《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》25 ~ Look What You've Done


After a minute, Joker drops the newcomer's weak body on the ground, along with his own gloves. "Keep him alive." He walks off towards the SUV.

"I told you he'd wait until later." The goon in the passenger's seat states.

"Shut the fuck up, man." The driver rolls his eyes, mad that he just lost thirty dollars in a bet.

"You better pay up when the boss isn't around."

Joker approaches the van and gets in. He flashes a quick Joker smile at Y/N. She looks out the back window to see what's happening to the goon who said something about her.

The goon is currently being dragged inside the factory by two other goons. "Ah-ah, don't pay attention to that, girly." Joker uses a finger to turn her head to the front.

Y/N looks at Joker, "are you going to kill that man?" She asks.

Joker looks off into the distance, acting as if he were thinking hard and long about the question. "The answer is... none of your business." He turns off the playful act in a second and starts talking to some goons in the row in front of them.

"He doesn't deserve to get his life ended for something as simple as that."

Joker lets out a frustrated, "excuse me, boys," he turns around and looks at Y/N, "Why not? My goons aren't innocent people; they are rapists, murderers, crooks I got off the side of the road, Missy. So don't say they don't deserve it!"

Y/N goes quiet and looks down at her hands. "What are you waiting for? Fucking drive." He demands, looking at the driver.

The driver quickly starts the car and drives off. Joker looks back at Y/N and sighs. He gently puts his hand on the top of her head causing her to look up at him.


He looks her in the eyes and says, "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm even more sorry because I just taught you how to properly hold and shoot a gun," he smiles a genuine smile, "look what you've done to me. I've gone soft."

"It's fine, also I wouldn't say you've gone soft per se." Y/N replies.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better, girly." He laughs and stays quiet for the rest of the ride back to Y/N's apartment.

Once they arrive, they both go inside. Joker heads to the bathroom to remove his face paint. Y/N leans on the door frame and watches him. "Much better." Y/N states.

He shakes his head while laughing. Joker takes off his coat and hangs it up on the coat rack, by the front door. Turning around, he looks at her. "Do you have any more comments about my outfit?" He asks, "too much purple? Black around the eyes makes me look edgy? The white makes me look whitewashed?"

"Actually, yes I do," she answers, "the whole outfit is pretty intimidating, to be honest. Also, the red around on the lips and scars is a nice touch. It makes the scars scarier, but now that I've seen how you actually are without the Joker act, nothing you wear is scary to me. Nor the scars."

He takes a few steps towards her and looks in her eyes. He tilts his head slightly to the right and says, "that makes you the first."

"Well, how many have actually seen you without the getup?" She asks.

"The real question is how many have lived after seeing." He smiles a little.

"Wow, very scary," She rolls her eyes, "I have a question."


"Ask away, girlie."

"What's your real name? I know it's not Joker. I doubt it's James because why would you tell the commissioner your real name." She asks.

He looks down at her for a few seconds before doing or saying anything. "Jack," he takes a deep breath, "again you're the first."

"Well, Jack, this name fits you way better than Joker." Y/N smiles up at him. Joker, now known as Jack, smiles back at her and just zoned out for a second. "You ok?" She asks.

"Yes, very. I'd even say I'm happy." He states, as he slowly leans in to kiss her. Y/N looks at him as he does and stays still, allowing him to. He kisses her for a few seconds before separating.

"You know in the musical Phantom of the Opera, there's a line in one of the songs, 'this haunted face holds no horror for me now'. This applies to me to you." She states.

"Yes, but the next line is 'it's in your soul that the true distortion lies'." He replies, still fairly close to her face.

"We don't mention that line," She laughs causing him to smile. Joker kisses her once more, this time Y/N kissing back.

After a couple of seconds, they break the kiss but rest their foreheads against each other. "You should go shower before it gets too late at night," He tells Y/N.

Y/N looks up at him with a pout. "Will you cook dinner? You're a good cook." She asks him.

"Maybe tomorrow. I just remembered I have some work I need to take care of. I'll probably be gone until around midnight, so if you hear the door opening, don't be alarmed." He tells her.

She nods and he grabs his coat. Joker puts it back on and leaves quickly. "What in the world just happened?" She thinks aloud.

Joker's personal SUV pulls up and he gets in the backseat. He puts on a clown mask until he gets to put on face paint.

He kissed me. I kissed him. I kissed the motherfucking Joker. First off, how many people can say that? None. Second off, I just kissed a psychopath. Anyway, it was a very sweet moment until he had to go ruin it with hey you should shower. Nothing more romantic than that.

I kissed her and she kissed me back, wow. I should have stayed. I messed up big time. Why did she kiss me? I literally left her apartment to go torture and kill a guy yet she kissed me knowing who I am. Maybe she's the psychopath...

Joker applies his face paint in a side room then goes to the area where the new goon is tied to a chair. Joker slowly walks toward him, slipping on his gloves, while one goon hands him a hammer. "Oh yes, this will do perfectly." He takes the hammer and gives the newbie a smile.

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