《Lilliana Swan》Chapter 3
I had got up the next morning and got ready for school. I walk down stairs.
"You need to call mom tomorrow." Bella said
"Will do." I said
I was going to grab my keys but dad stopped me.
"Can you ride with Bella today?" Dad said
"Sure thing." I said
We left the house and headed to school. Bella got out of the truck and leaned up against her truck. Looking for someone. Jasper and his family pulls in and take my leave from Bella. The rest of the day goes off without a hitch, lunch comes around I sit with the Cullen's they had told me how Edward had took the week off. I look over to see Bella looking at us. More days pass and still no Edward I could tell that Bella was getting pissed.
------ A few days later ------
I had been riding to school with Bella at dad's request. We walk outside to see it has rained.
"Great." Bella and I said together.
We look towards the road to see Dad driving up in Bella's truck.
"Dad, we can get to school without you." Bella said
We walk down the steps, Bella slips and fall on her ass. I help her up as dad gets out of the car.
"You okay?" Dad asked
"Ice doesn't help the uncoordinated." I said
"That's why I got you new tires." Dad said
"You got me new tires. No one's ever done that before." Bella said
"That's because this is your first car." I said
"I'll be late for dinner. I'm heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal.." dad said
If only he knew.
"An animal?" Bella asked
"You're not in Phoenix any more. They've been hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I'd lend a hand." dad said
"Be careful." Bella and I said
"Always am." dad said
"Thanks for the tires." Bella said
As soon as we got to school I headed straight for the Jasper.
"Edward is back today." Jasper said
"If he does anything to Bella, and I mean anything, it won't be pretty." I said
As the day went on I really wanted to know what was going to go down in Bella's Bio class. She had bio as her last class, and she drove me so I just stayed in the library. I closed my eyes and focused on Bella. When I open my eyes I was sitting next to her.
"Hello. I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Edward Cullen." Edward said
Bella just looks at him.
"You're Bella right." he said
"I'm...yes." Bella said
The teacher says something to his class and Bella and Edward get to work. Edward pushes the microscope towards Bella while keeping his distance.
"Ladies first." he says
She glances at him but he just leans away, his face tight. She looks back into the microscope.
"Prophase." She said
She begins to remove the slide.
"May I look?" Edward asked
She slides him the microscope. He glances through the lens.
"Prophase." Edward said
"Like I said." I said
He writes it on the worksheet.
"Enjoying the rain?" Edward asked
"Seriously? You're asking me about the weather?" Bella asked
"It appears." Edward said
"No. I don't like the cold. Or the wet. Or the gray. Or parkas. Or turtle necks." Bella said
A small smile plays on his lips.
"What?" Bella asked
He shakes his head and turns to the microscope, switching out the slide. She looks at him and keeps looking.
"Anaphase." Edward said
"May i? (she looks through the lens) Anaphase." Bella said
"Like I said." Edward says
She glances at him, and this time sees a smirk. She holds out her hand for a new slide which he gives her.
"If you hate the cold and rain, why did you and your sister move to the wettest place in the continental U.S?" Edward asked
"It's complicated. And my sister is happy anywhere.." Bella said
"I think I can keep up." Edward said
"Our mother remarried." She said
"Very complex. So you guys didn't like him." Edward said
"Phil is fine. Young for her, but nice enough." bella said
The school bell rings and strangely enough I stayed watching my sister. She and Edward were walking down the hall continuing there conversation.
"Why didn't you guys stay with your mom and stepdad?" Edward asked
"Alright, Phil's a minor league baseball player, so he travels a lot. My mother stayed home with us but it made her unhappy. So we decided to spend time with our father." Bella said
"But now you guys are unhappy." Edward said
"No my sister is happy be on the other hand...." Bella says as she turns away clearly embarrassed.
"I'm just trying to figure you out. You're very hard to read." Edward said
They look at each other, their eyes meet and she looks more closely at him.
"Did you get contacts?" Bella asked
"...no." Edward said
"Your eyes were black before, now they're this golden brown or " Bella didn't get to finsih
"It's just the fluorescents." Edward says
He turns and walks away. Then I am pulled back into the library I quickly get up and head towards Bella. I make it all the way to the truck the same time she did. We both look over towards where the Cullen's are standing. We all turns towards a high pitched screeching noise, it keeps getting louder. Bella and I turn to see a van skidding on the ice going out of control, heading directly towards us. I look towards the Cullen's both Edward's and Jasper's face were filled with horror. The van is about to hit us, when something knocks Bella and I down I hit my head on the ice. I look up to see Edward before everything goes black.
Bella's Pov:
Edward stopped the van then he got up and left. I look over to see Ana laying on the ice not moving.
"Ana oh my god, Ana." I yelled
"I called a amblunce." Some girl said
I look over to see Edward's family glaring at him. When the ambulance arrived I rode with Ana. Once we arrived at the hospital I went one way and Ana was taken a different way. I was siting on a hospital bed when Charlie burst thought the doors.
"Bells. Are you alright? Where is Ana?" Charlie said
"I'm fine, dad. Calm down. They took Ana to a different room." I said
"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop." Tyler said
"It's okay, Tyler." I said
"It sure as hell is not okay." Charlie said
"Dad, it's not his fault-" I started to say
"We nearly lost you. And who knows what is going on with your sister." dad said
"But you didn't and I'm sure Ana is fine." I said
Dad then looks at Tyler.
"You can kiss your license goodbye." Dad said
The doors open and Dr. Cullen walks in.
"I heard the Chief's daughters were here." Carlisle said
"Good. Dr. Cullen." Dad said
"I've got this one, Jackie." Carlisle say to the E.R doctor
"You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion." Carlisle said
"I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really." Tyler says but dad shuts the curtain.
"It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way." I said
"Edward? Your boy?" Dad asked
"It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near us." I said
"As long as you're safe." Carlisle said
"How is Ana?" Dad asked
"We don't know we are still waiting on her x-rays." Carlisle said
Dad and I then walked to Ana's room. I saw Jasper sitting next to her holding her hand. And someone else sitting on a couch in the corner. Carlisle walked in he didn't look to happy.
"What is wrong Carlisle?" Jasper asked
"Bella what happened to lead to her current state?" Carlisle asked
"We were talking by my truck, we heard the van coming towards us, Edward then stopped the van. I looked over and saw her laying on the ground." Bella said
"It seems as if when she fell she hit her head pretty hard. There is nothing any of us can do. She will either wake up or..." Carlisle said to say
"Die." we all said at the same time.
Charlie left the room as did Bella.
"I'm going to kill Edward. He should have made sure both Bella and you were okay last time I trust him." Jasper said looking at Lilliana
Inside Lilliana's head
Images, memories, things I have done in the past. Who I am and what I can do.
I hear people talking, from Dad and Bella, to Carlisle, Jasper, even Sam.
"Please wake, Lilly. I just got you back I don't I want to lose you again." Jasper said
Not long after that Bella and Dad left, as did Sam. Jasper acted like he left but then he was back. I have no clue how long I was out. One night Jasper left most likely to hunt, when I visited by myself. But she didn't look like me. Her eyes were different. She told me I had to choose, between dyeing or living and never dyeing again.
Jasper's Pov:
She has been out for almost a week, Carlisle told me I needed to feed. But I also had a decision to make if she was not awake or doing better by Sunday I was going to turn her, I had just got her back after all these years and I wasn't going to loose her. I was done hunting I had ate 2 bears and a mountain lion. I was on my way back to the hospital when I heard a heart monitor flat line, I ran as fast as I could I saw everyone running into Lilly's room. I ran into, she was gone my Lilly was gone. "No" I whispered I felt nothing, empty, gone. I left the room I could see her like that I ran home and locked myself in my room.
Lilliana's Pov:
I had picked, I hope it was the right decision. I heard the flat line of the heart monitor. I heard people run into the room. I heard Jasper, we hasn't suppose to be back yet. The monitor had flat lining for about 5 minutes. Everyone had left except for Carlisle. He was about to call someone, when the monitor started to beep again. I opened my eyes. I looked over towards Carlisle.
"Long time no see doc." I said
He called everyone back in, he called Charlie and Bella. It take them very long to get here. They both ran over and hugged me, but what made me laugh was what Bella said.
"You need to call mom she calls me every hour to check in." Bella said
We all laughed.
"When can she leave?" Dad asked
"Well now if she wants. She has no lasting damage. The concussion that she had is gone, her heart is back at a normal rate. She might have some pain so I will send some drugs home with her." Carlisle said
He wrote something down and gave it to Dad. Dad and Bella then left the room.
"He saw me die didn't he." I said
"Yes he did. I called him but he won't answer." Carlisle said
My phone rang, I looked to see that it was Sam. I looked over at Carlisle he just smiled and left the room. I answered the phone.
"Sup, wolfy." I said
"Your awake, I thought that you were I was just running by the hospital. Does your bloodsucker know." Sam said
"Sam, what have I told you about that word. No, I died before I woke up, he heard and saw me die and ran off before I woke up. If he tires to piss you off please don't do anything." I said
"Yeah okay." Sam said
"Now then go get some sleep." I said
Then the line went dead. A nurse had bought me some clothes I got dressed and ready to leave. We had drove home and I had went straight to sleep after calling and talking to my mother for 2 hours. I had a lot to do tomorrow, I had phone calls to make. But most of all I had to go make sure Jasper was okay.
-------Next Morning-------
I woke up and got dressed. I had a hour long conversation with Dad and Bella. But surprised me was that he gave me the okay to go see Jasper. But I had to take my car and not the bike. I drove to the Cullen's house. I parked and got out and walked up to the door, I didn't even knock I walked straight in. Everyone but Jasper was in the living room. I was tackled in hugs.
"He is up stairs in his room." Alice said
"We are all going hunting so you will have the place to yourself." Rosalie said
They then left. I walked up the stairs and to his room, the door was locked, but not for long. I walked in to see a destroyed room. He was sitting in the middle of the room dry sobbing. He heard the floor creak and he looked over at me. His eyes were black, he looked killer.
"Lilly?" he asked
"Yes, it's me." I said
"No it can't be I saw you die I heard the monitor flat line." Jasper said
I walked over to him and sat down next to him, I took his and place it over my heart.
"How are you..." Jasper said
"When I was out I had to choose to die and be reborn like I normally pick, or live forever and never die again. I picked the latter. The last time I had you I let you ride off into the sunset, and you ended up being turned. I was not going to loose you again." I said
"I could kill Edward, he said he would make sure both you and Bella were okay." Jasper said
"That doesn't matter now, all that matters is I am here and you are here." I said
We kissed and somehow it was different then all the other times. This one felt as if we finally understood something, that we were on the same page or energy wave. We cleaned up his room, and then went back to being with each other.For a few hours. Before he asked me a question.
"Wasn't my door locked?" Jasper asked
"Yes it was. When I picked what I did everything came back from the first time was born up till now. I also got all of my gifts." I said
"Gifts?" Jasper asked
"Yeah you know, Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future, you have your emotions, and I have everything." I said
He gave me a look, that meant he still didn't get what I was saying.
"I was a copy cat, I meet people with gifs and copied them, but they stayed with me over the years. Plus the ones I was born with which were, the elements which are: air, water, earth, fire, lighting, anything with water in it, anything made from earth. I got mind control, energy, and a few other things." I said
He nodded, we sat and talked about random things, till I got a call from dad saying it was time to come home. I said good by to Jasper and left. When I got home Bella told me about what went down at the hospital a few days ago the whole conversation she had with Edward. I was lucky enough to wake up just in time to go on the stupid biology field trip.
--------Next Day----------
Bella and I stand in the exact spot of the accident. Mr. Molina was talking but no one was paying attention to him.
"Make sure I get your permission slips." Mr. Molina said
I see Bella look over to Edward who arrived with Jasper, Alice, Mason, and Edward. The line of sight was broken when Mike ran up and hugged me,
"Look! You're moving. You're ALIVE!" Mike says
"Yep it seems I am." I said
"... yeah, false alarm..." Bella said
"Actually, I'm glad you're not dead Ana, 'cause - well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you - even though it's, like a month away..." Mike says
I stop paying attention him as I see Jasper getting mad, he starts to speed walk over to us. Tell him to ask Jess. Bella said via twin talk.
"So what for you think?" Mike asked
I just look at him,
"You want to go? To prom. With me." Mike said
"Prom. As in the dance, I can't Bella and I have to go to Jacksonville." I said
"Yeah." Bella said
"You can't go a different weekend?" Mike asked
"Non-refundable ticket. Maybe you should ask Jessica." I said
I look across the parking lot at Jessica. A few minutes pass and everyone loads up on the buses. We get to the green house, where Mr. Molina and a tour guide lead several kids through it. I can tell that Bella is keeping a eye on Edward who is up ahead with Alice, Mason, and Jasper. We all stop as teach demonstrates the compost machine as the students mess around.
"...c'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep... that's it... (the machine gurgles and spins)... now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of "compost tea." This is recycling at its most basic level -- hey, don't drink that!" Mr. Molina says
Bella then see that Edward has stopped and is looking at an ancient staghorn fern, alone, she take a breath for courage good luck. i said
"Hello, Edward." Bella says
He glances at her, merely nodding.
"Ass" I whisper
"Really?" Bella asked
I can tell she is getting pissed she turns to walk away.
"What's in Jacksonville?" Edward asked
She turns back around to look at him.
"How did you know about that?" Bella asked
"You didn't answer my question." Edward said
"You haven't answered any of mine. You won't even say hello." Bella said
"Hello." Edward said
"And how did you stop that van?" Bella asked
"Adrenaline rush. Very common. Goggle it." Edward said
"Floridians. That's what's in Jacksonville." Bella said not buying his excuse
She turns to storm off but she stumbles over the irrigation hose. Edward steadies her, catching her scent -- still so powerful... He clenches his jaw.
"It helps if you actually watch where you put your feet." Edward said
Bella feeling insulted keeps moving. He keeps pace, serious now.
"I know I've been rude, but it's for the best." Edward said
She just looks like he's crazy. He walks away. Bella walks up to me pissed be on compare. Jessica then runs up to us.
"Guess who just asked me to Prom." she said
Bella and I both smile.
"I totally thought Mike was going to ask you, Ana. Is it gonna be weird?" Jessica asked
I felt someone behind me and knew it was Jasper.
"No way. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together." I said
"I know, right?" Jessica said
Jessica then runs off to catch up with Angela. Bella heads towards the exit. I turn around to find Jasper just inch's away from. I see that he has three flowers in his hand. I smile cause I know what those flowers and I know what they mean to us.
"Look what you found." I said
"As soon as I saw them I thought about the first time we kissed." Jasper said smiling
"Who knew you could be so romantic." I said
Jasper puts the lily in my hair. He then puts his arm around my waist. As we walk around the green house. I start listening to Bella again. --where everyone's looking at the COMPOST "WORM BOX", grossing each other out with the slimy creatures. As Bella backs away, Edward steps up.
"Bella, it would be better if we weren't friends." Edward said
"Too bad you didn't figure that out earlier." Bella said wounded
"You could have let that van crush me and Ana and saved yourself all this regret." Bella said
"You think I regret saving you guys?" Edward snapped angry
"I know you do." Bella said
"You don't know anything." Edward said furious
I could see his harshness had stung her. We all walked towards the bus. I was still in Jasper's arms. Once we get to the bus, Jasper and I walk over to Bella and Edward. Alice and Mason then come up to us.
"The bus is leaving." Alice says to Edward and Jasper
"Hi. Will you two be riding with us?" Alice asked
"No. Our bus if full." Edward says
Edward grabs Jasper's arm, as he pulls Jasper away from me, it makes me almost fall. I see Edward let go of Jasper.
- In Serial104 Chapters
The 8th Day
One day life is good. The next day it isn't! The boundaries between... well, whatever they're between.. have shattered! Monsters burst out from cracks in the universe, and reality suddenly begins to function similar to a game -- but not a game that anyone knows all the rules about! Magic is suddenly real, but so are monsters and death! Lots of death!And the worst part of it all? I think we did it to ourselves! We invented video games, and personally I think that great Finger-in-the-Sky picked up a console somewhere and started playing them. Since He liked what he saw, he must've declared, """"On the 8th Day, let there be Game!"But what do I know about it all, really. After all, I'm just """"The Witness"""" forced to observe it all.__________________________________________________________________________Author's Note: There's a lot of tales where characters get stuck in a Virtual Reality. """"Sword Art Online"""", """"Log Horizon"""", """"The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor"""". This is a story told with the premise inverted -- instead of a person from reality going into a virtual world, what would happen if the virtual world instead came to reality?I want this tale to speak about the aspects of the game, as it has affected the current reality, but the focus of the story should never be on the """"reality-turned-game"""" itself, but on the characters and their oh-so-human struggles, personalities, and attempt to adjust and live within the bounds of their new existence. Hopefully this won't just be a story of """"reality turned into a game"""", but instead will be something more meaningful such as a story of the strengths, perseverance, and humanity of man-kind as they try to adapt and face the unknown.*** And, most importantly, I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. ***WARNING: RATED MATURE M[18+] FOR GORE, SEX, VIOLENCE. The apocalypse isn't a pretty place to try to survive in, and neither is every scene in a story trying to describe it.
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