《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁Alpha!Kirishima x rebellious!omega!reader


Omegas, the lowest rank and the most submissive... Well not all. 1 out of 50 omegas is an omega-R. Or called broken omegas, the have an uncanny ability to ignore an order from an alpha.

An is a special ability they have to force submissiveness on the lower ranks, even some lesser alpha. So if an alpha tried to use his Order on a Omega-R, they would not submit. Or at least not very easily, they will feel the urge to obey . But they can ignore it and defy them. Other than that there is no real difference between the omegas.

So you could See why my kind is frowned apon. Not wanted and such. I was born an Omega-R from a pure omega couple, funny enough. Know there is no way to tell if you an omega-R, till some alpha tries to order you into having × with them. Then the next thing that alpha knows is that they have a broken nose. Or they do a dna test to see a small mutation in your omega genes.

News quickly spread about me being an omega-R, while most omegas found it cool with a few exceptions. Other ranks especially alphas did not like this. To them an Omega-R is something unnatural.

"That's unnatural,such a freak of nature"

"Disgusting, that thing should know it's place,"

"Life is gonna crush her spirits soon any ways,"

"I can't wait for her to sent to Omegan school,"

They would snicker those words behind my back. is a place to teach Omegas how to please their mate. Being Alpha or Beta, who ever is willing to paying enough to have a 'trained omega' as a mate. I found it disgusting, and many omegas would agree, but in silence. Omegas have the most restrictions, they have curfews at night, only certain jobs are open to them. Or at all if their Alpha/beta allows them. All this to "protect the frigail omegas". Even though I have meet many omegas with powerful quirks and skill sets. But are swept under the rug just cause of their second gender.


Dispite this, I had one good alpha friend named Kirishima. He was gentlemanly and kind, the only one who treated me like an equal or at least like a person. Know that doesn't mean he was a push over, he was a pretty formidable Alpha. The only guy who believed I could become a hero.

Many people in society believed that omegas shouldn't be hero's, that is a role only for betas and Alphas, they say. Omegas have only two roles , to be perfect obeident house wife and used for breeding. Yet what I find only more messed up, is when the education system goes out of it's way to try prevent me from even attempting to get to UA. But thanks to the power of knowing the right people I was able to take the exam. And pass with flying colors, placing in number 6.

Know I have a pretty strong telekinesis quirk. I could crush a large point zero robot into the size of a small truck size metal ball. Yet even in this school, surrounded by good people in class 1A. I still couldn't escape the awful stereotypes. They mean well, but once and awhile they would bring up the flaws omegas have, and how they shouldn't be in the hero course. I never told them that I was an Omega-R.


It was a bright day and we were outside doing training. Aizawa placed everyone in one on one matches, chosen by a simple lottery. Y/n was up against Bakugou, a very strong and proud alpha.

He a little too happy to fight y/n the omega. I wished they would stop referring to y/n only by her second gender. Bakugou never like Y/n from the start, he believed that she should have gone to Omegan school like she was ment to. The others believed that becoming a hero is not safe for omegas. I just cant help but get pissed off about that, they think they can protect omegas by stripping them of their humanity and rights. Forcing them down a path that leads to them being locked away at home. Only their to please their mates.


The fight between Bakugou and Y/n was fierce. Every time Bakugou tried to get close to y/n, she'd simply push him away with her quirk. Eventually y/n was able to pin Bakugou in place with her quirk. He was just a few inches away from the boundery line.

"!" Bakugou

Y/n trembled at his voice. Bakugou was using is Alpha order to force Y/n into submission. Some of my classmates trembled too.

"This is why an omega shouldn't be a hero. Omegas can't help but to obey an order," Mineta said simply.

"It's a sad truth, most villians are alphas. So Y/n could be easily forced to submit by a simple order. Some alphas can break free of an order, but omegas can't," Momo added with a sorry look.

"," Bakugou said with a cocky smile.

Y/n strembled in place, she was fighting against the order. Then suddenly Y/n started to run full speed at Bakugou. She jumped into the air moving foward from her momentum. She twisted her hip, recoilded her leg, then extanded it right into his face. Kicking Bakugou out of bounds. Everyone was shocked, not because this omega bet Bakugou, but because she was able to ignore an alpha order.

"I may be an omega, but I'm not an omega you can order around. And I would never submit to the likes of you," Y/n said with her own piercing glare.

Everyone started to look at her oddly after that. Those Who were nice still talked to y/n, but many just stayed out of her away like the plegue.

One night I entered her room, after a hard day she had. She was on her bed sobbing. It has been a rough week after word got out that an Omega-R was in the school.

"Are You alright Y/n?" I asked her.

"No," Was all she said.

I quietly walked over to her bed side and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What's wrong with being what I am?" She sobbed.

"There's nothing wrong, it's just many higher rankings like to be superior. Omega-R's are like a threat to them," I said sadly.

"Do I feel like a threat to you?" She asked as she looked over to me.

"No. But to be honest that's what I like about you. Don't get me wrong having a submissive omega would be nice and all. Yet that though doesn't seem appealing to me. And my dad would take advatange of his rank all the time with mom and I," I explained

"I refuse to be like him. I... I'm going to be better than him. So I've been wanting to ask you," I hesitated. I didn't know if this was the best time to ask this question.

"What is it Kiri?" She asked as she sat up.

"Will... Will you be my mate. Not as Alpha or Omega, but just as Kirishima and Y/n," I asked.

Y/n was silent for a long time, till I felt arms wrapp around my shoulders.

"I would like that very much, Kiri~," she coed as she kissed my cheek.

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