《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》23 ~ High Schooler on Spring Break


The next morning Joker searches through the pantry of Y/N's apartment kitchen to find simple ingredients to make Y/N breakfast.

"Mmm, no... still no...," he mumbles as he is rearranging the pantry on his quest.

He reaches back and grabs a box of pancake mix, "ah! Perfect!"

He tosses the box onto the kitchen counter and grabs a glass bowl to mix the ingredients in. He gently places a carton of eggs on the counter while reading the instructions on the back of the box.

"Use mix, eggs, and milk. First, turn on the stove, spray skillet with vegetable oil, stir ingredients together until blended, pour into the skillet, and cook until golden. This isn't too hard. Everyone can make pancakes..," he talks to himself quietly.

He opens a drawer and pulls out a whisk. Then he sprays some vegetable oil onto the skillet. Carefully and quietly, he blends the ingredients inside the bowl.

Once finished, he begins to pour some of the blend into a skillet. He follows the instructions and soon he has cooked all the blend into fresh, golden pancakes.

"Perfect." He smiles proudly as he places the pancakes onto a plate, stacked up.

Into a cup, milk is poured by Joker. He places the pancakes, the cup, and syrup on the dining table. "She's taking too long to get up." He mumbles.

He knocks a few times in a rhythm on Y/N's bedroom door. Inside the room, Y/N grunts and continues to sleep. Joker continues to knock, but Y/N keeps sleeping if anything her sleep gets heavier. A scoff comes from his mouth as he opens the door and walks over to her.

"Wake up," he tells her, leaning over her.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Y/N asks him.

Joker sighs in an annoyed manner, "I did knock. Several times to be exact."


"The word 'several' doesn't count as an exact amount."

"Get up. I made you breakfast." He stands up straight and walks out of her bedroom.

"Breakfast?" Y/N sits up real quick.

She grabs a brush to get her hair under control after leaving it down while she slept. In a rush, she brushes her hair and scurries to the dining area, which is also the living room and kitchen area. When she sees the stack of pancakes, her face glows with happiness but mainly hunger. "Pancakes!"

"Pancakes? Oh, I thought they were waffles." Joker says, sarcastically.

She sits down in a chair and pours syrup on a few pancakes. She takes a fork and knife and begins eating. Joker sits across from her and observes her. "So what's the deal with the breakfast? Why did you make it?" Y/N asks him.

"I had an epiphany yesterday." He states.

She leans in and stops eating, being intrigued by his 'epiphany'. She motions with her hand for him to go on.

"Well, you could say I, uh, felt bad for overreacting the way I did the other day." He admits and repositions himself into a more awkward posture, leaning away from Y/N. "I thought making you breakfast, since you said you don't normally eat breakfast, would be a... nice thing to do for you."

Y/N looks at him with a kind smile. "Thank you, whatever your name is." She lets out a small chuckle.

"Don't thank me, I'll probably do the whole being dramatic thing again tomorrow." He smiles back at her.

"Probably. Make sure not to load the gun please."

"I won't use a gun, don't worry. I'll use a knife. You know? Switch it up a bit."

"Ah, creative. So what are your plans today? I'd tell you mine but you already know them." Y/N asks Joker.


"I can blow it up if you want me to. I have ways to get some good quality, discounted explosives." He replies, referring to blowing up her place of work.

"No thank you. Anyway, tell me about your plans."

"I don't quite know my plans yet. Yesterday, I got some new goons, after some of the others were shot dead by some psychopath. Most of the rest were arrested. So you see my need for more," He explains, "therefore I may need to go check on the ol'goonies and see if they're learning the ropes."

"Sounds very... productive?" She says, unsurely.

He nods, "eat your food, girlie."

She smiles and starts eating again. While eating, she looks at him; this time she's the one doing the examination. After swallowing the food in her mouth, she states, "you look really goofy in the suit, without the makeup. You need to have both or neither, can't do one or the other."

"Thank you so much for your fashion expertise, Miss Y/N," he leans forward and whispers, "now how about you get out of your t-shirt, sweatpants, and leftover makeup from yesterday and go get ready for work."

She scoffs and stands, holding back a laugh. "Fine, clean up the dishes, would you?" She walks to her room but before going in, she turns around to Joker, "by the way, don't ever barge into my room again. If I don't wake up, oh well. I could have been in my birthday suit." She declares a rule.

"You must be wanting me to see you in that state if you just go sleeping like that." He replies.

She rolls her eyes, "I do not! Go to hell!" She enters her room and slams the door behind her.

"I'll see you there!" He smiles, then washes the dishes and cleans up the kitchen.

While Y/N gets ready, Joker goes into the bathroom to apply his face paint. Once she's ready, she leaves her room and sees Joker finishing up his look. She stands in the doorway of the bathroom, watching his reflection in the mirror.

He looks over at Y/N but doesn't may too much attention to her. He washes his hands after finishing and turns to her, "how do I look?" He asks.

"First off, you don't really care about my opinion," she states and to which he nods, "secondly, you're the best damn drag queen I've ever seen. I love the black makeup around the eyes, it really screams high schooler on spring break."

"The only thing that's going to be screaming is you if you don't shut it." He replies.

"You aren't as scary once I've seen you without the makeup, just so you know." She states.

"Then why did it seem like you were going to piss your pants the other day?" Y/N stays quiet after his question, "exactly. Now go to your boring place of work before you're late." He begins to gently push her towards the door.

"I'm going, I'm going. Don't destroy my apartment today!" She tells him.

He nods and pushes her all the way out, closing the door behind her. He sighs a happy sort of sigh while walking over to his bag. He pulls out a gun and a knife or three and places them in pockets on the inside of his trench coat. "Time for a day in the office."

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