《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 1


I've been having these dreams, since my sixteenth birthday. In one I'm wearing a toga, in a different one I'm wearing a crown and sitting on a throne. They just keep getting weirder. I was packing up the last few thing in my bedroom. My twin and I were moving to Forks, Washington, to live with our dad. Our mom had got remarried to a baseball player named Phil.

"Come on Ana." Bella said

"I'm coming." I said

I walked towards Mom, Phil, and Bella. I was putting my phone in my bag.

"We will have your bike and car sent to Forks, it should arrive by the time you need to get to school." Phil said

I nodded my head and put my headphones in. I got in the car. We drove to the airport, and got on the plane. We arrived in Forks not long after that and got in our fathers squad car.

"Your hair's longer Bella. So is yours Ana." Charlie said

"I cut it since last time I saw you." Bella said

"Mine is longer." I said

"Guess it grew out again." Charlie said

Bella and I just looked at each other.

"How's your mom?" Charlie asked

"Fine." Bella and I said

We looked out the window to see the welcome sign "The City of Forks Welcome You - Population 3246." we both then sigh. It doesn't take long for us to get to his house.

"Ana, I made room for bike in the garage." Charlie said

"Thanks you didn't have to do that." I said

He just smiled. He helped Bella and I carry in our bags.

"I put Grandpa's old desk in you room Bella, and I cleared some shelves in the bathroom." Charlie said

"That's right." I said

"One bathroom." Bells said

"I'll just put these up in your guys room." Charlie said

"We can do it." Bella said

I grabbed my bag, but Charlie did grab Bella's bag. We walked upstairs and to Bella's room. The old antique rolltop desk sat in the corner. The room is filled with childhood remnants. As she unpacked some of her bags. We then walked over to my room, the walls were still white. Everything in my room were the same colors and places as when we left. Charlie gone somewhere. Bella and I heard a honk and walked down stairs and outside. To see a faded red truck. A very cute boy gets out of the truck.

"Bella, Ana, you remember Billy Black." Charlie said

"Yes I do, it's nice to see you again." I said

"Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you guys told him you were coming." Billy said

"Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill." Charlie said

"Right after I ram you in the ankles." Billy said

Billy takes several rolls at Charlie, who dodges. Jacob just shakes his head at their two fathers as he shyly approaches Bella and I.


"I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids." Jacob said

"Yeah, I remember." I said

"Yeah...I think I remember..." she said

We all then looked to where our dads were standing.

"Are they always like this?" Bella and I asked

"It's getting worse with old age." Jacob said

Charlie then pats the hood of the truck, and starts addressing Bella.

"So what do you think of your homecoming gift?" Bella asked

"No way, the truck is for me?" Bella asked

"Just bought it off Billy, here." Charlie said

"Where's my homecoming present?" I asked

"I'll give you gas money, and buy you some paint." Charile said

"Sounds good to me." I said

"I rebuilt the engine and" Jacob didn't get to finish before Bella cut him off.

"It's perfect." Bella said

I see her smile the first genuine smile since we got here. She rushes to the truck. Jacob eagerly joins her.

"Okay, so you gotta double pump the clutch when you shift, but--" the poor guy was yet again cut off

"Maybe I can give you a ride to school." Bella said

She can be such a idiot sometimes.

"I go to school on the reservation." Jacob said

"too bad. Would've been nice to know someone who isn't my twin." Bella said

"Thanks, sis. I feel the love." I said

Jacob just laughed. I could feel that there was something off about Jacob and Billy but I just left it only. I just walk inside in up stairs to my room. See I leave the walls white and buy paint I then paint the walls when I get bored and when I no longer want the walls the way they are, I just pain them white again. There was a honk outside yet again. I go downstairs to see a truck dropping off my bike and car. I ran back inside to get changed into something different.

"Hey, dad I'm going out for a ride, be back soon." I said

I did not wait for him to answer, before I left the house and got on the bike. I was going down the road when I got the feeling to go into the woods. I stopped the bike, and walked into the woods. I heard something behind me so I turned around but nothing was there. When turned back around there was a girl standing in front of me, with a pixie style haircut.

"Hi, I'm Alice." she said

"Hi, I'm Lilliana. But you can call me Ana." I said

"Okay. Come with me." She said

She grabbed my hand and started walking deeper into the forest. I noticed a few things about her like, her skin was cold, her eyes were goldish. As we walked I got this feeling in my stomach like I knew something was off about her. We kept walking until we came up to a house. We walked inside.


"I'm home and I bought a friend." Alice yelled

A few seconds later, a few different people came into the living room. Alice then proceeded to tell me everyone's name. First there was a blonde girl named Rosalie, a buff guy named Emmet, I brown haired guy named Mason, and then there a uptight one named Edward, and then her adopted mom and dad who named Carlisle and Esme.

"Everyone this Ana." Alice said

"Hi." I said

Everyone in the room looked a little weird. I got the same feeling I had about Alice when I looked at all of them. Edward looked like he was trying to read my mind. We heard a door open the close and footsteps coming towards the living room. Everyone looked a little more worried, will except for Alice who just keep smiling. I was going to ask what the problem was when someone grabbed my neck and slammed me into the wall. I looked up to see a guy, as I looked at him I realized he looked just like the guy from my dream. Mason and Emmet were trying get him off of me but were unable. There was some part of me that knew this man could not hurt me and that knew who he was so, I decided to call him by the name of the man in my dream. But I didn't get the chance. He hugged me. Which surprised everyone else in the room. I wrapped my arms around him. He fell to the ground with me still in his arms.

"Can I ask what just happened?" Emmett asked

"No." the man holding me said

My phone started to ring so he held me even closer to him.

"Jasper, I need to answer my phone." I said

Everyone looked at me, as did he. His eyes were now black. He didn't let go but loosen up.

"Yes, dad. I'll be home soon. Yes I will be careful. Yeah. I'll put the bike in the garage. Love you too." I said ending the phone call

Once I was done with the call his grip tightened, again.

"Jasper, you need to let this girl go. She needs to get home. And we all need to talk." Carlisle said

Jasper growled, and glared at Carlisle. Jasper stood up but I was still being held in a death grip.

"She is not leaving my sight. Not again." Jasper said the last part in barley a whisper.

Once again everyone looked at me like I was a alien.

"Jasper I'm not going anywhere okay. I need to go home, and tomorrow I will be at school." I said

"No." Jasper said

I looked at Alice for help. But she gave me nothing.

"Jasper, what do I need to do for you to let me go home?" I asked

He looked at me.

"I'll be back soon." Jasper said

He then took my hand and walked out of the house and into the woods. We got to where I had parked my bike. I got on and looked at him.

"Are you coming?" I asked

He got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I started the bike and headed down the road towards my house. When we got to my house he got off and disappeared. I walked inside, and was ambushed with questions.

"Where were you?" Bella asked

"I went for a ride and got a little lost." I said

"Next time be more careful." Charlie said

"I'm going to bed." I said

I walked upstairs, into my room to see Jasper sitting on my bed. I shut and locked my bedroom door. I proceed to change into night clothes.

"Who are you?" Jasper asked

"Why don't you tell me since you were the one who wouldn't let me go." I said

"You look like someone I used to know. What is your name?" Jasper said

"Lilliana Swan, but most people call me Ana." I said

He was on me in a second hovering over me on the bed.

"What is my name?" Jasper asked

"Jasper Hale." I said

"Are you sure." Jasper said

I thought back to my dream. The name of the man in them was Jasper Whitlock.

"Whitlock." I said

He smiled. But it soon disappeared.

"At your house why did you say again?" I asked

"Do you know what I am? What my family is." He asked

I thought about his question. I went with the first thing that came to mind.

"Vampire." I said

"Yes. You are correct. When I was human I had meet a girl I loved her but I could not have her. I went off to war and was turned, before I could come back for her. Her name was Lilliana Lucas. She looked just like you." Jasper said

"I'm sorry, if I am causing you pain." I said

"No dariln', you are not causing me any pain. But can I do something?" Jasper asked

I nodded my head yes. He then kissed me. Then something inside clicked. He pulled away and got up to leave he walked towards the window.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Jasper said

I got up and grabbed his wrist he stopped and turn around.

"You should do it again." I said

His smile got so big. I did not have to say it twice. He was kissing me again. My hands tangled themselves in his already messy hair. One of his arms went around my waist while the other one gripped my neck and pulled me closer to him. His tongue licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth I could feel his tongue pass over my lip.. His tongue explored my mouth. We pulled away from each other with me breathing heavy. We both had the biggest smiles on our faces.

"I have to confess something since last year I have been dreaming about you. Which is why I knew your name." I said

He looked at me with amazement in his eyes. He grabbed my hand and led me back over to the bed. We laid down, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Go to bed you have school tomorrow and we need to talk more about this." Jasper said

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