《Lilliana Swan》Prologue


I could feel it his hands on body, his hands ignited something within me which I thought died a long time ago. I could feel his breath on my neck it sent chills down my spin. One of his hands started to pull up my dress. I put my hand on his. He started to kiss my neck I felt his teeth graze my skin. I could feel him on back. I could feel how bad he wanted me, but we both knew he could never have me. I was no longer his to have.

"How do you do these things to me? I lose control when ever your near." he said

"I have no clue. If it makes you feel better your not the only one losing control." I said

We had been lusting for each other for a while always wanting to take things farther but we never can now that I was promised to someone else. But I did not care I would have gladly given it all up to be with him even if it was only once. He was my everything even if I was not his. In all my years I had never fallen so hard or fast as I did for him.

So let me to take you to when I first meet him... The first time I saw him was when my father and I first arrived in Huston, Texas. He was 10 and I was 9. Our father's became fast friends, so we spent a great deal of time together, he was very protective of me. When I turned 14 my father decided to throw a huge party, I really didn't like parties all that much, so I had snuck out to the garden. I was sitting by the fountain when I felt someone walk up to me. I turned around and saw him.

"Happy Birthday." he said

"Thank you." I said

"Are you okay? You seem off." he said

"Yes, fine, no need to worry." I said

He looked at me as if he could see right though me, see my emotions, and my soul.


"Come on, darling. Tell me what's wrong." he said

"I'm not into parties. My farther is only doing this to butter up to people." I said

He looked around the garden as if looking for something or someone, but there was nothing and no one there. He stood up and held his hand out to me. I gladly accepted his out stretched hand. As soon as we started walking towards the woods I knew where we were going. A few years ago we found this field filled with lilies, bluebonnet's and Texas Bluebells. He sat down and pulled me down with him. We laid down and looked up at the stars.

"It is so beautiful here." I said

"Yes, you are." he said

I turned my head to look at him to see that he was already looking at me. I was going to ask what he was talking about but I didn't get the chance. He had cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. I was going to push him away but I decided to let him. He pulled away, and stood up.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." he said

He started to walk away, I got up and grabbed his wrist he stopped and turn around.

"You should do it again." I said

I did not have to say it twice. He was kissing me again. My hands tangled themselves in his already messy hair. One of his arms went around my waist while the other one gripped my neck and pulled me closer to him. His tongue licked my bottom lip. I just let my instincts take over. I opened my mouth I could feel his tongue pass over my lip and then the top of my teeth. His tongue explored my mouth. We pulled away from each other breathing heavy. We both had the biggest smiles on our faces.

"We should do this more often." he said

"I agree. But just not here." I said

After that night we had done that very often and only that. He had snuck into my room one night a year later (him late 16s. I late 15s). After we were informed that I was going to be married in a few years.


"What are you doing?" I asked

"Just one last time." he said

"I don't want this to be the last time. I don't want to get married." I said

"I am joining the army. So this is the last time we can be together." he sad

He walked up behind me. I could feel it his hands on body, his hands ignited something with me which I thought died a long time ago. I could feel his breath on my neck it sent chills down my spin. One of his hands started to pull up my night dress. I put my hand on his. He started to kiss my neck I felt his teeth graze my skin. I could feel him on back. I could feel how bad he wanted me, but we both knew he could never have me. I was no longer his to have.

"How do you do these things to me? I lose control when ever your near." he said

"I have no clue. If it makes you feel better your not the only one losing control." I said

We had been lusting for each other for a while always wanting to take things farther but we never can now that I was promised to someone else. But I did not care I would have gladly given it all up to be with him even if it was only once. So that's exactly what I did. I turned around so we were facing each other. I kissed him but somehow this one felt different, it was more hungry and passionate. We fell down onto my bed. He was on the bottom and I on top. He looked at me as if I had gone mad. I was going to ask him something but he beat me to it.

"Will you let me make love to you, darlin'?" he asked

"Yes." I said

I got up off him and walked over to my door and locked it. He got off my bed and took off his shoes, jacket, and vest. I walked over to him and helped him out of his shirt and pants. He then helped me get undressed. We went back to my bed, as soon as we were both naked.

"Are you sure? Once this happens there is no going back." he said

"I'm sure." I said

He kissed me, he went from my lips, to my cheek, to my neck, to the space between my breasts, down my stomach, then he worked his way back to my lips.

I had woken up the next morning in his arms. There was someone knocking on my door.

"Miss Lucas, time to get up." Emily said she was maid and dear friend.

I saw that he was still asleep, so let Emily in. she was shocked to say the least when she saw him in my bed. That afternoon we meet one last time in our field. He had a horse waiting for him at my house.

"I love you, Lily. And no war and no one is going to change that." he said

"I love you too. Do me a favor and come back, safe and in one piece. And promise me you will come back." I said

"I promise no matter what I will come back." he said

He then got on his horse and rode off. Stopping one last time to look back at me. I heard Emily walking up behind me.

"He's not coming back is he?" Emily asked

"No, I'm afraid he's not. The man we both know will die. And a new man will surface, one that many people will fear." I said

What I said was right I got news three years later...the night he was attacked and turned by a vampire. He came to be known as 'The Major'. But he would forever be Jasper Whitlock.

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