《fantasy Au Mha x reader》☁Centaur!Shouto x reader


It was a bright hot summer day, not even a cloud in the sky. It would be a perfect day for a good centaur racing, I would say.

Present Mic's voice boomed over the arena.

Mr.Aizawa complained.

mic explained.

He was right the race was heated. All Might started to catch up with endeavor, but Endeavor was still in the lead by a nose.

"We're not going to win this," Night eye sighed as he eyed up Hawks and his centaur.

"Don't give up nighteye, we can still win this. The hurdles are the last obstacle," All Might gasps as he continues to run full throttle.

Up ahead were a few rows of fences laid out 176 yards away from the finish line.

As the two centaurs leaped over the fecenes, Endeavor failed to time his leap and knocked over the fence. Causing him to trip and send his rider flying. All Might and Night eye made it past the fences and sped ahead to take the win. As endeavor watched on as he felt the glare of his owner in the stand.

Farther away was a small pen that held the little colts, that also watched the race.

"Man did you see that, All Might Won. Know he's the triple Crown," A young colt Izuku said in awe.

"Ha, when I become a strong stallion, I'll be the next triple crown," Katsuki said confidently.

Shouto a young colt was in awe of All night's strength and aura. He wanted to be strong like him.


When Shoto and Endeavor returned home, their life changed drastically. Their owner Figs started to do the bare minimum to take care of them. It got so bad that endeavors mate Rei died of malnutrition. After that loss in the race, Fig took out his anger on the centaurs.

Endeavor wasn't any better. Every day he forced his colts and fillies to run and train. His oldest son died of exhaustion from Endeavor, and lack of nutrition from Fig.

The other two siblings were eventually sold to other owners. Leaving Shouto alone in that old barn.


"Faster Shouto, you never be a triple Crown with that speed," Endeavor said as he whipped Shouto.


Shouto kept running till he came to an abrupt stop, as he threw up near an old tree. Endeavor cracked his whip as a warning to Shoto.

Shouto gasped as he got back but and ran till dawn.

"Humph, you have lots of room for improvement. Get to your stall and rest. We're continuing this tomorrow," Endeavor said not even looking at Shouto.

Shouto said made his way to his stable as he waited in his stall. Eventually, Fig came and dropped two nearly rotten apples in his food pale. Shouto grimaced and Fig noticed. Which did not make him happy.

"What not good Enough for you. You little s***!" Fig shouted as he grabbed a hot kettle and threw a cup's worth of boiling water at his face.

Shouto screamed in pain as he clutched the left side of his face.

"NOW YOUR PLACE. I OWN YOU!" Fig yelled in anger as he stormed out of the barn.

Shoto looked over to his father's stall, which was across from him. Only to see that his father just stared at him with no emotion. He simply shook his head and turned away.

It felt like the who world shatters as he felt nothing anger towards his father, Fig, Everything. From that day he refused to train or cooperate. Which lead to Him being beaten, whipped, and starve.

"How long are you going to stay on your foolish strike? I won't benefit you in the long run," Endeavor said as he went to sleep.

But Shoto didn't reply as quickly dug up the spare key to his stall. Quietly he unlocked his stall, then the barn door. Once outside he locked the door and made a run for the forest.

The forest was dark and quiet. It felt like Shoto was walking for miles, but didn't feel safe to rest anywhere in the forest. As he continued onward, Shoto tried and fell down a steep hill and hurt his right front leg. He cried out in pain as the pain was almost bearable. He limps forward and Eventually gets out of the forest to see... A barn out in the distance.

At first, Shoto was confused, did he walk in one big circle. Sadly he was too tired and sore to keep walking. As he collapsed where he stood.


The sun peeked above the horizon as the rooster crowed into the morning sky. Sunlight poured into the barn where Shouto laid. His eyes slowly open as he pushed himself upright.

It took him a few seconds to realize he was in a barn. He quickly got to his feet only to feel a sharp pain him his front leg. Cried in pain as he bumped into the side of his stall. It caused A huge ruckus as the stall across from his stirred. He closed his eyes tight expecting his father to scold him, only to hear a different voice.

"Hey keep it down over there. So of use are still trying to sleep," a young voice called out.

Shouto looked over to see a young centaur colt. Around his age with odd purple hair and baggy eyes.

Suddenly another voice calls out.

"What's going on over there?" A female voice asked this time.

Another centaur filly, as his age was in the stall next to the purple guy. She had fair skin and jet black hair tied into a ponytail.

"W-were am I?" Shouto asked.

"You are in a barn on the Aizawa family's land," The girl explained.

"I'm Momo by the way. And this guy is Shinsou," she introduced.

"Shoto," Shoto said simply.

Shouto quickly inspects himself and sees he is covered in bandages. His coat and hair were all muddy and messy.

Suddenly the barn door opened revealing a young girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes. She looked a year or two younger than Shouto.

She came into the barn and started to drop apples, carrots, and some oats into their food pale. Shouto backs up to the corner of the stall, suspicious of the new human. The girl eventually comes over to his stall with a smile as she places his breakfast in the food pile. Shouto glared at her the entire time. Though she didn't seem to be bothered by that, as she continued her chores.

"Momo, who is that?" Shouto asked.

"That is y/n, she is one of the caretakers here, she is also my partner in pageants," Momo said proudly.

"Bad experiences with humans, Shouto?" Shinsou asked.

"You could say that,'' Shouto said.

Eventually, y/n came back with some bandages and cleaning supplies, and entering Shouto's stall. He tensed up as he saw her approach him. She slowly got on her knees and got slightly closer to him.

"Hello, there I'm y/n. I just want to change your bandages," She said softly.

"And what's your name?" She asked.

Shouto didn't say anything as he tried to back away from her even more.

Y/n slowly started to get closer only for Shoto to snap at her. She remained calm as she held out her hand, as it started to glow a light blue.

Suddenly all of Shouto's fears and anger began to slip away. So did his energy as he slowly laied on his side. Then y/n got to work on his bandages. Once she was finished she started to stroke Shoto's hair. Shouto didn't mind this as he leaned into it.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it. Though you really need a bath," Y/n giggled slightly.

The bath was a whole new experience for Shoto. He could feel her massaging his muscles, and scrubbing deep into his dirty coat. He had never felt so relaxed in his life before. But after it, he never felt too fresh and clean before. As Y/n began to rub a dry towel on his head, and then down his body. Without even knowing he was slowly leaning onto y/n.

"Shouto... My name is Shouto," He finally answered.

"That's a lovely name," Y/n said as she continued to brush his hair and coat.

Y/n cleaned him up and left him to rest for the day. As Shouto laid down in pure bliss for the first time. He felt fresh and clean, with a full stomach for once.

"Maybe living with them a little longer wouldn't hurt," Shouto mumbled to himself.

------------------ x

Part.2 coming soon. I hope you liked it and have some requests for me. Soo sees you next time.

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