Spain was a short one compared to the one to England. It didn't make it any less tiring though.
When the plane landed and we were escorted off the plane, I let out a sigh of relief. Listening to Leah and Julia plan for an evening in Spain was what was really annoying. By the time we had grabbed our bags and made our way out the airport doors, they decided on an evening in the club.
I tried protesting, "Can we do something tame tonight? I'd rather not get blind drunk and felt-up by some strangers. I'm just not in the mood."
Leah snapped her head towards me, "Babygirl, you need to get out of the funk you're in because when we get back home you're going to regret every bit of it. We are going to go clubbing, you're going to look so hot, and you're going to meet a boy there who you'll like."
I blinked at Leah and looked at Julia. She shrugged and put her hands up defensively. I frowned and turned to Leah, "But—"
"Nope," She said, turning her nose up in the air, "You'll have fun, I promise."
I let out a groan and turned to Jude pleadingly. He laughed, "What Leah says goes. You know that."
I groaned and turned to Dawson. He was smiling at me before he turned to Leah who was glaring at him. He turned back to me and frowned, shaking his head. With a huff, I turned back to Leah.
"No way in hell am I getting drunk though." I pointed out.
She laughed, "That's fine. You don't need to get drunk to have fun, baby."
I nodded and followed them out of the doors. I let out a sigh of relief as I was greeted by the warm Spanish air. A soft smile made its way to my lips.
Leah hailed a taxi that was black and had bright yellow doors. On the back, it had some Spanish words that I couldn't understand. If Ms. Catrina could see me now, she'd be so disappointed.
The taxi cab pulled up to the curb and a man in his mid-30's climbed out and helped us with our luggage. When our bags were secured and we climbed into the cab, the driver turned around to look at us.
"Hola, a donde?" (Where to?) He said which sounded more like a question since his voice rose a little at the end. I smiled and looked to Julia.
"What did he say?" I whispered.
She shrugged, "I have no idea."
Before I could whisper something else, Atlas spoke up.
"Costa de Mija, Andalucía, por favor." (Mijas Costa, Andalucia, please.) He said and showed the guy in the driver's seat his phone. The guy copied something down on his GPS and nodded, smiling softly at Atlas.
"Claro señor," (Of course, Sir.) The man said before he pulled the car into drive and pulled out of his parking spot and away from the airport. I stared at Atlas, my lips slightly parted.
I don't know whether he just got a hundred times hotter or I was on something. The way the words fell from his lips so effortlessly made my whole body heat up. I sat up in my seat as Leah took the words right out of my mouth.
"You speak Spanish?!" She asked from the back seat.
Jude sitting right behind me, laughed, "Yeah, his mom is from Spain along with a hundred other different places."
Atlas nodded and Julia frowned, "What about your dad?"
"Oh, he's just white," Atlas said and Julia laughed at that. I cracked a smile.
The drive to the house was nice. As we drove through the city, the taxi driver rolled down the windows and I stuck my hand out the window, letting the warm air push my arm back. I closed my eyes and let out a breath as I reveled in the feeling of summer I'd try so hard to remember in a few months.
As the cab zoomed down the highway, my eyes soaked in the view all around me. The long coal-colored roads stretched on for miles and on each side of us rolled greenery for miles. Standing near the horizon, were rolling hills and mountains of more green. On top of us, the sky was the brightest blue I ever saw. A few clouds rolled in the sky, but all they did was add to the beauty and colors in the sky.
With a sigh, I settled back in my seat and glanced at Julia, accidentally catching Atlas's eye. His head was tilted back on his closed window and his dark hair fell over his eyes. His blue eyes held mine for a few seconds and I felt my heart hammer in my chest as I started to lose control over my mind and body. I blinked and looked away.
After a few minutes of Dawson and Jude arguing back and forth about God knows what, my phone rang. I picked it up and glanced at the screen, smiling softly. I glanced at Julia whose head was buried in a book and sighed. I answered the phone, bringing it to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked into the phone.
"I'm gonna fuck you up, E," Hamza said into the phone. I let out a laugh and tried to hold it back by placing my hand over my mouth.
"What are you talking about?" I laughed.
Hamza laughed mockingly at me, "You know exactly what I'm talking about."
I frowned, "Honest. I literally have no idea."
Hamza sighed and I smiled as I waited for him to say something, "You had my favorite sweatshirt— you know the black one with the little chickens on it? Yeah. You've had it for 2 years! I thought I lost it."
I let out a loud laugh, "It looked better on me,"
He made a strangled sound and I snickered. "Take it back."
I let out a laugh and glanced out the window as the taxi stopped in front of a large villa. I let out a breath as another laugh bubbled out of me, "I won't because it's true. Also, how'd you know I had it?"
He laughed, "Well, your Mom invited us over for dinner and she was talking about how you used to wear it all the time when you were 15 or 16."
I rolled my eyes as everyone climbed out of the car. I stepped out of the taxi and glanced at Atlas as he spoke with the driver. The man laughed at something Atlas said and I looked away.
"Eden, come on!" Leah called out from the front door.
Hamza took in a breath from the other side of the phone, "Where are you guys?"
I smiled, "We just go to the house in Spain and my God it's beautiful!"
He laughed, "Well, I'll leave you to it. I got someplace to be anyway."
I frowned, "Hamza has somewhere to be?"
He laughed, "I know! First time for everything."
I laughed along with him, "Where are you going?"
He paused for a minute, "You know Carrie from down the street?"
"Yeah," I drawled out. Carrie was around our age and lived a few houses down from us. She was tall and had messily chopped hair that ended at her shoulders. It was really messy and uneven, but she made it look nice. We used to hang out during the summer when we were 12, but we drifted away. She was hilarious and was always doing something new each time you saw her.
Hamza cleared his throat, "Well, yeah. Yesterday I was taking out the trash and she was walking her dog and we just started talking. She said she wanted to take me out someplace."
I nodded, my face falling, "Well, have fun."
He laughed, "I will,"
I nodded, smiling softly at the sound of his laugh, "Okay, bye."
"Bye, E." Hamza said before hanging up.
I stared at my phone, frowning softly. I know it shouldn't have mattered as much as it did, but I couldn't help it. The idea of Hamza hanging out with a girl that wasn't me irked me. Maybe I was getting so worked up because I knew him and Carrie would be a perfect match.
"You coming?" Atlas said, snapping me back to reality. I flinched as I looked up at him. He had his suitcases in his left hand and mines' in his right. I stared at him and wondered why I hated him as much as I was entranced by him. I shook myself from my thoughts and grabbed my suitcase from him.
"Thank you," I mumbled, walking quietly along his side as we walked up the steps of the humongous house. I marveled at the beauty that surrounded us.
In front of the house stretched a wide green lawn. In the middle of the lawn stood a large fountain surrounded by a small bed of tropical flowers. Wrapped around the fountain was the circular driveway that stretched all the way to the street we had driven on.
As we climbed up the steps of the house, I stared at the building. The walls were creamsicle colored and were two stories high. The roofing of the house was brick red and was Spanish-style, rolling on top of the house like waves. The windows of the house were clear and bright, the shutters white in contrast. As Atlas pulled open the thick brown door, I let out a breath.
Inside, the house was wide and spacious. The glossy beige tiles on the floor shined as the sunlight streaming in from the windows kissed it softly. In front of us stretched a staircase that led to the rooms upstairs. To the left opened up a living room and to the right, I heard the sound of the group. I left my suitcases by the stairs and walked over to the noise, Atlas following close behind me.
To the right, the wall opened into a dining room and kitchen. Leah sat on the island in the kitchen as she sipped from a CapriSun pouch. Jude leaned on that counter as he laughed at something Julia said. Dawson had his head in the refrigerator, probably looking for something to eat.
Leah's face lit up when she saw me, "Eden, they have a fucking pool!"
My face lit up at that, "Really?"
She nodded, looking from me to Julia, "Wanna go for a swim?"
Julia jumped up, clapping her hands, "Yes, race you!"
With that, she slipped past Jude and ran down the way we came from. Leah let out a yelp as she jumped off the counter and threw her juice pouch in the direction of the trash can, missing completely. She ran after Julia, "That's not fair!"
I giggled as I ran after them, making my way to the staircase. I quickly grabbed my suitcases and lugged them upstairs, throwing them into an empty bedroom. I shut the door and locked it, quickly falling onto my knees and unzipping my suitcase. I rifled around it and groaned as I realized that my swimsuits might have been in the other suitcase. I crawled over to the other one and unzipped it, almost immediately finding one.
It was a pretty plain bikini, but boy did it impress. It was an all-black one-piece with wrap-around straps all around my front and back. I quickly slipped off my clothes and slipped on the bikini. I picked up my clothes and threw them across the bed and walked over to the mirror. I frowned when I realized I was too short and couldn't see my outfit. I could only see my little head peeking up to catch a glimpse of the rest of me.
With a groan, I looked around for a chair, but couldn't find one. My face lit up when I glanced at the bed. With a smile, I quickly climbed up on the bed and stood up, balancing slightly. I looked at the mirror and smiled. Even though I was standing really weirdly, the bikini made up for it.
I quickly got down and untied my hair, letting it fall around me. I grabbed my white cover-up and slipped it over my bikini and unlocked the door, running back downstairs. The house was quiet, but I could hear laughing and splashing coming from outside.
I ran through the dining room and kitchen and stepped outside through the open balcony doors. I smiled as I saw Dawson, Leah, and Julia all in the pool splashing around and laughing. Sitting under the shade on the chairs by the pool were Jude and Atlas. Jude was laughing at something Atlas was saying. Atlas smiled softly at his best friend.
I walked forward and smiled at Jude when he noticed me. I walked over to them and leaned on the warm table.
Jude smiled, "You look great, E."
"Thank you," I gushed.
Atlas turned his head and looked at me. I couldn't really tell what he was thinking because his blue eyes were covered by dark sunglasses. His pink lips were gently pulled between his teeth and his dark hair fell messily over his head. I let out a soft breath as I could feel his eyes burning holes through me.
"Eden, get in here!" Dawson called out and I looked up, smiling widely.
I didn't miss it when Atlas took off his shades, pulling them up and resting them on his head. His blue eyes locked with mine as I slipped off my cover-up. His eyes fell down to my neck, to my collarbone, down my chest, stopping at my torso before returning to my eyes. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I placed my cover-up on the chair.
I watched as Atlas slowly licked his lips before returning them back between his teeth. I sucked in a breath before looking away from him.
"You should join us," I told Jude before briefly looking back at Atlas, "Both of you."
Jude laughed, "Maybe later?"
I nodded and with one last glance at Atlas, I walked away and stopped at the edge of the pool.
"You sexy bitch!" Leah hollered and I smiled, ready to jump in and join them. I let out a gasp as I realized that I was still wearing my jewelry and stopped, stepping away from the pool.
"What? Babe, get in!" Julia yelled and I frowned.
"Wait," I yelled, turning back around and slipping off my earrings first, "I need to take my rings off."
I smiled sheepishly at Jude and Atlas as I walked back over to them. With every step I took, one ring came off. By the time, I reached the table, all of my rings came off except one. I placed my rings down on the table and went back to yanking my rings off.
"This freaking ring," I muttered to myself.
As I was getting really close to yanking my ring finger off, Atlas grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. I let out a breath in surprise as I stood in front of him and between his open legs. I nervously looked at Jude and smiled. He smiled back before laughing to himself and picking up his phone.
I frowned and turned back to Atlas. He had my hand in his and was gently twisting the ring around my finger, gradually slipping it off. I let out a breath when the ring slipped off my finger, leaving the area it was previously on red and agitated.
I watched as he stared at the knuckle my ring was on before placing the ring on the table with the others. I let out a small breath as I stepped away from him. Never have I been more glad to have shaved my knuckles before coming here.
I smiled at him, "Thanks,"
He nodded, before slipping his sunglasses back on, "Anytime,"
I nodded as my cheeks flushed red. I quickly turned around and ran towards the pool. Wasting no time to test the water's temperature, I jumped in, letting the cold water engulf my body. I stayed underwater for a few seconds before resurfacing and taking a breath, a laugh escaping my lips.
Julia swam up to me and smiled, wrapping her arms and legs around me. I laughed and swam in a circle with her hanging onto me. When she let go of me, she grabbed my hand and yanked me underwater. I smiled and peeked my eyes open. She made a face underwater and I stuck my tongue out at her. She let out a laugh and resurfaced. I followed her back up.
I pushed my hair off my face and she whipped her curly hair around. I let out a laugh and laid on my back, letting myself float on top of the water. Julia hung around me.
"This is nice," I smiled.
Julia laughed, "Yeah, it is."
It got quiet for a few seconds before she spoke again, "I wish every day can be like this."
"Yeah," I agreed, standing back up on my feet and frowning. I smiled quickly afterward, "But we'll make the most of it."
She nodded and smiled at something behind me. I turned around expecting Leah but instead saw Dawson who quickly shoved a tsunami of water at me. I let out a cough as I swallowed too much pool water, moving my hair off my face.
I glared at Dawson as Leah and Julia laughed. Dawson smiled cheekily and I glared at him harder, "Oh, you think that's funny?"
Before he could move, I pulled his arm forward and climbed up on his back, wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. I took in a deep breath and pushed myself backward, dunking the both of us underwater. I laughed as he let out a strangled yelp before he went under.
I quickly got off him and stepped back as he shot out of the water, coughing up pool water. He turned around and glared at me as he brushed his wet hair back. I let out a laugh, "Don't mess with me, Daws."
He let out a small growl before he pounced at me, but I quickly swam away. I let out a breath but screamed as I realized that he was chasing me. I ran through the water and climbed out of the pool in hopes of him giving up, but to no avail.
He followed me out of the water and started chasing me around the pool.
"Fuck, Dawson, I'm sorry," I screamed as I continued to run around the whole of the pool. Atlas had a small smile on his lips and Jude was laughing. Julia and Leah watched from the pool, clearly amused.
"I'm gonna kill you, Eden." He growled before he stopped, making me halt in my tracks and decide where he was going to go. He took a step to the right and I took a step to the left. He glared at me from the other side of the pool.
"What?" I asked, tauntingly, "Are you scared of a little water?"
He seemed to get angry at that and he shot around the pool, getting way too close to me. I let out a strangled scream and ran, but he was already on my heels.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I screamed as I ran over to Jude and Atlas, attempting to hide behind Jude's chair. Dawson ran up to the tables and as I turned to run back to the pool, Dawson's arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me up.
I let out another scream, "I'm sorry. Dawson, it was just a joke."
He wasn't listening, I realized as he walked over to the pool with me in his death grip. I tried to claw my way out as he neared the age of the pool, but he had too strong of a grip on me.
"Hey, that's not fair! You started this." I cried out.
He laughed an evil laugh before he threw me into the pool. As I landed in the pool with a shocking impact, I let myself sink to the bottom.
"Victory!" I heard Dawson scream from above and I pouted.
I made my way to the surface and took a deep breath. I glared at Dawson as I saw him smiling proudly as he flexed his muscles.
"Meanie," I pouted to which he laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him and climbed out of the pool.
"I will get you back, Daws." I grinned.
Pushing my hair off of my face, I stomped over to Jude and Atlas's table, plopping down on the empty seat. I grabbed a towel from the rack behind the chair and wrapped myself with it.
Jude and Atlas looked at me, small smiles on their lips. I groaned, "Can you guys stop? I'll throw you both in the pool right after Dawson."
Jude laughed but said nothing as he looked away. Atlas didn't look away, a small smirk on his lips.
"What?" I snapped to which he laughed. He actually laughed.
He shook his head, "Nothing, firecracker."
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Crazy Duke And Fallen Queen
She's the Queen who lost a war. And he's the man who won.
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Mafia's Obsession
"I am Jeon jungkook the one and only mafia king" i gasped as his breath brushed my ears."Will you you also beat me like them? Will you also hurt me e like my uncle did?" I started tearing up and my voice shattered into pieces.."Pl-please k-kill m-me I d-don't wan---" I was cutted off by a warm hug...What will happen to them? Will she accept his love?Will she love him back even after knowing that he's a mafia king? Will Jojo be able to live happy?Is Jungkook actually in love with her or playing with her feelings??..If u r finding a thrilling mafia love story with many twist then do watch.please forgive my mistakes I'm not good at all I'm also learning hope u all will like it...It's my Own story please don't copy my work or if something in my story is same as urs that will be a coincidence..
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Loving Marcello
After having her heart broken by the boy she'd been in love with her whole life, Brimmy Somell decides to take a little...vacation. Little does she know, it turns out to be much more permanent than she had originally thought. After meeting tall, sexy, and mysterious Marcello Pietro, Brimmy finds herself having to make a life-changing decision and putting herself in a dangerous position she'd never imagined to be in.°•°●°•°●°•°●°•°"I love you." He says with no hesitation.It takes a moment for my hazy mind to catch up. I'm still in a daze, mesmerized by his perfections, and the deep dimple set in his cheek.I blink, "What?""Don't make me say it again." He says, sounding frustrated, but I catch the hint of embarassment in his voice as he runs his hand through his hair and takes a step back.I grab a hold of the neckline to his shirt and yank him back within close proximity of me. "What if I want you to say it again?" I ask, studying his eyes."Isn't it enough that I said it once?" He scowls, trying to pull back, but I restrain him from doing so."Nope. Just say it one more time and I'll be satisfied." I state bravely, feeling a boost of confidence I didn't have earlier.He glances down, then looks back up into my eyes, allowing me to spot the vulnerability and uncertainty he feels."I love you." He says, putting more strength in his voice than he looks to have.I grin, pulling him in for a kiss, but right before I do, I say the one phrase that will seal my fate, "I love you too, big, bad mafia boss."•••••The story may be rough but the comment section makes up for it.•••••Word count: 51,173 •••••Written and published 2018-2019
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How To Write A Book
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Substitute Bride Phoenix, The Tyrant's Pampered Demon Empress
I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY. FOR OFFLINE PURPOSES ONLY.(Translations is not my work.)Despite being the ruler of a nation, nobody was willing to marry the vicious man with a bloodlust.An imperial decree forced an infamous fool, Minister Liu's Third Young Miss, to stand-in for a noble princess in the political marriage.Behind her seemingly plain looks and average existence, she actually turned out to be a rare beauty and the clan leader of assassins.From there on out, she was harassed by the tyrannical lord, as she embarked upon a dangerous path.Her: Become a demon and fight the heavens! Him: Spare some time to spoil her!This story has 600+ chapters only and its completed online. If you want to read ahead you can just search its title on google or safari.
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The Beauty Of Rose
**DRAFT MOSTLY**FOR FANS OF BRIDGERTONRose Axel is deformed from the burns she endured from her father. Her face is forever hidden under a veil. Her waist is much too wide, hips too ample. Too many prefer calling her fat. Or to her family, a cow. When hastily married after her father's death, to honor the agreement made in his will, she expects nothing of it. And she is right to think so. Matthew Whitfield is not happy upon receiving Rose as a bride. He cannot even look upon her, as she refuses to take off her veil, and has no features he considers attractive. The handsome charming Mr. Whitfield cannot be bothered by the likes of his wife. She is the fulfillment of a contract and nothing more. So he takes a mistress, and falls in love. Victoria Sill is everything Rose is not. Beautiful, gliding, and glowing. She's interested in one thing only, and that is to hold the title of Matthew's wife, Mrs. Whitfield. She doesn't care who she has to crush to get her way, be it Rose herself. Victoria always get what she wants. Be it one way or other. Soon Rose falls upon a secret that turns the tables. In addition, Victoria finds a way to become closer to the Whitfield name. A child. As the circumstances shift, and the Whitfield mansion is thrown into uproar, will this situation bring Matthew and Rose together?Or will Victoria succeed in keeping them apart?----#35 in victorian 5/13/22#1 in oldtimes 5/23/22#2 in regency 5/28/22#1 in bridgerton 6/15/22[[word count: 80,000-100,000 words]]
8 78