along to the lyrics of Royals by Lorde as I tried to fit into the uncomfortable dress I was going to wear tonight.
It was nearing 8 o'clock in the evening and Leah, Julia, and I were in my room getting changed. Julia and Leah were in the bathroom as I attempted to fit in the dress Leah picked out for me. Lorde was blasting from the speaker they had dragged into the bathroom which was not helping the headache I had, but I hummed along anyway.
The boys were downstairs. They showered and got changed at least an hour ago and were downstairs watching a sports game. I wasn't sure which one, but they sounded excited from up here.
Julia did my makeup a while ago and Leah curled my hair for me. Leah and Julia were in the bathroom finishing up their makeup. I, again, was trying to fit into the dress.
The dress I was trying to fit into was brand new. Tonight would be the first time I would wear the dress and Julia and Leah were excited to see me in it. The dress was black and velvet. The right side of the dress ended right after my hip and cascaded down under my left knee. It was sleeveless but was being held up with two thin Spaghetti straps, a long zipper held the dress together.
With the dress, Leah handed me a long piece of jewelry. It was gold and thin on one side and the other side was studded with bright white diamonds. I had fastened the long necklace around my neck and let it fall and rest on my cleavage. With the remaining length of the necklace, I fastened it around my waist.
I got the dress around my hip, but now all I had to do was shimmy it to the top and up to my shoulders. I held onto the sides and braced myself before jumping up as I pulled the dress up. I let out a sigh of relief when the dress was now around my chest. Just a little bit more...
"Hey, Eden! Are you ready?" Julia called out and I groaned slightly as the dress's straps were finally able to slip over my shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah. Can you zip me up though?" I called back.
A few seconds later, Julia walked out of the bathroom and I gasped as I looked at her. She looked stunning. Her curly hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, a few strands framing her face. Her makeup was done naturally except for her lips which were a deep shade of red. As for her dress, she was dressed simply in a beige jersey bodycon. As for jewelry, she had on a simple bracelet and a ring.
"Woah," I breathed as I stared at her. She rolled her eyes, laughing softly as she blushed. She didn't know she was absolute model material and it annoyed me. She was... beautiful!
"Turn around," She said when she was in front of me. I nodded and saluted her as I turned around, ready for her to zip me up. I sucked in a deep breath as she grabbed the small zipper, pulling it up.
She struggled for a second towards the end but successfully pulled the dress close. I let out a breath and relaxed into the dress. I turned around a smiled at her.
"How do I look?" I asked, smiling widely.
She nodded, tapping her chin in thought, "I would totally fuck you right now."
I let out a loud laugh and smiled after, "Thank you,"
She laughed and pulled me forward towards the direction of the bathroom, "Leah! Eden's ready! Come take a look at our baby!"
I laughed as I stepped into the bathroom as Leah turned around. She let out a soft gasp as she covered her lips, "Eden! You look so sexy!"
I laughed, "Shut up. Look at you!"
Leah looked beautiful. Her blonde hair was straightened and pulled back into a low ponytail. Her dress was a deep shade of red, held up with a cowl neck and spaghetti straps. Around her neck hung a gold layered necklace.
She let out a laugh and smiled, "We all look hot as fuck. God damn."
"Are you guys done yet?" We heard Dawson scream from downstairs over the music playing in the background. Leah clicked a button on the speaker and the music shut off.
"We should probably get going," Julia said as she walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed, slipping her clear heels onto her feet. Leah nodded and grabbed her purse before walking out of the bathroom. I followed and looked around for my heels.
Julia and Leah started to walk out of the room and I looked up, "I'll meet you guys downstairs. I just need to find my shoes."
They smiled and nodded. Julia waved, "Okay, babe."
I walked back into the bathroom and frowned when I didn't see my shoes. Turning back around, I got down on my knees and looked under the bed. I let out a breath of relief when I saw them lying on their sides. I quickly grabbed them and got onto my feet.
I then grabbed my phone and wallet and with my heels in hand, I walked out of my room, turning the lights off and closing the door.
From downstairs, I heard laughing and talking. I sped up and took the steps two at a time, quickly turning into the kitchen and spotting everyone outside.
It was dark outside so the lights were on in the pool and around the house. The moon was high up in the sky and the waves crashing onto the shore could be heard a few yards from the house. Leah and Julia were standing in the group and talking with the guys.
Jude was dressed in a pair of black joggers and a white dress shirt which did a lot for him. he looked fresh and pretty handsome. Next to him, Dawson was dressed in a plain black shirt and a pair of black jeans. Over his shirt, he had slipped on a bright orange jacket that made him look nice. Leah was all over him which I found hilarious.
Lastly, Atlas was dressed in a pair of black pants. For a top, he was dressed in an oversized, white, short-sleeved dress shirt. On his wrist was the same silver watch, dragging all the attention to his long fingers and veiny arms. I sucked in a breath as he ran his hand through his hair that was the perfect amount of messy and neat.
Jude turned around and looked at me smiling, widely. I smiled back and bounded over to them, the rest of the group's attention falling onto me. My wide smile faltered into a nervous one.
"You look amazing," Jude said, smiling kindly at me. I beamed at him, my wide smile returning to my face.
I walked over to the table and placed my wallet and phone down. I stepped away from the table and frowned slightly when I noticed that I was standing next to Atlas. His cologne wafted around me, enveloping me in his scent, making my nerves loosen and my body relax.
I bent down and placed my black heels onto the floor as the group conversed around me. They paid no attention to me as I struggled to slip my last heel on. As I released my hand and slipped my foot in, I fell forward and let out a yelp as I stumbled into Atlas.
I let out a soft gasp as his hands landed on my hips, steadying my body against his. I took in a deep breath as his blue eyes stared down at me, taking me in. I blinked a few times before I realized that I was still pressed against him.
I stumbled away from him and my cheeks heated up as his eyes ran up and down my body. I watched as his eyes ran down my neck, following the trail of the necklace I was wearing. He took in a deep breath and looked away, "Fuck,"
I blinked, "I- Um, I'm sorry."
He turned his head back to me and stared at me, his lips falling to my lips briefly before looking me in the eye again.
"It's fine," He said, cracking a small smile after. I smiled as my cheeks tinted pink. I looked away as the group behind us readied to climb into the car that was waiting for us outside. We made our way to the front and locked the door after us.
Jude explained to us that he and Atlas had fake ID's so they'd be fine. He said the rest of us should be able to get in because the club we were going to wasn't strict about age (unless you looked like an actual child). He said we would be fine and shouldn't worry.
The driver spoke to Atlas in Spanish and after that, we were off. After a few minutes of driving, the driver turned on the radio and everyone in the car danced around to the Spanish music coming from the speakers.
When we finally arrived at the club, everyone filed out. People were walking in and out of the club as loud music boomed from inside the building. The glowing sign on top of the building was in English and read Nuts and Bolts. I snorted quietly at the name.
All of us stood in line as we waited to get checked at the front. When we finally arrived, the man took Atlas and Jude's IDs and looked at them. He nodded at them and Atlas turned around, gesturing towards us as he said a few words to the bouncer.
The guy looked at us and frowned. He nodded and gestured for Julia and Leah to come through. Dawson groaned behind me, "Do we really look that young?"
I laughed, "It's okay. I have an idea I can try. Saw it in a movie."
Dawson made a sound but said nothing. Atlas stood next to the bouncer as he looked at Dawson and me. He shook his head.
I let out a small sigh and pouted, looking up at the man, "Please. I promise I'll behave."
The man's eyes darkened a little, but he frowned as he thought it over, "Uh-"
I stepped forward and tucked my hair behind my ear, "You can even keep an eye on me if you'd like..."
He hesitated, but eventually nodded, gesturing for me to get in. he stopped Dawson and I frowned. I smiled and stepped onto my toes, placing my hand on the man's chest. He took in a deep breath as he stared at my lips. I ignored the deadly glare Atlas was giving me.
"Can you let him in, too?" I breathed out.
The man took his lip between his teeth and took in a deep breath, "Fine, get in. I'll keep an eye on you, princesa."
I smiled and stepped back, winking at him after, "I'm counting on it."
With that, I wasted no time running up the steps and through the club doors. Leah wrapped me in a hug, "Oh, my God, Eden. You go, bitch!"
I let out a laugh and took in a breath, "That was scary!"
Julia laughed next to me, "That was fucking great!"
I laughed and turned around to the rest of the group as we walked into the main room. Loud music boomed around us, shaking the ground we were standing on. All around us, red LED lights shone, making me even more excited.
Jude spoke up, "So, make sure you guys stay close and keep an eye on each other. Just don't go too crazy, okay?"
Leah saluted Jude, "Yes, sir."
Julia laughed as she nodded along to what he was saying. I nodded along with Dawson and Alas and Jude let out a relieved smile.
"Now, go away. Go get shit-faced!" He laughed and Leah whooped as she grabbed Julia and I's hands, pulling us onto the dancefloor. I laughed as we pushed ourselves forward and into the middle of the dancefloor. We started shaking our bodies and dancing to an upbeat Spanish song playing overhead. I laughed.
We danced for a while, our bodies now sweaty and aching. Leah and Julia came back and forth with new drinks every few minutes. Whenever they'd say something, they slur their words and giggle after for no reason. I laughed at them.
I watched as Dawson walked away from another girl and snuck up on Leah. She let out a giddy laugh as he snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her towards him. She dropped her head onto his shoulder and held his head closer to her by her hands. I laughed as she shook her hips and pressed them against his hips. I laughed as I watched Dawson's face contort into one of pain before relaxing and smiling into her neck.
I let out a small gasp as someone suddenly took my hand and turned me around. I smiled at the guy in front of me. He looked to be about a few years older than me and American. He was tall and had a head of light brown hair that could have passed off for blonde. His eyes were brown like mine's, sitting beautifully under thick lashes.
He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a graphic tee. On his wrists sat about a dozen bracelets and wristbands.
"Well, hello there." I laughed as he pulled me closer, pressing my body to his.
He let out a melodic laugh, "Hello, beautiful. I'm William-- Will, if you'd like."
I laughed as I took his arms and wrapped them around my waist, "Are you one of those guys that go to those very expensive boarding schools and go yachting?"
He let out a loud laugh, "It's a private school and no, I'm getting a yacht for my birthday next year."
I let out a loud laugh and dropped my head on his shoulder. He laughed into the side of my head and I let out a sigh. I let out a surprised yelp when he turned me around and pulled me closer. I heard him let out a small breath as I pressed my ass into him. I let out a small laugh.
His hand wrapped around my neck and he turned my head to face him. A small smirk pulling at the edge of his lips, "Oh, you think that's funny?"
I let out a breath as his hand tightened around my throat, his other hand gripping my thigh. I nodded, "It kinda is. Don't you think?"
He laughed and trailed his lips against my ear causing a shiver to run down my back, "What's your name, beautiful?"
I smiled, "Eden,"
He made a sound of approval, "Fitting name,"
I nodded, "My mom tells me the same thing."
He let out a loud laugh and turned me around to face him, his hands never leaving my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he smiled, "You're funny,"
I nodded, "Very."
Before he could respond, I let out a gasp as Don't Tell 'Em by Jeremih and YG started playing, "Oh, my God, I love this song. Will you dance with me?"
He laughed, "We've been dancing, but okay."
I smiled and turned back around, swaying my hips and smiling back at Will as he stared at me.
Rhythm is a dancer, I need a companion
Girl, I guess that must be you
He stepped forward and grabbed my hips, pulling me towards him as his hands wandered over my body. I let out a laugh and dropped my head back onto his shoulder as we continued to dance.
Body like the summer, fuckin' like no other
Don't you tell 'em what we do
He took in a breath as I ground my ass into his obvious erection. I looked back and brought my index finger to my lips as the last line sounded. He smirked and pressed his lips to my neck, dragging his teeth softly down my neck. I let out a breath as my body heated up.
His hands were demanding yet not creepy. It was nice because I realized that I have never been touched in a sexually and playful manner the way he does. The way his hands glided over my stomach and gripped my hips like they were the only things in the world he'd possibly want, made my body pulsate. I felt sexy, but I felt good, most of all.
Only is you got me feeling like this
Oh, why, why, why, why, why
Loving while grabbing the rhythm of your hips
That's right, right, right, right, right
We danced for a while and I was starting to get a little tired as I noticed a familiar figure pass by. My arms fell from around Will as I noticed his sluggish body move to God knows where. Will turned my face towards him and frowned, "What's wrong?"
"I-" I took in a deep breath and frowned in Atlas's direction, "I think I just saw one of my-"
Will didn't press which I was thankful for, "Sure, go ahead. I'll catch you later."
I nodded, smiling at him, "Yeah, come find me in a little."
He smiled and scratched the back of his neck, "I will,"
With that, I turned around and dragged my legs towards where I assumed Atlas was. I was walking down a long hallway but stopped when I noticed a door closing. With a sigh, I pushed forward and grabbed the door, swinging it open.
I was now outside in an empty alley. The street was a few feet away from where I was standing and I smiled up at the buildings in front of me. The open windows and balconies letting in the moonlight made the street much homier. I looked around and frowned when I saw Atlas laying down on the bench by the street.
I quietly made my way down the steps and slowly made my way to the bench. I took in a breath and brushed my hair from my face.
"Atlas..." I started and I watched as he groaned and hid his face under his arm. He moved a little, but winced immediately after, a small laugh bubbling out of him. I frowned in confusion.
I stepped in front of the bench and crouched down in front of him, "Are you okay?"
A smile stretched onto his lips, "I hate that question."
I frowned again. His hair was a mess like he's been running his hand through it over and over again. His face was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and his face was flushed.
"What happened?" I asked to which, again, he laughed.
"What usually happens when I get in my head." He laughed, "Why the fuck do you even care, Eden? Aren't you supposed to be grinding your ass on Country Club?"
I frowned, "What?"
He sat up and finally opened his eyes, his blue eyes cold and hard, the whites of his eyes red. He took in a breath as his eyes ran down my body again. I stood up and he took in a sharp breath, "Fuck, Eden."
My cheeks tinted red, but I frowned in annoyance, "What?"
His eyes shut again, a small smile making its way to his lips, "What?"
"You keep doing that? Why?" I asked, "Am I turning you on or some shit?"
He peeked his eyes open and he let out a long laugh, making me feel uncomfortable as I just stood there. When he finally stopped laughing, he looked at me, "Do you really have to ask that question?"
I frowned and let out a groan, turning around and making my way back to the club. I stopped as I heard him let out a groan and a thud followed shortly after. I turned around and let out a gasp as I saw him sprawled on the floor. As I walked back towards him, he turned around and laid down on the floor.
I stood over him, "Get up, Atlas."
He smirked, his eyes closed again, "Make me,"
I groaned, "Why can't you just go back to being quiet, mysterious, and annoying Atlas? That I can deal with,"
He laughed at me mockingly, "Fuck you, Eden."
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