《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》24 ~ A for Effort


Y/N enters the bank, her place of work, and heads to her desk. "Good morning, Stacey." She greets with a smile.

"Someone looks happy today." Stacey states instantly intrigued and wanting to know more.

"You could say that."

"I need details, honey, chop-chop." Stacey hurries over to Y/N's desk and sits on top of it.

Y/N gives laughs at Stacey's childish behavior. "My roommate, um, James, made me breakfast this morning as an apology for overreacting and getting mad the other day." She explains.

"Oh my gosh, give him to me. No men nowadays, unless you find a good one, makes breakfast for his girl!"

"First off, I'm not his girl. Second, you don't want him. His career isn't a friendly one." Y/N states.

"Your loss." Stacey walks back over to her desk and begins working. Y/N begins to work as well.


While being transported to his hideout, Joker looks at his reflection in his knife. 'How do I look like a drag queen? Now she has me worrying about my face paint. What in the world is this girlie doing to me?' He thinks to himself.

Once at the hideout, he hops out of the van that he was being transported in. He begins to walk away, but turns on his heels and looks at the van. "Can we, uh, get a paint job on this? If we don't attract attention in another way, this white van will. We aren't child kidnappers! We don't offer candy in the back of the van. Get an SUV or something."

He grabs one of the goons' MP5 Submachine Gun and starts shooting the side of the van. Once finishing his scene, he drops the gun and walks inside.

While inside, let's just say business happened. Some goons had their first and only last day on earth. Some goons got promoted because of the other goons' souls leaving this world. Good things came from minor bad situations is what the Joker would probably say. Towards the end of Joker's visit to the factory, he asks, "what's the time?"


"About 4:00, boss." A goon checks his watch and quickly answers Joker, not wanting to end up like a few of his pals.

"Do we have a new vehicle yet?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. While I'm gone, get the targets set up." He replies, exiting the building.


At 4:30, Y/N walks out of the bank, to her car, pulling out her car keys. Suddenly, a dark violet SUV with illegal tint swerves in front of her and goons pull her in. "Fucking let me go!" Y/N tries to put up a fight but is not strong enough.

"That was a pathetic struggle you gave." She hears a very familiar voice. She turns her head to the left and in the third row, the Joker is sitting there. "How was work?" He asks.

"You are by far the strangest person I've ever met. What's with all this shit? You already live in my home for God's sake." She changes the direction of the conversation.

Joker chuckles a bit, "calm down. I'm taking you somewhere. To a new hideout, to be exact."

Y/N rolls her eyes at him and sighs, "but why?"

"I'm going to teach you to properly shoot a gun."

She stares at him for a second, highly confused. She tries to find her words but just simply can't seem to. "I- you are so confusing. Exactly why are you teaching me to shoot?" She asks.

"Because I want you to get a gun permit so if you're ever kidnapped like that or if someone finds out I live with you and tries to hurt you, you can just kill them." He explains.

"What's keeping me from killing you?"

"Our," he pauses for a second and brushes his hair out of face with his hand, "our beautiful friendship?"

"I'll give you an A for effort, buddy. I wouldn't kill you, only because you never end up killing me but if you pull another damn stunt like you did, I swear I will." Y/N states.


He smirks at her, "sounds fine by me."

Soon they arrive at the factory and Joker helps Y/N out of the SUV.

"Like it?" He asks her opinion on the new hideout.

"Sure." She nods.

He leads her inside the factory to reveal shooting targets set up throughout it. The targets are all silhouette targets. No goons follow them inside, they all stay outside. "Ready for your first lesson?" He asks as he pulls out a handgun for her.

"Can you take off the makeup while we do this?" Y/N asks him.

"The things I do for you, some would think I'm interested in you." He walks off into a side room within the factory and returns a minute to two minutes later, face paint-free.

"Better?" She nods and he asks again, "are you ready?"


"Okay, so first let me shoot the gun and you watch." He instructs as he lifts up the gun, holding it in both hands. He has his right arm straight and his left arm bent at the elbow. He doesn't have his finger yet on the trigger until he aims at a target. Then he shoots and hits right in the middle of the head. "See? Easy. You try." He hands her the gun.

"It is easy, all you do is aim and shoot." She states.

"It's more than that, Y/N." He stands behind her and puts her arms in the positions they should be.

"Remember this: never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to shoot your target." He says quieter because he's right beside her ear.

Y/N nods in response to Joker's instructions.

"Aim at a target and try to hit it. I'll help you." He continues to stand behind her and places his hands on her arms to guide her to a target.

Y/N puts her finger on the trigger and shoots the gun. The bullet didn't hit any major body parts but it did hit the ear.

"Close enough." He sighs.

They try a few more practice rounds and eventually call it enough for the day. "I'll be right back." Joker goes back into the side room and applies a quick layer of face paint, then goes back to her. "Let's go."

They walk out of the factory, all the goons are still there, standing guard. Joker leads Y/N to the SUV when he picks up on one of the new goons mumbling some words about Y/N. Nothing bad but the comments are about how pleasing she is to look at.

Joker turns his head, towards the direction of the goon. "Y/N, go on and get in the vehicle, will you please?" He asks of her.

She nods and does as he asks, but watches through the window. Two goons in the drivers and passengers seat converse, "$20 he kills the newbie now." The goon in the passenger's seat bets.

"$30 he beats him up but saves the rest for later when the missy is gone." The driver raises him.

They both watch Joker, so does Y/N, as he approaches the newbie. He pulls out a knife and looks deep into the eyes of the terrified newbie. He grabs the newbie by the back of the neck and shoves the knife into his mouth, whispering to him as he does so. He slowly begins to cut through the side of the newcomer's mouth, not paying attention to the screams of the newbie.

After a minute, Joker drops the newcomer's weak body on the ground, along with his own gloves. "Keep him alive." He walks off towards the SUV.

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