《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁ Kitsune!Shouto x reader


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In a small kingdom near an endless forest a festival was being set. The star festival, a lovers Festival. In a cave not to far away candles are lit there and the couple's names are engraved on the candles. It believe that if a couples Place their candle within the cave their love will be blessed.

"Hey Y/n a romantic bouquet of flowers please?" Denki asked as he placed 3 silver on the counter.

"So who's lucky gal?" Y/n asked as she started to arrange a flower bouquet.

"Jirou finally said yes to go to the star festival with me. And it wasn't out of pity this time," Denki said with such pride. Y/n chuckled and rolled her eyes as she handed Denki the flowers.

"Well good luck Denki," Y/n said with bright smile.

"Don't worry I got it all figures out, plus I still have a week to work out details," Denki said as he walked into a nearby pole.

Y/n shook her head as she closed the shop for an hour. She needed some more flowers, so it was off into the woods.

As Y/n strolled through the forest unaware of a pair of Heterochromic eyes watching her from the shadows. Y/n soon came across a beautiful patch of flowers bushes. She began to collect the flowers, when she noticed a pair of eyes staring at her from within the Bush.

Before she could blink the creature dashed of deeper into the forest. Curiosity getting the better of her quickly followed it into the forest. Past the trees and over little rivers, she wondered deeper and deeper into the forest. Suddenly she heard a loud cry not to far ahead. Running towarss the cry she eventually found the source. A strange looking boy with Half red and white hair and fox ears.

His leg seemed to be caught in a bear trap, and it really messed up his legs. The boy was panting heavily, he looked very messy and disheveled. Like he was Running out here for days. His clothes were all torn and covered in all sorts of filth. Y/n tried to get closer, but the boy gave her a menacing Growl and stared daggers at her. But this didn't deter her as she came closer to him. As she knelt down to the trap something sharp slached against her cheek and deep. Just under her right eye. The Kitsune slashed at the girl as a warning as his fur stood on end.


"Don't worry I'm here to help you-,"

"Over there! I think the creature ran this way!!" Shouted a males voice. Y/n could tell those were Hunters.

"And I'll protect you from them," Y/n reasoned with the Kitsune. But before He could responed his whole world went black.


When I finally came to I felt warm and cozy. I was wrapped in a heavy but warm blanket. Looking around the room, it looked normal. Next to the bed was a nightstand on it was delicious looking food.

I quickly scarffed down the food and layed down back in the bed. It's been awhile since the last time I had a full stomach. I suddenly heard the door open to see that girl again, a large bandage covered her right cheek just under the eye.

"Oh your awake, and Hungry I see," she giggled as she took away my finished plated.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked her suspiciously.

"Well I wasn't going to leave for dead in the woods, so I had to help," she answered simply as she left the room.

I tried to move my legs only for my right leg to flaring pain. I removed the blankets to inspect it, it was wrapped in bandages it was still kind of bloody. So I guess I'm stuck here for a while. I suddenly hear a crashs, then a soft I'm okay.


Staying with Y/n for the past 6 days, she's a very cheerful girl, but stupidly clumsy. She would always trips on the same step on the stairs, ramming her hips on the same corners, or her knocking something over. Sometimes I wonder how she's capable of walking after what she puts her body through.

But thanks to her my leg got better, I still walk with a slight limp but I can handle it. Though I'm sure to say I don't think Y/n could survive without me. Always catching her from her fall or objects she knocks over. So I decided to stick around, and there was never a day I regretted that decision.



Shouto waited down stairs for Y/n. Today was the day of the star festival. Shouto used his powers to hide his ears and tail.

"I'm ready for the star festival, Shouto," Y/n called as she came into the leaving room showing off her kimono and hair due.

Shouto could feel his heart flutter in his chest as she entered the room. She smiled warmly at him as she hugged Shouto's arm as the left the house. The festival was lively as everyone played games, talked, and at all sorts of foods.

"Hey Y/n! I see you got a date yourself," Denki said with a sly smile.

"I don't know if it's like that," Y/n said turning slightly red.

As Y/n and Denki kept talking Shouto tapped Jirou's shoulder to ask her a question.

"Why are there people with candles?" Shouto asked.

"Oh, not to far away is a cave. Inside there is a shrine for the goddess of love Midnight. And if you light a candle with your name and your crush or lover in that cave, the goddess is said to bless you and your other," Jirou explained.

Shouto's heart soared as his cheeks turned slightly pink.

"W-where can I get a candle?" He asked in a whisper.

"Umm see that stand with the elderly couple," she pointed " over there,"

Shouto nodded and quickly walked over to them a bought a candle. With a carving knife the couple provided, Shouto carved his and Y/n's name onto the candle. The group slowly made there way towards the mouth of the cave till.

"Shouto go ahead without me I want to get you something,"Y/n said as she ran back towards the town.

Shouto wondered into the cave as everyone and couples lit their candles. Shouto found a more secluded spot and light his candle, and prayed to Goddess of love to allow such a relationship. A love between a human and a Kitsune.

As Shouto got up to go, he failed to notice that the flame on his candle change. To a passionate pink flame.

"There You are Shouto," Y/n said with a cheery smile.

"What is that?" Shouto asked as he pointed to the cones in Y/n's hands.

"Oh I got one for you, it's a crepe. They're pretty popular around this time," Y/n said as she handed Shouto one.

Shouto hestitanly took the treat and watched Y/n take a bit out of hers. She had a cute smile of delight, not realizing that she had some cream on the top of her nose. With a small laugh and sigh Shouto uses his sleeve to clean his beloved's face.

"Shall we be off?" Shouto asked as he offered her his arm.

"Yes," Y/n said as she hugged his arm.

High above the trees the Goddess Midnight smiled at the two odd lover down below. With Shouto's candle in hand.

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