《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》22 ~ Ha, Ha, Ha!


Y/N looks at Stacey with a death stare, "Stacey, go away."

"Is this the man who's been living with you?" Stacey asks with a smirk, "she's always talking about you, sir. Well as much as she can since she brought you up yesterday."

"She is, hm?" Joker asks, turning his head to Y/N.

"Yes, she is. Yesterday we had a conversation about how you were-" Stacey goes on, but is cut off by Y/N covering her mouth.

"Shut up, Stacey. You talk too much." Y/N states.

"Perfect friend for you then. You both have that in common." Joker chuckles.

Y/N rolls her eyes and takes her hand off of Stacey's mouth. Stacey waves at Joker as she rolls away, back to her desk. Joker runs his fingers along the desk as he walks around to her side of the desk. He leans onto the desk beside her. "So you talk about me? Come on and tell me, girly." He asks.

Y/N opens the to-go box of [F/F] and begins to eat. "If you're wondering if I told her anything about you being you know, don't worry I have not and will not." She states.

"Good girl," he looks at things around them. He remembers the day of the robbery.

'The third clown comes to [Y/N] and holds onto her wrist, as the second one heads toward the vault. The third one shoots him dead in the head. [Y/N] is petrified from the accounts of murder she's just witnessed.'

(Direct quote from chapter 1)

I remember grabbing her wrist. I remember feeling her pulse through my glove; she was really scared wasn't she? I guess I was overreacting yesterday. I mean, I haven't been the nicest to her. What am I thinking? She needs to grow up. The world isn't rainbows and sunshine. She's more of a clown than I am if she thinks the world is a good place. You go one minute away from your home in Gotham and you see chaos erupt from every direction. Less than a minute, depending on where you live. I look down at her as she eats. She looks like a pig, shoving all that food in her mouth. "Did you not eat breakfast?" I ask her. She shakes her head, still eating. "Maybe you should from now on," I suggest.


"No, because then I'll have to wake up earlier to eat, so I'm not late to work." Y/N explains.

"Lazy, aren't ya?"

"Yes I am, plus I'm tired. I stay up late reading fan-fictions instead of sleeping."

A fan-fiction? I'm not even going to ask. I brush the hair out of my face and itch my mask more. "Your life is so boring. You come here every day from and just sit here." I whine to her.

"Then leave if my life is sooo boring." She replies.

I like her sass but ugh it gets annoying sometimes. "Now, now, honey, I'm not afraid to shoot this place up. You should know that by now, so be nice," I add a little emphasis so she knows I'm serious. She looks up at me then looks down, ignoring me.

Joker returns soon to Y/N's apartment and sets a deck of cards on the dining table. He sits down and impatiently waits for Y/N to return from work. He sits and thinks about how she said for him to just leave. 'What if I don't want to leave? Think about that? Mm, I don't even understand why I even came back to this, um, girly. Back to her, Y/N,' He thinks as he lets out a frustrated sigh, 'I'm all about some fun and games but she's playing with my mind. Earlier, I wanted to apologize! What is wrong with me? I should just, I don't know uh, get rid of her. Get goons to take her to a different country. Ship her to Madagascar, like that one cartoon.' He puts his hands in his hair.

After a long while of waiting, Y/N arrives at home. She hangs her coat up and looks at Joker confused. "What are you doing?" She asks.


"I've been waiting for you. Want to play War again? The last time we played was when you were still locked away." He takes the cards out and shuffles them.

"Why not?" Y/N shrugs and sits down with him.

Joker halves the deck, cards facing down, and gives her one half, he takes the other. "Ready?" He asks. Y/N nods in response. At the same time, they both flip the top card over onto the table. Joker has a 7 of spades and Y/N has a 6 of clubs. Joker slides the cards to him and places them on the bottom of his deck. They flip again, this time with Y/N having a Jack of hearts and Joker with a 4 of clubs. She smiles and puts the cards on the bottom of her deck. He watches her closely as he flips a new card over. "You shouldn't start smiling yet. The game has only just begun." He states.

"Doesn't mean anything. It's just a game. Smile, scarface." She laughs a little.

"Alright, girly, now shut up and flip a damn card." He fights a smile from appearing on his face and wins.

The card Joker flipped is a King of diamonds and Y/N flips her card to reveal a Queen of spades. "Ah! Damnit, I was so close." Y/N squeals. Her reaction causes Joker to burst into laughter. She laughs along with him. They turn new cards over after Joker takes the previous cards. Both of them draw 5's and place down four cards more. Three of the four are faces down and the fourth is placed facing up. Y/N's fourth card is an ace and she begins to celebrate, but Joker clears his throat, causing her to look over at his fourth card. It's a Joker card. "Ha, ha, ha!" He brags a bit. Y/N stares at the card defeated. He leans toward Y/N, getting in her face, "I beat you with my own damn trademark."

"Shut up." She gently pushes him back into his seat.

They both look at each other, thinking of the moment when they last played War and the tables were reversed:

'They place their fourth card on the table, facing up. Joker has an ace, but [Y/N] has a Joker. She bursts out laughing. "I beat you with your own damn trademark!"'

After a moment of pausing, they continue playing War until one of them runs out of cards. The one who ran out of cards was Y/N. "I can never beat you in this game!" She yells in frustration.

"I know. It's great." He replies as he gathers the card and puts them back in the box.

She smiles and thanks him for the game then goes to her room. She closes the door and lays down in bed, staring at the ceiling. "He does have a soul, doesn't he?"

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