ask Bella a question.
"What are you thinking, baby? Why were you out there?" Dad asked
"He's...gone." Bella said
They then walked into the house. Sam walked up to me.
"You wanted to talk?" Sam asked
"Vt vos infirma . Im ' non infirma . Vita sum et ego ero ego immortalitatem." I said
"What does that mean?" Sam asked
"Emotions make you weak. I'm not weak. I am life, I am death, I am immortality." I said
"What does that mean?" Sam asked
"It means when I wake up my emotion will be locked away. I will be a different person. So basically I'll be a stone cold bitch." I said
"Hmm that could bad." Sam said
"Yes it will." I said
I walked inside the house. Charlie had laid Bella down in bed and was now going to lay down himself. Bella had curled up into the fetal position. Edward leaving had not just broke her heart, he had broke her. I went to my bedroom and fell asleep. When I woke the next morning Bella got up but had not left the her room. Seconds became minutes became hours became days became weeks became a month. I walked down stairs to see dad I sat down in front of him.
"I'm leaving dad." I said
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