《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 2
I wake up to the memoirs of last night. I look over to see no one laying next to me. I guess it was a dream. I get ready for the day. I walk down stairs to see dad and Bella eating and getting ready for the day as well. I decided to drive my car while Bella drove hers. She pulled into school first her truck making all kinds of noises. I pull in behind her. We both got of our cars. Bella steps in a puddle. Bella listens to her ipod as we make our way thru the kids stare , and a few that say hi. We both know they talking about us. Soon a boy walks up to us.
"You're Isabella and Lilliana Swan, the new girls. Hi. I'm Eric. The eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need. Tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on." Eric said
So Bella and I just look at him. Fun fact about Bella and I we got twin telepath. Is he for real? We said to each other.
"We're kind of the "suffer in silence" type." Bella and I said together.
"Good headline for your feature. I'm on the paper, and you're news, babies, front page." Eric said
"I -- no, I'm not news -- I'm, seriously, not at all." Bella said
"Whoa, chillax. No feature." Eric said
Thank god.
"would you mind just pointing me toward Mr. Varner's class?" Bella asked
"What about you?" Eric asked me
"I got art." I said
They nodded and walked off. I didn't get much father down the hall when I heard someone calling my name I turned around to see Alice.
"Hey L. Where you headed to?" Alice asked
"L? I'm headed to Art." I said
"I like L as a nickname. I have Art as well lets go." Alice said
We headed to Art class. Come to find out I had to sit next to Alice and Rosalie.
"You should sit with us at lunch." Alice said
"I agree." Rosalie said
"I'll think about it." I said
The bell rang and I headed to gym. I walked in to see Bella. This was going to be fun. The boy's basketball team were running drills on half of the basketball court. And the girls were playing a volleyball game. Bella was avoiding the volleyball like the plague. Someone keeps trying to motivate Bella.
"Block it, Chloe. Yeah. Good attack." Some girl yells.
The volleyball heads towards Bella. She hits and it smacks some blonde boy in the head. We both head over to the boy.
"Ow." the boy said
"Are you alright?" Bella asked
"I warned them not to let her play." I said
"It's only a flesh wound." the boy said
The bell rings but I wait for Bella.
"You're Isabella and Lilliana, right?" the boy asked
"Just Bella." Bella said
"Just Ana." I said
"I'm Mike. Newton." Mike said
He looks at us both for way to long. The girl from earlier appeared.
"She's got a great spike, doesn't she?" Jessica said
She then looks over to Bella and I.
"So, you guys are from Arizona, right? Aren't people supposed to be tan down there?" Jessica asked
"That's why they kicked me out." Bella said
Mike laughs, and because he does, Jessica does. Bella and I just looked at each other. We head off to class. I walk out of math to get tackled in a hug by Alice. Alice and I start walking towards the cafeteria when we are joined by Rosalie and Emmett, then Mason, then Edward. I started to wonder where Jasper was when I felt a arm wrap around my waist I look up to see Jasper smiling down at me.
"You sitting with us at lunch." Jasper said more as a statement then an question
"Sure." I said
We walked into the cafeteria. As we walked in I could hear Bella, and her friends.
"Who are they?" Bella asked
"The Cullen's." Angela said
"Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago." Jessica said
"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela said
"Because they're all together. Like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark - haired guy, Emmett...they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." Jessica said
"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela said
"But they live together. And the little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird... she's with Mason, the short brown haired guy. That's Jasper, the blonde guy who looks like he's in pain. But I don't know who that girl is, but I think was in our gym class today." Jessica said
"That's my sister." Bella said
"I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker." Jessica said
"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela says
I hear Bella laugh.
"Who's he?' Bella asked
"That's Edward Cullen." Jessica said
Edward looks over towards them as if he heard Jessica from across the room. But he seems confused.
"He's totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care." Jessica said
But you could see as clear as day that she did.
"Anyway, don't waste your time." Jessica said
"I wasn't planning on it." Bella said
I looked over to see Bella looking Edward. I could tell by the look on Edward's face that he was frustrated.
"Edward what is wrong?" I asked
"Nothing." He said
Why are you sitting with them? Bella said
Alice and Rosalie asked me to. I said
The bell rang and I headed to history class. Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmet had this class as well. Emmett and Rosalie sat next to each other in the back of the room. Jasper walks to the back room. I hand my slip to the teacher.
"Ah, the other Swan twin. Please tells us a little bit about yourself." The teacher said
"My name is Lilliana Swan, I'm a twin. I have won 15 national titles in dance. I love to draw, paint, read, and travel." I said
"Where have you traveled to?" the teacher asked
"Egypt, France, last year I went to Italy." I said
The three vampire in the back of the room raised a eyebrow.
"You will have to tell me about sometime. You can go have a seat next to Jasper." the teacher said
I walked to the back and sat down.
"So where in Italy did you go?" Emmett asked
"Oh, a few places, Rome, Florence, Venice, Volterra, Milan, Verona." I said
"Wait go back." Emmett said
"Verona." I said
"Did you say Volterra?" Rosalie asked
"Yes I did. How did you guys think I knew what you were?" I asked
They were a little surprised by that statement they really didn't say much after that. When the bell rang showing that it was the end of class. We left I had a free period as did Jasper.
"So I think we need to talk about somethings." Jasper said
"Sure where do you want to talk?" I asked
"My house. Give me your car keys." Jasper said
I gave him my keys we then got into my car and drove off. I had texted Bella letting her know where I was going. We pulled up to his house. He was out of the car and to my door in a second.
"No one is home. So we can talk freely." Jasper said
We walked into the house and he led me upstairs to his room. His room was pretty amazing.
"Okay ask away." I said
I sat down on the bed.
"Who told you about vampires?" Jasper asked
"Caius." I said
"Why?" Jasper asked
"Because I looked like someone he used to know." I said
"Okay." Jasper said
"Since last year I have not just been having dreams about your and my past, but others past. From me in a toga, to wearing a crown and sitting on a thrown. To being a flapper in the 20's." I said
He looked at me as if I had gone crazy.
"And last night was not the first time I had meet Carlisle." I said
"What are you?" Jasper asked
"Your guess is as good as mine." I said
He smiled, then he started to frown.
"Did you have these dreams back then too." he said
"Yes, but I thought that they were dreams, until...never mind." I said
"Never mind what." Jasper said
"It doesn't matter anymore." I said
"No tell me." Jasper said
"No." I said
He launched himself at me, pining me to the bed. He looked a little pissed.
"Please tell me." He all but growled
"The day you left to join the army Emily asked me a question, and I had answered her. Then three years later I had a dream that you were attacked and turned by a vampire." I said
He smiled.
"Why you so smiley?" I asked
"You said I and not she." Jasper said
"I'm glad I could make you happy." I said
"I don't think we should let the others know anything about this." Jasper said
"What do you mean by this." I said
"I want them to know that you are all mine. I don't want them to know about everything else." Jasper said
"What exactly does it mean to be yours." I said
"It means no one else can touch..." Jasper said as he moved his hands over my body. "no one else can kiss..." he said as he kissed my neck and lips "What.is.mine." Jasper said
We started to make out. It was going to pretty well until my phone started to ring. Jasper growled but got off so I could answer my phone.
Phone conversation:
"Did I smell wired to you today?" Bella asked
"No you smelt normal. Why what happened?" I asked
"I had to sit next to Edward Cullen in bio and he acted like I smelt bad. Then after school when I took my slip to the office he was trying to get his schedule changed." Bella said
"Are you serious he sounds like such a jerk." I said
"Where are you anyways?" Bella asked
"At a friends house, be home later, bye." I sad
Phone conversation over.
"Why did Edward act like that?" I asked
"Who knows we can ask when he get home. Now where were we." Jasper said
I smiled, we went back to making out. We pulled apart because I needed to breath.
"Jasper, can we go get some water?" I asked
He nodded. He got up and walked towards the door. I ran up and jumped on his back. As we walked down stairs...I mean as he walked down stairs. Everyone except Carlisle walked thru the front door. We all kind of just looked at each other. Alice just had the biggest smile on his face.
"So Edward why were you acting so weird today?" Mason asked
"I can't read your mind Ana. I can't read Bella's either." Edward said
I just started laughing.
"Do you think this is funny?" Edward said
"Yes, I do seeing as Bella and I are can talk to each other with our minds. We got this whole twin thing going on." I said
Phone Conversation:
"Hello, who is this?" I asked
"My name is Sam Uley. I have favor to ask." he said
"And what exactly is that?" I asked
"I don't want to ask over the phone can we meet up?" he asked
"Sure where?" I said
"La Push." he said
Then the line went dead. I looked at all the vampires in the room to see they really didn't like something. I heard a low growl coming from the person still holding me.
"Well it seam I have a meeting with a wolf, I'll be leaving now." I said
Getting out of Jasper's hold. He really didn't look all that happy that I was leaving.
"Oh and Edward if it is your goal to fit in you should probably not act like you can smell someone's blood. BTW if you ever treat my twin like that again you will be in a world of hurt." I said
"As if." Edward said
"You can kick his ass if you think you can." Jasper said
"Since I believe that Esme like her house whole let take this outside." I said
Emmett laughed well he was in for a surprise.
"We can stop this before, you get hurt. If you want." Edward said
"You're the one that should be ask for this to stop." I said
Once again Emmett and Edward laughed. So I held up my promise I kicked Edward so hard he flew backwards into a tree. That really ticked him off he ran at me, but I flipped over his head. He turned around I grabbed twisting it around his back, but making sure I didn't crack or rip it off.
"As much as I would love to stay, I have a meeting a werewolf to get." I said
I walked over to Jasper and kissed him on the check then got in my car and headed towards La Push beach. I pulled up to see Sam sitting on the beach. I was walking towards him when he turned around.
"Thank you for coming." Sam said
"No problem. So what did you need?" I asked
"So you know what we are?" Sam asked
"Yes." I said
"I imprinted." Sam said
"What does that have to do wi... no you didn't." I said
"I did but if it makes you feel any better it's more of a protector then a lover role." Sam said
"When did you even see me to imprint?" I asked
"I saw a picture of you one of the times I helped Charlie. Usually it has to be eye contact and in-person but..." Sam trailed off
"Yeah nothing about me is normal. Yes it does make it a little better, but what might not make things better is that I am currently dating a vampire." I said
He looked a little pissed then he seemed to get over it because he smiled a little bit.
"Why so smiley?" I asked
"Because it means he can watch you while you are on their land and I can watch you when you are not thus it makes you more safe." Sam said
"Is that everything, Mr. Wolf?" I asked
He laughed then nodded. I went back to my car and drove to the diner I was meeting Bella and da at.
"Sorry I'm late. I got a little lost." I said
"No it's okay I ordered for you." Dad says
A man walks up to use.
"Member me, honey? I was Santa one year." The man says
"Waylon, they haven't had a Christmas here since they were four." Dad says
"Bet I made an impression, though." Waylon said
"You always do." dad said
"Let the girls get, Waylon. When you're done, I'll bring your favorite berry cobbler. Remember? Your dad still has it. Every Thursday." Cora the waitress says
"That'd be great, thank you." Bella and I said at the same time
Cora shoos Waylon away. Left alone now, Dad, and Bella reach for the salt. Dad goes for the ketchup instead. A family laughs and that just adds the our discomfort. Bella decides to break the silence.
"So...you eat here every night?" Bella asks
"Easier than washing dishes." Dad says
"I can cook." I said
He looks up like he doesn't know what cooking is.
"I do the cooking at home - in Phoenix. Mom's not great in the kitchen. And Bella burns water." I said
"I remember..." dad says we all laugh.
"A few people..." I said
"Do you know the Cullen family?" Bella asked
"Are people talking about them again?" Dad asked
"No... well, a little." Bella and I said together
"Wish you guys would stop doing that. Just 'cause they're newcomers. We're lucky to have a surgeon like Dr. Cullen at our podunk hospital. Lucky his wife wanted to live in a small town. Lucky his kids aren't like a lot of the heel - raisers around here." Dad said
"...Okay, Ana is dating one of them." Bella said
Thanks for that. I said
"Really which one?" dad asked
"Jasper." I said
After that we ate in silence. When we got home Bella and I talked about the way Edward had acted. Once we were done we both went to bed.
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