《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁ Prince!Shouto x frigail!Reader


Argo and his wagon arrived in The kingdom of Atlas, ruled by the cruel king Endeavor. A secret messanger made his way over to Argo. Apparently The king is looking for a beautiful doll for his son. So Argo brings his wagon around the back, to an isolated part of the castle. They waited until they heard footsteps coming from the tunnel. Out came the cruel cold King Endeavor.

" your majesty," Argo bowed in respect.

" Hurry up I don't have time for this. You better hope you have a doll worth my time. Because if you don't it'll be the end of the career for you," The king threatened.

"Of course your highness. We have a wonder line up of pretties today," Argo said as he pulled out all of his merchandise.

We all came out obediently, but you could see them tremble where they stand. Endeavor looked over off of them somewhat impressed by this man's collection. They were indeed all beautiful, but he only accepts only the best of the best.

He showed off all of his slaves, and Endeavor was unimpressed. Till his eyes landed on you.

"How much for that one?" Endeavor asked as he pointed to you.

"Oh you have a good eye. This beauty is definitely a fine specimen. She's worth around 9,000 gold," Argo said as he brought you foward.

Endeavor dropped a large sack of gold as he grabed your chains.


The king that ordered his servants to give you a bath and dress you'd find her clothes. Once that was done he automatically locked you in shouto's room. You're beyond nervous, you're stuck in a strange place with people you don't know. You didn't even know who this Prince shouto was, or what he's like. The door open sadly in steps in the prince. His Mismatched eyes quickly found you, and they held nothing but coldness as he looked at you.

"Who are you?!" Shouto demanded as he pointed his sword at y/n.

"I-I'm Y/n L/n. I-I was b-brought here!" Y/n screamed in fear.

" was it my father that brought you here, and judging by your appearance you must be a porcelain Quirk holder. Does my father really think you can buy my respects, by buying me a doll," Shouto spat.

Y/n shook her head and backed away as far as she could. Shouto glared daggers at here as he sighed in frustration.

" Don't talk to me, and don't touch anything. Follow those rules and we won't have any trouble," Shouto said simply as he went to bed.

Y/n sat on the ground sad and alone.


Months went by and your relationship with shouto really got better over time. You shared a few words exchange some pleasantries, but he only really ever gave short answers. He started bring her new clothes, books, and started taking to you more. He eventually opened up about his problems and his relationship with his father. He was able to release whatever it was on his chest to you. You were more than happy to help him in any way you could. He was less cold and angry over time, and became more gentle with you as well.


As the months went by, I became closer with this porcelain girl. She was sweet kind and patient, the very traits that I lacked. One time I asked her if I could feel her skin, she nervously agreed. When I held your hand it didn't feel like skin, it felt like porcilen but it wasn't cold. It was very warm, she had very soft and gentle hands. I learned that she was from a small village and her friend from that Village. She she had a deep love for plants, and flowers. She wants to open her own flower shop at one time, but life didn't seem to want to go her way. I've been enjoying her company, it was a nice change from my father's. But nowadays every time I look into her eyes I can feel my heart fluttering in my chest uncontrollably.



One day you noticed a beautiful music box place on a pedestal near his bed. It look like a golden carriage, and on the inside head to figures. A porcelain groom and bride on the inside.

Shouto eventually asked why you were staring at the music box so intently. You explain that your father was a Craftsman, and that he would make beautiful music boxes like these too.

"That's my mother's favorite music box. A good of of hers made this music box," He explained. " so please don't touch it, it's the only thing I have left of her,"

Eventually a maid came in with Shouto's lunch. She happily placed shotos played down in front of him, while she glared daggers at me and simply handed me a small sandwich.

I could tell she was in love with shouto, even though shouto didn't seem to share the same regards. The maid was indeed very beautiful, she had beautiful long curly silver hair, sapphire blue eyes, and beautiful fair skin. She was lucky that she didn't have the porcelain curse, but her Quirk was terrifying.

According to some other nicer Maids, Charlotte what was the maid's name. Her Quirk allowed her to silence people. If you knew something she didn't want to get out she can use her quirk to keep your mouth shut about that specific Secret.

Nighttime eventually came and shouto is already getting into bed. I don't know what came over me but I don't know why I said it.

"Goodnight prince Shouto," I blurted out.

Shouto lost his coldness in his eyes and smiled softly, then simply laid back down and Mumble to goodnight to me as well, hidding his blush. As much as nothing has happened between us I still feel so lonely. I miss Momo and I hope she's doing well.


Down in the castle in the maid quarters, Charlotte was livid. She was Shouto's personal maid since they were young. And over the years she fell madly in love with him. Eventually she became delusional, thinking that they were the one true pair. And she would do anything to get rid of those who looked at him in a way that might suggest then stealing him from her. So she was not all that happy to see you spending your time with shouto. She needs to get rid of you, and she knew how she was going to do that.

Morning came and shouto left for his studies. You sat in his room reading a few books that he brought you from the library. As you did the door suddenly open and Charlotte walked in. Her eyes piercing into your eyes, she was up to something, and that made you worried.

"You think you can take him from me?" Charlotte said and anger, "you don't have what it takes to be with him. I've been with him through thick and thin and he belongs to me. I'm the only one he can depend on,"

"I-I don't want any trouble," Y/n said as she backed away.

" you think you're so great with your porcelain quirk. You get to remain Young and Beautiful forever will I have to grow old and ugly," she said in anger.

" this Quirk is a curse, I'd rather be quirkless then stay young and beautiful forever. This quirk only brought me pain and sadness," Y/n argued.

" Of course a peasants like you think that way. you don't know how good you have it until people lose their love and affection for, because of some imperfection you have. Maybe I should crack you and Chip you like this music box here," Charlotte said with a crooked Smile as she picked up Shouto's music box.


You tried pleading with Charlotte to not break the music box, but she tossed it at your feet and you watched it shattered into a million pieces. Before you can do anything Charlotte used her power to keep your mouth shut about the truth of the music box. Then she left without another word. So you sat there contemplating , mentally preparing yourself for the trouble and do you were going to be in. Because of Charlotte's Quirk you'll never be able to tell him the truth.

When shouto did come back, his eyes were full of emotions. Anger, sadness, betrayal, in the most terrifying one malice. His left side started glow with fire as he slowly stepped towards you.

"Why?! I trusted you I opened myself up to you. And you go destroyed something very important to me. Did everything we share not mean anything to you?!" He Shouted as ice started to cover the room.

I tried to back away but a wall of ice freezed up behind me. He took a step forward a small chunk of ice flicked at my face, leaving a large crack on my right side of my face. Being cracked hurt Beyond My Imagination, it was like having my flesh being ripped apart, or my bones breaking. I cried out in pain but shouto didn't care. He stood in front of me only a few inches away from me.

" I don't want to see your face around me or my castle. Guards, Take this women to the dungeon!!" He ordered.

As I was being taken away I crossed paths with Charlotte once again. From the corner of my eye I can see her smug look on her face as she watched me leave. I was taken to the darkest part of the dungeon locked away. There was no windows, and no light except form a single candle, but there was no guards and I was all alone once again. Inside another cage.


It's been 5 month since I locked her away. A good Craftsman was able to put the pieces back together, but it was forever cracked we are never able to cover it up. I could feel my anger boil Within Me. My mother's music box was forever damaged, and can never be restored fully.

"There you are Shouto~," my personal maid called as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

She was only one who has been with me through out my life. She always seemed to be always be by my side, while other maids avoid me.

"Why are you so sad?" She asked me as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

"It's none of your concern," Shouto said as he kissed her hand.

She's the only one who never left my side or betrayed me, unlike everyone else who did.

"Don't worry Shouto, I'll make sure that girl pays for the disrespect of your mother's music box and memories," she said as she left me alone.

Something didn't sit right with me with what she said. Yes she's been with me for a long time, but I never told her about the music box and its importance to me. Also I never told her about Y/n destroying the music box. There is only three other people who knew the importance of that box. That would be my father, Y/n , and our spy edgeshot.

Edgeshot has eyes and ears everywhere, his job is to watch over the castles make sure there's no evil plots among the staff and such. He would sniff out the traitors if there were some among in the castle. But I knew right now in the middle of the day he was most likely with my father discussing business and such. So I waited till the afternoon to call him.


Charlette quiet made her way in the kitchen and grabbed one of the rusted old and dull knife in the back. She smiled darkly at the old blade as she slipped it into her back pocket.

'I'll kill anyone who stands between me and my beloved,' she thought to herself.


" you've called me Prince shouto," Edgeshot said as he kneeled before me.

"Yes, I did. Where was Charlotte a month ago, on the day I sent Y/n to the dungeons?" I asked Him.

" well she was doing her normal routine that day, but she did take a detour to your room during the afternoon. I thought it was odd since that time was when she would head to the kitchen and bring you lunch during your studies. So I followed her and saw her enter your room she looked angry and livid. That's when I heard her talking with the porcelain girl inside. I couldn't entirely hear the conversation, but I did hear Charlotte say ' Maybe I should chip and crack you'. Sadly the king called me so I had to leave. I'm sorry your highness but that is all I know of what happened. But she did look happy and proud of herself when that porcelain girl was being thrown into the dungeon," Edgeshot explained.

"If Y/n didn't break the music box in why didn't she say anything?" I asked in disbelief.

" maybe Charlotte used her quirk on her when I wasn't able to watch. Charlotte's Quirk is silence, she can force people to not speak the truth even if they really want to. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you this event I thought it was just Charlotte's another jealous affair," Edgeshot shot apologized.


"Yes this isn't the first instance, but the king tells me not to worry about her. The king saw her as a scape goat. The servants and staff would too busy fearing her, that they won't think of raising agents him. So I never said anything. Charlotte has done away with people in the castle before, mostly people who got close to you," edgeshot said.

This was all charlettes fault, why people turned away from me. Why I was "betrayed" by my friends. It was all her doing. Then her words echoed in my head.

She's going to kill y/n.


It's been 5 months within the dungeon, food, water, and interactions were very infrequent. But most of the time I was visited by a nice maid by the name of Mina. It's thanks to her that I'm still sane. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps coming. I looked up as fear shot through me, and Charlotte stepped into the candle light. She had a crazed and twisted look on her face, she was constantly giggling about something.

" my love shouto isn't happy with you. He's not happy that you broke his precious music box. So I'm here to exact his revenge, this is the end of the line for you," she laughed maniacally as she held out her knife.

Sadly I was too tired and malnourished even move, I couldn't defend myself. Even attempting to move away from her hurt so much. Being in this state made me even more fragile than normal. So I simply close my eyes and accepted my fate. I waited for the blades to come down but it never did, did a cold wind blew past me. I opened my eyes to see Charlotte stuck in a chunk of ice. I was so relieved that I was saved but lost conscious afterwards.


I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a large bed. And surrounded me with a bunch of carts with food on it.

"Y/n your all right!" A familiar voice squealed as she lightly hugged me.

"Mina? W-where am I?" I asked her.

"Oh your in the guest bedroom, and by orders of prince Shouto. I'm your personal maid to help nurse you back to health," Mina said happily.

"W-what happened to Charlotte?" I asked nervesly.

" oh you don't have to worry about her anymore. It turns out Charlie was a really love obsessed sociopath. She was threatening at harming other staff members to leave Shouto alone. She was trying to isolate him, so that she could be his only emotional support. But now that they found out she was banished from the castle for good," Mina explained.


I entered the room, and was happy to see that y/n was awake and well. So when she saw me I saw nothing but fear in her eyes. I asked mina to excuse us for a few minutes, which she happily obliged.

" I'm so sorry for my behavior, what I did was very Unbecoming of me. I've come to ask for your forgiveness, fix what I've done to you," I said as I looked at y/n's cracked face.

Memories rushed over me as I remembered that I was the one who gave her those cracks and chips. All of her right side of her face, which oddly enough looks like my burn on my left side. I guess we are both damaged now, but that did not make me feel any better.

"I-I forgive you your highness," she said with a nerves smile.

As time went on it was a very slow process of regaining her Trust. Slowly we regained the feelings we had. Overtime we eventually got there, and when my father step down. I made her my queen.

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