in bed. I didn't want to get up or move or do anything, but everyone else had different plans. Knock after knock, Atlas kept letting everyone in our room. Julia was laying down next to me and brushing my hair from my face. Leah was sitting at my feet watching an episode of SpongeBob Square Pants. Dawson and Jude were playing a game of Uno while Atlas was in the shower.
He was the last of us to get ready, not including me. I was still wrapped in my covers. I didn't want to get up. My body was refusing to acknowledge that I couldn't sit here and revel in my self-pity. Tears started to prickle my eyes again and I stuffed my face into my pillow to hide my tears from the others.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Julia whispered to me.
I shook my head and held onto my covers even tighter, "Please, I don't want to do anything today. Just leave me here."
Julia sighed, "Ede, today's practically our last day here. Don't you want to do something fun?"
I shook my head and sat up, "I'm sorry I'm being such a pain. I know we're supposed to have fun and shit because we're on vacation, but I can't today." I huffed.
Leah looked back at us and smiled worriedly. Behind her, the bathroom door opened and Atlas stepped out, this time fully dressed. He had dressed in a pair of black jeans and a loose white button-up with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. A silver watch sat on his wrist making his outfit look even nicer and classier than it should have. I looked away.
"Can you guys just leave me? I think I'm just going to sleep in today." I muttered into my pillow.
With a sigh, Julia planted a soft kiss on my head and everyone filed out of the room. I let out a sigh when I heard the hotel door click shut. I curled up under my covers and let out a breath as I felt my tears slip down my cheeks.
It was horrible of me to treat my friends like this and ruin their vacation, but I just wanted to be alone. Going with them, I'd just bring them down with me. I couldn't be selfish and do that to them.
I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the door open again. I quickly wiped away my tears and stayed quiet in hopes of them thinking I fell asleep. But with my luck, the person didn't.
I felt the bed dip next to me and I stayed quiet. The last person I thought would come in here spoke up, his voice soft, but demanding. "Eden, get up."
I huffed, "Go away, Atlas."
It was quiet for a second, but then I felt his hand wrap around my hand, pulling me up to a sitting position. My eyes met his blue ones and I stopped, wiping away my tears.
"Come on, go get ready." He said, looking at me softly. My bottom lip trembled as I looked away from him.
"Please, Atlas. I don't want to go anywhere." I pleaded to which he rolled his eyes. I watched as he rose to his full height and pulled me up with him. I stared up at him. He was so close to me and he looked so good, I didn't know how my knees were even holding me up right now. I probably looked like a dollar store Santa clause in my red shorts. That thought made me want to cry even harder.
"You don't have to act, you'll be okay. It'll just be us."He said and at that, my shoulders relaxed. My eyes met his and I held them. Why was he doing this? I've been nothing but rude to him. He looked at me like what I was going through was normal. Like he understood and didn't judge me.
Was that why I was so comfortable being alone with him?
I took in a breath. Just us...
"Promise?" I asked, hoping that it was true.
He cracked a smile and I realized that this was the first time I've seen him smile. He nodded, "Promise."
I nodded, sighing softly, "Just give me a few minutes."
I silently walked over to my suitcase and grabbed an outfit that'd make me look like a collected person even though my brain was going haywire. With my things in hand, I shuffled over to the bathroom and slid the door shut. I looked at the shower and wondered if I'd have enough time for a quick shower.
Deciding that I would, I slipped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower. When the burning water ran down my hair, back, and neck, I finally felt all the knots and tension in my body wash away. I let out a contentful sigh and continued with my shower.
When I had finished scrubbing my body clean, rinsing myself off, and drying and moisturizing my body, I slipped on my clothes. I brushed my hair with my brush and left it down to dry. I looked at myself in the mirror and offered myself a smile. I frowned at how out of it I looked. I looked half-dead.
My outfit made my appearance a little better. For my pants, I was dressed in a pair of light blue mom jeans. As for my top, I had decided to wear a mesh floral bralette. I played the outfit up with a gold necklace and bracelet.
I quickly cleaned up the bathroom and slipped my socks and shoes on. Once I was done, I slid the door opened and put my things away. I looked up and noticed Atlas sitting on the bed, his phone in hand.
When Atlas looked up and his eyes met mine, I suddenly felt bare under his gaze. His eyes ran down my chest and legs and back up again, his eyes finally meeting mines again. I stared at my feet.
"I'm ready," I whispered, silently wishing for him to stop staring at me like that and get out. I looked back up and watched as he rose to his full height and pocketed his phone. He made his way towards me and stopped, gesturing for me to walk out the door with his arms.
I grabbed my purse from the side of the bed and walked ahead of Atlas, swinging the door open and walking through it. Atlas held open the door and followed me down the hallway. I was hyperaware of how close he was as I pressed the down button on the elevator.
I stepped back and stood next to Atlas as we waited for the elevator to arrive on our floor. When it finally did, the doors opened revealing two girls in their mid-20's, standing and talking animatedly to each other. They quieted down when we stepped in.
The elevator's doors closed and I stood next to Atlas, his arm gently pressed against mine. It was quiet for about two seconds before the girl with the short red hair spoke. She turned to me and smiled, "I don't mean to be weird, but you're absolutely gorgeous."
A wide smile made its way to my face and the girl smiled back. I wrung my hand together, "Thank you and so are you. Well, I mean the both of you."
She laughed and the girl next to her smiled, as she tucked her long brown hair behind her ears, "Thank you,"
I smiled just as the door opened with a ding. The girls smiled at us once more before walking out of the elevators. Atlas and I stepped out, too.
We walked into the lobby of the hotel and I looked around. My face twisted into a disgusted sneer when I saw the lady with the pencil skirt in the lobby. I watched her face light up when her eyes landed on Atlas's wandering ones. I rolled my eyes as she made her way towards us at alarming speeds.
She smiled widely when she was in front of us, "Atlas, love, how are you?"
I scrunched my nose in disgust and crossed my arms. I looked up at Atlas who had a small smile on his lips, "I'm good."
It got quiet for two seconds before the lady finally found something else to say, "You're leaving tomorrow, right? How about I show you around to the best restaurants here? It'll be fun."
I wanted to punch her in her little perfect teeth. Firstly because everyone knew England had pretty shit food and we already went to the few nice ones. Secondly, because she was completely ignoring my existence. I huffed.
Atlas shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I'm taking Eden out for a while..."
I mentally pumped my fist in the air, but the lady didn't look affected at all. She smiled, "How about I join you guys?"
At that, I didn't feel mad or annoyed in the slightest, I just felt sorry and embarrassed for her. Talk about desperate.
Atlas again smiled politely. I wondered how he could smile so nicely even though this lady was annoying in every single way. If I was in his spot, she'd already had a huge bruise forming on her cheek.
"I promised Eden that it'd just be us two." He spoke.
I smiled graciously at him but stopped when the lady's eyes burned holes through mines. I frowned at her and met her eye with the same fire.
"Is something the matter?" I asked, feigning innocence when we both knew I was far from it.
I watched her clench her jaws and I almost burst out in laughter, "No, everything's fine. Just have fun."
And with those last words, she turned around and clicked away on her sky-high heels. I let out a sigh and turned to atlas who had an amused look on his face.
"What?" I rolled my eyes.
He shook his head, "Nothing, firecracker."
I rolled my eyes and bit back the smile making its way to my face, "Hey, she was being really annoying."
Atlas said nothing as he walked ahead of me and out the door. I followed him and let out a breath as I took in a lungful of the cool air. I walked next to Atlas and silently wondered where we were going. I looked up at him and smiled to myself.
His eyes darted from one thing to the next. The smallest things caught his eye and he'd stare at it, entranced by whatever it was that was so interesting to him. It's like he found something beautiful in everything he saw.
I was startled out of my thoughts when my phone rang in my back pocket. I picked it up and mentally sneered at the person who was calling. Atlas glanced at me and I pocketed my phone, deciding to ignore her call. Eventually, the phone quieted down.
Atlas and I crossed the street and as we stepped on the other side, my phone rang again. I let out a groan and plucked my phone out of my pocket. It was her again.
Reluctantly, I picked up her call and pressed my phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked into the phone.
"Eden! Hi!" Amanda's voice sounded through the phone. I rolled my eyes as I pulled on a fake smile.
"Amanda! How are you?" I asked, my voice rising an octave. I mentally sneered at how she made me change how I talked and acted around her.
She laughed, "I'm so good! And I saw your stories, you look fucking gorgeous! How's England treating you?"
I smiled, "Thank you. And yeah, England's been nice. I like it here."
She laughed, "Yeah, it's absolutely divine!"
I nodded, but before I could say something else, she spoke up again, "So, where are you guys going next?"
"Uh, Spain," I said.
She let out an excited squeal and laughed after, "Oh my God, send me pictures. Spain is amazing! Make sure you take a boat tour when you get there. It's so worth it."
I laughed and nodded along, wishing that she'd find someone else to torture, "Yeah, we will."
"How are Julia and Leah? Are you boring them yet?" She laughed.
I frowned and took in a breath. I really hated her passive-aggressive comments.
"No, the boys are keeping them entertained." I bit back.
She laughed, "Boys?"
"Yeah, yeah. They're having a good time." I said.
She let out a terse laugh and I laughed along, "But I' so glad we'll be able to cross paths in Greece."
I stopped, "What?"
She laughed, "Yeah, I called your mom and she told me that you guys will be in Greece in mid-July."
I nodded, "Yeah, we are."
I frowned and looked up at Atlas whose eyes were already on me. I made a gag-me gesture and he laughed. I turned around and took in a breath.
"Hey, Amanda. I have to go, but I'm so glad I'll be able to see you. It's been too long." I gritted my teeth.
She laughed, "Yeah and I'll let you go. Boys to impress with that pretty smile of yours."
Before I could ask her what the fuck that meant, she hung up. I dropped my hand from near my ear and let my jaw drop.
"What the fuck?" I muttered, but my phone wasted no time in ringing again.
I bit back a curse and glanced at the screen. I let out a breath when I noticed that it was Mom calling. I quickly picked up.
"Hey, Mom." I smiled.
"Eden! Baby, how are you?" She asked and I could feel the excitement coming from her from 3000 miles away. A warm smile made its way to my lips.
"I'm great. How are you?" I asked.
I let out a yelp when I was suddenly pulled into Atlas's side. Not even a split second later, a bike zoomed over where I was standing. I let out a breath and blushed as I stepped away from Atlas. I silently thanked him.
"Eden, are you okay?" Mom asked from the other side of the phone.
"Yeah, yeah. People in England are just rude." I laughed.
She laughed along, "Are you having fun?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "It's been absolutely great. Thank you so much for this."
She laughed, "Of course, you deserve this."
I smiled as it quieted down, "I miss you,"
She let out a sigh, "I miss you so much more."
"You know what? FaceTime me, I wanna see that beautiful face." Mom blurted out and I pouted.
"Mom, no-" But the phone was already ringing again with a FaceTime request. I groaned and pulled the phone away from me and accepted her call.
When her face came up on the screen, I didn't realize how much I actually missed her. Her brown hair was pulled into a loose bun and her warm brown eyes shone under the living room light. I smiled widely.
"Awh, Eden. Look at you!" She gushed, "You've already grown so much!"
I rolled my eyes, hiding the blush making its way to my cheeks. I avoided all eye contact with Atlas or I would never hear the end of it.
I laughed, "It's only been a week, Mom."
She nodded, "Yeah, too long."
I rolled my eyes, letting out a laugh. Atlas and I started to near the edge of a long body of water. The air started to smell clearer and fresher and I smiled widely at the little boats floating away in the distance.
"Where are you? Who's that next to you?" She asked.
I smiled and turned the camera a little, Atlas's face showing up on the camera a little. Mom let out a small gasp.
"Atlas! How are you, dear?" She smiled excitedly.
He laughed a little and my lips parted a little. The most real laugh I had seen from him this whole trip was because of Mom and my God, was it beautiful. His eyes crinkled a little and his white teeth shone brightly as his pink lips pulled into a smile. I let out a breath.
"I'm good. How are you, Helena?" He asked.
She laughed, "Oh, I'm fine, dear. Are you having fun?"
He nodded, "Yeah, I am. The change in scenery was well-needed."
She laughed, "Yeah, I know. Don't tell Eden, but this trip was more for you and Jude than it was for her."
"Hey!" I pouted, "What does that mean?"
Mom laughed and Atlas laughed with her, "It's just a joke, sweetie."
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, sure."
Mom laughed, "You guys made my day today. It was wonderful seeing your beautiful faces."
I laughed, "You mean mine, right?"
She laughed and Atlas rolled his eyes. Mom let out a breath, "You'll call me, Eden, right?"
I nodded, "I will. We're leaving tomorrow morning so I'll call you before our flight."
She nodded, "Good. And call your Dad when you can. I bet he misses you."
I nodded, "I will,"
She sighed, "Love you, princess."
I smiled, widely, "Love you more,"
I let out a breath when she hung up and I pocketed my phone. I looked at Atlas and blushed when I noticed how he was smiling at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You and your Mom's relationship," He said, "It's nice."
I laughed, quieting down after a while.
"Yeah, I don't know where I'd be without her. She keeps me going, ya know?" I smiled fondly.
Atlas smiled longingly and I frowned up at him. I didn't hear much about his relationship with his parents. He never talked about it and I didn't want to intrude by asking. The only shred of information I had was from Jude. He had told me that he had a tough childhood and that his parents tried their best to help him, but couldn't. I wanted to ask more, but I didn't want to seem rude.
Maybe he wouldn't mind if I asked...
"What about your parents?" I asked, staring at our feet walking in rhythm.
He let out a sigh and didn't say anything for a while. As I began to think that he would ignore my question, he spoke up.
"They tried their best," He said and I nodded along as if I knew what that meant. I tilted my head up and noticed that his eyes were distant like he was recalling a sad memory. I let out an inaudible sigh and wondered what was going on in his mind that seemed so out of it all the time.
I blushed and looked away when he turned his head and his blue eyes met mine. I took in a breath.
Not being able to take any more of the silence, I spoke up, "Where are we going?"
We had stepped onto a cobblestone path as a river opened up on our right. I let out a breath as I stared at the Cerulean blue water. I ran up to the edge and held onto the railing separating me from the vast river. The sky was much lighter than the morning water as the cool fresh air nipped my skin. I let out a small laugh and looked back at Atlas.
"It's the Thames," Atlas said as he stood next to me, his hands gripping the railings. I smiled up at him and he smiled for me before looking away and back to the sky that he seemed so entranced with. I sighed in content.
I turned around and walked over to the benches that sat under a tree, far behind it a long stretch of greenery. I took a seat and curled my feet under me, wrapping my arms around them. Atlas walked over and took a seat next to me. I let out a breath as I was very aware of his arm softly brushing against mine.
It was quiet for a few minutes as we breathed in the air around us. I looked up at the Ferris Wheel in the distance and frowned.
"What?" Atlas asked suddenly.
I pulled my eyes away from the Ferris Wheel and looked at Atlas. I smiled hesitantly, "I'm afraid of heights."
He frowned, "How? You seemed fine on the plane."
I shook my head, "I don't like being so high up and noticing it. On the plane, I sat in the middle and kept myself busy so I wouldn't remember that I was so high up."
Atlas nodded and I waited a few seconds before saying anything, "What about you?"
"Hmm?" He asked, turning his head to look at me. He had zoned out in the two seconds we didn't speak. When he turned and looked at me, his eyes refocused. I frowned at that.
"Are you afraid of heights?" I asked again.
He shook his head, looking up at the trees and the squirrels jumping from branch to branch. I watched his adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed. His hands that sat on his thighs balled into fists for a few seconds then relaxed. He did that a few times like he was following a routine before he spoke.
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