《Chaos ; Joker x Reader》5 ~ Let Me Tell Ya


Joker walks out of the van. He slicks his hair back and goes into an abandoned building. He skips up the stairs, pretty quickly. [Y/N] can hear his footsteps down the hallway. He gets to door and knocks. Her face is showing how much she's annoyed by that. "You know good and well I can't open that door to let you in, so stop being an idiot." She says, pretty sassy.

He sighs madly and opens the door. "What did I say about your sassiness?"

"I don't know. I can't understand you with all your um's, uh's, and hmm's."

He licks his lips and runs his hand through his hair. "I'm going to forget this, for your sake."

"Oh thank you so much." [Y/N] says, being sarcastic.

She stands on her tiptoes and stares out the window. He sits in a chair, hunched over, hands between his legs. She looks over at him for a split second. He stares back at her, eyes that surprisingly stare straight into her soul. "Want me to tell you what I did today? Let me tell ya."

She looks at him with a face saying, do you really think I care. "I can't necessarily not listen, I can't leave." She replies.

He snickers. "I pissed off a couple mob bosses, nothing too big. I got them to put an reward for my head, even more if I'm alive."

He stands and walks over to her. He turns her around, then grips her shoulders roughly. "500 grand if I'm dead, one million alive. Want to swing at me and try? All you have to do is get me there." He smiles psychotically.

"Quit trying to dare me. I know you want me to. You'll find it fun and entertaining. Then you'll beat the shit out of me. How close am I to being right?" She asks.


"Correct, so please," he holds back laughter but a little bit slips out," hit me."

He licks his lips, while he smirks at [Y/N]. She wants to hit him as hard as she can, but she doesn't know what to do. He sighs, kind of mad. He grips her face tightly and pulls her close. "Why are you so nervous? Is it really that hard?" He asks.

She doesn't reply. He pushes her into the wall, pretty roughly then let's go. He walks away. "You tick me off." He states.

"Oh well." She replies.

"I love your sass, I really do.. but if you don't stop with it I'm really going to get mad."

"You keep saying that but still haven't done anything."

"You...interest me. Any normal person would be terrified of me." He licks his lips and turns to her.

"Well I'm not normal." She corrects him.

"I can see that. I don't.. necessarily like that." He states.

"Oh well." She replies to his statement.

"Alright. Goodbye now." He walks to the door, and opens it, but turns to her and asks. "[Y/N], correct?"

She just nods and he leaves, locking the door behind him.

I think he's a sociopath. He doesn't seem to care about hurting others, no shame or guilt. He always seems bored. He definitely makes me feel afraid. He is very random. I'd think he's a psychopath, but I feel like he had to have feelings to get where he is now. Psychopaths don't care at all. I have no clue, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. Now that I'm thinking about it.. why is he like how he is now?

I don't like her not reacting to my threats. She really pisses me off, especially with that sass. I mean don't get me wrong, I like it. I truly do. I laugh a bit internally at that remark. She is very different from others. Maybe if I just mess with her mind, um, just a little, I can get her to agree with what I think. She can be helpful for little... tasks I need done. Maybe, just maybe..

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