《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》13 ~ One Rule


The man is no other than the leader of GCPD's major crime unit, Gordon. Once the Joker is thrown off, Gorden points his gun at him. "We got you, you son of a bitch."

Joker drops his knife, it falling beside him. Gordon walks over to the armored van and opens up the back, looking at Harvey.

"Gordon.. you really do like to play things close to the chest." Harvey states.

"We got him, Harvey." Gordon reaches his hand out to him.

Once Joker is taken to the police station, he is detained in a holding cell. He sits there still, hands together. They took his jacket, along with all his knives. Gordon walks into the room, yelling orders at people to stand away from the cells. "I don't want anything for his mob lawyer to use, you understand?"

The mayor walks up to Gordon, "back from the dead?"

"Couldn't risk my... family's safety." Gordon replies.

"What do we got?"

"Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental, clothing is custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. No name. No other alias."

"Go home, Gorden. That clown will keep 'till morning. Get some rest. You're going to need it. Tomorrow you take the big job. You don't have a say in the matter, Commissioner Gordon!"

The room erupts into applause, celebrating Gordon's promotion. Once the clapping quiets down, there's still one clapping, Joker.

Gordon goes home to his family who is surprised that he's alive.

Back at the station, one man is thrown in Joker's cell, complaining about how he doesn't feel good. Joker is soon put into an interrogation room and hand cuffed. Gordon comes back to the station and asks if Joker has said anything yet, but they just shake their head no. He goes into the interrogation room and walks towards Joker. "Evening, commissioner." Joker says.


Gordon sits down in a chair across from Joker and looks at him. "Harvey never made it home." Gordon states.

"Of course not."

"What have you done with him?"

"Where is he?"

"What's the time?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Well depending on the time, he could be in one place or several."

"If we're going to play games, I'm going to need a cup of coffee." Gordon says, as he stands up and takes off Joker's handcuffs.

"The good cop, bad cop routine?" Joker asks.

"Not exactly." Gordon leaves the room.

The lights suddenly turn on and Joker's head is slammed into the metal desk from behind. A man in a black suit, Batman, walks around to the other side of the desk. "Never start with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy and won't feel the next-" Joker begins to say but is interrupted by Batman slamming his fist into the top of Joker's hand.

Joker squints his eyes for a second, then goes back to normal. "See?"

"You wanted me. Here I am." Batman says in his raspy voice.

"I wanted to see what you'd do and you didn't disappoint. You let five people die. Then, you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me, that's cold."

"Where's Dent?"

"Those mob fools want you gone so they can get back to the way things used to be. But I know the truth. There's no going back; you've changed things, forever."

"Then why do you want to kill me?"

Joker begins to laugh hysterically at Batman's question, wheezing. "I don't- I don't wanna kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, no! No, you complete me."


"You're trash who kills for money."

"Don't talk like one of them, you're not. Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak. Like me. They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out. Like a leper. You see, their morals, their 'code'. It's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you; when the chips are down, these, um, these 'civilized' people? They eat each other. I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve."

Batman grabs Joker by his shirt collar and pulls him over the desk. "Where's Dent?" He asks.

"You have all these rules and you think they'll save you," Joker is slammed against a brick column, supporting the room, after he says that.

"I have one rule."

"Oh, then that's the rule you'll have to break to know the truth."

"Which is?"

"The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules and tonight you're going to break your one rule."

"I'm considering it."

"You know, there's only minutes left so you're gonna have to play my little game if you want to save one of them."


"For a while there, I thought you really were Dent. The way you threw yourself after her." Joker begins to laugh.

Batman picks him up, flips him, and slams him into the desk. The Joker continues laughing. Batman grabs one of the chairs and pushes it up under the handle of the door, leading into the interrogation room, keeping it from being opened. "Look at you go!" Joker comments, "Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny?"

Batman grabs him by the head and slams him into the two-way glass, causing the glass to shatter a bit. "Where are they?!" Batman yells, getting impatient.

"Killing is making a choice." Joker begins to speak.

Batman punches him in the side of his face. "Where are they?!" He asks again.

"Chose between one life or the other. Your friend, the district attorney. Or his blushing bride to be," Joker laughs and is punched again," you have nothing! Nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength. But don't worry! I'm going to tell you where they are. Both of them."

Batman picks him up by his shirt collars again and raises him up. "And that's the point. You'll have to choose." Joker tells Batman the addresses of both of their locations.

Batman throws him down and rushes out of the room.

Back to Y/N, she's currently laying on the mattress, watching some random shows on television. A goon walks in. "Yo, girly."

"Hmm?" She replies.

"Joker got caught. Bound to happen sooner or later, with his crazy schemes. He told us about your deal with him, so we gonna stick by it cause he's gonna get out somehow and we aren't dying anytime soon hopefully." He holds the door open for her.

She looks at the goon, shocked. Both at him actually going through with the deal and at him getting caught.

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