《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》4 ~ MOB


I slept later that day until the next morning. It's so much more comfortable when you can move around. I stare out the small window, standing on my tip toes. The sun is pretty bright, I kind of like that. It's rare you see it, Gotham tends to be gloomy.

The bolt lock on the door unlocks and the least wanted person I wanted to see walks in. Joker. "I brought, uh," he turns something over, bag ruffling," subway."

He sets the sandwich on a small add on counter, attached to the sink. "I have no clue what's inside of the sandwich." He snickers and licks his lips. "Good luck."

I walk over to it, chains rattle against the floor. "A thug of mine went and got it for, um, you." He states.

I take the sandwich and begin to unwrap it. "At this point, I'm not necessarily picky. I mean I haven't eaten in four days. Thanks a lot for your caring self." I look at him after saying that.

"You're lucky I have plans, or I'd stay here and beat some manners into that small brain of yours." He smiles.

"Don't say I have a small brain, wacko."

"Wacko? Now don't you think that's pretty rude?"

"No I really don't. I could say worse."

"I like your sass, I do, but you need to learn to stop." He states seriously.

I shut up and begin to eat my sandwich. I sit against the wall. He stands there, towering over me. "Don't get ideas while I'm gone. If what I'm doing goes as planned, I shouldn't be too long." He tells me, like I care.

I nod, then he leaves. He locks the bolt door. I finish the sandwich, it actually had some good stuff on it.


Wacko? I start to laugh externally. I run my hands through my hair, time to go mess with the Mob.

They are all sitting around this tv, with a man speaking on the other side of it. There's two sides, a bunch of Italians and bunch of Americans. He talks about how all their money is safe. Perfect time to make.. an entrance.

I walk slowly, not in any rush to the table where around 20 men are. "Ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Oh.. He.. Ha.. Ha.." I laugh quietly, but enough to scare their little "manly selves".

They stare as I walk to the table. "I thought my jokes were bad." I state.

"Give me a reason of why I shouldn't have my boy here pull your head off." One man says, he's obviously one of the main American ones in charge.

"How about a magic trick?" I stab a pencil into the desk and adjust it to where it stands up straight. "I'm going to make this pencil disappear." As I'm explaining, another guy, probably just a bodyguard stands up and walks over to me.

I grab his arm and put my other hand behind his hand and slam his face into the pencil. He falls to the floor and the pencil is gone. "Tah dah!! It's.. ah.. it's gone.." one of the Italian mob men, probably other main guy, nods his head. I think he liked my trick.

I sit in a chair and brush off my coat. "Oh and by the way, the suit wasn't cheap. You should know. You bought it." Immediately after I spoke a few words, the American head guy stands up.

"Sit," says the same dude impressed by my trick," I want to hear his proposition." He gestures towards me and I quickly point back at him. The American leader sits down.


"Let's wind the clocks back a year.. these cops and lawyers wouldn't dare cross any of you.. I mean.. what happened? Your balls drop off? Hmm? You see a guy like me-" I get rudely interrupted by the lead American man.

"A freak." He states.

I don't like that. ".. a guy like me.. I know why you choose to have your.," I clear my throat a bit," little group therapy sessions in broad daylight. I know why you're afraid to go out at night... the Batman.. has shown Gotham your true colors unfortunately. Dent. He's just the beginning.. and as for the televisions so-called plan, Batman has no jurisdiction. He'll find him and make him squeal! I know the squealers when I see them.. and.." I say, going straight to the point.

"What do you propose?" One Italian guy asks.

The man on the video call, hangs up. "It's simple. We, uh, kill the Batman." I state.

People then laugh around the room. The main leader Russian guy asks," if it's so simple, why haven't you done it already?"

I simply answer," if you're good at something, never do it for free."

"How much you want?" He asks is his little accent.

"Uh, half." They begin to laugh again.

One man mumbles," you're crazy."

"I'm not... no I'm no." I emphasize the T. "If we don't deal with this now, soon little um gamble here won't be able to get a nickel for grandma." I'm directing the little gamble to the head American.

Oh boy it gets him mad. He stands up and slams his hands on the table shouting," enough from the clown!"

I do what every normal human would do, I show the inside of my coat. I have my finger around a string. The string is attached to the pin of a grenade. There is about four grenades. "Ah ah, lets not.. blow this.. out of the proportion." All of the men stand, beginning to back up.

"You really think you can just steal from us and just walk away?" The American leader asks, kind of ticked off. Oh well.

"Yeah." I reply back to him.

"I'm putting the word out! 500 grand for this clown dead. 1 million alive, so I can teach him some manners first!" He shouts.

"Listen. Why don't you give me a call when you want to start taking things a little more.. seriously. Here's my card." I hand him a Joker card.

I slowly back up, keeping my finger on the string, visible for all of them to see. I walk to the exit door backwards and once I get out the door, I rush out the building. I jump into a van in an alleyway, driven by my goons. They take me back to the place my little visitor is at..

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