《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》21 ~ I paid for it


My eyes shut as the trigger is pulled. I'm terrified yet ready for the worst, but nothing comes except: click.

The gun isn't loaded.

I look at Joker with wide eyes, as he just quietly snickers. "Ah, you were really scared," he points out as he stands up, "don't worry. I won't kill you... Not yet at least."

Isn't that reassuring, I think to myself as I sigh. He sets the gun on the coffee table then reaches his hand out to me. I look at him confused, but I take his hand and he pulls me up to my feet. "You're the strangest man I've ever met," I state.

He grins, "glad I hold that position."

"Not an accomplishment."

"If you say so, girly."




In the morning, I head to work, leaving Joker alone at my apartment. I sigh in exhaustion as I sit down at my desk. Stacey looks over at me, "you good?" She asks.

I nod in response. "Daylights saving time is kicking my ass this morning. I hate it!" I whine to her.

She scoots her chair towards me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Do you want some coffee, sweetie pie?"

"Yes, please. By the way, you sound like you're my grandmother."

"Correction. I'm a fairy godmother."

I try to hold back my laughter, but I just burst out in laughter. Let's just say, I get a couple of weird looks from people. Stacey laughs at me and then goes to pour me some coffee from the break room. I log in onto my computer and check my email. Soon Stacey returns with a tall cup of coffee. "Aw, you're my lifesaver." I hug her with one arm while I use the other to grab the coffee.


"Aye." Stacey replies as she sits back down in her desk, "so how's your boyfriend?" She smirks.

"He's not my boyfriend! He's a roommate, who's hopefully leaving soon. We got into an argument last night."

"Was it your fault?"

"It wasn't. He just got pissed for no reason."

"Hmm, does he need to see a psychologist?"

"Probably, but he will never willingly see one," Y/N states, "anyway get back to work."

(Don't worry guys. Joker will never meet Harley in this story 👍)

We both get back to work, neither wanting to get in trouble with our boss.

Joker at about 10 am, starts getting ready in the bathroom. He applies his face paint: black around the eyes, red on his lips and scars, and white everywhere else. He walks to Y/N's room where his bag is and changes into his suit. Soon, he is ready and walks outside to a van, waiting for him. He hops into the back and the van takes off.

The van takes him to a new hideout. It's an old, abandoned factory. He walks inside of the factory with a couple of goons, that have clown masks on, at his side. Inside is more of his goons, with a lineup of men. "Alright, ladies, uh, which of you want to be part of my little organization?" Joker asks, pushing his hair back with his hand, "I don't need squealers." He walks down the line of men, examining them closely. He looks at one man, who looks terrified. Joker pulls out a gun and shoots him in the chest. "Squealer."

The man's body falls to the floor and blood begins to spill out the hole made by the bullet. Joker motions with his gun, for a goon to get rid of the man. A goon quickly scurries over and drags the dying man away. While the man is being dragged off, Joker continues examining the men, looking at who wasn't scared when he shot the man. He points out a few men and tells them to step in front of the other men in a separate line. "We are going to, um, play a game in some way. I'm going to give you men a gun. Shoot the person across from you when I say so," Joker explains, "simple enough?"


Goons bring the men who were brought forward a handgun. "Raise your weapons, buddy boys." He orders, the men doing as he says. Joker watches the men who are about to be shot, seeing who's scared and who's not. Joker walks down the lineup and once at the end, he turns around on his heels. He picks out a few people from the lineup about to get shot down and goons give them guns. He steps out of the way and tells the newbies with guns to kill them. He walks away from them as lifeless bodies soon start to fall to the ground. "Get them acquainted, would ya?" He tells a goon. Two other goons escort him back to the van.

Once he's in the van, the two goons get upfront and drive off. They take him back to Y/N's apartment then speed off when he's out.

Maybe, I should take her some lunch. I would get to see the bank that brought us together. I can imagine her face now, hehe this will be good. I go into Y/N's bathroom and wash my face paint off with a washcloth. When I'm done the cloth is covered in white, red, and black. Oops. Oh well. I fill up the sink with water and lower the basin stop to keep the water from draining. I drop the cloth inside the pool of water and leave the bathroom.

I look through the pile of men's clothing she had, deciding what to wear. I don't um understand why she has men's clothing, who spends the night? Oh well I do, don't I?


Ah, the bank. It seems like just yesterday I was robbing it. The sweet memories. I have a takeout bag of Y/N's favorite food; the fresh smell is strong which is really taking all my strength to not eat it. I walk inside the bank, expecting it to of developed a lot, but nope still bland like Y/N's life. I itch the face mask while looking for her. This stupid mask is irritating my scarring. Wait, I see her!

"Afternoon, girly," Joker says, leaning on Y/N's desk.

She slowly looks up at him, with a face that says it all: 'what the fuck are you doing here?' He laughs, "what's with the look? Aren't you happy to see me?" He says in his voice average voice.

"Not really, no. Why are you here?" She asks him.

"I brought food and guess what? This time I paid for it with my money."

"Woah congrats. Such an improvement." Y/N says with sarcasm.

Joker lifts the bag of food and places it on her desk. "You're welcome."

Y/N rolls her eyes but says, "thank you."

Stacey from a little bit down sees Y/N talking to a man and rolls herself over, sitting in her desk chair. "I'm Stacey, nice to meet you!" She offers out her hand to Joker. He slowly reaches out his hand to shakes hers as an introduction.

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