《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》12 ~ Hit me!


In the city of Gotham somewhere the armored police van, containing Harvey Dent, and other police cars, are traveling through the city on the way to the station. They approach a line of cars, that are in flames, blocking the road, so they are forced to go underground to Lower Fifth. As they are driving, a garbage truck rams into the side of one of the smaller police cars, causing it to crash into cement columns. The truck speeds up and hits the armored van in the back. Suddenly another vehicle, a 16-wheeler, approaches, and hits right in the middle of the side of an armored van. The van flies off the underground tunnel into the water. The 16-wheeler keeps driving, hitting into other cars. The 16-wheeler gets across the armored van, on the opposite side of the road, and slides the side doors open, revealing the Joker and a few goons.

The Joker has one hand holding a handgun; the other holding onto a rope, to keep from falling out. He raises his gun and shoots at the armored van. The bullets dent, but can't get through. He runs out of bullets and throws the gun away. The goons give him a shotgun and Joker keeps firing at the van. The Joker gives away the shotgun and reaches out his hand. The goons place a bazooka in his arms. He blows up the trunk of a police car in front of the van, but it manages to keep driving. Once he fires, the goons reload the gun. He aims and fires again, blowing up the car. The totaled car flies off to the side. A black car, that somewhat looks like a futuristic tank, drives facing towards the vehicles at a very fast pace. The van moves out of the way of the mysterious vehicle, not wanting to get hit. The vehicle drives straight under the garbage truck, causing the top of the truck to hit the tunnel ceiling. The 16-wheeler keeps going. The vehicle drifts, turning onto the other side of the road, and heads straight for the 16-wheeler. The armored van speeds past cars, trying to escape the 16-wheeler. Joker loads the bazooka again and aims at the van. The black vehicle speeds up and somehow jumps over a car and blocks the bazooka from hitting the van. The vehicle is blown up at the end and crashed into cement and flips over a ton of times. The 16-wheeler didn't suffer damage but was blown back a little. The vehicle starts shaking a bit, and citizens looking at it strangely. The vehicle's armor starts to move around and a high-tech motorcycle flies out of it. Once the motorcycle ejected itself, you can see the person on the bike is the one and only Batman.


As that is going on, the 16-wheeler catches up with the armored van. The van turns out of the tunnel back to an open road, with the 16-wheeler close behind. A police helicopter flies above towards them from down the street. Currently, Batman is trying to drive through traffic in the tunnel trying to get back to the armored van and 16-wheeler. The Joker's 16-wheeler is following close behind the armored truck and the helicopter is approaching, but what the people in the chopper don't know, is that Joker has goons up on fire escapes attaching grappling hooks to the other's building. The helicopter gets caught onto the grapples and spins around in circles until it crashes into building, then finally the ground, instantly catching on fire. The chopper rolls and hits the armored van, but the van keeps driving. At the moment, Batman is nowhere to be seen, but that is quickly changed once Batman drives out of an alley and drifts to a stop, facing the 16-wheeler.

He drives full speed at the wheeler, no intention of stopping, neither is the 16-wheeler. Batman shoots a grappling hook onto the front of the 16-wheeler's bumper and slides under the truck in between the tire separation, once he does that he drives down the sidewalk and wraps the hook around lamp posts. As the 16-wheeler keeps driving, lamp posts begin to crash down causing the 16-wheeler to flip over.

There's no movement until Joker crawls from out the 16-wheeler. He stands up quickly, carrying a gun, but falls back down sideways. He pushes himself back up to his feet and walks forward. Batman drives at a high speed towards the Joker. Joker puts up his gun and shoots cars out of the way. Joker stops walking and stands there, waiting for Batman to hit him. "Come on, hit me!" He yells in a deep, raspy voice.


At the last second, Batman turns to the side avoiding Joker. The motorcycle drifts into the 16-wheeler and Batman falls off it. Joker turns his head around to look at Batman. Joker's goon stands beside Batman and examines him, while Joker pulls out a pocket knife and walks towards them. Joker holds up the knife and does a little skip. The goon tries to check Batman's pulse and gets shocked, falling backwards.

Joker bursts out in a peal of crazy laughter. He jumps up just beside the goon and pretends he's being shocked, making fun of the goon. Once he stops, he spits on the goon. He kneels down and grabs Batman, putting the knife beside his face, but he's soon stopped by a man holding a gun to Joker's head and throwing him off of Batman.

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