《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁Alpha!Aizawa x Omega!villian! reader


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[Warning sensetive topic, and suggestive of rape. If these kind of things upset you in anyway please do not read]

dear diary,

I've been thinking back on my life a lot lately. I don't know why, I guess it's my way of trying to keep myself motivated, and remember why I became the way I am. A filthy Villain. Of course being the villain isn't all that bad, for Omega that is. Course I could have been any prize Omega citizen living the rest of my life working retail, or a cleaning maid if I'm lucky enough to get such clean jobs. Because omegas are only offered those jobs, it's either that or become a housewife forever and hope your Alpha/Beta mate isn't a a%%hole. And if you're really don't want to be a housewife , but you can't land a clean Omega job. Than it's off to prostitution and strip dancing for you, the only other jobs for Omegas. It makes me sick, but anyways I'm ranting.

Like any topical villain I to have my tragic past, but it never started that way. I was born into a pure Omega family, two brothers and myself. We were a happy family, pretty normal one too. Being the runt of the litter my parents would always warned me about how dangerous is being an Omega and how tough life is going to be. At the time I was too young to understand what that meant. It all changed when a horriblr reality found its way into our home at an early age. One of my brothers was in his heat, but we were safe at home. Well turns out there was a hero who caught the scent of the Heat, and worse he was having a very violent early rut. The next thing we know, a hero breaking into our house and forced himself on top of my mother. My older brothers and father tried to stop him only to get mauled and killed in the process. Mother and I lived, we tried to inform the police about it. And guess what they ask her.

"What were you wearing? Were you outside after curfew? Did you do anything to provoke him? Were you in your heat?"

Even though it wasn't her fault, they closed the case blaming her for everything. Because they're great Alpha protector hero isn't capable of doing such things after all. So they sent her to a Omegan School, rehabilitate her they said. And then they eventually married her off to another Alpha. This alpha was a short and kind of scrawny man. But he had very violent temper tantrums, and one night he used his order to make my mom to lay down and spread it dispite her protest. I was 11 at the time and I had enough of this man's behavior, so I stood in between him and my mother. He Ordered to move out of his way and I didn't. I trembled yes but I didn't move from my spot. The next thing happened so fast, but I sliced his hand off with my fathers army knife. I Advanced on the alpha and beat him to the pulp, to the point where he was practically begging for his life. I killed him, my mother quickly covered herself in his blood and took my knife. That was when the police came and saw the massacre that had happened. They quickly assumed that it was my mother who caused this murder and 'how awful of her to taint such a young and innocent Omega', they said. I'll never forgive the heroes for what they done, and that's why I will knock them down a peg. Today we are going to capture a boy named Katsuki Bakugou.



We have one mission, capture Katsuki Bakugou. But I ran into eraserhead instead, great.

He shouted using his Order. I could feel my legs tremble and buckle, but i didn't surrender.

"Eraserhead your here? Didn't think you'd be out here how nice~," I said with purr.

"I don't have time to talk with scum like you, V/n [villain name]," He sneered as he readied his capture scarf.

"Aww why are you so grumpy?~" I asked with a playful pout. He quickly sent his capture scarf at, I barely managed to dodge.

But he some how got behind me and kicked my face hard. I stumbled on the ground but I quickly get back up readied myself. I transformed into Dabi and shot hot flames in Eraserheads direction. He dodged and managed to accidentally snag my scent collar, and ripe it off my neck.

Oh no.


I looked down into my hand to see I ripped of a scent collar. Why would a Beta need a scent collar, when a sudden and strong scent hit me like a truck. A stong smell of Mint and cinnamon hit my nose, she was an Omega. V/n is an Omega, but she ignored my Order. So she must be an OmegaR.

"So your an omega, pitiful. You could have lived a pretty comfy life you know," I said coldly. V/n's flirty facade slowly disappeared.

"Comfy life, is being trapped in a house and waiting for your rapist to come home a comfy life too you?!" She shouted tears of frustration and anger running down her cheeks.

Before I could reply a dark portal opened up behind her and she quickly slipped in. Yet something fell out of her pocket and ploped on the forest floor. I picked it up and tucked the tiny book into my pocket, I'll hand it over to the police later.

Atfter the forest incident, it wasn't the last time I saw V/n, she would show up create chaos and vanish. I released information that V/n os an OmegaR. But I was still in the dark about her, why would she join the League. I know there are some unfair things for omegas, but it's for there protection. With some digging I found out to be Y/n L/n. A lot of things were detected in her fills and family files too. She lived a topical omega life until she joined the league. Can I remember the small book I fell out of her Pockets that day in the forest. I slipped it out of my pocket and flipped to the earliest entry.


What I read horrified me, I never heard many of these cases Y/n describes. Whit Y/n's info and the police files, to come to a horrible conclusion of this disgusting truth. I've worked with these small time hero's that Y/n listed. I needed to find Y/n and talk to her.


Eventually I was able to find her, shoes in the city Square watching the big screens on the buildings. It was showing a beautiful ballerina, I don't know much about her but I hear she's very famous One. Many calling her a very successful Alpha. I silently stood next to Y/n, we remained quiet for a while watching the performance, until she spoke up.

"Alpha's, there so strong, beautiful, Special,"She said simply. "Displays like these just remind me how small I'm always going to be in the eyes of everyone, because of being an Omega,"

"I- I never realized how much suppression was going on between us and omegas," I said slowly.

" of course you didn't, if it's none of your problem or concern why would you pay any attention to it. Alphas run almost everything in this country. Alphas run the government, most the police force, our hero's, and most parts of the army. Bettas do everyday kind of work, like cubicles offices, newspapers, reporters, almost everything. There's nothing wrong with them but nothing amazing about them," Y/n said slightly turning her head towards me. I could see the sad and hopless look in her eyes.

" while all the omegas are swept under the rug. Most of jobs that most people don't want, or take for granted like retail, or being a maid. But because there are so few jobs open to us, we have to turn to more disgusting things,"

"How are you omegas able to put up with all this, I never heard any protest against the way you were treated?" I asked her.

" how hard do you think it is for a bunch of Alphas to silence a couple of Omegas. They just keep quiet because they're afraid of what would happen to them if they try to speak out and against what Society wants them to be, what the alphas want us to be," she answered.

"I'll fix it, make things right," I said as I watch her turn and ready to leave.

" and how are you going to fix that, you're one Alpha with an unfavorable opinion with the other Alphas. And why would an alpha like you helped me a villain?" She asked as continued to walk.

"I'm a hero. And my job is supposed to bring Justice for everyone", I said as I grabbed her hand. "And I need your help to do this,"

" please a hero and a villain it will never work. In the end it'll just look like you got corrupted by my words, no matter what we do there's always be people higher up willing to cover what we tried to do, nothing will change," she said her voice cracking a little.

"I will, I'll keep fight for change. And for you, your justice is long over due," I said determined. She turned and gave me a weak smile.

"I'll be waiting till then," She said simply but smoothly.

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