《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁ Kitsune!Sero x reader


Requested by @Owl_MHA

"You meet the gaurdian of the forest Aunty Y/n?" Ask Roxi her youngest niece.


"Can you tell me that story aunty?" Roxi asked excitedly.

"I'm sure your father, my brother would not like you hearing this old women's story," Y/n chuckled.

"I wanna know~," Roxi pestered.

"Alright," Y/n said with a smile.


I wondered into the forest when found some odd looking foot prints. It started off looking like normal fox paw prints, then they suddenly changed to human foot prints. But I still followed them into the forest.

"What are you looking for?" a voice asked my. not looking up to the person I answered.

"I'm not sure yet," I answered simply.

I followed the tracks that lead to a pair of bare feet. Looking up to see a young boy with straight black hair and wore a triangle smile on his face. behind him a could see a black fluffy white tipped tail.

"Oh it was you, umm what are you?" I asked curiously.

" I'm a Kitsune. One day I'll be the protector of this forest. My name is Sero," he said with a smile.

"I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you,'' I greeted.

"So you were practicing your tracking skills. Then it must be fun playing hide and seek with you,'' Sero smiled.

" Y/n time to come home for supper!'' father called out.

"Gee I gatta go," I said as I waved him goodbye.

"Y/n is that you?" A male voice asked.

Y/n turned to come face to face the an older looking boy. He looked familiar too me. Long straight black hair and a warm triangle smile. Instead on one tail he has 4 tails know.


"Sero, is that You?" Y/n asked with a smile stretching on her face.

"It's so good to see you again," Sero said as he pulled y/n into a hug.

"You've grown so much," Y/n said in awe.

"Y/n where are ya?" Y/n's father called out.

"Sero I gotta go, and you should probably stay away from here. My father wants to kill you. I don't want to see you killed" Y/n said as she quickly left Sero.

"Get out of the way Y/n. This is my destiny," her father threatened as he pointed his rifle right at her.

Y/n stood between Sero and her father. Her father stood infront of them ready to pull the trigger. Sero was injured, bruied, and tired who got cornered by tree. They were all standing near the edge of a great water fall.

"Fathe-," "IT'S SIR TO YOU!" Her father cut her off.

"Sir.. You don't have to do this. You don't need to kill him. You found him, you were right know just let him go," Y/n tried to reason.

"Let him go hahahaha. If I let him go I prove nothing. I'm going to prove everyone I'm not crazy. And I can't wait to make a comfy rug out of him.NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU STUPID B××××!" Her father spat in pure rage. But Y/n Did not move from her spot.

So her father shot her in the stomach, time seemed to slow down in Sero's eyes, as he watched his best friends body collapsed into the shallow river. Enraged Sero quickly quickled the man off the ledge of the waterfall.


"Oh come on! What kind of ending is that?!" I Exclaimed in excitement.

"But it's true. I never saw Sero after that, ever again,'' Aunty y/n sadly chuckled.


"So do you think Sero is gone?" I asked as tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Something tells me no. After all after I inherited this place I keep finding mysterious peaches right outside my bedroom window," she said with a smile as we made our way out of the forest.

I heard a rustling in a bush behind us. I quickly turned to see two peaches rolled out of the bushes. Aunty didn't seem to hear as she kept walking. I quickly picked up the peaches and looked behind the bush. There I saw him the gaurdian aunty Y/n described. Only know he had 7 tails instead of 4. He seemed to be smiling at Aunty Y/n's house. Who was now a 76 year old lady. He slowly turned back into a fox and disappeared into the forest.

"Aunty Y/n I saw him! I saw Home!" I shouted as I ran up the path to her house.

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