《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》11 ~ I Am The Batman


[Y/N] sits in front of the screen, staring at it intensely. 'What stupid idea is in his damn head? If he pulls anything, or tries to, it's over for him.'

The television shows men in kilts, playing bagpipes and drums, walk down the street in a parade format. Tons of policemen follow behind them. Some in normal uniform, some in a more formal uniform. After the parade portion is over, the Mayor takes the stage. [Y/N] turns up the volume and listens as the Mayor begins his speech. "Commissioner Loeb dedicated his life to law enforcement and to the protection of his community. I remember when I first took office and asked if he wanted to stay on as commissioner. And he said he would, if I kept my politics out of his office..." The Mayor continues on his speech, talking more about Commissioner Loeb, who was murdered by the Joker, and the good things he had done.

After another minute, policemen begin to do the Guard of Honor, a ceremony for a fallen soldier, guard, etc. "Stand by. Honor guard. Attention. Port arms," As one police officer gives orders, the rest standing in line beside him do as he says," Ready, aim, fire!" They lift up their guns and fire in the air.

The main police officer tells them to fire again, and they do so. Randomly a window curtain opens and a sniper shoots at it, being cautious incase someone is there to murder the Mayor. The main police officer tells them to fire again, but this time they don't shoot up in the air. They aim their guns at the Mayor and fire. Commissioner Gordon tackles the Mayor down, preventing him from getting shot. People in the crowds duck down and scatter at the guns fired at the Mayor. Some police manage to grab a few of the men who fired at the Mayor. A few detectives that work with Gordon go to him and find him dead. He was struck with a bullet.


[Y/N] sits there shocked, already knowing Joker was one of the men who fired at the Mayor. "He's insane.. he just.."

She turns off the television and lays back. Her mind can't seem to process what she witnessed.

A few hours pass, the bolt on the door is unlocked and the Joker walks in with a new fresh layer of face paint on. "Like my little show?" He asks her as he walks inside.

"You sicken me. How could any human be like you? You have no sympathy, emotion, or any shits to be given. You shot at an innocent man, because why? Oh yeah, you want the man in a bat suit to take off his mask?? That makes no sense." She replies.

"I wouldn't say it makes no sense."

"Remember our deal, correct?"

"Yes I do, sweetheart. I already informed my men about it, so you wouldn't, um, freak out."


"But like I said, even if I am caught, allowing you to leave... I will find you and bring you back," he takes a few steps towards her and leans forward," so don't get your hopes up."

She moves back, away from him. "Well goodnight, girly." He laughs and leaves, locking the door back.

She sighs and lays on her mattress. She turns on the television again and flips through the channels. While watching TV, she falls asleep.

The next day, Joker doesn't visit her and she just basically sits around, watching TV. It's the only thing she can truly do, since she's been stuck in the room for the past how ever long. Meanwhile, Joker has business to attend to.

At a press conference in Gotham, Harvey Dent is speaking. "I called this press conference, ladies and gentlemen, for two reasons. First to insure the citizens of Gotham everything that can be done about the Joker killings is being done. Secondly because the Batman has offered to turn himself in. But let's first consider the situation. Should we give in to this terrorist's demands? Do we really think he is going to-" Harvey is then cut off by a media woman in the crowd.


"You would rather protect an outlaw vigilante than the lives of citizens?" She asks.

"The Batman is an outlaw. That's not why we are demanding him to turn himself in, we are doing it because we are scared. We have been happy to let him clean up our streets until now." Harvey replies.

"Things are worse than ever!" A man in the crowd states.

"Yes. They are, but the night is the darkest before the dawn; and I promise, the dawn is coming." Harvey comments back at him," Harvey pauses for a second," one day the Batman will have to answer to the laws he's broken, but to us not this madman."

A cop yells," no more dead cops!"

People agree and then go on about how the Batman should turn himself in. "So be it. Take the Batman into custody." Harvey Dent orders.

He steps away from which he was speaking at, and places his hands forward, placed together. "I am the Batman." He tells the crowd.

People are very confused by Harvey confessing to be the Batman. Police officers put Harvey into handcuffs and escort him out.

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