《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁Mermaid!Deku x reader


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"Kota don't swim out to far!" I called out to my little brother.

The waves were getting higher and rougher on my 6 yr old brother on a small kick board.

"HELP ME! Y/N!!" He cried out as he clung to his kick board for dear life.

The storm came out of nowhere and so suddenly. I managed to reach him and hold him close as I tried to swim back to shore. But the currents were to strong and we were being tossed about by the rough waves.

I suddenly felt a pair of strong arms wrapp around me. Looking up to see my Dad, fighting to keep us afloat, but thats when a giant wave slammed down on us. Everything when black.

I woke up with a gasp as I woke up from my nightmare. That event happened 3 years ago when 15. My Dad died that day saving me and my brother Kota. Me and Kota grew close after dad's death, but mom didn't take it well. She started to drink more and more, slowly becoming more bitter by the day. At first it was just a few insults here and there, but it soon escalated into full on neglect. Till this day she believes with all her heart that it was our fault, for dad's death. Kota and I didn't have many friends, and mom bearly let us go anywhere. So we were lonely most of the time.

So while mom went to work, where expected to make the house spotless. When we finish that, we would go out to the beach not too far away. Kota would play on the beach sand, while I still enjoyed swimming in the ocean. But When it turned noon we quickly have to return home. And endure the rest of the day with Mother.

It was another day, mom left for work, and we finished all the chores. So Kota and I went out to the beach once again, this time being our small wooden boat with us. Today there was a pod of dolphins not to far off shore.

"Excited to see the dolphins again Kota?" I asked my little brother.

"Yes, do you think they'll come up to the boat?" He asked curiously.


"I brought fish with us, so maybe if they feel like it," I said with a smile as I rowed us out to sea.


"Deku we shouldn't be this close to the surface," Said a pink cheeked mermaid.

"It's okay Ochaco, I'm not going above the surface. I just want to see the Dolphins," Izuku said to his friend.

As they swam they came too a stop at what they saw. There was a small boat with 2 humans on it. The dolphins were playing around it, some lifting their heads above the water. To come back with fish in their mouths.

"Deku, I'm heading back, I don't feel safe here," Ochaco said as she swam back into the deep.

But Izuku was to entranced by the human girl swimming with the Dolphins. The beautiful smile that shone on the girls face, her flowing

h/c hair in the water. She could almost pass as a mermaid in his eyes.

Izuku was pulled from his trance as he saw the human pull herself onto the boat. He quickly followed the boat back to the shore and watched them from a far.


"That was fun, but I don't wanna go home yet," Kota said as he sat on the sand.

"I mean, we still have 2 hours left before mom comes home. I'm gonna go for a swim," Y/n sai with a smile as she went back into the water.

Kota simply built sand castle and picked up shells. As Y/n floated on the surface of the ocean, memories of of her Father's death repeatedly flashed in her mind. When suddenly a spike of pain shot through Y/n's leg.

Screaming out in pain she began to panic when she couldn't move her leg to keep her above the water. She slowly started to sink, while Kota heard her screams he was too afraid to go into the water.

Izuku saw this and quickly swam into action. Izuku pushed Y/n to the surface and onto the beach. Y/n eventually woke up to see Kota and a green haired boy staring down at her.

"Y/N!!" Kota cried as he wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck andpulled her into a hug.


"Kota, oh umm who are you?" Y/n asked The stranger.

"Ooh I-I'm I-Izuku Midoriya," He answered nervesly.

"Well, thank you Midorya," Y/n thanked him as she gave him a quick peck on his forhead.

Izuku face blew up red, as he tried to caver his face with his hands. Y/n's watch began to beep, telling her that it's time to go home.

"Kota it's time to go home," Y/n sighed sadly.

"Aww, I don't wanna go home Y/n!" Kota whinned as he got up to follow Y/n.

"U-umm, Y/n!" He called. "W-when will I s-see you again?"

"We come here every day, so see you tomorrow," Y/n said as she and Kota ran home.


They just barley got inside when they heard Their mom pull into the drive way. Y/n quickly told Kota to go up to his room, as the front door opened.

"How was work today Ma'am?" Y/n asked begrudgingly.

"It's fine. I expect my tea and dinner to be ready in 7 minutes. And don't repeat yesterdays mistakes, steam the tea for 6 and a half minutes. No more no less," she ordered, not even looking at her daughter.

"Yes Ma'am," Y/n said simply.

Just as her mother was about to go up the stairs and stopped. She smelled the air and turned to her daughter. To see her all wet with sand in her hair.

"That smell.. The ocean. Swimming again. What about your chores?!" The mother asked bitterly.

"I-I umm finished them," Y/n stuttered.

"Oh really. Did you sweep the floors, made my bed, weed the garden?" She asked with a doughful look.

"Yes," Y/n answered.

"Wash the rugs, wax the table, Polish the silver?!" The mother continued.

Y/n nodded, as Kota leaned against his bedroom door to listen.

"Wash and dry my clothes?!"

"Folded and put away," Y/n said.

Her mother scoffed and continued up the stairs. One of the steps creeked under her step. She stopped and turned to her daughter with an anoyyed look.

"Did You hear that? Your supposed to keep thehouse in perfect shape!" Her mother scolded.

"B-but I didn't know!" Y/n said trying to hold back her anger.

"It's your job to know. I brought you into this life and this is how you thank me. By wasting your time swimming. I always knew you and Kota would amount to nothing," She said with a cruel smile as she made her way to her bedroom.

The day went on as the usual. That day foward Y/n always looked foward to seeing Izuku again. The same could be said about Izuku. Everyday He would wait patiently for her to come back. And She and Kota always came back at the time at the same spot. Y/n could spend hours listening to Izuku ramble on and on about his world and hero's. But of course she always had to cut time short. Over time Y/n saw him less and less as she started to take up jobs, earning money to get away from their mother.

Eventually she did earn the money and bought a tiny house by the beach side. She also took Kota with her, though her mother didn't seem to care much. The day she told her she was leaving with Kota all she said was "don't come back".

Even though know days, we don't see Izuku anymore. He's never at our usual meet spot anymore. But one night as kota and I were walking along the beach, some one called out to me. Looking up the beach I didn't see anyone, but my name was called again.

"Izuku!" Kota said as he pointed out to sea.

And it was, his head was just above the water as he pulled himself up on shore.

"Izuku," was all I could say as I sat down on the sand in front of him.

"I finally found you," He said tiredly.

"You were looking for us?" I asked Him as I leaned in closer to him.

"Of course, I would search the vast ocean for you. Both of you," He said with a soft smile.

Kota quickly pulled me and Izuku into a group hug. I and Izuku chuckled softly as I gave Izuku as small kiss on the cheek.

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