《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 9 New Moon


Over the Summer break I got more in-tune with my powers. I helped Sam with the ones he gained in being my protector. But mostly I spent to whole summer with Jasper. I was asleep in bed when I was sucked into Bella's dream. Bella is running thought the woods looking for Edward.

"Edward." She yells

She comes to a clearing in the woods. She sees Edward standing in the sun, skin sparkling. She looks past him and sees a old lady.

"Gran?" She asked

Gran looks as surprised as Bella does.

"Stop - she'll see." Bella said

But Edward just smiles and steps into the sunlight. Sunbeams shatter off his skin like a thousand rainbow shards as if he were made of diamonds. A beautiful sight. Edward is now inches from Bella, still sparkling. She wraps a arm around his waist. She goes from looking at him to Gran. Where she see that Gran's arm is extended, as if she also holds someone. Bella and Edward move so they are only a few feet from Gran. Bella goes to present Edward but sees that Gran movements mimic Bella's movements to a tee. Bella reaches out to Gran only touch glass. Bella pulls her hand back to see that Gran is now surrounded by a giled frame. It's a mirror.

"Oh my God." Bella said

She soon realizes that's not Gran but it is herself a the age of sixty - five years old. Bella spins to look at her perfect, eternally 17-year-old Edward. He takes her now wrinkled hand and kisses it.

"Happy Birthday." Edward whispers in her ear.

I then shoot up in bed to see dad in my door way. I get up and follow him to Bella's room to see her awake.

"Happy Birthday Bella, Ana." Dad said

"Dad, we agreed, no gifts." Bella said

"No you agreed. Now then dad lay on the gifs." I said

Bella and dad just laugh at me.

"At least mine's not wrapped." Dad says to Bella.

He hands her a digital camera. And then he hands me one.

"Okay, this is actually kind of great. Thanks, Dad." Bella said

"Yeah, thanks dad." I said

He then hands us wrapped gifts.

"Goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated - well, she coordinated me. Dad said

We open the gifts to a scrapbook.

"To put your pictures in, record your senior year -- mean, senior year. How'd you get so old so fast?" Dad asked

Touchy topic dad.

"Not that old." Bella said

"I don't know. Is that a a winkle?" Dad asked

Bella is up and put of bed and to the mirror in les then 30 seconds, searching her face for the wrinkle.

"I was kidding." Dad said

"So not funny, dad." Bella said

"Yeah I mean you know how much Bella hates her birthday." I said


Dad leaves the room and I follow heading to room to get ready for school. When were both finally ready we headed to school I decided to ride with Bella. When we arrive at school we get out, she looks around the parking lot looking for Edward.

"Wherefore art thou, Bella?" Mike asked

We turn around to see Mike, Eric, Angela and Jessica.

"You finish the Shakespeare assignment?" Mike asked

"He means will you finish his assignment?" Jessica asked

"No, I don't -- okay I do." Mike said

"I can help you with it -- but first -- I need a picture. My mom's expecting a scrapbook full of memories." Bella said

"I take 'em, I don't pose for em." Anglea said holding her camera.

"You do today." I said

I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the picture.

"You'll photoshop my nose if it looks big, right?" Jessica asked

"Don't worry, I'm in the picture: no one will be looking at you guys." Eric said

We all start laughing as Bella takes the picture. We turn around to see Edward climbling out of his car, and the other Cullen's pulling into the parking lot.

"Oh good. Cullen and Hale are here." Mike said

"Yay." Jessica said

"Check ya later." Eric said

Bella and I head over to Edward and Jasper.

"Happy Birthday." Edward says

You can see Bella her smile falls.

"Did I say something wrong?" Edward asked

"Age is a touchy subject today Edward." I said

Bella glares at me. If only looks could kill...oh wait mine can.

"Don't remind me." Bella said

"Your birthday is definitely a day to celebrate." Edward said

"Not for me." Bella said

Jasper wraps his arm around my waist and whisper in my ear happy birthday.

"Eighteen is a little early to be worrying about your age." Edward said

"It's only one year older than you." Bella said

"Bella, he is over ninety." I said

"True. Maybe u should be creeped out that I'm dating such a old guy." Bella said

"Yes, it's the age that's creepy, not the fact that you're dating a vampire." Edward said

They lean to kiss. I just look away I don't need to see that. But Jasper and I aren't any better.

"Class." Edward said

"Right. Class." Bella said

We all start to head toward the school when Edward stops.

"Someone want you two." Edward says

"Bella. Ana." Jacob yells

We turn toward the woods. To see Jacob. Who has a used car part in his hand. He jogs up to use. Edward and Jasper back away from us. He hugs Bella and I, but keeps his arm around my shoulder.

"God, Jacob, what are they feeding you on that rez, steroids? You're huge." Bella said

"Wouldn't seem so drastic if you came around more. Ana over here was at the rez at least once a week." Jacob said


"I will, soon. But isn't your school, like, ten miles that way?" Bella asked

"Just here buying this for the rabbit. I'm almost done with the rebuild. Gotta come take a ride when it's done. Oh, and happy birthday. Your dad told my dad. So..." Jacob said

He pulls out two things from his coat, one being a small woven dream catcher, feathers dangling from it. He hands it to Bella, and the second a bracelet with a wolf on it.

"I saw it the other day and thought of you - it catches bad dreams Bella. And Ana everyone on the rez calls you little wolf." Jacob said

"This, I need. It's great." Bella said

"The bell's about to ring." Edward said

The bell rings. Jacob looks at Edward with an amiable smile.

"Ooh, look at you, all psychic." Jacob said

"I don't have that particular gift. But I can read a watch. I'm clver that way." Edward said

"Bye, Jake, and thank you." Bella said

"Thanks for the bracelet Jake." I said

I kissed Jake on the check and walked over to Jasper and Edward. Wit Bella right next to me. As soon as I got within reach Jasper's arm was around my waist.

"How come Jacob Black gets to give you two a gift and Jasper and I don't?" Edward asked

"He's just a friend." Bella and I said

"Then why did Ana kiss him on the check?" Edward asked

"I do that to everyone." I said

I leaned over and kissed Edward on the check. Bella laughed because it made Edward stop walking. Jasper just shook his head.

"Jasper you are okay with her kissing men on the cheek." Edward said

I could tell Jasper was thinking of something.

"Please stop thinking about that." Edward said

"What were you thinking about?" I asked

"What we did on the fourth of July." Jasper said

I laughed. We finally made it inside the school.

"Anyways, friends don't spend two weeks looking for the perfect dreamcatcher and bracelet." Edward said

"Stop reading his mind if it bothers you so much." Bella said

"Yeah, Edward unless... are you jealous of Jacob." I said

"Little hard to tune out." Edward said

"Sure what ever you say Edward." I said

We all laugh well except for Edward who kind of glared. We turn a corner to see Alice and Mason.

"Happy --" Alice said

"Shh." Bella said

Alice then whispers in our ear.

"Birthday." Alice said

Mason was keeping his distance from Bella. Mason just nods at us. Alice hands Bella and I. Bella tries to hide to make sure no one saw it.

"Alice didn't I say no gifts?" Bella asked

"But I didn't" I said

"You did. I didn't. I've already seen you two open then and guess what? You guys love it." Alice said

"You had a vision about our birthday." Alice said

"And about the green dress you'll be wearing to your guys party tonight. Great color on you guys." Bella said

"...our party?" Bella and I asked

"Please? It'll be fun." Alice said

"I...guess I can deal --" Bella said

"-- Great. See you two at seven." Alice said

Alice hugs us and race off before Bella could change her mind.

"Wait, Jasper, no fair with the mood control." Bella said

"Jasper are you really playing with Bella's emotion?" I asked

"Sorry, Bella." Jasper said

"No it's fine." Bella said

"Vampires. You can't trust them." Edward said

We walk to English. Where we watching Romeo and Juliet.

"Arms, take your last embrace, and lips, o you, the doors of breath, seal with righteous kiss..." The tv said

As I looked around the room I could some kids asleep, other watching the movie, Mike trying not to fall asleep.

"Here's to my love. O true apothecary. Thy drugs are quick." Romeo says

I look over to see Bella desk next to Bella and they are whispering to each other. Me being the noise sister I am linsitnen in on what they are saying.

"I hate being...celebrated." Bella said

"Come on, the last real birthday any of us had was Emmett's I think Bing Crosby was in the top charts. You'll be helping us feel normal for a night." Edward said

Bella sits back, knowing she's trapped. He kisses her hand.

"There are worse tragedies than a birthday. Look at Romeo. He's responsible for his wife's death. Who could live with that? ...Though I do envy him on thing." Edward said

"Juliet's alright...if you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing." Bella said

"Not the girl - the suicide. Nearly impossible for my kind. But humans, a little poison, dagger to the heart. There are so many options." Edward said

"Why would you even think about that?" Bella asked appalled

Edward turns her wrist over, runs his finger tips over the horseshoe shaped scar on her forearm.

"I considered it. Once. When James had you trapped. I didn't know of I'd find you and your sister in time. If I'd gotten you killed --" Edward said

"It wouldn't have been you fault --" Bella said

"Either way, I had a plan." Edward said

"What plan?" Bella asked

"There are...ways for us. At least one way. I would have gone to Italy, provoked the Volturi..." Edward said

"The who?" Bella asked

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Edward?" Mr. Berty

"Certainly not. But I apologize for being a distraction perhaps you should rewind to act five, scene one, line twenty - eight eighty - nine -- 'If you had the strength of twenty men it would dispatch you straight,'" Edward said

Mr. Berty just looks at him, then moves off, with the look of intimidated.

"Eyes on the screen, people." Mr. Berty

I look over at Bella to see that she looks more concerned to be amused. The day went off perfectly fine which didn't sit right with me. At the end of the day Bella and I got in her truck and headed towards the Cullen house I had a bad feeling.

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