《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁Naga!Deku x reader


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"Kaila it's time to go to bed your highness," The maid.

"But Mommy and Daddy promised me a bedtime sstory," Kaila argued.

"Yes they will be up here soon, so you should pick a book before they come," The maid suggested.

Kaila slithered over to her bookshelf and started looking through all her story books. Eventually she came across one that caught her eye. On the cover was a green haired Naga with a H/c haired Human girl.

Then there was a knock at her door. Queen Momo and her husband King Shouto. Kaila's parents, her mother is a naga while her father is human.

"Did you pick a book ssweety?" Her mother asked.

Kaila placed the book in her mother's hands and her father tucked her into her bed. They each sat on either side of their daughter, and Momo began to read.


It was a bright day in the village. This busy place rested at the edge of a large forest. In the middle stood tall mountains homed to one of the great Naga kingdoms. Humans and Nagas were greatly divided

Within this village was a beautiful girl named Y/n. She was the herbalist in this small village, she had a small shop full of herds. She also served tea there at certain times of the day. She was a quiet girl, didn't really like to draw attention to herself. As she was tenting to her garden she could hear the whispers of a couple girls not to far away.

"Did you hear, a Naga snuck into the village to steal a body. It was that girl that fell in love with the monster,"

"I heard it was kaminari who took him down,"

"Wait Kaminari took down the Naga Bakugou. Woow,"

"I feel sorry for him. He was in love with a girl who likes monsters than her own kind," they snickered.

Y/n just shook her head in disgust. She knew that girl, not personally but like co-worker or business partner. She didn't deserve to be mocked like this, even after her death. Yet Y/n stayed Quiet and contiuned her work. Sadly there was just one person who would not leave her alone. A Commander named Jock, who was smitten with Y/n for a long time. Jock was a powerful warrior, who could take down Nagas like they were nothing. The Elders treasure him dearly. Saying that this villiage would fall into Naga hands without him. But Y/n knew what kind of man he was. A flirt who was unfaithful or loyal, who couldn't keep it in his pants even if his life depended on it.


"Hey Y/n your looking lovely as usual~," Jock cooed as he trapped her between him and wall.

"I need to get to work Jock," Y/n whispered sternly.

"Your job can wait. Your in the presence of me, that's clearly more important," He whispered huskily in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"Please Stop," Y/n said more firmly as she tried to move around him. But he grabbed her arm and pushed her hard against the wall.

"I practically run this village, and I have graced you with my time. So don't be such a spoiled b&#$!-"

"Jock!" A voice called. It was Kaminari our second recent top commander.

"What do you want Denki, can't you see I'm busy right know," He sneered.

"Your break is over, it's my turn," Denki said with a glare. With a scoff Jock shoved Y/n to the ground and took his leave. "My break only last an hour so you might not want to be here when that time is up,"

An hour later Y/n decided to spend time in the forest. Away from the village and Jock. Will in the peaceful forest she collected plants along the way, singing to herself. Or so she thought.

Little did she know a pair of emerald green eyes watched her from the shadows, entranced by her. As she was skipping over rocks to cross a pretty strong river, she heard rusling behind her. She quickly turned around to see a large Green Naga just a few skips behind her.

Time seem to freeze for the two of them as they stared at each other, still in shock. As they stared at each other when Y/n suddenly lost her footing a fell into the river. As the current pulled her down stream her head was slammed into a large rock, and everything went black.


Y/n slowly started to open her eyes, the first thing she a small fire. It was slowly burning out and she looked to be inside of a hollow or atleast a small cave underneath a large tree. Then feeling started to kick in. She was laying on something, something scaly. Looking down she sees a long green snake tail with red accents on them. Following the tail with her eyes she eventually is meet with a bare back of someone. The guy had dark green hair and a few freckles on his cheeks and 2 red markings under his eyes.

Y/n managed to hold in her scream as she slowly tried to move. Only for her right leg to cry out in protest as unbelievable pain shoot through her leg. This time she couldn't hold in her scream as she cried out in pain. The Naga stirred as he slowly uncoiled himself as he woke up. Y/n watched as the Naga stretch with a wide yawn revealing his long serpent like teeth. Their eyes eventually meet and the Naga jumped back in shock as his face exploded red.


"I-I-I'm ssorry, d-did I get t-to close?" The Naga stuttered. Y/n's face was stuck between confusion and fear.

"Y-your leg wass badly broken from the f-fall. I-I'll get something t-to help you!" He shouted as he quickly slithered out of the hollow.

Y/n sat there for a while in shock but know mostly confused. The Naga's clothing was very fine silk and the two golden rings on his tail is real. So this Naga is either royalty or of nobility, which scared her even more. She's heard many stories of how Nagas of high statues like to keep humans as servent or even pets. Yet Images of the Nagas kind and gentle eyes flashed in her mind. Y/n could tell he was different from the people she lived her around. His eyes defiantly weren't lustful like Jock, or disgust like many girls in the village, not even self pity like Denki.

Eventually The Naga returned with a large bowl of water, and started to wash Y/n's feet.

"T-Thank you for saving me, and not just leaving me to die," Y/n thanked softly.

"Y-your welcome," The Naga said not looking her in the eyes.

"My name is Y/n, by the way," She said with a small smile.

"O-oh I-I'm Izuku Midoriya. I-it's nice to meet you," Izuku greeted as he basically looks at her.

From that moment on they started to slowly grow close. Winter turned to spring, then summer and Izuku took care of her through it all. As time went on Y/n found herself losing her desire to return home. At night They would sleep close together as Izuku's coils wrapped around them. As Y/n's leg started to get stronger, Izuku started dreading the day he'll have to say goodbye to her. Many times Izuku carry Y/n out of the hollow and show her lots of beautiful parts of forest, even some that went unnoticed by human eyes. Y/n like to ask questions about izuku's Kingdom and what it was like. She would learn many strange and different things about Naga culture. And Izuku was just interested in human anatomy and how there body function sense it their body was so different from his own. Of course eventually her leg did heal, and it was time for her to go home.

"It lookss like your leg is finally all better," Izuku said with a sad smile as he unwrapped Y/n's leg.

"It was all thanks to you Izuku," Y/n said as she gave him a peck on the cheek. Izuku's face exploded with red, steam practically coming out of his ears.

"I-it'ss n-no problem Y/n," He said as he hide his face with his sleeves. Y/n couldn't help but giggle at his antics.

"I-I guess it's time t-to go home huh?"

"Oh... Yeah that," Y/n said sadness in her voice. "About that. I don't.. Want to return to the village. If the found out I was with you the whole time they would-"

"Kill you," Izuku said finishing her sentence.

"You come from the same. Village that girl did, the one who fell in love with Kacchan," Y/n nodded as she looked up at Izuku.

"Did you know him?" Y/n asked.

"He was a childhood friend of mine. He was killed to close to your village so no one was willing to retrieve him," he said as his eyes began to water. " so I was going to go down there and bury him myself, but when I got there I saw that you already took care of it. You barried Him with his lover and that I am thankful for,"

"So you can see why I can't go back," Y/n said as she fiddled with her figures. "And that's not the only reason,"

"I love You Izuku. You are the most sweetest and kindest person I met. Gentlemen like you are so few and a lady wouldn't need to fear when you are here. Cause your sweety Gentility is crystal clear,"

Izuku's heart fluttered in his chest at her words. So mustering up the courage he finally was able to stutter out.

"I-I l-love you, Y-Y/n," Hs said with his eyes shut.

"I love you too," Y/n said as he hugged Izuku.

Izuku slowly returned her hug as he slowly coiled is tail around her. They looked up into each other's eyes and slowly their lips collided together.


"The End," Momo said as she closed the book.

"I like that story," Kaila said as she hugged the book close to her.

"I'm glade you did, goodnight sweety," Momo said as she kissed her daughter good night. Her daughter quickly feel asleep with the book still in her hold.

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